Anger as Republicans block bill to help military veterans exposed to toxins

So you’ve been screaming “there’s no changes to the bil!” at the top of your lungs for 57 thread pages and now you’re admitting they’re are changes to the bill. Leftism is indeed a mental disorder.

Ya know what was changed jackass?

The title and whether or not doctors are charged tax when they sell their businesses

Ya know what WASN’t changed?

The provision that it be mandatory spending
"direct spending" means MANDATORY

Are you playing stupid or is it chronic?

And doing studies and dealing with ancillary costs is NOT "nefarious"

Require several studies and reports on veterans’ toxic exposures during military service
Establish a new mandatory appropriation to pay for the costs of health care associated with environmental exposures, expenses incidental to the delivery of that health care, disability claims processing, medical research, information technology programs, and other services associated with environmental exposure

No I'm not, are you stupid? That money has not been directed anywhere. What's wrong with you?
It means they have to spend it, but has not been stipulated as to where. Don't play stupid with me.
I've come across many stupid people and know what to look for.
No I'm not, are you stupid? That money has not been directed anywhere. What's wrong with you?
It means they have to spend it, but has not been stipulated as to where. Don't play stupid with me.
I've come across many stupid people and know what to look for.
Where are you getting ANY of that from ?

It's total bullshit.

This is as direct and clean a bill as any that ever comes out of Congress.

You're just flailing around looking for some way to defend this heinous action by your beloved GOP assholes
Hey, dude/dudette, I'm just looking at the wording that was given to me. I suppose if I was just a nimrod, I would
take your word for it, but momma didn't raise no fool. If what you believe helps you get to sleep at night, go for it.
But, I can't just take mandatory (not specified) spending of 400 billion as directed to the Vet Bill. That is a leap of faith,
and government can never be trusted.
Hey, dude/dudette, I'm just looking at the wording that was given to me. I suppose if I was just a nimrod, I would
take your word for it, but momma didn't raise no fool. If what you believe helps you get to sleep at night, go for it.
But, I can't just take mandatory (not specified) spending of 400 billion as directed to the Vet Bill. That is a leap of faith,
and government can never be trusted.

Could you post this $400 billion from the bill?
Some conservatives have raised objections to the bill because it would reclassify nearly $400 billion in current-law VA spending from discretionary to mandatory accounts, thereby potentially freeing up more budget authority to increase discretionary spending on other domestic programs.

Some conservatives have raised objections to the bill because it would reclassify nearly $400 billion in current-law VA spending from discretionary to mandatory accounts, thereby potentially freeing up more budget authority to increase discretionary spending on other domestic programs.

All those Republican Senators weren't concerned about that fairy tale when they voted for it in June.

It was no secret then that this was mandatory spending.

And oh yea...thanks for dropping the LIE that the bill had changed in that respect
Senator John Tester argued that Toomey’s objection was about the retiring Pennsylvania senator’s lack of trust in his colleagues.

Tester said that going along with Toomey’s proposed changes to the bill would tie the hands of the Appropriations Committee in the future.

“This is about not even trusting the people in this body. We have an Appropriations Committee and we vote on appropriations bills,” Tester said, clearly furious. “Let the process work. Let’s not tie the hands of appropriators. Let’s make sure we let the process work. That’s what we’ve always done.”


In the works for a decade

Tester said before the procedural vote that the legislation has been in the works for well over a decade and that he as chairman of the Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee and Moran as ranking member have been working on it for nearly two years.

So what Toomey wants is the ability to be able to tie up 40 billion a year...THAT WOULD HAVE TO BE VOTED ON BY THE APPROPRIATIONS COMMITTEE ANYWAY

Which would subject that 40 billion in "discretionary funding "for Vets to political gamesmanship LIKE THIS every year.

Fuck him

Pass the bill

3.5 million Vets have been waiting a DECADE and longer for this help
What is the government definition of oversight, Lesh?
Is it like oversight to Welfare?
Is it like oversight to Medicare?

Thank you for the example of not trusting our government. :clap:
So nothing is real...nothing can be trusted...fuck the vets because you don't trust anyone...
Where are you getting ANY of that from ?

It's total bullshit.

This is as direct and clean a bill as any that ever comes out of Congress.

You're just flailing around looking for some way to defend this heinous action by your beloved GOP assholes
Senators had added a provision that would give the Department of Veterans Affairs authority to buy out the contracts of doctors, nurses and other health care practitioners who agreed to work for the VA at rural or "highly rural" veterans clinics.

That buyout money would normally be taxed as income, so the Senate sponsors wanted to make that tax-free. But since the House never considered that tax provision, it ran afoul of the constitutional requirement that all revenue measures originate in that chamber, known as a blue slip.
Senate Veterans' Affairs Chairman Jon Tester, D-Mont., tried to quickly fix the problem by unanimous consent on June 23 through an "engrossment correction" just before the chamber recessed for two weeks.
But Sen. Patrick J. Toomey, R-Pa., one of 14 Republicans to vote "no" in that chamber, objected. His chief concern was that the CBO estimated nearly $400 billion of existing VA health spending would no longer be bound by discretionary spending caps under a new Treasury fund the bill would create.
The alternative would have been to jump through the traditional procedural hoops in the Senate this month to get the blue slip problem fixed. Either way, the House would have had to re-vote on the amended version after the Senate worked through its process.

Seems like it ended up as a clusterfuck
So nothing is real...nothing can be trusted...fuck the vets because you don't trust anyone...
Now you're catching on, when it comes to government....nothing can be trusted.
It wasn't a clean Bill, as I posted in a earlier post just moments ago.

lets go with a clean Bill and get 'er done with republican votes
Let's be clear here.

There is no slush fund. There is no pork There is oversight and accounting. all funds go into and out of the Toxic Exposure Fund. It's about as ironclad as you can get

But Toomey and these scummy Republicans are afraid that taking the existing funding from the "discretionary column MIGHT free up 40 billion a year for other spending so they are willing to screw over Vets who have ben waiting for this help for TEN years

Newsflash it won't. The Appropriations Committee would still have control of that.

Toomey's just being a dick. A bigger dick than the 25 asshole GOP Senators who changed their vote on this
Now you're catching on, when it comes to government....nothing can be trusted.
It wasn't a clean Bill, as I posted in a earlier post just moments ago.

lets go with a clean Bill and get 'er done with republican votes
The Bill itself is absolutely CLEAN. There were few bills ever that were cleaner and more focused

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