Angry Letter to three Democrat Friends: Ultimatum before I give up on the Democrat Party

It's thinking like that in the OP that got MLK and Malcolm X assassinated by LBJ.

Democrat Party NEEDS dependents! You can never walk away from them
Crusader Frank is a huge fan of Oliver Stone?

Is Frank denying he is as nuts as Oliver Stone?

Wait. You don't believe that LBJ had Black Leaders executed for affirming their independence and power and rejecting Democrat control over blacks?


Link, Frank?

Or is this from the same Cherokee Absolutism fact machine?
It's thinking like that in the OP that got MLK and Malcolm X assassinated by LBJ.

Democrat Party NEEDS dependents! You can never walk away from them
Crusader Frank is a huge fan of Oliver Stone?

Is Frank denying he is as nuts as Oliver Stone?

Wait. You don't believe that LBJ had Black Leaders executed for affirming their independence and power and rejecting Democrat control over blacks?


Link, Frank?

Or is this from the same Cherokee Absolutism fact machine?

Still no answer from Factoid Frank? He must be out interviewing Cherokees. One at a time, whatever it takes in pursuit of the Facts. :rolleyes:

Here's the actual quote from the actual transcript of the actual speech, -- which was not two days before his assassination in February 1965 but ten months earlier in the early spring of 1964, well before both the presidential election and the Civil Rights Act, for which he was stoking the fires:

"Any time you throw you weight behind a political party that controls two-thirds of the government and that party can't keep the promise that it's made to you during election time, and you're dumb enough to walk around continuing to identify yourself with that party you're not only a chump but you're a traitor to your race." -- Malcolm X, transcribed version from 3 April 1964, Cleveland, "The Ballot or the Bullet" speech (later renamed "The Ballot and the Book"
-- the April 12 Detroit version (relevant exerpt) is here
--- in which he railed against LBJ, Democrats, Republicans, government in general, and his direct target in this speech -- Dixiecrats. Immediately after this passage he launches back into that theme:

"What kind of alibi do [they] come up with? They try and pass the buck to the Dixiecrats. Now, back during the days when you were blind, deaf and dumb, ignorant, politically immature, naturally you went along with that. But today, as your eyes come open, and you develop political maturity, you're able to see and think for yourself, and you can see that a Dixiecrat is nothing but a Democrat – in disguise." [applause] (2nd link)
You'll remember the "Dixiecrats" from 1948 when they walked out of the Democratic convention and ran their own candidate, Strom Thurmond, who Trent Lott was talking about when he made his frank confession. You'll remember them from later in 1964 too, when they finally did the previously unthinkable, bolted from the Democratic Party and joined the Republicans, beginning with Thurmond himself, breaking a century-old bipolar relationship that had been used to acquire and hold power. Malcolm here is not only calling for "black nationalism" and invoking the new term "African American" -- he's calling out the Democratic Party for coddling racists in its southern conservative base and calling out government in general for not following its own Constitution over the previous ten years.

And his impetus was apparently powerful enough to influence both of those as the CRA passed a few months later, Thurmond began the Dixiecrat migration two months after that, and LBJ was re-elected two months after that.

--- All of which, being in 1964, happened during Malcolm's lifetime, and not "two days before he was killed". By February 1965, LBJ had already been elected and inaugurated -- what would be the point of offing his critic after the fact?

Facts are stubborn things, Frank. Maybe you should stick with Cherokee genealogies. Trolling Google Images for historical points doesn't seem to be working out well.

Read the speech, either version. It's illuminating.
Em, if you don't know that Dems support education, training, infrastructure/jobs programs and Pubs block them sigh....relax as much as possible and vote Dem. Won't help TEXAS much lol...
Dear Fellow Democrats and Constitutionalists:
After fighting with three Democrat friends who kept blaming me for blowing up from stress,
but wouldn't acknowledge the damage caused by Democrat leaders exerting the pressure on me that was causing the stress, I got tired of being blamed when these same Democrats won't hold leaders accountable for abuses. This is like letting the rapists go free and blaming the victim for PTSD and emotional blowups while recovering from the abuses we didn't ask to be put on us.

I thought the people blaming me were also victims of the same abuses.
But they can forgive and accept their own reactions to this abuse, while blaming me for mine, so that is not equal. I don't know if it is "male behavior" or political bullying or what, but it is sick, and I am sick of it.

I refuse to be blamed when I am under tremendous strain and burden
from trying to solve problems and take responsibility, unlike those who keep waiting on others.
And when I do try to take that on, I get blamed for being emotionally overwhelmed?

I am lucky to be sane at all.

With the last bit of sanity I have, before I become a complete "sociopath"
to cut off all emotions all together in order to function,
I would like to write a letter to Democrat members and leaders
BEGGING FOR HELP to support and fulfill the sustainable
campus plans developed in my historic black church district
that is a Democrat precinct. These plans would end the dependence
on govt welfare and charity handouts by teaching independence through a
sustainable system of public service internships and job training in
property, finance and business management, legal and govt reforms and restitution for abuses,
and health and human services.

There is no reason not to support these plans
except that people like my friends are too busy blaming other people as victims
to invest money into solutions, but keep funding hate campaigns that don't solve anything.

I cannot understand or accept this anymore.
I worry I will completely lose my mind, or cease to be human
so I don't have to feel the anger at all this abuse. I just have to
distract myself and go into denial in order to stay focused on the solutions,
and that is not mentally healthy. I should have the right to GRIEVE
and yet if I express this emotionally, I blow up and get BLAMED for that.

This is crazymaking, and I want to share these sound ideas for
govt reform before I am no longer able to construct a cohesive sentence.

Can you please help me take these ideas
and write out a formal ultimatum to the Democrat Party
to either solve the problems by funding a solution
or quit complaining and blaming others for it?

I am a Democrat and had every intention of staying with the party
to reform it as a team, to overcome these divisive barriers and bullying.

But if I am not welcome in my own Party, but am going to
be blamed the same way as you would blame others who complain about
Democrats without investing in solutions as I have worked two jobs to do,
that is unacceptable.

I would like a formal apology from three Democrat friends
I feel have unfairly blamed or abused me while failing to go after
the Democrat leaders who CAUSED the problems that PUT the pressure
on me that has caused me undue strain and stress, imposing on
my physical financial and mental health, and making me feel like a slave and a victim.

But instead of just doing nothing and complaining,
I kept working to invest money into solutions, so I believe I was different
from other people crying victim victim or others who BLAME opponents for criticizing Democrats.

I think it is wrong to blame me when I was trying to fix things.

So I want public acknowledgement of this difference.
And hope people will take a look at these campus plans
and see why I was working two jobs to try to stabilize and support
the community in getting these public attention and funding as they deserve.

See Freedmen s Town Historic Churches and Vet Housing and http
Adaptation of these campus model plans for reforms to help Veterans,
immigration and slave labor issues are posted here:
Earned Amnesty and music video for Sustainable Campus converting sweatshop labor to workstudy jobs

I honestly give up trying to help people in my own party
who turn around and either blame or abuse me without holding
responsible the Democrats who put me in such a compromised situation.

Thanks if you can please help!
I wish I could stay with the Democrats, and call forth the leadership
who CAN work with Republicans and set up a system of all parties
working together, and even running together on the same ticket
and having a cabinet or coalition of party leaders collaborating.

So if there are any Democrats out there who believe that
inclusion of diversity means respecting political beliefs equally,
and any others who believe in conflict resolution and consensus
on policies to include all people and parties, please let me know if you can help.

I can't do this alone, and put up with the blame being projected on me
when I am trying to solve these problems.

If I wasn't already crazy going into this, I think I will lose whatever sanity I had.

RE: Thank you. Decided to leave the Democrat Party because of you. And plan to go PUBLIC with my grievances against abuses within the Party.
Dear D1 and D2:

Thank you for everything.

Because of abusive behavior
by several males of the Democrat Party
I still consider good friends, including you,
I have decided to leave the Democrat Party
unless I receive a formal apology for
blaming and abusing me when I was
under STRAIN for trying to solve the problems
CREATED by leaders of the Democrat Party
who have abused members like me.

I understand that my "blowing up" not only
at you two (and another friend I will also list
in my final request for an apology if I am going
to stay and keep working with the embattled
Democrat Party to solve our problems as a team)

and also "blowing up" at Garnet Coleman,
Jolanda Jones, and others is considered
emotionally out of control

But it is INSULTING to "blame this on me
as you would blame Conservatives who
are NOT solving the problems I took on"

Taking on TWO JOBS and working like
a SLAVE to the point I was a danger on the road
and had to quit driving
is NOT the same as people yelling at Democrats
for not doing anything to solve the problems caused
by our own leadership when those people AREN'T
helping either.

But I WAS helping and was working more jobs
than both of you combined to fix problems
caused by OUR PARTY.

I believe when I blew up at you for
not taking responsibility for your vote,
this is DIFFERENT than if someone
cuts you off or rejects or judges you
for being Democrat who ISN'T under
so much pressure to save an entire
historic district working two jobs to do it.

This is completely insulting and abusive [to imply we are the same,
both "arrogant". What is "arrogant" about taking on the burdens of
the entire party to take responsibility for those who aren't?]

I will not name you three in my formal
letter to the Democrat Party
but will describe you as
Democrat 1
Democrat 2
and Democrat 3.

But this abusive behavior of
males competing with other males
to bully instead of solving problems
being blamed on each other's parties

and is putting an UNDUE
burden on people like Gladys House
and me, who are both working two jobs
each, while Democrats like you
wait on someone else to fix the problems
caused by abuses by Democrat leaders.

Sorry but I will NOT be part of
this kind of political bullying
and cult abuse.

This should NOT be allowed to influence govt
much less dictate policies.

This is TRULY sick.

So THANK YOU for opening my eyes
that this VICTIM behavior is truly
sick and is rewarded and encouraged
by either the Democrats or by the Party
System that rewards this kind of behavior.

Sorry but that is NOT what I gave up
so much to work for;

people from this VICTIM mentality
and yet I've found myself
ABUSED and BLAMED for trying to
SOLVE the problem by setting up
a sustainable CAMPUS system for
training people to own their own
cities and manage their own govt
to be FREED from this oppression.

