Anger as Republicans block bill to help military veterans exposed to toxins

Eat shit. I want to see the version that was being objected to. And honestly, yiur bekief innit or disbelief is of no concern to normal thinking human beings. The latter is a category you’ll never be in.
Eat shit dumbass. I have posted, MULTIPLE TIMES, both versions of the bill. "Normal people" would have at least investigated those versions, especially when they are put right in front of their face. Not get back in your pick-up truck and go search for more ammo.
Eat shit dumbass. I have posted, MULTIPLE TIMES, both versions of the bill. "Normal people" would have at least investigated those versions, especially when they are put right in front of their face. Not get back in your pick-up truck and go search for more ammo.
Horse hockey fuckface. Get back to sucking bags of dicks.

And try to focus on the actual point anyway. That would be good. 👍
You’re another enema nozzle.

The Senate did amend it, you twit.

Then the House had to pass the same version. I believe they did, albeit perhaps not exactly. Then it had ti get conformed.

The claim remains that Schumer fiddled with it. So it got called out. And now Schumer is amenable to revising it to get rid of his dishonest tweaks. That fucker.
That has been shown to be bullshit time and time again in this very thread. There were two changes when it came back from the House. The first was a change in the title. The second was to remove a provision that allowed doctors to sell their business and come work for the VA without taxable consequences. Tax free buyouts it was called, and damn skippy it should have been eliminated. I have sold multiple businesses, and paid taxes every damn time. Why are doctors special?
Tell me traitor. Did you see or listen to the various things the democrats put in the bill that they knew the Republicans would reject so that they could get the so called expert celebrity John Stewart to say something and then get you losers to parrot your idol?

Yes or no?

If you do know then please tell us. Since you know.

Damn, it ain't that hard. I have posted, within this thread, BOTH VERSIONS OF THE DAMN BILL. I know, intuitively, what was changed. I figure I am the only person posting in this thread that has read both versions of the bill, as well as all 50 plus amendments that have been proposed. So pull your head out of your ass and copy and paste the applicable changes, otherwise, go back to cleaning your room, your Mom would be proud.
The conservatives need a clear voice. These leftists are such unreal pieces of crap. They just go with victimization and the real pathetic part is how they shed their crocodile virtue signaling tears for veterans.

As if they care. They use everything and everyone and that is the reality of demagoguery.

Here since so many see me saying it and may don't know what that means.

That's what happens when we have all been fooled and misled through controlled education, lies and propaganda that we were ever supposed to be a democracy.

As a result of this and the fact that we grow closer and closer to that, we see the result.

You see how the left yell about POPULAR VOTE every election? That means mob rule followed by absolute DICTATORSHIP.

Authoritarian rule. That's our reality!!!

Project much?
Retired.....twice. Once from the military where I served proudly....the other is my own business and it was VERY successful.

And you? Obviously you are very angry about what life has handed you.........thus the classic blaming others for how your life sucks.
Lol. Oh yeah, I'm sooo angry. Dumb ass.
That has been shown to be bullshit time and time again in this very thread. There were two changes when it came back from the House. The first was a change in the title. The second was to remove a provision that allowed doctors to sell their business and come work for the VA without taxable consequences. Tax free buyouts it was called, and damn skippy it should have been eliminated. I have sold multiple businesses, and paid taxes every damn time. Why are doctors special?
Damn but your a turd.

First: House bill.

Second: Senate passes it but with Amendments.

Third: House had to re-pass it to conform.

Fourth: Senate has to now vote again due to some minor technical issues with the House version. But they don’t. Why? As I’ve read it, the reason is because Toomey caught-on to what Schumer had done.

So, I’ll say it again for the slow of thinking (like you), Winston. Perhaps, Toomey and the Republicans only realized that Schumer’s draft of whatever agreement had been made between the Dims and the Republicans had been in the earlier Senate version.

I don’t know. Frankly, I don’t care. If it was just a matter of recognizing the slimey effort belatedly, I’m plenty pleased it was caught at all before being approved.
Yeah, I heard that too, and am not happy about it, but this isn't the Last Word on the subject, of course, and it DOES raise a question for me...

WHY did the Republicans reject it?

Could it have been because there were things in that bill that had nothing to do with the toxic-burn-pits issue, that the Dems tried to sneak through?

Just asking.
Yes, Camp Legeune water issues. That's it.
Damn, it ain't that hard. I have posted, within this thread, BOTH VERSIONS OF THE DAMN BILL. I know, intuitively, what was changed. I figure I am the only person posting in this thread that has read both versions of the bill, as well as all 50 plus amendments that have been proposed. So pull your head out of your ass and copy and paste the applicable changes, otherwise, go back to cleaning your room, your Mom would be proud.
The issue here is the democrats included in this bill an accounting gimmick where they took 400 billion dollars of discretionary spending, they shifted it to mandatory spending. Didn’t change the amount at all. But the reason they did that is it created a hole for 400 billion in new discretionary spending. Their objective, they want to cram 400 billion dollars in unrelated spending onto this bill that has nothing to do with veterans.

