Anger as Republicans block bill to help military veterans exposed to toxins

I knew there was something stinkin in Denmark with your bs....

From Newsweek....

"The PACT Act as written includes a budget gimmick that would allow $400 billion of current law spending to be moved from the discretionary to the mandatory spending category," the release read.

It went on: "This provision is completely unnecessary to achieve the PACT Act's stated goal of expanding health care and other benefits for veterans. However, it would enable an additional $400 billion in future discretionary spending completely unrelated to veterans. By failing to remove this gimmick, Congress would effectively be using an important veterans care bill to hide a massive, unrelated spending binge."

Completely false. I have posted the bill itself twice. Show me that part of the bill. The financials are in section 806. Go ahead, quote the applicable part. Like most funding arrangements for the VA the spending is considered mandatory and non-discretionary. Republicans are pretending that the difference between the two is fungible, as if moving 400 billion from discretionary funding to non-discretionary funding is somehow going to free up an additional 400 billion in non-discretionary funding. It ain't. What it does do is provide an additional 400 billion under the caps of various budgetary restraints, like the Pay as you Go act or the Congressional Budget act of 1974, as mentioned in section 806 of the bill, even in the version previously passed by the Senate.

The important fact that the Republicans are leaving out is that additional money would have to be approved by Congress, it is not a free pass to spend as they claim. Again, Congress believes their damn pension is important enough that funding is non-discretionary and not subject to those limitations. But the health care of our veterans, nope, not to Republicans. They are just looking for an excuse. But I got to tell you, senators don't "fist bump" when they save 400 billion dollars over ten years. They fist bump when they screw over the other party.
The Senate is 50/50, and there was a Dem voted against it...Seem's that the Dem WAS who crashed it...
That was a procedural move that allows the bill to come up to vote again, DUMBASS. McConnell did it all the time when he was majority leader.
Nope, it was Dems as usual...

"So looking at the big picture, it is apparent the democrats snuck in a provision that would allow $400 Billion in additional spending unrelated to veterans benefits into the veterans bill, knowing they could get a public outcry if the bill was blocked because they had so many veterans groups lined up to support the bill, thereby politicizing veterans’ health issues for a quick victory in unrelated spending. Worse, this extra $1 Trillion in spending will likely make inflation worse which will harm the very veterans they purport to be helping."

Your source sucks ass and totally misconstrues the real differences between discretionary and non-discretionary spending. And the inflation argument is just stupid. If you are a Vet suffering from lung cancer due to exposure to toxic fumes from burn pits getting treatment paid for is going to be a hell of a lot more important than inflation. I mean Jesus Christ almighty.
Republicans voted against the military.

That's the bottom line.
You can't face the truth.
Lol democrats are assisting an invasion , armies of young men who are eventually going to have to be removed, who are going to fight our military, probably lead to their death. Democrats are killing America,, welfare isn’t love its control

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