If you do not see that the work I did
is different, and not the same as the
other things you blame on others,
I do not want to be part of this Party.

There is something WRONG with it
if you cannot correct the problems
as I was seeking to do.

Thanks, sorry but I cannot be abused
like this anymore and have NO IDEA
if it is coming from male behavior
or partisanship or whatever,
but this is abusive and not acceptable.

The difference with me is I was TRYING
to invest in a solution, so the strain
I am under is DIFFERENT from people
who AREN'T working on a longterm SOLUTION.

If you and other Democrats cannot SEE that,
you do not DESERVE to have me work to achieve
the goals of inclusion, diversity and uplifting minorities
and oppressed people to full equality as the sustainable
campus plans would provide mentorship to do.

These plans have been in our Democrat District
since at least 1994 and not been funded or followed up on.

So if the Democrats won't support solutions from
their own membership, maybe other parties will
recognize the opportunity and jump on board.

I will ask Congresswoman Lee's office one more time
to support these campus plans, and if there is no commitment
to follow through and recognize these plans of Gladys House,
Lenwood Johnson, and the ones written up by [Democrat 1 or D1]
and me trying to represent them all, then I am not going to
work with a Party that censors and abuses its own members!

Why would I do that?

Why would I yell if I weren't under so much pressure
from trying to SOLVE problems created by Democrats?

And be so INSULTED that instead of going after the
Democrats who caused and cost these problems,
I GET BLAMED when I blow up trying to fix them?

If you want to say I am "emotionally unstable"
I argue that the plans I have endorsed and promoted
are perfectly sane. And that's all I was trying to fund.

If you haven't tried working two full time jobs to
pay for the cost to 5 or 6 nonprofits damaged by the
abuses of Democrats destroying poor districts,

I do not think it is fair to criticize or insult me
by comparing me to people who haven't lifted a finger.

The problem you have with the possible "solution" you were working on is that you indicated that these plans may actually be a way to actually end generational dependence on govt welfare and charity handouts. Democrats benefit from said dependence. Their constituency is by and large the poor who are dependent on government handouts.

Before you can get democrats to agree to solve said dependency you first have to change the mission democrats from simply "beating" republicans by any means possible to actually wanting to make a difference in peoples lives.

This current democrat party is not the party of the working class, it is the party of the dependent class.
Last edited:
Em, if you don't know that Dems support education, training, infrastructure/jobs programs and Pubs block them sigh....relax as much as possible and vote Dem. Won't help TEXAS much lol...

Hi Franco are you a Vet?
Can you help me and my Democrat Vet Friends get this campus plan funded?
We've gotten no help.

Where is this help the Democrats are supposed to support?
Can we form a Vet team and it get it going?
I have a couple of friends, but they're all waiting on me.

Can we ask the mods here like Westwall can a section
be set up for "ORGANIZING and IMPLEMENTING Veteran reforms and solutions/support"?
Would that help us to organize and really help and get away from divisive blame and politics?

Dear Fellow Democrats and Constitutionalists:
After fighting with three Democrat friends who kept blaming me for blowing up from stress,
but wouldn't acknowledge the damage caused by Democrat leaders exerting the pressure on me that was causing the stress, I got tired of being blamed when these same Democrats won't hold leaders accountable for abuses. This is like letting the rapists go free and blaming the victim for PTSD and emotional blowups while recovering from the abuses we didn't ask to be put on us.

I thought the people blaming me were also victims of the same abuses.
But they can forgive and accept their own reactions to this abuse, while blaming me for mine, so that is not equal. I don't know if it is "male behavior" or political bullying or what, but it is sick, and I am sick of it.

I refuse to be blamed when I am under tremendous strain and burden
from trying to solve problems and take responsibility, unlike those who keep waiting on others.
And when I do try to take that on, I get blamed for being emotionally overwhelmed?

I am lucky to be sane at all.

With the last bit of sanity I have, before I become a complete "sociopath"
to cut off all emotions all together in order to function,
I would like to write a letter to Democrat members and leaders
BEGGING FOR HELP to support and fulfill the sustainable
campus plans developed in my historic black church district
that is a Democrat precinct. These plans would end the dependence
on govt welfare and charity handouts by teaching independence through a
sustainable system of public service internships and job training in
property, finance and business management, legal and govt reforms and restitution for abuses,
and health and human services.

There is no reason not to support these plans
except that people like my friends are too busy blaming other people as victims
to invest money into solutions, but keep funding hate campaigns that don't solve anything.

I cannot understand or accept this anymore.
I worry I will completely lose my mind, or cease to be human
so I don't have to feel the anger at all this abuse. I just have to
distract myself and go into denial in order to stay focused on the solutions,
and that is not mentally healthy. I should have the right to GRIEVE
and yet if I express this emotionally, I blow up and get BLAMED for that.

This is crazymaking, and I want to share these sound ideas for
govt reform before I am no longer able to construct a cohesive sentence.

Can you please help me take these ideas
and write out a formal ultimatum to the Democrat Party
to either solve the problems by funding a solution
or quit complaining and blaming others for it?

I am a Democrat and had every intention of staying with the party
to reform it as a team, to overcome these divisive barriers and bullying.

But if I am not welcome in my own Party, but am going to
be blamed the same way as you would blame others who complain about
Democrats without investing in solutions as I have worked two jobs to do,
that is unacceptable.

I would like a formal apology from three Democrat friends
I feel have unfairly blamed or abused me while failing to go after
the Democrat leaders who CAUSED the problems that PUT the pressure
on me that has caused me undue strain and stress, imposing on
my physical financial and mental health, and making me feel like a slave and a victim.

But instead of just doing nothing and complaining,
I kept working to invest money into solutions, so I believe I was different
from other people crying victim victim or others who BLAME opponents for criticizing Democrats.

I think it is wrong to blame me when I was trying to fix things.

So I want public acknowledgement of this difference.
And hope people will take a look at these campus plans
and see why I was working two jobs to try to stabilize and support
the community in getting these public attention and funding as they deserve.

See Freedmen s Town Historic Churches and Vet Housing and http
Adaptation of these campus model plans for reforms to help Veterans,
immigration and slave labor issues are posted here:
Earned Amnesty and music video for Sustainable Campus converting sweatshop labor to workstudy jobs

I honestly give up trying to help people in my own party
who turn around and either blame or abuse me without holding
responsible the Democrats who put me in such a compromised situation.

Thanks if you can please help!
I wish I could stay with the Democrats, and call forth the leadership
who CAN work with Republicans and set up a system of all parties
working together, and even running together on the same ticket
and having a cabinet or coalition of party leaders collaborating.

So if there are any Democrats out there who believe that
inclusion of diversity means respecting political beliefs equally,
and any others who believe in conflict resolution and consensus
on policies to include all people and parties, please let me know if you can help.

I can't do this alone, and put up with the blame being projected on me
when I am trying to solve these problems.

If I wasn't already crazy going into this, I think I will lose whatever sanity I had.

RE: Thank you. Decided to leave the Democrat Party because of you. And plan to go PUBLIC with my grievances against abuses within the Party.
Dear D1 and D2:

Thank you for everything.

Because of abusive behavior
by several males of the Democrat Party
I still consider good friends, including you,
I have decided to leave the Democrat Party
unless I receive a formal apology for
blaming and abusing me when I was
under STRAIN for trying to solve the problems
CREATED by leaders of the Democrat Party
who have abused members like me.

I understand that my "blowing up" not only
at you two (and another friend I will also list
in my final request for an apology if I am going
to stay and keep working with the embattled
Democrat Party to solve our problems as a team)

and also "blowing up" at Garnet Coleman,
Jolanda Jones, and others is considered
emotionally out of control

But it is INSULTING to "blame this on me
as you would blame Conservatives who
are NOT solving the problems I took on"

Taking on TWO JOBS and working like
a SLAVE to the point I was a danger on the road
and had to quit driving
is NOT the same as people yelling at Democrats
for not doing anything to solve the problems caused
by our own leadership when those people AREN'T
helping either.

But I WAS helping and was working more jobs
than both of you combined to fix problems
caused by OUR PARTY.

I believe when I blew up at you for
not taking responsibility for your vote,
this is DIFFERENT than if someone
cuts you off or rejects or judges you
for being Democrat who ISN'T under
so much pressure to save an entire
historic district working two jobs to do it.

This is completely insulting and abusive [to imply we are the same,
both "arrogant". What is "arrogant" about taking on the burdens of
the entire party to take responsibility for those who aren't?]

I will not name you three in my formal
letter to the Democrat Party
but will describe you as
Democrat 1
Democrat 2
and Democrat 3.

But this abusive behavior of
males competing with other males
to bully instead of solving problems
being blamed on each other's parties

and is putting an UNDUE
burden on people like Gladys House
and me, who are both working two jobs
each, while Democrats like you
wait on someone else to fix the problems
caused by abuses by Democrat leaders.

Sorry but I will NOT be part of
this kind of political bullying
and cult abuse.

This should NOT be allowed to influence govt
much less dictate policies.

This is TRULY sick.

So THANK YOU for opening my eyes
that this VICTIM behavior is truly
sick and is rewarded and encouraged
by either the Democrats or by the Party
System that rewards this kind of behavior.

Sorry but that is NOT what I gave up
so much to work for;

people from this VICTIM mentality
and yet I've found myself
ABUSED and BLAMED for trying to
SOLVE the problem by setting up
a sustainable CAMPUS system for
training people to own their own
cities and manage their own govt
to be FREED from this oppression.

If you do not see that the work I did
is different, and not the same as the
other things you blame on others,
I do not want to be part of this Party.

There is something WRONG with it
if you cannot correct the problems
as I was seeking to do.

Thanks, sorry but I cannot be abused
like this anymore and have NO IDEA
if it is coming from male behavior
or partisanship or whatever,
but this is abusive and not acceptable.

The difference with me is I was TRYING
to invest in a solution, so the strain
I am under is DIFFERENT from people
who AREN'T working on a longterm SOLUTION.