Republicans had tried to fix the problem with an amendment written by Sen. Pat Toomey, but democrats had predictably rejected it.

You're a loser and pathetic gasbag if you don't at least acknowledge any of these. This is the game and they do that on purpose to set the Republicans up as mean and nasty towards retired veterans.

Typical identity politics and creating misery so they can set up the scapegoats. Loser.
I say to Senator Toomey, if you don't believe we can afford to take care of our veterans suffering from toxic burn pit exposure, then you should not have approved funding to go to war. Taking care of our veterans is the cost of war – period. End of discussion
Damn but your a turd.

First: House bill.

Second: Senate passes it but with Amendments.

Third: House had to re-pass it to conform.

Fourth: Senate has to now vote again due to some minor technical issues with the House version. But they don’t. Why? As I’ve read it, the reason is because Toomey caught-on to what Schumer had done.

So, I’ll say it again for the slow of thinking (like you), Winston. Perhaps, Toomey and the Republicans only realized that Schumer’s draft of whatever agreement had been made between the Dims and the Republicans had been in the earlier Senate version.

I don’t know. Frankly, I don’t care. If it was just a matter of recognizing the slimey effort belatedly, I’m plenty pleased it was caught at all before being approved.
Look you stupid shit, I have posted in this thread both versions of the bill. Toomey's complaint is that the funding is non-discretionary. It has always been non-discretionary, and that is SOP for health care funding for VETS, or anyone else for that matter, like Medicare and Medicaid. The fact that I know, but you don't know and don't care, exemplifies what the fawk is wrong with this country. I can tell you, 200 years ago Republicans would have been crucified had they attempted this bullshit. But back then, the electorate was far more engaged and far more intelligent than today. Now we have a bunch of walking morons like you that "don't care", are too flippin ass lazy to do the necessary research, and get your news from bias ass sites that tell you precisely what you want to hear.

Look, voting is a responsibility, it is not, and never has been, a right. When this country finally makes its way to a third world nation, laughed at by the rest of the world, rest assured, ignorant ass morons like you will be saddled with the responsibility. If you really are a Patriot, if you really do love America, then stay the fuck at the house on election day. You are too stupid to vote.
Look you stupid shit, I have posted in this thread both versions of the bill. Toomey's complaint is that the funding is non-discretionary. It has always been non-discretionary, and that is SOP for health care funding for VETS, or anyone else for that matter, like Medicare and Medicaid. The fact that I know, but you don't know and don't care, exemplifies what the fawk is wrong with this country. I can tell you, 200 years ago Republicans would have been crucified had they attempted this bullshit. But back then, the electorate was far more engaged and far more intelligent than today. Now we have a bunch of walking morons like you that "don't care", are too flippin ass lazy to do the necessary research, and get your news from bias ass sites that tell you precisely what you want to hear.

Look, voting is a responsibility, it is not, and never has been, a right. When this country finally makes its way to a third world nation, laughed at by the rest of the world, rest assured, ignorant ass morons like you will be saddled with the responsibility. If you really are a Patriot, if you really do love America, then stay the fuck at the house on election day. You are too stupid to vote.
Ignoring me loser?
The issue here is the democrats included in this bill an accounting gimmick where they took 400 billion dollars of discretionary spending, they shifted it to mandatory spending. Didn’t change the amount at all. But the reason they did that is it created a hole for 400 billion in new discretionary spending. Their objective, they want to cram 400 billion dollars in unrelated spending onto this bill that has nothing to do with veterans.

Republicans had tried to fix the problem with an amendment written by Sen. Pat Toomey, but democrats had predictably rejected it.

You're a loser and pathetic gasbag if you don't at least acknowledge any of these. This is the game and they do that on purpose to set the Republicans up as mean and nasty towards retired veterans.

Typical identity politics and creating misery so they can set up the scapegoats. Loser.
I don't deny anything you are claiming. But here is the thing, like funding for Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, Pell Grants, and CONGRESSIONAL PENSIONS, funding for health care benefits for Veterans is always NON-DISCRETIONARY. I mean what good is a health insurance policy if the benefits are capped. And yes, prior to the ACA many were. That is precisely what making that spending discretionary would have done, it would have capped them. So, you are a Vet, you have lung cancer and you need treatment. But oh, so sorry, Toomey's amendment passed, and there is no money for your treatment because we just hit the cap on discretionary spending. Just die, thank you for your service.

Dude, that is exactly what you are supporting. Wake up, pull your head out of your ass, take off the partisan blinders. Again, I can't think of anything more stupid than ordering members of the military to stand around a fire pit that is burning toxic waste. I mean if it was me, I would hold those officers liable for the damage and save the government the money. But that ain't the way it works. They served, the deserved to be treated, budget constraints, caps on spending, be damned. I mean at the very least, if you want to maintain your position shift Congressional pension funding to discretionary. I mean how the hell are they more special than our fighting men and women?

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