Anger as Republicans block bill to help military veterans exposed to toxins

Nearly everything from the Democrats in the past 80 years has been mostly socialism in one guise or another.
Like a broken clock that is correct twice a day, two times out of hundreds, on rare occasion a few of their ideas were good legislation at the start. Unfortunately those are often used as ruse to scam and shill more from the taxpayers.
Bullseye 🎯
What are these "more scam of taxpayer funds" you speak of?
I don't have time to go through the full text of the amended Bill, nor all the comments and website information from those who voted against the amended version, but I'd gauges some of it is buried in here;
TITLE IX—Improvement of workforce of Department of Veterans Affairs
Sec. 901. National rural recruitment and hiring plan for Veterans Health Administration.
Sec. 902. Authority to buy out service contracts for certain health care professionals in exchange for employment at rural or highly rural facilities of Department of Veterans Affairs.
Sec. 903. Qualifications for human resources positions within Department of Veterans Affairs and plan to recruit and retain human resources employees.
Sec. 904. Modification of pay cap for certain employees of Veterans Health Administration.
Sec. 905. Expansion of opportunities for housekeeping aides.
Sec. 906. Modification of authority of the Secretary of Veterans Affairs relating to hours, conditions of employment, and pay for certain employees of Veterans Health Administration.
Sec. 907. Waiver of pay limitation for certain employees of Department of Veterans Affairs.
Sec. 908. Elimination of limitation on awards and bonus for employees of Department of Veterans Affairs.
Sec. 909. Additional authority of the Secretary of Veterans Affairs relating to recruitment and retention of personnel.
Correct. Socialism is a dead end and takes away initiative. Tax breaks for business owners is good. Duh! You're never going to get it.

We created a Nation ……Of the People, By the People and For the People
1) This is the internet and you can claim anything. You don't post/talk like a vet.

2) I'm not spitting on your claim to be an American, I'm objecting to your denouncing someone else as not American.
I don't care if you believe fact, it doesn't surprise me....Righties are all about disrespecting our vets. But, I still get my retirement sent to my checking acct. each month. Thank you for the part your taxes pay in that. :heehee:
For all you Leftist asswipes, here's what a real Republican is like;
In April of 2005, Tiffany’s dreams changed in an instant. The phone rang, and moments later Tiffany knew that their lives had irrevocably changed forever. Tiffany learned Scotty, while serving America in Iraq, had been severely wounded by a suicide bomber, causing him to fall into a coma and permanently lose sight in both of his eyes. Upon hearing the news, Tiffany immediately booked a flight for Walter Reed Medical Center near Washington, D.C, to be by Scotty’s side. When Tiffany arrived, Scotty was still in trauma care, and she was informed that Scotty would never be able to serve his nation again in uniform. Tiffany was even asked to sign a document, right there on the spot, consenting to Scotty’s immediate discharge from the Army.
The U.S. Military learned about Tiffany’s strength, courage, and resolve that day when she promptly refused. Rather than simply going along with Army protocols and the federal bureaucrats who were insisting she immediately sign the paperwork, Tiffany fought for her husband, his dreams, and for the care she knew he had earned. Tiffany pushed aside her professional dreams to focus on nursing her husband back to health, and fighting to ensure that Scotty’s recovery would not be compromised by inefficient government bureaucracy. She was determined that he would never become just another number in the unreliable VA system. To this day, Tiffany and Scotty have made fighting to ensure every veteran gets the benefits and care they deserve one of their highest priorities.
The farm girl from rural Washington took on the federal government… and won. Tiffany not only made sure Scotty received the care he needed, but her relentless efforts allowed Scotty to demonstrate that his remarkable abilities greatly outweighed any disability he sustained. Scotty went on to serve as America’s first blind active-duty Army officer, breaking barriers for many who followed along the way. Scotty would also earn his MBA from Duke University and was described by Duke’s Legendary basketball coach Mike Krzyzewski as an American hero.
Now, Tiffany Smiley is running for the United States Senate to take that same fight and optimistic spirit to help Washington families achieve their American Dreams. Tiffany believes that now, more than ever, Washingtonians need a voice to find solutions to their unique problems and end the partisan gridlock in Congress.



She's running against our do nothing for vets Democrat dimwit (Senator Patty Murray) who's held her office for far too long.
For all you Leftist asswipes, here's what a real Republican is like;
In April of 2005, Tiffany’s dreams changed in an instant. The phone rang, and moments later Tiffany knew that their lives had irrevocably changed forever. Tiffany learned Scotty, while serving America in Iraq, had been severely wounded by a suicide bomber, causing him to fall into a coma and permanently lose sight in both of his eyes. Upon hearing the news, Tiffany immediately booked a flight for Walter Reed Medical Center near Washington, D.C, to be by Scotty’s side. When Tiffany arrived, Scotty was still in trauma care, and she was informed that Scotty would never be able to serve his nation again in uniform. Tiffany was even asked to sign a document, right there on the spot, consenting to Scotty’s immediate discharge from the Army.
The U.S. Military learned about Tiffany’s strength, courage, and resolve that day when she promptly refused. Rather than simply going along with Army protocols and the federal bureaucrats who were insisting she immediately sign the paperwork, Tiffany fought for her husband, his dreams, and for the care she knew he had earned. Tiffany pushed aside her professional dreams to focus on nursing her husband back to health, and fighting to ensure that Scotty’s recovery would not be compromised by inefficient government bureaucracy. She was determined that he would never become just another number in the unreliable VA system. To this day, Tiffany and Scotty have made fighting to ensure every veteran gets the benefits and care they deserve one of their highest priorities.
The farm girl from rural Washington took on the federal government… and won. Tiffany not only made sure Scotty received the care he needed, but her relentless efforts allowed Scotty to demonstrate that his remarkable abilities greatly outweighed any disability he sustained. Scotty went on to serve as America’s first blind active-duty Army officer, breaking barriers for many who followed along the way. Scotty would also earn his MBA from Duke University and was described by Duke’s Legendary basketball coach Mike Krzyzewski as an American hero.
Now, Tiffany Smiley is running for the United States Senate to take that same fight and optimistic spirit to help Washington families achieve their American Dreams. Tiffany believes that now, more than ever, Washingtonians need a voice to find solutions to their unique problems and end the partisan gridlock in Congress.



She's running against our do nothing for vets Democrat dimwit (Senator Patty Murray) who's held her office for far too long.
Tiffany has my vote. All Patty can do is call her a right wing extremist who supports Trump and pro life. Patty Murray is a nasty hateful bitch. Oh yeah, democrats support veterans...what a sick joke.

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