If you and other Democrats cannot SEE that,
you do not DESERVE to have me work to achieve
the goals of inclusion, diversity and uplifting minorities
and oppressed people to full equality as the sustainable
campus plans would provide mentorship to do.

These plans have been in our Democrat District
since at least 1994 and not been funded or followed up on.

So if the Democrats won't support solutions from
their own membership, maybe other parties will
recognize the opportunity and jump on board.

I will ask Congresswoman Lee's office one more time
to support these campus plans, and if there is no commitment
to follow through and recognize these plans of Gladys House,
Lenwood Johnson, and the ones written up by [Democrat 1 or D1]
and me trying to represent them all, then I am not going to
work with a Party that censors and abuses its own members!

Why would I do that?

Why would I yell if I weren't under so much pressure
from trying to SOLVE problems created by Democrats?

And be so INSULTED that instead of going after the
Democrats who caused and cost these problems,
I GET BLAMED when I blow up trying to fix them?

If you want to say I am "emotionally unstable"
I argue that the plans I have endorsed and promoted
are perfectly sane. And that's all I was trying to fund.

If you haven't tried working two full time jobs to
pay for the cost to 5 or 6 nonprofits damaged by the
abuses of Democrats destroying poor districts,

I do not think it is fair to criticize or insult me
by comparing me to people who haven't lifted a finger.

The problem you have with the "solution" you were working on is that these plans are a way to actually end generational dependence on govt welfare and charity handouts. Democrats benefit from said dependence. Their constituency is by and large the poor who are dependent on government handouts.

Before you can get democrats to agree to solve said dependency you first have to change the mission democrats from simply "beating" republicans by any means possible to actually wanting to make a difference in peoples lives.

This current democrat party is not the party of the working class, it is the party of the dependent class.

So how do we address this?
Just letting this go on just lets it go on.

What is the key to outting it and stopping this?
Dear Fellow Democrats and Constitutionalists:
After fighting with three Democrat friends who kept blaming me for blowing up from stress,
but wouldn't acknowledge the damage caused by Democrat leaders exerting the pressure on me that was causing the stress, I got tired of being blamed when these same Democrats won't hold leaders accountable for abuses. This is like letting the rapists go free and blaming the victim for PTSD and emotional blowups while recovering from the abuses we didn't ask to be put on us.

I thought the people blaming me were also victims of the same abuses.
But they can forgive and accept their own reactions to this abuse, while blaming me for mine, so that is not equal. I don't know if it is "male behavior" or political bullying or what, but it is sick, and I am sick of it.

I refuse to be blamed when I am under tremendous strain and burden
from trying to solve problems and take responsibility, unlike those who keep waiting on others.
And when I do try to take that on, I get blamed for being emotionally overwhelmed?

I am lucky to be sane at all.

With the last bit of sanity I have, before I become a complete "sociopath"
to cut off all emotions all together in order to function,
I would like to write a letter to Democrat members and leaders
BEGGING FOR HELP to support and fulfill the sustainable
campus plans developed in my historic black church district
that is a Democrat precinct. These plans would end the dependence
on govt welfare and charity handouts by teaching independence through a
sustainable system of public service internships and job training in
property, finance and business management, legal and govt reforms and restitution for abuses,
and health and human services.

There is no reason not to support these plans
except that people like my friends are too busy blaming other people as victims
to invest money into solutions, but keep funding hate campaigns that don't solve anything.

I cannot understand or accept this anymore.
I worry I will completely lose my mind, or cease to be human
so I don't have to feel the anger at all this abuse. I just have to
distract myself and go into denial in order to stay focused on the solutions,
and that is not mentally healthy. I should have the right to GRIEVE
and yet if I express this emotionally, I blow up and get BLAMED for that.

This is crazymaking, and I want to share these sound ideas for
govt reform before I am no longer able to construct a cohesive sentence.

Can you please help me take these ideas
and write out a formal ultimatum to the Democrat Party
to either solve the problems by funding a solution
or quit complaining and blaming others for it?

I am a Democrat and had every intention of staying with the party
to reform it as a team, to overcome these divisive barriers and bullying.

But if I am not welcome in my own Party, but am going to
be blamed the same way as you would blame others who complain about
Democrats without investing in solutions as I have worked two jobs to do,
that is unacceptable.

I would like a formal apology from three Democrat friends
I feel have unfairly blamed or abused me while failing to go after
the Democrat leaders who CAUSED the problems that PUT the pressure
on me that has caused me undue strain and stress, imposing on
my physical financial and mental health, and making me feel like a slave and a victim.

But instead of just doing nothing and complaining,
I kept working to invest money into solutions, so I believe I was different
from other people crying victim victim or others who BLAME opponents for criticizing Democrats.

I think it is wrong to blame me when I was trying to fix things.

So I want public acknowledgement of this difference.
And hope people will take a look at these campus plans
and see why I was working two jobs to try to stabilize and support
the community in getting these public attention and funding as they deserve.

See Freedmen s Town Historic Churches and Vet Housing and http
Adaptation of these campus model plans for reforms to help Veterans,
immigration and slave labor issues are posted here:
Earned Amnesty and music video for Sustainable Campus converting sweatshop labor to workstudy jobs

I honestly give up trying to help people in my own party
who turn around and either blame or abuse me without holding
responsible the Democrats who put me in such a compromised situation.

Thanks if you can please help!
I wish I could stay with the Democrats, and call forth the leadership
who CAN work with Republicans and set up a system of all parties
working together, and even running together on the same ticket
and having a cabinet or coalition of party leaders collaborating.

So if there are any Democrats out there who believe that
inclusion of diversity means respecting political beliefs equally,
and any others who believe in conflict resolution and consensus
on policies to include all people and parties, please let me know if you can help.

I can't do this alone, and put up with the blame being projected on me
when I am trying to solve these problems.

If I wasn't already crazy going into this, I think I will lose whatever sanity I had.

RE: Thank you. Decided to leave the Democrat Party because of you. And plan to go PUBLIC with my grievances against abuses within the Party.
Dear D1 and D2:

Thank you for everything.

Because of abusive behavior
by several males of the Democrat Party
I still consider good friends, including you,
I have decided to leave the Democrat Party
unless I receive a formal apology for
blaming and abusing me when I was
under STRAIN for trying to solve the problems
CREATED by leaders of the Democrat Party
who have abused members like me.

I understand that my "blowing up" not only
at you two (and another friend I will also list
in my final request for an apology if I am going
to stay and keep working with the embattled
Democrat Party to solve our problems as a team)

and also "blowing up" at Garnet Coleman,
Jolanda Jones, and others is considered
emotionally out of control

But it is INSULTING to "blame this on me
as you would blame Conservatives who
are NOT solving the problems I took on"

Taking on TWO JOBS and working like
a SLAVE to the point I was a danger on the road
and had to quit driving
is NOT the same as people yelling at Democrats
for not doing anything to solve the problems caused
by our own leadership when those people AREN'T
helping either.

But I WAS helping and was working more jobs
than both of you combined to fix problems
caused by OUR PARTY.

I believe when I blew up at you for
not taking responsibility for your vote,
this is DIFFERENT than if someone
cuts you off or rejects or judges you
for being Democrat who ISN'T under
so much pressure to save an entire
historic district working two jobs to do it.

This is completely insulting and abusive [to imply we are the same,
both "arrogant". What is "arrogant" about taking on the burdens of
the entire party to take responsibility for those who aren't?]

I will not name you three in my formal
letter to the Democrat Party
but will describe you as
Democrat 1
Democrat 2
and Democrat 3.

But this abusive behavior of
males competing with other males
to bully instead of solving problems
being blamed on each other's parties

and is putting an UNDUE
burden on people like Gladys House
and me, who are both working two jobs
each, while Democrats like you
wait on someone else to fix the problems
caused by abuses by Democrat leaders.

Sorry but I will NOT be part of
this kind of political bullying
and cult abuse.

This should NOT be allowed to influence govt
much less dictate policies.

This is TRULY sick.

So THANK YOU for opening my eyes
that this VICTIM behavior is truly
sick and is rewarded and encouraged
by either the Democrats or by the Party
System that rewards this kind of behavior.

Sorry but that is NOT what I gave up
so much to work for;

people from this VICTIM mentality
and yet I've found myself
ABUSED and BLAMED for trying to
SOLVE the problem by setting up
a sustainable CAMPUS system for
training people to own their own
cities and manage their own govt
to be FREED from this oppression.

If you do not see that the work I did
is different, and not the same as the
other things you blame on others,
I do not want to be part of this Party.

There is something WRONG with it
if you cannot correct the problems
as I was seeking to do.

Thanks, sorry but I cannot be abused
like this anymore and have NO IDEA
if it is coming from male behavior
or partisanship or whatever,
but this is abusive and not acceptable.

The difference with me is I was TRYING
to invest in a solution, so the strain
I am under is DIFFERENT from people
who AREN'T working on a longterm SOLUTION.

If you and other Democrats cannot SEE that,
you do not DESERVE to have me work to achieve
the goals of inclusion, diversity and uplifting minorities
and oppressed people to full equality as the sustainable
campus plans would provide mentorship to do.

These plans have been in our Democrat District
since at least 1994 and not been funded or followed up on.

So if the Democrats won't support solutions from
their own membership, maybe other parties will
recognize the opportunity and jump on board.

I will ask Congresswoman Lee's office one more time
to support these campus plans, and if there is no commitment
to follow through and recognize these plans of Gladys House,
Lenwood Johnson, and the ones written up by [Democrat 1 or D1]
and me trying to represent them all, then I am not going to
work with a Party that censors and abuses its own members!

Why would I do that?

Why would I yell if I weren't under so much pressure
from trying to SOLVE problems created by Democrats?

And be so INSULTED that instead of going after the
Democrats who caused and cost these problems,
I GET BLAMED when I blow up trying to fix them?

If you want to say I am "emotionally unstable"
I argue that the plans I have endorsed and promoted
are perfectly sane. And that's all I was trying to fund.

If you haven't tried working two full time jobs to
pay for the cost to 5 or 6 nonprofits damaged by the
abuses of Democrats destroying poor districts,

I do not think it is fair to criticize or insult me
by comparing me to people who haven't lifted a finger.

