Animal MSNBC doubles down on stupid

Hey, it's MSNBC for crying out loud. Lousy ratings aren't a given. They have to be worked for, earned. And show hosts and most of their contributors are a darn good start if the basement is as high as your suits aspire.
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Why the fuck does anyone watch this crappy network? I mean, seriously, do they even read?

Good video, thanks for pointing it out. Exactly what didn't you like about the content of her very intelligent editorial?

You don't seem to understand Animal Farm at all, since you can only see it through the eyes of your free market fundamentalist cult. One of the peculiar PC beliefs of your cult is that your cult can't be tyrants by definition, hence you've got that self-inflicted blindness concerning the way your cult's tyranny now echos that of the communists. She gored one of your sacred cows by daring to point out something that obvious, so now you're squealing like one of Animal Farm's pigs.

You're also the only conservative on this thread who actually bothered to watch the video. The UsefulIdiots of your cult saw the words "MSNBC", instantly soiled themselves, and then put their MSBNC Derangement Syndrome on display.
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She ran for office and lost.
And there were some racy photos of her...

So now she's a rising star at MSNBC....

Makes sense.
They give a show to just about anyone over there.
Why the fuck does anyone watch this crappy network? I mean, seriously, do they even read?

Good video, thanks for pointing it out. Exactly what didn't you like about the content of her very intelligent editorial?

You don't seem to understand Animal Farm at all, since you can only see it through the eyes of your free market fundamentalist cult. One of the peculiar PC beliefs of your cult is that your cult can't be tyrants by definition, hence you've got that self-inflicted blindness concerning the way your cult's tyranny now echos that of the communists. She gored one of your sacred cows by daring to point out something that obvious, so now you're squealing like one of Animal Farm's pigs.

You're also the only conservative on this thread who actually bothered to watch the video. The UsefulIdiots of your cult saw the words "MSNBC", instantly soiled themselves, and then put their MSBNC Derangement Syndrome on display.

What the fuck? Did you actually watch the video? Or read Animal Farm? George Orwell, the guy who actually wrote the book, said it was satirical tale against Stalin, and actually suggested the title "Union des Républiques Socialistes Animales"for the French edition. Can you explain how any intelligent person, which we all know excludes you, might actually jump from a critique of Stalinism to a comparison to a version of capitalism that only exist in the minds of demented idiots, which we all know includes you?
Why the fuck does anyone watch this crappy network? I mean, seriously, do they even read?

Good video, thanks for pointing it out. Exactly what didn't you like about the content of her very intelligent editorial?

You don't seem to understand Animal Farm at all, since you can only see it through the eyes of your free market fundamentalist cult. One of the peculiar PC beliefs of your cult is that your cult can't be tyrants by definition, hence you've got that self-inflicted blindness concerning the way your cult's tyranny now echos that of the communists. She gored one of your sacred cows by daring to point out something that obvious, so now you're squealing like one of Animal Farm's pigs.

You're also the only conservative on this thread who actually bothered to watch the video. The UsefulIdiots of your cult saw the words "MSNBC", instantly soiled themselves, and then put their MSBNC Derangement Syndrome on display.

What the fuck? Did you actually watch the video? Or read Animal Farm? George Orwell, the guy who actually wrote the book, said it was satirical tale against Stalin, and actually suggested the title "Union des Républiques Socialistes Animales"for the French edition. Can you explain how any intelligent person, which we all know excludes you, might actually jump from a critique of Stalinism to a comparison to a version of capitalism that only exist in the minds of demented idiots, which we all know includes you?

Good god you are polluted by preconceptions... or possibly just polluted in the inebriation sense...

I suspect that you, Mamooth and I are the only interested parties here who actually DID watch the video, seeing as how all the others went into such excruciating detail on it. Anyway...

The talking head sez:
"Animal Farm is a useful cautionary tale warning of the corruption of concentrated power-- no matter in whose hands that power rests"

Do you disagree with that?

She also notes "we already live in a sort of oligarchy". Disagree with that?

You and some of the rest of us may disagree on who it is holding the puppet strings but that has nothing to do with "stupid", so getting your RDA of ad hom in before the thread even starts is poignantly ineffectual.

