Anger as Republicans block bill to help military veterans exposed to toxins


Supporting sick Vets is “looking the fool”?

You fuckers have shown not an ounce of concern for them.

It is YOU ASSHOLES that “look the fool “

Actually worse
You will not get any support for vets from that source. There you have a well-established pattern of not giving a damn about vets or first responders.
No they are not. Democrats are setting aside money that doesn't have to used for the intended purpose, hence the problem. Now go taste test various brands of bleach or something equally useful.
Now you’re just babbling
Doesn't seem as you indicate....

Washington, D.C. – House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy (CA-23) issued the following statement on the PACT Act:

“When the House voted on the PACT Act in March, I had concerns over the ability of the VA to implement the act without adversely impacting the care that veterans are currently receiving. The Senate made improvements to the bill that would allow the VA system to integrate these newly-enrolled veterans seeking care more seamlessly. Unfortunately, the Senate also inserted a budget gimmick that would make hundreds of billions of dollars of existing spending mandatory, an accounting shell game that would allow Pelosi, Biden, and Schumer to pursue more inflationary spending on unrelated programs without budget constraints.

“Our veterans deserve reliable, quality health care, not more inflationary spending that every American, including veterans, cannot afford. Ranking Member Bost offered a commonsense amendment, the Honoring our PACT Act, which would still have ensured veterans exposed to toxic chemicals would receive health care services and benefits they need and earned in their service to our country, while eliminating the budget gimmick that could allow for more reckless spending in the future on unrelated programs. Had this amendment passed or had the Democrats taken out this unnecessary budget gimmick, I would have proudly voted for the legislation.

“With 9.1 percent inflation, House Democrats should have joined House Republicans to support our veterans by passing a clean PACT Act. Instead, they used our veterans as convenient cover for more reckless spending.”
Wow, what total bullshit. I mean at this point, if you vote Republican, you have to be a total dumbshit. There is no budget gimmick, the "common sense" amendment was to make the spending on this bill discretionary, not mandatory. I mean hello, do you have access to a dictionary. What Republicans are trying to claim is that, since this spending is not subject to caps, rather it is the pay as you go act, or the deficit limits, it allows Democrats to spend more money in other areas. I mean hello, howdy--non-discretionary spending is how all health care initiatives are funded. Medicare, Medicaid, the Bush Prescription Drug plan. Seriously, do you want to be the person to tell a Vet suffering from lung cancer that the money ran out? Just die dumbshit, we don't have any more money. Is that what the letter will say?

I mean Republicans are playing all of you for fools. And from where I sit, it seems a safe bet. Because that is what you are, fools. Or useful idiots, take your pick. Until they make the funding of Congressional pensions "discretionary" they can STFU. I mean this has become beyond ridiculous.
I have posted both versions of the bill. Again, discretionary verses non-discretionary spending. From the get go, the bill was financed with non-discretionary spending, and for good reason. That is SOP for health care bills, rather it has to do with Vets or Retirees. In regards to financing, NOTHING FUCKING CHANGED. Do you get that dumbass.

The GOP didn't miss shit. Like I said, funding health care benefits is almost always done through non-discretionary spending. And besides, if they "missed it", shouldn't you think twice about voting for someone that "missed it"? This is all an excuse, and they are counting on idiots like you to buy it. And like I said, it is insulting. They have no respect for you whatsoever.

Again, as the bill was originally written, and was never changed, that money HAD TO BE SPENT ON THE CARE OF VETERANS. Again, get a damn dictionary, look up "non-discretionary".
You’re stuck on stupid. Both versions have the chicanery in them, ya dopey hack.

Jeez. You’re a lump.
There were minor changes that have no resemblance to what Republicans have described. Republicans are lying about a slush fund. They’re lying about budgetary tricks. They’re lying about unrelated spending.
And they’re lying that the Senate Bill was changed in any substantive way
You’re stuck on stupid. Both versions have the chicanery in them, ya dopey hack.

Jeez. You’re a lump.
What you call “chicanery” is the fact that both versions had the funding as mandatory. It was that way when it passed the Senate in June and it was that way when 25 asshole Republicans changed their vote to vote against it last week

Glad you’re catching up
If you are pissed off then why don't you get cracking and get in touch with those dishonest Democrat pieces of shit you voted for and tell them send in a clean bill that funds veterans instead of one that gives them a $396B slush fund that they can use for any Libtard program they want?