The problem you have with the "solution" you were working on is that these plans are a way to actually end generational dependence on govt welfare and charity handouts. Democrats benefit from said dependence. Their constituency is by and large the poor who are dependent on government handouts.

Before you can get democrats to agree to solve said dependency you first have to change the mission democrats from simply "beating" republicans by any means possible to actually wanting to make a difference in peoples lives.

This current democrat party is not the party of the working class, it is the party of the dependent class.

So how do we address this?
Just letting this go on just lets it go on.

What is the key to outting it and stopping this?
Tell the welfare population to stop voting. LMAO. Nevermind, they don't vote anyway for the most part.
Now you know how the Conservative Democrats felt trying to fight for representation in the party for twenty years.
800,000 of them left the party.

Thanks peach174
but that didn't change anything did it

I wanted to help support the Democrats who Want to change it and fulfill our goals from within

Why this censorship of the SOLUTIONS
"Democrat Party"?

Who's really writing this? Methinks someone has more time for talk radio than she admits...

Hi Pogo I went back and thanked your msg
because it seems easy to prove I'm a Democrat.
That's the easiest thing out of all the responses to answer.

I WISH I could get onto talk radio like Rush LImbaugh's show
to promote SOLUTIONS> not just taking these problems
and blaming Democrats. My boyfriend will not support these
solutions because he thinks Democrats deserve to suffer for the problems created by our leadership.

So I get it from both sides.
My boyfriend yells at me for trying to work with Democrats to solve
problems "they don't want to solve"
and my fellow Democrats blame me when the stress I'm under
trying to solve them imposes on them.
What about my bf who didn't ASK for either the problems
or the solutions to impose on him and he has to hear about this all the time?

My friend D2 actually was calling in and arguing with my boyfriend
and what insulted me so much was when he was lumping me together
with my bf who complains for totally different reasons, as an opponent
not as a colleague.

I blow up out of desperation because I am struggling to solve these problems,
to TAKE responsibility NOT SHIRK IT the way my bf complains about.

for my own colleagues to mock me for this,
can you see how much more hurtful that is?

And then on top if it, put me in the same group as
people criticizing me for working WITH Democrats?

Why? So they don't have to solve any problems.
Just keep blaming them back and forth? ????
Dear Fellow Democrats and Constitutionalists:
After fighting with three Democrat friends who kept blaming me for blowing up from stress,
but wouldn't acknowledge the damage caused by Democrat leaders exerting the pressure on me that was causing the stress, I got tired of being blamed when these same Democrats won't hold leaders accountable for abuses. This is like letting the rapists go free and blaming the victim for PTSD and emotional blowups while recovering from the abuses we didn't ask to be put on us.

I thought the people blaming me were also victims of the same abuses.
But they can forgive and accept their own reactions to this abuse, while blaming me for mine, so that is not equal. I don't know if it is "male behavior" or political bullying or what, but it is sick, and I am sick of it.

I refuse to be blamed when I am under tremendous strain and burden
from trying to solve problems and take responsibility, unlike those who keep waiting on others.
And when I do try to take that on, I get blamed for being emotionally overwhelmed?

I am lucky to be sane at all.

With the last bit of sanity I have, before I become a complete "sociopath"
to cut off all emotions all together in order to function,
I would like to write a letter to Democrat members and leaders
BEGGING FOR HELP to support and fulfill the sustainable
campus plans developed in my historic black church district
that is a Democrat precinct. These plans would end the dependence
on govt welfare and charity handouts by teaching independence through a
sustainable system of public service internships and job training in
property, finance and business management, legal and govt reforms and restitution for abuses,
and health and human services.

There is no reason not to support these plans
except that people like my friends are too busy blaming other people as victims
to invest money into solutions, but keep funding hate campaigns that don't solve anything.

I cannot understand or accept this anymore.
I worry I will completely lose my mind, or cease to be human
so I don't have to feel the anger at all this abuse. I just have to
distract myself and go into denial in order to stay focused on the solutions,
and that is not mentally healthy. I should have the right to GRIEVE
and yet if I express this emotionally, I blow up and get BLAMED for that.

This is crazymaking, and I want to share these sound ideas for
govt reform before I am no longer able to construct a cohesive sentence.

Can you please help me take these ideas
and write out a formal ultimatum to the Democrat Party
to either solve the problems by funding a solution
or quit complaining and blaming others for it?

I am a Democrat and had every intention of staying with the party
to reform it as a team, to overcome these divisive barriers and bullying.

But if I am not welcome in my own Party, but am going to
be blamed the same way as you would blame others who complain about
Democrats without investing in solutions as I have worked two jobs to do,
that is unacceptable.

I would like a formal apology from three Democrat friends
I feel have unfairly blamed or abused me while failing to go after
the Democrat leaders who CAUSED the problems that PUT the pressure
on me that has caused me undue strain and stress, imposing on
my physical financial and mental health, and making me feel like a slave and a victim.

But instead of just doing nothing and complaining,
I kept working to invest money into solutions, so I believe I was different
from other people crying victim victim or others who BLAME opponents for criticizing Democrats.

I think it is wrong to blame me when I was trying to fix things.

So I want public acknowledgement of this difference.
And hope people will take a look at these campus plans
and see why I was working two jobs to try to stabilize and support
the community in getting these public attention and funding as they deserve.

See Freedmen s Town Historic Churches and Vet Housing and http
Adaptation of these campus model plans for reforms to help Veterans,
immigration and slave labor issues are posted here:
Earned Amnesty and music video for Sustainable Campus converting sweatshop labor to workstudy jobs

I honestly give up trying to help people in my own party
who turn around and either blame or abuse me without holding
responsible the Democrats who put me in such a compromised situation.

Thanks if you can please help!
I wish I could stay with the Democrats, and call forth the leadership
who CAN work with Republicans and set up a system of all parties
working together, and even running together on the same ticket
and having a cabinet or coalition of party leaders collaborating.

So if there are any Democrats out there who believe that
inclusion of diversity means respecting political beliefs equally,
and any others who believe in conflict resolution and consensus
on policies to include all people and parties, please let me know if you can help.

I can't do this alone, and put up with the blame being projected on me
when I am trying to solve these problems.

If I wasn't already crazy going into this, I think I will lose whatever sanity I had.

RE: Thank you. Decided to leave the Democrat Party because of you. And plan to go PUBLIC with my grievances against abuses within the Party.
Dear D1 and D2:

Thank you for everything.

Because of abusive behavior
by several males of the Democrat Party
I still consider good friends, including you,
I have decided to leave the Democrat Party
unless I receive a formal apology for
blaming and abusing me when I was
under STRAIN for trying to solve the problems
CREATED by leaders of the Democrat Party
who have abused members like me.

I understand that my "blowing up" not only
at you two (and another friend I will also list
in my final request for an apology if I am going
to stay and keep working with the embattled
Democrat Party to solve our problems as a team)

and also "blowing up" at Garnet Coleman,
Jolanda Jones, and others is considered
emotionally out of control

But it is INSULTING to "blame this on me
as you would blame Conservatives who
are NOT solving the problems I took on"

Taking on TWO JOBS and working like
a SLAVE to the point I was a danger on the road
and had to quit driving
is NOT the same as people yelling at Democrats
for not doing anything to solve the problems caused
by our own leadership when those people AREN'T
helping either.

But I WAS helping and was working more jobs
than both of you combined to fix problems
caused by OUR PARTY.

I believe when I blew up at you for
not taking responsibility for your vote,
this is DIFFERENT than if someone
cuts you off or rejects or judges you
for being Democrat who ISN'T under
so much pressure to save an entire
historic district working two jobs to do it.

This is completely insulting and abusive [to imply we are the same,
both "arrogant". What is "arrogant" about taking on the burdens of
the entire party to take responsibility for those who aren't?]

I will not name you three in my formal
letter to the Democrat Party
but will describe you as
Democrat 1
Democrat 2
and Democrat 3.

But this abusive behavior of
males competing with other males
to bully instead of solving problems
being blamed on each other's parties

and is putting an UNDUE
burden on people like Gladys House
and me, who are both working two jobs
each, while Democrats like you
wait on someone else to fix the problems
caused by abuses by Democrat leaders.

Sorry but I will NOT be part of
this kind of political bullying
and cult abuse.

This should NOT be allowed to influence govt
much less dictate policies.

This is TRULY sick.

So THANK YOU for opening my eyes
that this VICTIM behavior is truly
sick and is rewarded and encouraged
by either the Democrats or by the Party
System that rewards this kind of behavior.

Sorry but that is NOT what I gave up
so much to work for;

people from this VICTIM mentality
and yet I've found myself
ABUSED and BLAMED for trying to
SOLVE the problem by setting up
a sustainable CAMPUS system for
training people to own their own
cities and manage their own govt
to be FREED from this oppression.

If you do not see that the work I did
is different, and not the same as the
other things you blame on others,
I do not want to be part of this Party.

There is something WRONG with it
if you cannot correct the problems
as I was seeking to do.

Thanks, sorry but I cannot be abused
like this anymore and have NO IDEA
if it is coming from male behavior
or partisanship or whatever,
but this is abusive and not acceptable.

The difference with me is I was TRYING
to invest in a solution, so the strain
I am under is DIFFERENT from people
who AREN'T working on a longterm SOLUTION.

If you and other Democrats cannot SEE that,
you do not DESERVE to have me work to achieve
the goals of inclusion, diversity and uplifting minorities
and oppressed people to full equality as the sustainable
campus plans would provide mentorship to do.

These plans have been in our Democrat District
since at least 1994 and not been funded or followed up on.

So if the Democrats won't support solutions from
their own membership, maybe other parties will
recognize the opportunity and jump on board.

I will ask Congresswoman Lee's office one more time
to support these campus plans, and if there is no commitment
to follow through and recognize these plans of Gladys House,
Lenwood Johnson, and the ones written up by [Democrat 1 or D1]
and me trying to represent them all, then I am not going to
work with a Party that censors and abuses its own members!

Why would I do that?

