Anger as Republicans block bill to help military veterans exposed to toxins

Wow, what total bullshit. I mean at this point, if you vote Republican, you have to be a total dumbshit. There is no budget gimmick, the "common sense" amendment was to make the spending on this bill discretionary, not mandatory. I mean hello, do you have access to a dictionary. What Republicans are trying to claim is that, since this spending is not subject to caps, rather it is the pay as you go act, or the deficit limits, it allows Democrats to spend more money in other areas. I mean hello, howdy--non-discretionary spending is how all health care initiatives are funded. Medicare, Medicaid, the Bush Prescription Drug plan. Seriously, do you want to be the person to tell a Vet suffering from lung cancer that the money ran out? Just die dumbshit, we don't have any more money. Is that what the letter will say?

I mean Republicans are playing all of you for fools. And from where I sit, it seems a safe bet. Because that is what you are, fools. Or useful idiots, take your pick. Until they make the funding of Congressional pensions "discretionary" they can STFU. I mean this has become beyond ridiculous.
Wake up, you, if you're a vet, have been used, once again, for another dem lie to help them win the midterms.....nothing with these clowns isn't precalculated.
Wow, what total bullshit. I mean at this point, if you vote Republican, you have to be a total dumbshit. There is no budget gimmick, the "common sense" amendment was to make the spending on this bill discretionary, not mandatory. I mean hello, do you have access to a dictionary. What Republicans are trying to claim is that, since this spending is not subject to caps, rather it is the pay as you go act, or the deficit limits, it allows Democrats to spend more money in other areas. I mean hello, howdy--non-discretionary spending is how all health care initiatives are funded. Medicare, Medicaid, the Bush Prescription Drug plan. Seriously, do you want to be the person to tell a Vet suffering from lung cancer that the money ran out? Just die dumbshit, we don't have any more money. Is that what the letter will say?

I mean Republicans are playing all of you for fools. And from where I sit, it seems a safe bet. Because that is what you are, fools. Or useful idiots, take your pick. Until they make the funding of Congressional pensions "discretionary" they can STFU. I mean this has become beyond ridiculous. got hoodwinked by your party.
You was WHAT repeatedly...Jesus...I feel like I'm having a conversation with a hamster.

I hit the reply button to your post. When you read my reply, your post was right there.

Did you really not get that my words were in response to what you said?

Oh, ,wait. You were just shit talking right there, pretending to not understand that... Got it.

And I'm supposed to believe you about the bill, when you can't even be honest about reading a simple reply to your own post?


Shit talker.
Let's all remember when Righties are accusing, they are really con-fessing.

No. That would be you people. And you clearly are anti-American.

Hey, want to tell me how kneeling during the national anthem is "patriotic"? LOL!!!

All you people do, is lie.
Wake up, you, if you're a vet, have been used, once again, for another dem lie to help them win the midterms.....nothing with these clowns isn't precalculated.
Wake up if you're a Vet. You have been thrown under the bus by these asshole Republicans
Wake up if you're a Vet. You have been thrown under the bus by these asshole Republicans
No, it's the clowns that you support.
GOP didn't throw anyone under the bus......why did they say the funding of some $365 billion was acceptable but the add on for non VA spending was not acceptable?
No. That would be you people. And you clearly are anti-American.

Hey, want to tell me how kneeling during the national anthem is "patriotic"? LOL!!!

All you people do, is lie.
Correll you're dumber than a bag of hammers.

Try to say something about the subject
No, it's the clowns that you support.
GOP didn't throw anyone under the bus......why did they say the funding of some $365 billion was acceptable but the add on for non VA spending was not acceptable?

Who voted against funding sick vets?


Who has been covering for that and lying about that?


Who voted against funding sick vets?


Who has been covering for that and lying about that?

Nobody did......your favorite party added a poison pill, like they always do, before a critical election.

GOP is ready to pass the bill without the $400 billion freebie that is not intended for vets.
Correll you're dumber than a bag of hammers.

Try to say something about the subject

I did.

You people's position in the thread was/is that the only possible reason to oppose the bill is hostility to vets

That was you clearly being dishonest trolls.

What more needs to be said?

Who voted against funding sick vets?


Who has been covering for that and lying about that?

Ya know who unequivocally SUPPORTS Vets?

Yea...the VFW

You people's position in the thread was/is that the only possible reason to oppose the bill is hostility to vets

That was you clearly being dishonest trolls.
That's the EFFECT of what you are doing.

You certainly aren't showing Vets your support.

What you're showing is that you give lip service and virtue signaling

Do you hate Vets?

No idea but you clearly don't give a shit about them
So, you found some vets who believe the line of jive you are pushing.

That they believe you, doesn't make what you said true.

It is irrelevant.
No idiot. They don't believe me.

I believe THEM

And the VFW isn't just "some Vets" ya fucking hamster
Ya know who unequivocally SUPPORTS Vets?

Yea...the VFW


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