Anger as Republicans block bill to help military veterans exposed to toxins

When you fail, you drop the thread topic and just do personal attacks. It's the precious way for Righties to roll over and surrender.
You're either mentally ill or dumber than a retarded cockroach. What the hell do you do for a living?
I no longer have words to express the frustration and anger I feel after Senate Republicans blocked the PACT Act.

Yeah, I heard that too, and am not happy about it, but this isn't the Last Word on the subject, of course, and it DOES raise a question for me...

WHY did the Republicans reject it?

Could it have been because there were things in that bill that had nothing to do with the toxic-burn-pits issue, that the Dems tried to sneak through?

Just asking.
What do you do for a living?
Retired.....twice. Once from the military where I served proudly....the other is my own business and it was VERY successful.

And you? Obviously you are very angry about what life has handed you.........thus the classic blaming others for how your life sucks.
Yeah, I heard that too, and am not happy about it, but this isn't the Last Word on the subject, of course, and it DOES raise a question for me...

WHY did the Republicans reject it?

Could it have been because there were things in that bill that had nothing to do with the toxic-burn-pits issue, that the Dems tried to sneak through?

Just asking.
We've been "just asking " for over 40 pages ourselves. Righties here have been knee-jerk supporting the Republicans in the Senate with NO evidence of their accusations.
Now you are getting closer

Government doing things for the people is not Socialism
The bill that is going to be passed is another inflation increaser and will raise taxes. The Progs know that minorities are moving away from them and yet they refuse to change. They are no different than communist or fascist dictatorships. It is in front of us all. They have a chance to get rid of the Patriot Act if they are so bold. Let that be a start.
The bill that is going to be passed is another inflation increaser and will raise taxes. The Progs know that minorities are moving away from them and yet they refuse to change. They are no different than communist or fascist dictatorships. It is in front of us all. They have a chance to get rid of the Patriot Act if they are so bold. Let that be a start.
Show us where that bill will raise taxes.
Yeah, I heard that too, and am not happy about it, but this isn't the Last Word on the subject, of course, and it DOES raise a question for me...

WHY did the Republicans reject it?

Could it have been because there were things in that bill that had nothing to do with the toxic-burn-pits issue, that the Dems tried to sneak through?

Just asking.
No. They’re assholes and they’re pissed that reconciliation was passed without this votes

So they take it out on sick Vets

Pieces of shit
The bill that is going to be passed is another inflation increaser and will raise taxes. The Progs know that minorities are moving away from them and yet they refuse to change. They are no different than communist or fascist dictatorships. It is in front of us all. They have a chance to get rid of the Patriot Act if they are so bold. Let that be a start.
What specifically do you disagree with in the bill?

Did you watch the computer analysis? How is it that, even though you know you were lied to, even though you earnestly repeated what they told you making you look stupid, even with visual and expert analysis, even with the text of the two available on the internet, you’re gonna sit there and act like something that isn’t true is true?????
We are now in at almost 700 posts, probably more, I just returned. But very early in this thread I posted precisely what that Tik Tok video girl did. I posted links to the comparison and even cut and pasted the only changes in the bill. It is right there for everyone to see. Hell, I have done all the work.

Now, I didn't research the bill in the Congressional Record, or spend the time to read all 60+ pages of the bill because I am some partisan hack. Hell, to be honest, I gave the Republicans the benefit of the doubt. Besides, those 60 pages were a drop in the bucket compared to the 2,000 pages I had to muddle through for work, and honestly, they were more interesting. It was a welcome break. Here is what I learned.

The bill passed back in June, shortly thereafter Toomey attempted to make an amendment, not once, but twice, to change the spending from mandatory, or non-discretionary, to discretionary. Not really sure why, I mean no way that was going to fly in the House. Besides, as I have pointed out consistently throughout this thread, spending on VA benefits is almost always done with non-discretionary spending. I mean it is one thing to take funds away from the building of new shooting house for the Delta force, it is quite another to take funds from the health care of Veterans suffering from service related injuries. But apparently, that is precisely what Toomey wanted the ability to do. Up vote or down vote, just proposing those amendments should have been a clear signal to Vets that Toomey does not represent them.

Honestly, there is but one conclusion as to why Republicans reversed their votes here, and it is both sad, and telling, as to just how big of pieces of shit these Republicans are. Looks like Manchin finally caved, and although Sinema is not confirmed, it appears that some major legislation is going to be passed before the summer recess. That is a good thing, obviously there needs to be some action made on the issues facing this country. Inflation, supply chain issues, semi-conductors, and prescription drug costs. Republicans are so miffed that there might be some positive action taken under the Biden administration that they are willing to throw Veterans, who are suffering from illnesses caused by burn pits--and let me digress here a bit. What kind of flippin moron ass military leadership lets their charges stand around a fire pit burning toxic waste? Hell, if the military was a private company they would be litigated into bankruptcy. But they are more than willing to throw those Vets under the bus. Every damn one of them ought to be locked in a room where Plutonium is being burned, and yes, that would be a death sentence. But they have it coming. And the fist bump--nothing could be more insulting. Kick these fawkers to the damn curb.

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