Why would I yell if I weren't under so much pressure
from trying to SOLVE problems created by Democrats?

And be so INSULTED that instead of going after the
Democrats who caused and cost these problems,
I GET BLAMED when I blow up trying to fix them?

If you want to say I am "emotionally unstable"
I argue that the plans I have endorsed and promoted
are perfectly sane. And that's all I was trying to fund.

If you haven't tried working two full time jobs to
pay for the cost to 5 or 6 nonprofits damaged by the
abuses of Democrats destroying poor districts,

I do not think it is fair to criticize or insult me
by comparing me to people who haven't lifted a finger.

The problem you have with the "solution" you were working on is that these plans are a way to actually end generational dependence on govt welfare and charity handouts. Democrats benefit from said dependence. Their constituency is by and large the poor who are dependent on government handouts.

Before you can get democrats to agree to solve said dependency you first have to change the mission democrats from simply "beating" republicans by any means possible to actually wanting to make a difference in peoples lives.

This current democrat party is not the party of the working class, it is the party of the dependent class.

So how do we address this?
Just letting this go on just lets it go on.

What is the key to outting it and stopping this?

To start winning support for your plans you have to re-characterize them using better terms.

You have to be more savy, with respect to your sales pitch. For example, use the term progressive, or forward, or other code word adjectives that make them sound warm and fuzzy like "affordable."

You have to fool the bad democrats into believing the people who sign up will be guaranteed democrats for life, that or change the plans to make it more likely.

For example, change your plans to target the hand-ups only for government job training for government jobs, like community organizing.
FYI when I realized the republican party did not hold my beliefs, I switched to the libertarian party. The libertarian party is 99% in line with my political beliefs. I've come to realize that you just can't change an authoritarian mob from being authoritarian in demanding authoritarian leaders and authoritarian actions.

As another FYI. The plans you talked about can all be done without "government." Maybe you'd be better off looking for non-government solutions to problems. :)
Last edited:
Dear Fellow Democrats and Constitutionalists:
After fighting with three Democrat friends who kept blaming me for blowing up from stress,
but wouldn't acknowledge the damage caused by Democrat leaders exerting the pressure on me that was causing the stress, I got tired of being blamed when these same Democrats won't hold leaders accountable for abuses. This is like letting the rapists go free and blaming the victim for PTSD and emotional blowups while recovering from the abuses we didn't ask to be put on us.

I thought the people blaming me were also victims of the same abuses.
But they can forgive and accept their own reactions to this abuse, while blaming me for mine, so that is not equal. I don't know if it is "male behavior" or political bullying or what, but it is sick, and I am sick of it.

I refuse to be blamed when I am under tremendous strain and burden
from trying to solve problems and take responsibility, unlike those who keep waiting on others.
And when I do try to take that on, I get blamed for being emotionally overwhelmed?

I am lucky to be sane at all.

With the last bit of sanity I have, before I become a complete "sociopath"
to cut off all emotions all together in order to function,
I would like to write a letter to Democrat members and leaders
BEGGING FOR HELP to support and fulfill the sustainable
campus plans developed in my historic black church district
that is a Democrat precinct. These plans would end the dependence
on govt welfare and charity handouts by teaching independence through a
sustainable system of public service internships and job training in
property, finance and business management, legal and govt reforms and restitution for abuses,
and health and human services.

There is no reason not to support these plans
except that people like my friends are too busy blaming other people as victims
to invest money into solutions, but keep funding hate campaigns that don't solve anything.

I cannot understand or accept this anymore.
I worry I will completely lose my mind, or cease to be human
so I don't have to feel the anger at all this abuse. I just have to
distract myself and go into denial in order to stay focused on the solutions,
and that is not mentally healthy. I should have the right to GRIEVE
and yet if I express this emotionally, I blow up and get BLAMED for that.

This is crazymaking, and I want to share these sound ideas for
govt reform before I am no longer able to construct a cohesive sentence.

Can you please help me take these ideas
and write out a formal ultimatum to the Democrat Party
to either solve the problems by funding a solution
or quit complaining and blaming others for it?

I am a Democrat and had every intention of staying with the party
to reform it as a team, to overcome these divisive barriers and bullying.

But if I am not welcome in my own Party, but am going to
be blamed the same way as you would blame others who complain about
Democrats without investing in solutions as I have worked two jobs to do,
that is unacceptable.

I would like a formal apology from three Democrat friends
I feel have unfairly blamed or abused me while failing to go after
the Democrat leaders who CAUSED the problems that PUT the pressure
on me that has caused me undue strain and stress, imposing on
my physical financial and mental health, and making me feel like a slave and a victim.

But instead of just doing nothing and complaining,
I kept working to invest money into solutions, so I believe I was different
from other people crying victim victim or others who BLAME opponents for criticizing Democrats.

I think it is wrong to blame me when I was trying to fix things.

So I want public acknowledgement of this difference.
And hope people will take a look at these campus plans
and see why I was working two jobs to try to stabilize and support
the community in getting these public attention and funding as they deserve.

See Freedmen s Town Historic Churches and Vet Housing and http
Adaptation of these campus model plans for reforms to help Veterans,
immigration and slave labor issues are posted here:
Earned Amnesty and music video for Sustainable Campus converting sweatshop labor to workstudy jobs

I honestly give up trying to help people in my own party
who turn around and either blame or abuse me without holding
responsible the Democrats who put me in such a compromised situation.

Thanks if you can please help!
I wish I could stay with the Democrats, and call forth the leadership
who CAN work with Republicans and set up a system of all parties
working together, and even running together on the same ticket
and having a cabinet or coalition of party leaders collaborating.

So if there are any Democrats out there who believe that
inclusion of diversity means respecting political beliefs equally,
and any others who believe in conflict resolution and consensus
on policies to include all people and parties, please let me know if you can help.

I can't do this alone, and put up with the blame being projected on me
when I am trying to solve these problems.

If I wasn't already crazy going into this, I think I will lose whatever sanity I had.

RE: Thank you. Decided to leave the Democrat Party because of you. And plan to go PUBLIC with my grievances against abuses within the Party.
Dear D1 and D2:

Thank you for everything.

Because of abusive behavior
by several males of the Democrat Party
I still consider good friends, including you,
I have decided to leave the Democrat Party
unless I receive a formal apology for
blaming and abusing me when I was
under STRAIN for trying to solve the problems
CREATED by leaders of the Democrat Party
who have abused members like me.

I understand that my "blowing up" not only
at you two (and another friend I will also list
in my final request for an apology if I am going
to stay and keep working with the embattled
Democrat Party to solve our problems as a team)

and also "blowing up" at Garnet Coleman,
Jolanda Jones, and others is considered
emotionally out of control

But it is INSULTING to "blame this on me
as you would blame Conservatives who
are NOT solving the problems I took on"

Taking on TWO JOBS and working like
a SLAVE to the point I was a danger on the road
and had to quit driving
is NOT the same as people yelling at Democrats
for not doing anything to solve the problems caused
by our own leadership when those people AREN'T
helping either.

But I WAS helping and was working more jobs
than both of you combined to fix problems
caused by OUR PARTY.

I believe when I blew up at you for
not taking responsibility for your vote,
this is DIFFERENT than if someone
cuts you off or rejects or judges you
for being Democrat who ISN'T under
so much pressure to save an entire
historic district working two jobs to do it.

This is completely insulting and abusive [to imply we are the same,
both "arrogant". What is "arrogant" about taking on the burdens of
the entire party to take responsibility for those who aren't?]

I will not name you three in my formal
letter to the Democrat Party
but will describe you as
Democrat 1
Democrat 2
and Democrat 3.

But this abusive behavior of
males competing with other males
to bully instead of solving problems
being blamed on each other's parties

and is putting an UNDUE
burden on people like Gladys House
and me, who are both working two jobs
each, while Democrats like you
wait on someone else to fix the problems
caused by abuses by Democrat leaders.

Sorry but I will NOT be part of
this kind of political bullying
and cult abuse.

This should NOT be allowed to influence govt
much less dictate policies.

This is TRULY sick.

So THANK YOU for opening my eyes
that this VICTIM behavior is truly
sick and is rewarded and encouraged
by either the Democrats or by the Party
System that rewards this kind of behavior.

Sorry but that is NOT what I gave up
so much to work for;

people from this VICTIM mentality
and yet I've found myself
ABUSED and BLAMED for trying to
SOLVE the problem by setting up
a sustainable CAMPUS system for
training people to own their own
cities and manage their own govt
to be FREED from this oppression.

If you do not see that the work I did
is different, and not the same as the
other things you blame on others,
I do not want to be part of this Party.

There is something WRONG with it
if you cannot correct the problems
as I was seeking to do.

Thanks, sorry but I cannot be abused
like this anymore and have NO IDEA
if it is coming from male behavior
or partisanship or whatever,
but this is abusive and not acceptable.

The difference with me is I was TRYING
to invest in a solution, so the strain
I am under is DIFFERENT from people
who AREN'T working on a longterm SOLUTION.

If you and other Democrats cannot SEE that,
you do not DESERVE to have me work to achieve
the goals of inclusion, diversity and uplifting minorities
and oppressed people to full equality as the sustainable
campus plans would provide mentorship to do.

These plans have been in our Democrat District
since at least 1994 and not been funded or followed up on.

So if the Democrats won't support solutions from
their own membership, maybe other parties will
recognize the opportunity and jump on board.

I will ask Congresswoman Lee's office one more time
to support these campus plans, and if there is no commitment
to follow through and recognize these plans of Gladys House,
Lenwood Johnson, and the ones written up by [Democrat 1 or D1]
and me trying to represent them all, then I am not going to
work with a Party that censors and abuses its own members!

Why would I do that?

Why would I yell if I weren't under so much pressure
from trying to SOLVE problems created by Democrats?

And be so INSULTED that instead of going after the
Democrats who caused and cost these problems,
I GET BLAMED when I blow up trying to fix them?

If you want to say I am "emotionally unstable"
I argue that the plans I have endorsed and promoted
are perfectly sane. And that's all I was trying to fund.