Those Democrats don't give a shit about veterans. They never have. Just look at how the Veteran's Administration deteriorated under The Worthless Negro's administration. They will always fund more welfare for Negroes and Illegals long before they will take care of our veterans.

The Democrats need money, lots of money, to turn this country into a Socialist shithole they want and they don't mind using a veterans funding scam to get it. Pretty damn despicable of those turds to do that, isn't it?
Piss off you stupid shit. Again, discretionary verses non-discretionary. Invest in a dictionary or STFU.
Not even close. Democrats would have pilfered money set aside for our veterans, offering them no help besides their typical lip service.

I see passing a massive bill costing hundreds of billions of dollars unaccounted for as stealing, yes.
Let's go to war boys, and remember if you're hurt, we'll think of something to help you someday if we're not too busy or if we're not
running for election that year. Good news!.. We ARE running for election this year so there's a slight chance that we might be able to help you...or not.
...let me check my donors....
Let's go to war boys, and remember if you're hurt, we'll think of something to help you someday if we're not too busy or if we're not
running for election that year. Good news!.. We ARE running for election this year so there's a slight chance that we might be able to help you...or not.
...let me check my donors....

let’s go to war boys after every single democrat for the past 60 years voted to cut the military budget.
You’re stuck on stupid. Both versions have the chicanery in them, ya dopey hack.

Jeez. You’re a lump.
OK, let's go with your version. Both versions had chicanery, but the dumbass Republicans failed to catch it the first time. I mean if it weren't for Toomey, who voted to impeach Trump, it would have slipped right by them. Guess Toomey is the smartest Republican in the Senate, and he voted for impeachment. Umm, guess Trump should have been impeached.
Wow, what total bullshit. I mean at this point, if you vote Republican, you have to be a total dumbshit. There is no budget gimmick, the "common sense" amendment was to make the spending on this bill discretionary, not mandatory. I mean hello, do you have access to a dictionary. What Republicans are trying to claim is that, since this spending is not subject to caps, rather it is the pay as you go act, or the deficit limits, it allows Democrats to spend more money in other areas. I mean hello, howdy--non-discretionary spending is how all health care initiatives are funded. Medicare, Medicaid, the Bush Prescription Drug plan. Seriously, do you want to be the person to tell a Vet suffering from lung cancer that the money ran out? Just die dumbshit, we don't have any more money. Is that what the letter will say?

I mean Republicans are playing all of you for fools. And from where I sit, it seems a safe bet. Because that is what you are, fools. Or useful idiots, take your pick. Until they make the funding of Congressional pensions "discretionary" they can STFU. I mean this has become beyond ridiculous.
Democrats are the scammers. Trying to scam the Treasury out of $396B with the promise they may spend a little bit on veterans, maybe.
it did stupid. Why is it that you don't understand the process for passing legislation into law? Your country does it differently?

A Bill passes the House. A different bill passes the Senate. They take both to a reconciliation committee and the result get again voted on by both Houses and then sent to the President for hid signature. It is an unremarkable process in most cases (including this one) and no "poison pills were added.

The title was changed slightly and something about doctors fees and how they are taxed was changed.

That is it

Of course you'd know that if you were paying attention. Should I post both versions of the bill AGAIN for you?

So you’ve been screaming “there’s no changes to the bil!” at the top of your lungs for 57 thread pages and now you’re admitting there are changes to the bill. Leftism is indeed a mental disorder.
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OK, let's go with your version. Both versions had chicanery, but the dumbass Republicans failed to catch it the first time. I mean if it weren't for Toomey, who voted to impeach Trump, it would have slipped right by them. Guess Toomey is the smartest Republican in the Senate, and he voted for impeachment. Umm, guess Trump should have been impeached.

Perfect example of leftist logic.
OK, let's go with your version. Both versions had chicanery, but the dumbass Republicans failed to catch it the first time.

That’s been my speculation, so far. Yes.
I mean if it weren't for Toomey, who voted to impeach Trump, it would have slipped right by them.

It seems like it may have. But his vote for impeachment(?) is pretty irrelevant.
Guess Toomey is the smartest Republican in the Senate,
That doesn’t seem to follow. Maybe someone on his staff caught it.
and he voted for impeachment.

To vote for impeachment, he would have had to have been int the House at the time. But I still don’t care.
Umm, guess Trump should have been impeached.

Uhm. You’re a dope. So nobody cares what you might “guess.”
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