Anger as Republicans block bill to help military veterans exposed to toxins

The Bill itself is absolutely CLEAN. There were few bills ever that were cleaner and more focused
If you ignored what I posted, you can say that Bill is a unicorn. But, the facts tell a different story.
And now I know why the VFW was pushing as hard as it was in this thread.
Dig deep enough and the facts do see the light of the day..
I'm not a liar, and you're a bit gullible.
Senators had added a provision that would give the Department of Veterans Affairs authority to buy out the contracts of doctors, nurses and other health care practitioners who agreed to work for the VA at rural or "highly rural" veterans clinics.

That buyout money would normally be taxed as income, so the Senate sponsors wanted to make that tax-free. But since the House never considered that tax provision, it ran afoul of the constitutional requirement that all revenue measures originate in that chamber, known as a blue slip.
Senate Veterans' Affairs Chairman Jon Tester, D-Mont., tried to quickly fix the problem by unanimous consent on June 23 through an "engrossment correction" just before the chamber recessed for two weeks.
But Sen. Patrick J. Toomey, R-Pa., one of 14 Republicans to vote "no" in that chamber, objected.
Toomey's been fucking with this from the get go.

What is mentioned above is minor and WAS the only thing changed besides the title from the Bill passed in the Senate
Toomey's been fucking with this from the get go.

What is mentioned above is minor and WAS the only thing changed besides the title from the Bill passed in the Senate
Look, the facts are the facts, now just stop. It's not a clean Bill when Senators added to the Bill, and they did.
Read and comprehend what was stated.
Toomey's been fucking with this from the get go.

What is mentioned above is minor and WAS the only thing changed besides the title from the Bill passed in the Senate
It's not minor, dude/dudette. There is a procedure they have to follow.
Look, the facts are the facts, now just stop. It's not a clean Bill when Senators added to the Bill, and they did.
Read and comprehend what was stated.
You’re all so sure something was added. But none of you seem to know what.
Toomey's been fucking with this from the get go.

What is mentioned above is minor and WAS the only thing changed besides the title from the Bill passed in the Senate
That buyout money would normally be taxed as income, so the Senate sponsors wanted to make that tax-free. But since the House never considered that tax provision, it ran afoul of the constitutional requirement that all revenue measures originate in that chamber, known as a blue slip.

Look, the facts are the facts, now just stop. It's not a clean Bill when Senators added to the Bill, and they did.
Read and comprehend what was stated.
You yourself admitted that the bill was always mandatory. I have sown that it is virtually air tight in its own funding and accountability.

You have an issue with the phantom 40 billion that Toomey has been screaming about forever (which was ignored by almost everyone including those GOP Senators n June)
That buyout money would normally be taxed as income, so the Senate sponsors wanted to make that tax-free. But since the House never considered that tax provision, it ran afoul of the constitutional requirement that all revenue measures originate in that chamber, known as a blue slip.

You don't read too well, go back and read. Something was added, read.
I have noted that minor change from the beginning. That regards a tax on doctors who sell their business or some nonsense.

It's a nothingburger in regards to this bill
You don't read too well, go back and read. Something was added, read.
I’ve read the whole thing. Some of you guys are totally clueless. The rest of you are pathetically blind.

There was an incredibly minor change to the bill about a provision that everyone agreed to that needed to pass a technical hurdle.

It is NOT at all what the liars in the Republican Party have referenced in their vague but false accusations.
Let's be clear here.

There is no slush fund. There is no pork There is oversight and accounting. all funds go into and out of the Toxic Exposure Fund. It's about as ironclad as you can get

But Toomey and these scummy Republicans are afraid that taking the existing funding from the "discretionary column MIGHT free up 40 billion a year for other spending so they are willing to screw over Vets who have ben waiting for this help for TEN years

Newsflash it won't. The Appropriations Committee would still have control of that.

Toomey's just being a dick. A bigger dick than the 25 asshole GOP Senators who changed their vote on this
And the vets get to keep their doctor, huh.

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