If you haven't tried working two full time jobs to
pay for the cost to 5 or 6 nonprofits damaged by the
abuses of Democrats destroying poor districts,

I do not think it is fair to criticize or insult me
by comparing me to people who haven't lifted a finger.

The problem you have with the "solution" you were working on is that these plans are a way to actually end generational dependence on govt welfare and charity handouts. Democrats benefit from said dependence. Their constituency is by and large the poor who are dependent on government handouts.

Before you can get democrats to agree to solve said dependency you first have to change the mission democrats from simply "beating" republicans by any means possible to actually wanting to make a difference in peoples lives.

This current democrat party is not the party of the working class, it is the party of the dependent class.

So how do we address this?
Just letting this go on just lets it go on.

What is the key to outting it and stopping this?
Tell the welfare population to stop voting. LMAO. Nevermind, they don't vote anyway for the most part.

Why not treat the debt on the public as credit card bill.
Go through the list. And anything we didn't consent to,
that isn't agreed upon by all parties as Constitutional and approved,
gets nixed.

Only the things that the public approved as Constitutional and by our consent
is paid or charged to us.

The rest is either charged back to the private interests who benefited,
to the party that wanted that bill or program, etc. So whoever takes
responsibility for why that is a public program has to pay for it
or manage it to make sure it is paid for.

Like the health care bill and mandates.
Have that under the Democrat Party and anyone who registers toi
contribute and participate
and have the Greens or LIbertarians or Republicans set up their
own system they believe in as Constitutional

and quit fighting over imposing one policy on other people or parties.

pay for your own, just like religions do.
Muslims and Hindus do not vote by majority rule to see
who is going to pay under which predominant policy.

They separate. Same with Catholics and protestants/Baptists.

Why can' the parties separate and fund their own agenda where their
beliefs disagree religiously?

And leave public funds and national govt to where the public agrees.

Why can't we vote with our dollars and organize by party?
Dear Fellow Democrats and Constitutionalists:
After fighting with three Democrat friends who kept blaming me for blowing up from stress,
but wouldn't acknowledge the damage caused by Democrat leaders exerting the pressure on me that was causing the stress, I got tired of being blamed when these same Democrats won't hold leaders accountable for abuses. This is like letting the rapists go free and blaming the victim for PTSD and emotional blowups while recovering from the abuses we didn't ask to be put on us.

I thought the people blaming me were also victims of the same abuses.
But they can forgive and accept their own reactions to this abuse, while blaming me for mine, so that is not equal. I don't know if it is "male behavior" or political bullying or what, but it is sick, and I am sick of it.

I refuse to be blamed when I am under tremendous strain and burden
from trying to solve problems and take responsibility, unlike those who keep waiting on others.
And when I do try to take that on, I get blamed for being emotionally overwhelmed?

I am lucky to be sane at all.

With the last bit of sanity I have, before I become a complete "sociopath"
to cut off all emotions all together in order to function,
I would like to write a letter to Democrat members and leaders
BEGGING FOR HELP to support and fulfill the sustainable
campus plans developed in my historic black church district
that is a Democrat precinct. These plans would end the dependence
on govt welfare and charity handouts by teaching independence through a
sustainable system of public service internships and job training in
property, finance and business management, legal and govt reforms and restitution for abuses,
and health and human services.

There is no reason not to support these plans
except that people like my friends are too busy blaming other people as victims
to invest money into solutions, but keep funding hate campaigns that don't solve anything.

I cannot understand or accept this anymore.
I worry I will completely lose my mind, or cease to be human
so I don't have to feel the anger at all this abuse. I just have to
distract myself and go into denial in order to stay focused on the solutions,
and that is not mentally healthy. I should have the right to GRIEVE
and yet if I express this emotionally, I blow up and get BLAMED for that.

This is crazymaking, and I want to share these sound ideas for
govt reform before I am no longer able to construct a cohesive sentence.

Can you please help me take these ideas
and write out a formal ultimatum to the Democrat Party
to either solve the problems by funding a solution
or quit complaining and blaming others for it?

I am a Democrat and had every intention of staying with the party
to reform it as a team, to overcome these divisive barriers and bullying.

But if I am not welcome in my own Party, but am going to
be blamed the same way as you would blame others who complain about
Democrats without investing in solutions as I have worked two jobs to do,
that is unacceptable.

I would like a formal apology from three Democrat friends
I feel have unfairly blamed or abused me while failing to go after
the Democrat leaders who CAUSED the problems that PUT the pressure
on me that has caused me undue strain and stress, imposing on
my physical financial and mental health, and making me feel like a slave and a victim.

But instead of just doing nothing and complaining,
I kept working to invest money into solutions, so I believe I was different
from other people crying victim victim or others who BLAME opponents for criticizing Democrats.

I think it is wrong to blame me when I was trying to fix things.

So I want public acknowledgement of this difference.
And hope people will take a look at these campus plans
and see why I was working two jobs to try to stabilize and support
the community in getting these public attention and funding as they deserve.

See Freedmen s Town Historic Churches and Vet Housing and http
Adaptation of these campus model plans for reforms to help Veterans,
immigration and slave labor issues are posted here:
Earned Amnesty and music video for Sustainable Campus converting sweatshop labor to workstudy jobs

I honestly give up trying to help people in my own party
who turn around and either blame or abuse me without holding
responsible the Democrats who put me in such a compromised situation.

Thanks if you can please help!
I wish I could stay with the Democrats, and call forth the leadership
who CAN work with Republicans and set up a system of all parties
working together, and even running together on the same ticket
and having a cabinet or coalition of party leaders collaborating.

So if there are any Democrats out there who believe that
inclusion of diversity means respecting political beliefs equally,
and any others who believe in conflict resolution and consensus
on policies to include all people and parties, please let me know if you can help.

I can't do this alone, and put up with the blame being projected on me
when I am trying to solve these problems.

If I wasn't already crazy going into this, I think I will lose whatever sanity I had.

RE: Thank you. Decided to leave the Democrat Party because of you. And plan to go PUBLIC with my grievances against abuses within the Party.
Dear D1 and D2:

Thank you for everything.

Because of abusive behavior
by several males of the Democrat Party
I still consider good friends, including you,
I have decided to leave the Democrat Party
unless I receive a formal apology for
blaming and abusing me when I was
under STRAIN for trying to solve the problems
CREATED by leaders of the Democrat Party
who have abused members like me.

I understand that my "blowing up" not only
at you two (and another friend I will also list
in my final request for an apology if I am going
to stay and keep working with the embattled
Democrat Party to solve our problems as a team)

and also "blowing up" at Garnet Coleman,
Jolanda Jones, and others is considered
emotionally out of control

But it is INSULTING to "blame this on me
as you would blame Conservatives who
are NOT solving the problems I took on"

Taking on TWO JOBS and working like
a SLAVE to the point I was a danger on the road
and had to quit driving
is NOT the same as people yelling at Democrats
for not doing anything to solve the problems caused
by our own leadership when those people AREN'T
helping either.

But I WAS helping and was working more jobs
than both of you combined to fix problems
caused by OUR PARTY.

I believe when I blew up at you for
not taking responsibility for your vote,
this is DIFFERENT than if someone
cuts you off or rejects or judges you
for being Democrat who ISN'T under
so much pressure to save an entire
historic district working two jobs to do it.

This is completely insulting and abusive [to imply we are the same,
both "arrogant". What is "arrogant" about taking on the burdens of
the entire party to take responsibility for those who aren't?]

I will not name you three in my formal
letter to the Democrat Party
but will describe you as
Democrat 1
Democrat 2
and Democrat 3.

But this abusive behavior of
males competing with other males
to bully instead of solving problems
being blamed on each other's parties

and is putting an UNDUE
burden on people like Gladys House
and me, who are both working two jobs
each, while Democrats like you
wait on someone else to fix the problems
caused by abuses by Democrat leaders.

Sorry but I will NOT be part of
this kind of political bullying
and cult abuse.

This should NOT be allowed to influence govt
much less dictate policies.

This is TRULY sick.

So THANK YOU for opening my eyes
that this VICTIM behavior is truly
sick and is rewarded and encouraged
by either the Democrats or by the Party
System that rewards this kind of behavior.

Sorry but that is NOT what I gave up
so much to work for;

people from this VICTIM mentality
and yet I've found myself
ABUSED and BLAMED for trying to
SOLVE the problem by setting up
a sustainable CAMPUS system for
training people to own their own
cities and manage their own govt
to be FREED from this oppression.

If you do not see that the work I did
is different, and not the same as the
other things you blame on others,
I do not want to be part of this Party.

There is something WRONG with it
if you cannot correct the problems
as I was seeking to do.

Thanks, sorry but I cannot be abused
like this anymore and have NO IDEA
if it is coming from male behavior
or partisanship or whatever,
but this is abusive and not acceptable.

The difference with me is I was TRYING
to invest in a solution, so the strain
I am under is DIFFERENT from people
who AREN'T working on a longterm SOLUTION.

If you and other Democrats cannot SEE that,
you do not DESERVE to have me work to achieve
the goals of inclusion, diversity and uplifting minorities
and oppressed people to full equality as the sustainable
campus plans would provide mentorship to do.

These plans have been in our Democrat District
since at least 1994 and not been funded or followed up on.

So if the Democrats won't support solutions from
their own membership, maybe other parties will
recognize the opportunity and jump on board.

I will ask Congresswoman Lee's office one more time
to support these campus plans, and if there is no commitment
to follow through and recognize these plans of Gladys House,
Lenwood Johnson, and the ones written up by [Democrat 1 or D1]
and me trying to represent them all, then I am not going to
work with a Party that censors and abuses its own members!

Why would I do that?

Why would I yell if I weren't under so much pressure
from trying to SOLVE problems created by Democrats?

And be so INSULTED that instead of going after the
Democrats who caused and cost these problems,
I GET BLAMED when I blow up trying to fix them?

If you want to say I am "emotionally unstable"
I argue that the plans I have endorsed and promoted
are perfectly sane. And that's all I was trying to fund.

If you haven't tried working two full time jobs to
pay for the cost to 5 or 6 nonprofits damaged by the
abuses of Democrats destroying poor districts,

I do not think it is fair to criticize or insult me
by comparing me to people who haven't lifted a finger.

