Ann pans tan man's plans


Gold Member
Dec 15, 2012
Near the Alamo
Immigration and the dilution of the ideas that make America unique.

"As House Republicans prepare to sell out the country on immigration this week, Phyllis Schlafly has produced a stunning report on how immigration is changing the country. The report is still embargoed, but someone slipped me a copy, and it's too important to wait.

Leave aside the harm cheap labor being dumped on the country does to the millions of unemployed Americans. What does it mean for the Republican Party?

Citing surveys from the Pew Research Center, the Pew Hispanic Center, Gallup, NBC News, Harris polling, the Annenberg Policy Center, Latino Decisions, the Center for Immigration Studies and the Hudson Institute, Schlafly's report overwhelmingly demonstrates that merely continuing our current immigration policies spells doom for the Republican Party. "

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The Post and Coulter are contradictory.

We can't continue to do what we're doing, so doing something different is bad???
Immigration has always been the heart blood of American life, from Jamestown, Roanoke, to Plymouth and the French and the Spanish and the Swedes and the Dutch on the Atlantic seaboard.

The far right policy of exclusion has never worked successfully.

To think it will is foolish.
According to a Harris poll, 81 percent of native-born citizens think the schools should teach students to be proud of being American. Only 50 percent of naturalized U.S. citizens do.

Reason enough to uphold existing laws and leave the "fixing" immigration alone
Bring in people with ideas and work ethic...self reliance...discipline...and who value freedom. Feed the American ideal...not the current socialist model.
Immigration has always been the heart blood of American life, from Jamestown, Roanoke, to Plymouth and the French and the Spanish and the Swedes and the Dutch on the Atlantic seaboard.

The far right policy of exclusion has never worked successfully.

To think it will is foolish.

Lying scum-sucking bitch.

It was FDR who stopped the immigration of Eastern European Jews in the 30's.

Republicans believe in immigration, we just don't believe in creating a permanent underclass for scumbag dimocraps like you to exploit.

And you will. You'll put them in Barrios and Ghettos and tell them that they can't survive without your enlightened leadership (and OUR money) then shower them with Welfare, Food Stamps, free health care, subsidized housing (ALL with Republicans money stolen in the form of 'taxes')

You'll do all this as long as they vote dimocrap. The minute they don't....?

Well, that won't happen. You and the rest of the scum in the dimocrap party will make sure of that.

You'll do the same thing you've done to Blacks....

Enslave them on 21st Century Plantations.

And just like you did in the antebellum South, you'll convince yourselves (but not us) that the poor dears can not possibly survive without your help.... (oh yes they did, buckwheat)

Thereby ensuring yourselves of a reliable voting block for a hundred years or so.

You're not intelligent enough to understand this, but you're still a scumbag for supporting it.

We WANT immigration as much as any normal people do.... We just don't a permanent underclass of people who refuse to go to work and contribute.

YOU DO! It is EXACTLY what you intend to do.

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