And it's an editorial anyway.

S... M... H....
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Why the fuck does anyone watch this crappy network? I mean, seriously, do they even read?

Good video, thanks for pointing it out. Exactly what didn't you like about the content of her very intelligent editorial?

You don't seem to understand Animal Farm at all, since you can only see it through the eyes of your free market fundamentalist cult. One of the peculiar PC beliefs of your cult is that your cult can't be tyrants by definition, hence you've got that self-inflicted blindness concerning the way your cult's tyranny now echos that of the communists. She gored one of your sacred cows by daring to point out something that obvious, so now you're squealing like one of Animal Farm's pigs.

You're also the only conservative on this thread who actually bothered to watch the video. The UsefulIdiots of your cult saw the words "MSNBC", instantly soiled themselves, and then put their MSBNC Derangement Syndrome on display.

They don't like Crystal because she makes the bimbos over at Faux News look even dumber than they are...:D
Since "more food for the pigs" equates to increased taxes for the government, one must then ask who wants to feed the pigs.

The woman is a bimbo and a ditz, which usually go hand-in-hand anyway.
Nobody watches MSNBC anyway.

I use my DVR to record MSNBC and FNC programs and watch them at my leisure.

In every segment in every program on both networks I look for balance, in other words, look for views opposed to those of the network and/or host.

If I find it, I watch and enjoy. If not I skip over that particular segment and look for balance in the next.

Needless to say, one could say that in fact I do NOT watch MSNBC, because one can only take so much of listening to the choir singing to themselves.

FNC almost always features a liberal point of view.
good video, thanks for pointing it out. Exactly what didn't you like about the content of her very intelligent editorial?

You don't seem to understand animal farm at all, since you can only see it through the eyes of your free market fundamentalist cult. One of the peculiar pc beliefs of your cult is that your cult can't be tyrants by definition, hence you've got that self-inflicted blindness concerning the way your cult's tyranny now echos that of the communists. She gored one of your sacred cows by daring to point out something that obvious, so now you're squealing like one of animal farm's pigs.

You're also the only conservative on this thread who actually bothered to watch the video. The usefulidiots of your cult saw the words "msnbc", instantly soiled themselves, and then put their msbnc derangement syndrome on display.

what the fuck? Did you actually watch the video? Or read animal farm? George orwell, the guy who actually wrote the book, said it was satirical tale against stalin, and actually suggested the title "union des républiques socialistes animales"for the french edition. Can you explain how any intelligent person, which we all know excludes you, might actually jump from a critique of stalinism to a comparison to a version of capitalism that only exist in the minds of demented idiots, which we all know includes you?

the talking head sez:
"animal farm is a useful cautionary tale warning of the corruption of concentrated power-- no matter in whose hands that power rests"

do you disagree with that?

She also notes "we already live in a sort of oligarchy". Disagree with that?

And it's an editorial anyway.

S... M... H....

She blames the Republicans but Progressives are in both parties and progressive policies are the same as Stalin's regime of which Animal Farm was a satire against that regime.
There are a lot more progressives in the Democrat Party than in the Republican Party.
It is a book about totalitarianism and liberals embrace that ideology.

[ame=]Animal Farm and 1984: George Orwell, Christopher Hitchens: 9780151010264: Books[/ame]

George Orwell's classic Satire of the Russian Revolution.
Built on the credo that all animals are created equal (collectivism) and some animal are more equal than others ( those in power who know better what is best for you).
This is the liberal ideology.
Conservative ideology is individualism and freedom(all are created equal and Government does not take away the individuals rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness), opposed to; organized social issues that would take away the ills of society and becomes the oppressor of our Creators unalienable rights.This is Progressivism.
We have an oligarchy because of progressives ideology and they are in both parties.
Started by President Theodore Roosevelt and completely embraced by President Woodrow Wilson.

Progressive ideology is about putting members of society 1st and individualism 2nd.
The Founder's ideology is individualism 1st and then members of society 2nd.

Our Government needs to stop ignoring our constitutional rights and stop thinking that the Court rules what is our constitutional rights.
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