The problem you have with the "solution" you were working on is that these plans are a way to actually end generational dependence on govt welfare and charity handouts. Democrats benefit from said dependence. Their constituency is by and large the poor who are dependent on government handouts.

Before you can get democrats to agree to solve said dependency you first have to change the mission democrats from simply "beating" republicans by any means possible to actually wanting to make a difference in peoples lives.

This current democrat party is not the party of the working class, it is the party of the dependent class.

So how do we address this?
Just letting this go on just lets it go on.

What is the key to outting it and stopping this?
Tell the welfare population to stop voting. LMAO. Nevermind, they don't vote anyway for the most part.

Why not treat the debt on the public as credit card bill.
Go through the list. And anything we didn't consent to,
that isn't agreed upon by all parties as Constitutional and approved,
gets nixed.

Only the things that the public approved as Constitutional and by our consent
is paid or charged to us.

The rest is either charged back to the private interests who benefited,
to the party that wanted that bill or program, etc. So whoever takes
responsibility for why that is a public program has to pay for it
or manage it to make sure it is paid for.

Like the health care bill and mandates.
Have that under the Democrat Party and anyone who registers toi
contribute and participate
and have the Greens or LIbertarians or Republicans set up their
own system they believe in as Constitutional

and quit fighting over imposing one policy on other people or parties.

pay for your own, just like religions do.
Muslims and Hindus do not vote by majority rule to see
who is going to pay under which predominant policy.

They separate. Same with Catholics and protestants/Baptists.

Why can' the parties separate and fund their own agenda where their
beliefs disagree religiously?

And leave public funds and national govt to where the public agrees.

Why can't we vote with our dollars and organize by party?
You're fooling yourself if you think religious groups don't get government handouts.
FYI when I realized the republican party did not hold my beliefs, I switched to the libertarian party. The libertarian party is 99% in line with my political beliefs. I've come to realize that you just can't change an authoritarian mob from being demanding authoritarian leaders and authoritarian actions.

As another FYI. The plans you talked about can all be done without "government." Maybe you'd be better off looking for non-government solutions to problems. :)

Thanks RKMBrown
Since Nader with the Greens and Paul with the Libertarians
have pushed for unity among the third parties, maybe I will join that movement.

At this point even working outside parties may be necessary.
Not just outside govt.

After that last fight with my friend D2, if this can't be fixed
something is wrong with the whole set up.

it is just setting up pitbulls to fight.
Em, if you don't know that Dems support education, training, infrastructure/jobs programs and Pubs block them sigh....relax as much as possible and vote Dem. Won't help TEXAS much lol...

Hi Franco are you a Vet?
Can you help me and my Democrat Vet Friends get this campus plan funded?
We've gotten no help.

Where is this help the Democrats are supposed to support?
Can we form a Vet team and it get it going?
I have a couple of friends, but they're all waiting on me.

Can we ask the mods here like Westwall can a section
be set up for "ORGANIZING and IMPLEMENTING Veteran reforms and solutions/support"?
Would that help us to organize and really help and get away from divisive blame and politics?

No, I'm not.
Blocked and underfunded by Pubs. Things will never get anywhere in general until PUBS are thrown out. Sorry, one party IS the problem and should get the blame. Lying greedy POSs and their propagandized chumps. see sig. Good luck.
Dear Fellow Democrats and Constitutionalists:
After fighting with three Democrat friends who kept blaming me for blowing up from stress,
but wouldn't acknowledge the damage caused by Democrat leaders exerting the pressure on me that was causing the stress, I got tired of being blamed when these same Democrats won't hold leaders accountable for abuses. This is like letting the rapists go free and blaming the victim for PTSD and emotional blowups while recovering from the abuses we didn't ask to be put on us.

I thought the people blaming me were also victims of the same abuses.
But they can forgive and accept their own reactions to this abuse, while blaming me for mine, so that is not equal. I don't know if it is "male behavior" or political bullying or what, but it is sick, and I am sick of it.

I refuse to be blamed when I am under tremendous strain and burden
from trying to solve problems and take responsibility, unlike those who keep waiting on others.
And when I do try to take that on, I get blamed for being emotionally overwhelmed?

I am lucky to be sane at all.

With the last bit of sanity I have, before I become a complete "sociopath"
to cut off all emotions all together in order to function,
I would like to write a letter to Democrat members and leaders
BEGGING FOR HELP to support and fulfill the sustainable
campus plans developed in my historic black church district
that is a Democrat precinct. These plans would end the dependence
on govt welfare and charity handouts by teaching independence through a
sustainable system of public service internships and job training in
property, finance and business management, legal and govt reforms and restitution for abuses,
and health and human services.

There is no reason not to support these plans
except that people like my friends are too busy blaming other people as victims
to invest money into solutions, but keep funding hate campaigns that don't solve anything.

I cannot understand or accept this anymore.
I worry I will completely lose my mind, or cease to be human
so I don't have to feel the anger at all this abuse. I just have to
distract myself and go into denial in order to stay focused on the solutions,
and that is not mentally healthy. I should have the right to GRIEVE
and yet if I express this emotionally, I blow up and get BLAMED for that.

This is crazymaking, and I want to share these sound ideas for
govt reform before I am no longer able to construct a cohesive sentence.

Can you please help me take these ideas
and write out a formal ultimatum to the Democrat Party
to either solve the problems by funding a solution
or quit complaining and blaming others for it?

I am a Democrat and had every intention of staying with the party
to reform it as a team, to overcome these divisive barriers and bullying.

But if I am not welcome in my own Party, but am going to
be blamed the same way as you would blame others who complain about
Democrats without investing in solutions as I have worked two jobs to do,
that is unacceptable.

I would like a formal apology from three Democrat friends
I feel have unfairly blamed or abused me while failing to go after
the Democrat leaders who CAUSED the problems that PUT the pressure
on me that has caused me undue strain and stress, imposing on
my physical financial and mental health, and making me feel like a slave and a victim.

But instead of just doing nothing and complaining,
I kept working to invest money into solutions, so I believe I was different
from other people crying victim victim or others who BLAME opponents for criticizing Democrats.

I think it is wrong to blame me when I was trying to fix things.

So I want public acknowledgement of this difference.
And hope people will take a look at these campus plans
and see why I was working two jobs to try to stabilize and support
the community in getting these public attention and funding as they deserve.

See Freedmen s Town Historic Churches and Vet Housing and http
Adaptation of these campus model plans for reforms to help Veterans,
immigration and slave labor issues are posted here:
Earned Amnesty and music video for Sustainable Campus converting sweatshop labor to workstudy jobs

I honestly give up trying to help people in my own party
who turn around and either blame or abuse me without holding
responsible the Democrats who put me in such a compromised situation.

Thanks if you can please help!
I wish I could stay with the Democrats, and call forth the leadership
who CAN work with Republicans and set up a system of all parties
working together, and even running together on the same ticket
and having a cabinet or coalition of party leaders collaborating.

So if there are any Democrats out there who believe that
inclusion of diversity means respecting political beliefs equally,
and any others who believe in conflict resolution and consensus
on policies to include all people and parties, please let me know if you can help.

I can't do this alone, and put up with the blame being projected on me
when I am trying to solve these problems.

If I wasn't already crazy going into this, I think I will lose whatever sanity I had.

RE: Thank you. Decided to leave the Democrat Party because of you. And plan to go PUBLIC with my grievances against abuses within the Party.
Dear D1 and D2:

Thank you for everything.

Because of abusive behavior
by several males of the Democrat Party
I still consider good friends, including you,
I have decided to leave the Democrat Party
unless I receive a formal apology for
blaming and abusing me when I was
under STRAIN for trying to solve the problems
CREATED by leaders of the Democrat Party
who have abused members like me.

I understand that my "blowing up" not only
at you two (and another friend I will also list
in my final request for an apology if I am going
to stay and keep working with the embattled
Democrat Party to solve our problems as a team)

and also "blowing up" at Garnet Coleman,
Jolanda Jones, and others is considered
emotionally out of control

But it is INSULTING to "blame this on me
as you would blame Conservatives who
are NOT solving the problems I took on"

Taking on TWO JOBS and working like
a SLAVE to the point I was a danger on the road
and had to quit driving
is NOT the same as people yelling at Democrats
for not doing anything to solve the problems caused
by our own leadership when those people AREN'T
helping either.

But I WAS helping and was working more jobs
than both of you combined to fix problems
caused by OUR PARTY.

I believe when I blew up at you for
not taking responsibility for your vote,
this is DIFFERENT than if someone
cuts you off or rejects or judges you
for being Democrat who ISN'T under
so much pressure to save an entire
historic district working two jobs to do it.

This is completely insulting and abusive [to imply we are the same,
both "arrogant". What is "arrogant" about taking on the burdens of
the entire party to take responsibility for those who aren't?]

I will not name you three in my formal
letter to the Democrat Party
but will describe you as
Democrat 1
Democrat 2
and Democrat 3.

But this abusive behavior of
males competing with other males
to bully instead of solving problems
being blamed on each other's parties

and is putting an UNDUE
burden on people like Gladys House
and me, who are both working two jobs
each, while Democrats like you
wait on someone else to fix the problems
caused by abuses by Democrat leaders.

Sorry but I will NOT be part of
this kind of political bullying
and cult abuse.

This should NOT be allowed to influence govt
much less dictate policies.

This is TRULY sick.

So THANK YOU for opening my eyes
that this VICTIM behavior is truly
sick and is rewarded and encouraged
by either the Democrats or by the Party
System that rewards this kind of behavior.

Sorry but that is NOT what I gave up
so much to work for;

people from this VICTIM mentality
and yet I've found myself
ABUSED and BLAMED for trying to
SOLVE the problem by setting up
a sustainable CAMPUS system for
training people to own their own
cities and manage their own govt
to be FREED from this oppression.

If you do not see that the work I did
is different, and not the same as the
other things you blame on others,
I do not want to be part of this Party.

There is something WRONG with it
if you cannot correct the problems
as I was seeking to do.

