Anger as Republicans block bill to help military veterans exposed to toxins

God dammit FUCKHEAD. It was never changed. It was always "non-discretionary". There was no last minute change and that has been documented numerous times within this thread by the posting of the bills.

And look, I know things are difficult when you have a fourth grade education, but hey, grab a dictionary. I mean do you know the meaning of the word "discretionary"? Look it up. Hell, it appears you don't even know the meaning of the prefix "non", so look that up too.

I mean I know I am going over your head here, but the whole reason the Republicans want it changed to discretionary is that that would subject the spending to numerous caps from several different existing laws. Their lame argument is that, by exempting this spending to those caps, other spending can be initiated. The problem is that still takes Congressional approval.

Again, VA health care benefits are never financed with "discretionary" spending, for good damn reason. Again, lung cancer from exposure to toxic fumes from burn pits. Hell, it's stage four. Oh, you need treatment or you are going to die? Oh well, sorry to inform you, Toomey's amendment passed and we have hit the spending cap. Die motherfucker, thank you for your service. Is that really the position you want to support? But no worries, the Congressional pension is funded with non-discretionary funding. Spending forty hours a week telemarketing for campaign donations is so much more important than defending this country. So sorry, as Trump said about Vets, you were a sucker. You should have ran for Congress. Then YOU WOULDN"T BE DYING.
Not buying it. Try again.
God dammit FUCKHEAD. It was never changed. It was always "non-discretionary". There was no last minute change and that has been documented numerous times within this thread by the posting of the bills.

And look, I know things are difficult when you have a fourth grade education, but hey, grab a dictionary. I mean do you know the meaning of the word "discretionary"? Look it up. Hell, it appears you don't even know the meaning of the prefix "non", so look that up too.

I mean I know I am going over your head here, but the whole reason the Republicans want it changed to discretionary is that that would subject the spending to numerous caps from several different existing laws. Their lame argument is that, by exempting this spending to those caps, other spending can be initiated. The problem is that still takes Congressional approval.

Again, VA health care benefits are never financed with "discretionary" spending, for good damn reason. Again, lung cancer from exposure to toxic fumes from burn pits. Hell, it's stage four. Oh, you need treatment or you are going to die? Oh well, sorry to inform you, Toomey's amendment passed and we have hit the spending cap. Die motherfucker, thank you for your service. Is that really the position you want to support? But no worries, the Congressional pension is funded with non-discretionary funding. Spending forty hours a week telemarketing for campaign donations is so much more important than defending this country. So sorry, as Trump said about Vets, you were a sucker. You should have ran for Congress. Then YOU WOULDN"T BE DYING.
Nice bs answer that disregard the facts. I'm not going to repeat it while you deny it yet again. Don't think for one second btw that any of us believe any of you care about the veterans or else you would love Trump.

Like everything else, you virtue signal about, you couldn't care less. Not about blacks, reds, yellows, the climate.


All political weapons for you and that's all.
The bullshit here, peddled by the loonie Leftists whom rarely care for our military, active and veteran, is that the issue of exposure to toxic fumes/elements while in service should not need special legislation to treat and deal with. Such care should already be available as a normal function of service in the military and by the apparatchiks whom run the DoD.
Gaslighting as Republican senators fist bump each other after screwing vets
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Nice bs answer that disregard the facts. I'm not going to repeat it while you deny it yet again. Don't think for one second btw that any of us believe any of you care about the veterans or else you would love Trump.

Like everything else, you virtue signal about, you couldn't care less. Not about blacks, reds, yellows, the climate.


All political weapons for you and that's all.
You are a fool.
Read the fawking bills or STFU. Use a damn dictionary. I mean a pig being led around with a ring in his nose has more independence than you. Sad.
I have read it. I understand what words mean. I also understand what Democrats do to bills. Why do you think so many people hated your beloved wonderful Obamacare. You guys are famous for hiding your poison in a candy wrapper.
I have read it. I understand what words mean. I also understand what Democrats do to bills. Why do you think so many people hated your beloved wonderful Obamacare. You guys are famous for hiding your poison in a candy wrapper.
It's their classic bait and switch. It takes gullible useful idiots to not see it which is the ENTIRE democrat VOTING BASE.
Tell me traitor. Did you see or listen to the various things the democrats put in the bill that they knew the Republicans would reject so that they could get the so called expert celebrity John Stewart to say something and then get you losers to parrot your idol?

Yes or no?

If you do know then please tell us. Since you know.

I posted copy of the legislation. You are the traitor if you do not support veteran in this issue. I know plenty that barracked downwind at times from those burn pits, so fuck off.
I have read it. I understand what words mean. I also understand what Democrats do to bills. Why do you think so many people hated your beloved wonderful Obamacare. You guys are famous for hiding your poison in a candy wrapper.
Blow that smoke up someone's ass that is less intelligent than me. I have posted a comparative evaluation of the bills. I even copied and pasted the differences. While I agree, there are sometimes "poison pills" placed within bills, there is none present here. I think I have clearly explained the differences between discretionary and non-discretionary spending within this thread. Do you really think funding for veteran's health care should be discretionary?

But you reveal your true ignorance when you lament about the ACA. In some ways, I wish it was eliminated immediately. The backlash, especially from those on Medicare, would be epic. The truth of the matter is that GDP growth that can be associated with the ACA exceeds anything Trump did. Obama, vacationing in Hawaii and jet-setting around the world, did more to increase GDP during Trump's administration than Trump ever did. That is the reality, and is one of the many indicators as to how piss poor a president Trump really was.
This IS the Republican Party and always has been

Read through this thread.

You have Republicans flat out lying

Flat out repeating what they know are lies

Saying that Vets don't deserve our support

Saying that Vets should depend on charity

Saying that we shouldn't worry about spending a few bucks on Vets because it will cost too much/cause inflation to rise.

This is not new. When we invaded Iraq and Rumsfeld was trying to do it on the cheap...Dems were outraged that Congress would not appropriate money for ballistic vests...Republicans gave the same kinds of excuses,

It would cost too much. It would slow down the invasion. THE VESTS WERE NO GOOD> ANYTHING to support their political leaders over the troops
It happened with the 911 first responders too,

When will you people learn?
If Republicans passed the bill last month, why wasn't it already signed? Why was there a second vote? Why don't Democrats want to talk about that? Oh right, what Republicans agreed to a month ago has since changed. Those changes are now unacceptable. This is pure liberal disinformation and lies.

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