Anger as Republicans block bill to help military veterans exposed to toxins

1st, There is no such thing as "illegal speech".... Your speech, as well as mine are guaranteed by the 1st amendment...

So as I said, it means nothing.

2nd, I just saw Thune on TV, and he said that there are some changes in how this would be paid for, which are simple, also that the Democrats putting this forward could have made those changes before bringing the bill up, and it would have passed. And, as those changes are made, it will pass..

So, it sounds to me, if I were a betting man, the Democrats put it out like it was knowing that the bill wouldn't pass, then come back real quick with the changes and get it done, so that they could have the very talking point that you are trying to promote here...Very dishonest.

Read a bit. It was already agreed upon and was going to pass until Mitch got his feelings hurt.
Your source sucks ass and totally misconstrues the real differences between discretionary and non-discretionary spending. And the inflation argument is just stupid. If you are a Vet suffering from lung cancer due to exposure to toxic fumes from burn pits getting treatment paid for is going to be a hell of a lot more important than inflation. I mean Jesus Christ almighty.
And the 40 billion a year this would cost is NOT going to fuel inflation

Thank you so much friend. Stewart is spot on right. He is saying the exact same thing I have been screaming within this thread, although with these flippin morons I feel like Don Quixote tilting at windmills.

How hard is it to read the flippin bill? And how difficult is it to understand that typically, funding for the VA is almost always considered mandatory spending. Like I have said time and time again, funding of Congressional pensions is mandatory spending, and quite honestly, I don't give two shits about the pension of those assholes. But vets, who stood around a damn fire pit inhaling toxic fumes in a war zone? Come on.

And Stewart is absolutely correct. Nothing was added to the bill. Two sections were cut out and neither had a damn thing to do with the financing. I have documented that reality within this very thread multiple times. And I can guarantee, not a single one of these ignorant ass Trumpbots has bothered to even attempt reading the damn bill.

And that is the thing. You and I have been posting together for more than a decade. I have been active on messageboards for more than twenty years. These yahoos are the most ignorant asshats I have ever encountered. My son gives me grief, says I am wasting my time posting here, and perhaps he is right. But the reality is this country has some real problems, and those same asshats are the central source of that problem. Their unwillingness to do even a minimum amount of "due diligence", instead flocking to sites that give them confirmation bias, has enabled a Republican party, that is more corrupt than any political party in the history of this country, to both attain power, and give all of us a fawking up the ass, including the brave men that have volunteered to serve this nation.

The Trump presidency was a shit show. He will forever be known as the worst president in American history. Again, this is my country. My family has been here since the 17th century. Hell, we were not really part of America in the beginning. But it was my ancestors that won the American Revolution, including the shot that put Fergunson down at King's Mountain. The Republican party, as it exists today, needs to be relegated to the scrap heap of history. If that doesn't happen, then Thomas Paine was right. This nation will no longer be the beacon that all nations should strive to be, and instead become another lost opportunity for the future to lament.
And the 40 billion a year this would cost is NOT going to fuel inflation
The price tag within the bill was 500 million. That 400 billion is over ten years. And I am damn sick and tired of all this inflation bullshit. Spending that improves efficiencies, improves asset allocation, improves supply chain efficiencies, improves infrastructure and product movement, DOES NOT contribute to inflation. In fact, it does the exact opposite.
Just as I thought, Schumer moved $400 million from 'DISCRETIONARY' spending in the Bill to 'MANDATORY' spending, so even if all of the money is not needed it still has to be spent.

Damn, even in a recession Democrats love to spend, spend, spend with no thought to the fact that we would gave to pay off $30 trillion in debt just to be 'broke'.

This bill is coming up for another vote, but to pass Schumer will have to give up that 1 demand.

Bye-bye helpbfor the military troops. Thanks, Chucky / Democrats.
Your source sucks ass and totally misconstrues the real differences between discretionary and non-discretionary spending. And the inflation argument is just stupid. If you are a Vet suffering from lung cancer due to exposure to toxic fumes from burn pits getting treatment paid for is going to be a hell of a lot more important than inflation. I mean Jesus Christ almighty.
They did it to screw the Dems. Period. That's how rat fucks like Cruz & Twomey operate.
Thank you so much friend. Stewart is spot on right. He is saying the exact same thing I have been screaming within this thread, although with these flippin morons I feel like Don Quixote tilting at windmills.

How hard is it to read the flippin bill? And how difficult is it to understand that typically, funding for the VA is almost always considered mandatory spending. Like I have said time and time again, funding of Congressional pensions is mandatory spending, and quite honestly, I don't give two shits about the pension of those assholes. But vets, who stood around a damn fire pit inhaling toxic fumes in a war zone? Come on.

And Stewart is absolutely correct. Nothing was added to the bill. Two sections were cut out and neither had a damn thing to do with the financing. I have documented that reality within this very thread multiple times. And I can guarantee, not a single one of these ignorant ass Trumpbots has bothered to even attempt reading the damn bill.

And that is the thing. You and I have been posting together for more than a decade. I have been active on messageboards for more than twenty years. These yahoos are the most ignorant asshats I have ever encountered. My son gives me grief, says I am wasting my time posting here, and perhaps he is right. But the reality is this country has some real problems, and those same asshats are the central source of that problem. Their unwillingness to do even a minimum amount of "due diligence", instead flocking to sites that give them confirmation bias, has enabled a Republican party, that is more corrupt than any political party in the history of this country, to both attain power, and give all of us a fawking up the ass, including the brave men that have volunteered to serve this nation.

The Trump presidency was a shit show. He will forever be known as the worst president in American history. Again, this is my country. My family has been here since the 17th century. Hell, we were not really part of America in the beginning. But it was my ancestors that won the American Revolution, including the shot that put Fergunson down at King's Mountain. The Republican party, as it exists today, needs to be relegated to the scrap heap of history. If that doesn't happen, then Thomas Paine was right. This nation will no longer be the beacon that all nations should strive to be, and instead become another lost opportunity for the future to lament.
Hey buddy, great to see you! I took a 5 month break from this cesspool, but with all the Republican fails and with Trump losing everything I had to come back for a bit.

Hope you and the family have been well.
You are excusing Mitch.
oh give me a fucking break.....i guess you missed the part when i said fuck that asshole....but then you do want your congress assholes to get their little projects done dont you? are a party person pk....just admit it.....
oh give me a fucking break.....i guess you missed the part when i said fuck that asshole....but then you do want your congress assholes to get their little projects done dont you? are a party person pk....just admit it.....
"little projects"

Is THAT what you see this as?

Fucking asshole
"little projects"

Is THAT what you see this as?

Fucking asshole
yea thats what it is jerk....that bill should be for just the vets...but dipshits like you want your congress people to have a piece for their shit projects to...go ahead tell me i am wrong....asswipe...
And they screw the Vets in the process. They don't care
It is the Republican way, Politics before everything, especially veterans, as they are just window dressing for the rubes, to them.
yea thats what it is jerk....that bill should be for just the vets...but dipshits like you want your congress people to have a piece for their shit projects to...go ahead tell me i am wrong....asswipe...
You're wrong...and your willingness to screw over sick Veterans is typical Republican disgusting behavior
You're wrong...and your willingness to screw over sick Veterans is typical Republican disgusting behavior
how am i screwing them over when i want them to get every fucking penny while you only want them to get a percentage while your little congress assholes get some for their little projects? who is screwing them over me or you?....
how am i screwing them over when i want them to get every fucking penny while you only want them to get a percentage while your little congress assholes get some for their little projects? who is screwing them over me or you?....
You're full of shit.

You're defending Republicans blocking this bill

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