Thanks, sorry but I cannot be abused
like this anymore and have NO IDEA
if it is coming from male behavior
or partisanship or whatever,
but this is abusive and not acceptable.

The difference with me is I was TRYING
to invest in a solution, so the strain
I am under is DIFFERENT from people
who AREN'T working on a longterm SOLUTION.

If you and other Democrats cannot SEE that,
you do not DESERVE to have me work to achieve
the goals of inclusion, diversity and uplifting minorities
and oppressed people to full equality as the sustainable
campus plans would provide mentorship to do.

These plans have been in our Democrat District
since at least 1994 and not been funded or followed up on.

So if the Democrats won't support solutions from
their own membership, maybe other parties will
recognize the opportunity and jump on board.

I will ask Congresswoman Lee's office one more time
to support these campus plans, and if there is no commitment
to follow through and recognize these plans of Gladys House,
Lenwood Johnson, and the ones written up by [Democrat 1 or D1]
and me trying to represent them all, then I am not going to
work with a Party that censors and abuses its own members!

Why would I do that?

Why would I yell if I weren't under so much pressure
from trying to SOLVE problems created by Democrats?

And be so INSULTED that instead of going after the
Democrats who caused and cost these problems,
I GET BLAMED when I blow up trying to fix them?

If you want to say I am "emotionally unstable"
I argue that the plans I have endorsed and promoted
are perfectly sane. And that's all I was trying to fund.

If you haven't tried working two full time jobs to
pay for the cost to 5 or 6 nonprofits damaged by the
abuses of Democrats destroying poor districts,

I do not think it is fair to criticize or insult me
by comparing me to people who haven't lifted a finger.

The problem you have with the "solution" you were working on is that these plans are a way to actually end generational dependence on govt welfare and charity handouts. Democrats benefit from said dependence. Their constituency is by and large the poor who are dependent on government handouts.

Before you can get democrats to agree to solve said dependency you first have to change the mission democrats from simply "beating" republicans by any means possible to actually wanting to make a difference in peoples lives.

This current democrat party is not the party of the working class, it is the party of the dependent class.

So how do we address this?
Just letting this go on just lets it go on.

What is the key to outting it and stopping this?
Tell the welfare population to stop voting. LMAO. Nevermind, they don't vote anyway for the most part.

Why not treat the debt on the public as credit card bill.
Go through the list. And anything we didn't consent to,
that isn't agreed upon by all parties as Constitutional and approved,
gets nixed.

Only the things that the public approved as Constitutional and by our consent
is paid or charged to us.

The rest is either charged back to the private interests who benefited,
to the party that wanted that bill or program, etc. So whoever takes
responsibility for why that is a public program has to pay for it
or manage it to make sure it is paid for.

Like the health care bill and mandates.
Have that under the Democrat Party and anyone who registers toi
contribute and participate
and have the Greens or LIbertarians or Republicans set up their
own system they believe in as Constitutional

and quit fighting over imposing one policy on other people or parties.

pay for your own, just like religions do.
Muslims and Hindus do not vote by majority rule to see
who is going to pay under which predominant policy.

They separate. Same with Catholics and protestants/Baptists.

Why can' the parties separate and fund their own agenda where their
beliefs disagree religiously?

And leave public funds and national govt to where the public agrees.

Why can't we vote with our dollars and organize by party?
You're fooling yourself if you think religious groups don't get government handouts.

What I'm saying is let people have a CHOICE of what to pay for by party.

So yes if your party favors certain religious groups, your party pays for that

Only if all the public AGREES then all the taxpayers pay for it.

But if we don't, we can divide by party and respect equal beliefs.
whether religious spiritual political or personal beliefs.

Why can't this be done by party since at least those have democratic structures
for electing leaders and writing out policies for their own groups and districts.
Em, if you don't know that Dems support education, training, infrastructure/jobs programs and Pubs block them sigh....relax as much as possible and vote Dem. Won't help TEXAS much lol...

Hi Franco are you a Vet?
Can you help me and my Democrat Vet Friends get this campus plan funded?
We've gotten no help.

Where is this help the Democrats are supposed to support?
Can we form a Vet team and it get it going?
I have a couple of friends, but they're all waiting on me.

Can we ask the mods here like Westwall can a section
be set up for "ORGANIZING and IMPLEMENTING Veteran reforms and solutions/support"?
Would that help us to organize and really help and get away from divisive blame and politics?

No, I'm not.
Blocked and underfunded by Pubs. Things will never get anywhere in general until PUBS are thrown out. Sorry, one party IS the problem and should get the blame. Lying greedy POSs and their propagandized chumps. see sig. Good luck.

Hmmm how is this any different from GOP members
who say the liberals are the scourge and need to be removed from office.

Don't both campaigns cancel each other out.

How much is SPENT to push both messages, millions if not billions?
why can't that same money be used to buy land, buy out whole school districts,
to start teaching communities to manage themselves independently by local govt under Constitutional processes?
"Democrat Party"?

Who's really writing this? Methinks someone has more time for talk radio than she admits...

Hi Pogo I went back and thanked your msg
because it seems easy to prove I'm a Democrat.
That's the easiest thing out of all the responses to answer.

I WISH I could get onto talk radio like Rush LImbaugh's show
to promote SOLUTIONS> not just taking these problems
and blaming Democrats. My boyfriend will not support these
solutions because he thinks Democrats deserve to suffer for the problems created by our leadership.

So I get it from both sides.
My boyfriend yells at me for trying to work with Democrats to solve
problems "they don't want to solve"
and my fellow Democrats blame me when the stress I'm under
trying to solve them imposes on them.
What about my bf who didn't ASK for either the problems
or the solutions to impose on him and he has to hear about this all the time?

My friend D2 actually was calling in and arguing with my boyfriend
and what insulted me so much was when he was lumping me together
with my bf who complains for totally different reasons, as an opponent
not as a colleague.

I blow up out of desperation because I am struggling to solve these problems,
to TAKE responsibility NOT SHIRK IT the way my bf complains about.

for my own colleagues to mock me for this,
can you see how much more hurtful that is?

And then on top if it, put me in the same group as
people criticizing me for working WITH Democrats?

Why? So they don't have to solve any problems.
Just keep blaming them back and forth? ????

The most important thing you can teach someone is to let other people learn to take responsibility for their own lives.

You can't save everyone. You can't turn everyone into saviors. You can't expect people who have worked hard their whole lives to give a poo about people who are lazy dependents.

You can't teach someone to be a self-starter by making their life easy for them. You have to let go. You have to let people fail. You have to spoil the milk. You have to let them get hungry and have needs and desires before many will put forth the effort to obtain said needs and desires. Some people are born self-starters. Others are born dependents.
Em, if you don't know that Dems support education, training, infrastructure/jobs programs and Pubs block them sigh....relax as much as possible and vote Dem. Won't help TEXAS much lol...

Hi Franco are you a Vet?
Can you help me and my Democrat Vet Friends get this campus plan funded?
We've gotten no help.

Where is this help the Democrats are supposed to support?
Can we form a Vet team and it get it going?
I have a couple of friends, but they're all waiting on me.

Can we ask the mods here like Westwall can a section
be set up for "ORGANIZING and IMPLEMENTING Veteran reforms and solutions/support"?
Would that help us to organize and really help and get away from divisive blame and politics?

No, I'm not.
Blocked and underfunded by Pubs. Things will never get anywhere in general until PUBS are thrown out. Sorry, one party IS the problem and should get the blame. Lying greedy POSs and their propagandized chumps. see sig. Good luck.

Hmmm how is this any different from GOP members
who say the liberals are the scourge and need to be removed from office.

Don't both campaigns cancel each other out.

How much is SPENT to push both messages, millions if not billions?
why can't that same money be used to buy land, buy out whole school districts,
to start teaching communities to manage themselves independently by local govt under Constitutional processes?
Or.. we could keep our money and solve, by ourselves, our local community problems, whatever they may be.
It's thinking like that in the OP that got MLK and Malcolm X assassinated by LBJ.

Democrat Party NEEDS dependents! You can never walk away from them

Thanks, CrusaderFrank

If this is your belief, then how do we use the entire Freedmen's Town fiasco
to out Democrats as abusive bullies exploiting and destroying black history and interests?

Why is this not in the national news?

If we let this cult abuse continue, are we not part of the problem?
What can we do to fully out the issue?

Can you help me write out grievances for other leaders you
trust will follow up and fund these restoration plans to create a campus for Vets:
Freedmen s Town Historic Churches and Vet Housing

Who is going to do something, instead of stand around blaming the Democrat party?
That isn't changing a thing. What will? Who should we contact that will jump on this
if Democrats won't fix it?
Now you know how the Conservative Democrats felt trying to fight for representation in the party for twenty years.
800,000 of them left the party.

Thanks peach174
but that didn't change anything did it

I wanted to help support the Democrats who Want to change it and fulfill our goals from within

Why this censorship of the SOLUTIONS

I am giving you heads up as to how hard it is to fight it.
It's thinking like that in the OP that got MLK and Malcolm X assassinated by LBJ.

Democrat Party NEEDS dependents! You can never walk away from them

Thanks, CrusaderFrank

If this is your belief, then how do we use the entire Freedmen's Town fiasco
to out Democrats as abusive bullies exploiting and destroying black history and interests?

Why is this not in the national news?

If we let this cult abuse continue, are we not part of the problem?
What can we do to fully out the issue?

Can you help me write out grievances for other leaders you
trust will follow up and fund these restoration plans to create a campus for Vets:
Freedmen s Town Historic Churches and Vet Housing

Who is going to do something, instead of stand around blaming the Democrat party?
That isn't changing a thing. What will? Who should we contact that will jump on this
if Democrats won't fix it?
Now you know how the Conservative Democrats felt trying to fight for representation in the party for twenty years.
800,000 of them left the party.

Thanks peach174
but that didn't change anything did it

I wanted to help support the Democrats who Want to change it and fulfill our goals from within

Why this censorship of the SOLUTIONS

I am giving you heads up as to how hard it is to fight it.
But you are starting to see it.
The best way is your own community to start with and then work it into a more bigger issue with the State and then the rest of the country.

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