Anger as Republicans block bill to help military veterans exposed to toxins

If you are pissed off then why don't you get cracking and get in touch with those dishonest Democrat pieces of shit you voted for and tell them send in a clean bill that funds veterans instead of one that gives them a $396B slush fund that they can use for any Libtard program they want?

Those Democrats don't give a shit about veterans. They never have. Just look at how the Veteran's Administration deteriorated under The Worthless Negro's administration. They will always fund more welfare for Negroes and Illegals long before they will take care of our veterans.

The Democrats need money, lots of money, to turn this country into a Socialist shithole they want and they don't mind using a veterans funding scam to get it. Pretty damn despicable of those turds to do that, isn't it?
When Righties like above ^^^ show you what they are................believe them. :cuckoo:
Discretionary means the Democrat filth in Congress and the White House has discretion. They could piss it away all kinds of ways and claim it is for the benefit of the veterans.

That is the Democrat scam. A $396 slush fund with no accountability.

Typical Democrat dishonesty.

You're dealing with three of the dumbest leftist hacks on this thread
Hell, you’re even dumber than I thought you were, and I thought imbeciles pitied you. 😂

Try real hard to get something past your thick skulled pin head.filters.

The bill “passed” on 6/16 may be the same one in essence as the one ejected in late July. The problem, you brain dead lump, is that the language therein was not what had been agreed to by and between the GOP negotiators and the Dimtards. It appears that Schumer crafter the bill with his dishonest scheme.

It passed on 6/16 because of his duplicity and because the GOP senators apparently missed it in that version. Thankfully, they got a second Bite at the Apple. 😎

So, it later got “passed” but without sufficient numbers to invoke cloture. Lol! Sleazy Schumer had been foiled.

So, stop with this irrelevant crap about it being the same in both versions. That’s not the point. The point, you twit, is that the Schumer duplicity had been caught.

Now, they can pass it again with the necessary language to undo Schumer’s perfidious effort. It’s another great day to be an American.
I have posted both versions of the bill. Again, discretionary verses non-discretionary spending. From the get go, the bill was financed with non-discretionary spending, and for good reason. That is SOP for health care bills, rather it has to do with Vets or Retirees. In regards to financing, NOTHING FUCKING CHANGED. Do you get that dumbass.

The GOP didn't miss shit. Like I said, funding health care benefits is almost always done through non-discretionary spending. And besides, if they "missed it", shouldn't you think twice about voting for someone that "missed it"? This is all an excuse, and they are counting on idiots like you to buy it. And like I said, it is insulting. They have no respect for you whatsoever.

Again, as the bill was originally written, and was never changed, that money HAD TO BE SPENT ON THE CARE OF VETERANS. Again, get a damn dictionary, look up "non-discretionary".
What you understand is what you’re told to understand.

No, Republicans don’t hate veterans. They hate Democrats. They want to hurt Democrats by blaming them for the failure of this bill and they invented an excuse to do so. They’re depending on you to believe their excuse.

There’s nothing wrong with the bill.
The House bill does not match the bill passed by the Senate. Why are you so fucking dishonest?
Not even close. Democrats would have pilfered money set aside for our veterans, offering them no help besides their typical lip service.
Again you have it exactly backwards. How stupid are you?

Dems are providing billions for a healthcare problem that has been festering for years… and Republicans are stopping that

And lying about it

Are you that much of a cult member that you think black is white and up is down?
You've looked the fool this entire thread

Supporting sick Vets is “looking the fool”?

You fuckers have shown not an ounce of concern for them.

It is YOU ASSHOLES that “look the fool “

Actually worse
The House bill does not match the bill passed by the Senate. Why are you so fucking dishonest?
There were minor changes that have no resemblance to what Republicans have described. Republicans are lying about a slush fund. They’re lying about budgetary tricks. They’re lying about unrelated spending.
Again you have it exactly backwards. How stupid are you?

Dems are providing billions for a healthcare problem that has been festering for years… and Republicans are stopping that

And lying about it

Are you that much of a cult member that you think black is white and up is down?
No they are not. Democrats are setting aside money that doesn't have to used for the intended purpose, hence the problem. Now go taste test various brands of bleach or something equally useful.

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