Anonymous: Video of Bill Clinton with 13 year old on Epstein's Orgy Island

I can't wait for the video to compare his penis to that peanut that is the Obamanations...also want to see what abnormality he has that got him to give Paula Jones $850K so she didn't describe it in court!!!
Whoa! Don't shoot me :) I'm only the piano player. Here's the story. This is the wildest election cycle EVAH!



Anonymous says there is video of Bill Clinton raping a 13 year-old girl on Jeffrey Epstein’s “Orgy Island.”

Anonymous claims the video will plunge the presidential race into chaos.

The video was released this week.

Bill Clinton was a frequent flyer on the registered sex offender’s infamous jet. Flight logs show the former president took at least 26 trips aboard the “Lolita Express” — even apparently ditching his Secret Service detail for at least five of the flights.

Anonymous: Video of Bill Clinton Raping 13 Yr-Old Girl Will Plunge Race into Chaos
Day #4 ... where's the video?
"Yeah, dumb fuck...there is no way to slow down the video on "fuzzy memories" ~ Fruit Loop Dingus

Your ignorance belies your false bravado claims that you know more than others. Of course there's a way to slow down the video on ... all ya have to do is upload the video from to, which offers the ability of slowing it down.

Because you're too stupid to figure this out, I took the liberty to do it for you....

Now even you can't claim there are subliminal messages in that original sign off video since even slowed down, a crazy lunatic like you can even see there are no subliminal messages.

The People's Court wasn't on during the Vietnam War, dumb ass and USA.INC wasn't involved in a was it???

Looney tunes.... I never said it was. :cuckoo:

Your biggest problem is ignorance and your lack of understanding as to the means your beloved "gubermint" will go in order to control you and keep you docile. You know nothing about the Tavistock Institute or the Frankfort School. Subliminal mind control techniques have been perfected over a 100 plus years funded by tax free foundations like the Rockefellers. You have this need to look at the world and your controllers in a way that doesn't upset it so you will buy ever lie they tell you and allow yourself to be sucked in by their propaganda as they tighten controls like a noose around the neck.
Yeah, I am saying that they had a sign-off with subliminal messages and a sign-off without them. They are much more subtle now using shit that you wouldn't understand and I don't have the inclination to explain it to someone as utterly stupid as you are.

Hope this helps!! (snicker)

What would help would be if you stopped making shit up. But I doubt that's possible.


You claimed that video with subliminal messages came out during the height of the Vietnam war. To know that, you would have to know what year that video was broadcast....

So what year was it and what evidence do you have to support your claim?

Post it or expose yourself once again as demented dale, the fairytale teller.

Look, Fraun, if you do not know the background of the OSS,CIA, programs like Operation Mockingbird, Operation Paperclip, MK-Ultra, MK-Naomi and the other experiments that they did to Americans without our consent....or how the research at the Tavistock Institute was used to pull the United States into WWI? Trying to explain the tools of propaganda to you and all the other shit that has been done to shape our thinking is like casting pearls before swine. You have to gain some basic knowledge and understanding before anything I write about will ever make sense. It's a long process but not impossible. I was once just like you....I believed everything my beloved "gubermint" said. I had utter faith in it and stated many times that there are just somethings that we, as a people do not need to know. I cringe when I think about my posting past and how I demonized anyone that questioned this utter fraud of a "war on terror" that is a total fucking joke.

I will never be able to wash the stench off of me for ever supporting Bush I and II and the wars that they got us into that has killed millions and has polluted their lands with depleted uranium. If you really want to wake up as to what your beloved corporate "gubermint" is all about? Go to youtube and watch "JFK to 9/11...Everything Is A Rich Man's Trick" it in it's entirety. It's three plus hours long but it will not seem like it. It is filled with historical data that cannot be refuted and it has no political agenda. Watch it and then get back to me. It will totally change your view on what we think reality is.

All that just to avoid answering the question which expose you were bullshitting.

The question is not going away.... You claimed that video was made during the height of the Vietnam war... where's your evidence that shows what year that video was produced?
I can't wait for the video to compare his penis to that peanut that is the Obamanations...also want to see what abnormality he has that got him to give Paula Jones $850K so she didn't describe it in court!!!
Imbecile, she had her day in court. Clinton paid her to go away while she filed an appeal after her case was thrown out due to lack of merit.
Whoa! Don't shoot me :) I'm only the piano player. Here's the story. This is the wildest election cycle EVAH!



Anonymous says there is video of Bill Clinton raping a 13 year-old girl on Jeffrey Epstein’s “Orgy Island.”

Anonymous claims the video will plunge the presidential race into chaos.

The video was released this week.

Bill Clinton was a frequent flyer on the registered sex offender’s infamous jet. Flight logs show the former president took at least 26 trips aboard the “Lolita Express” — even apparently ditching his Secret Service detail for at least five of the flights.

Anonymous: Video of Bill Clinton Raping 13 Yr-Old Girl Will Plunge Race into Chaos
Day #4 ... where's the video?
Yes....checking in....where is this video?
Whoa! Don't shoot me :) I'm only the piano player. Here's the story. This is the wildest election cycle EVAH!



Anonymous says there is video of Bill Clinton raping a 13 year-old girl on Jeffrey Epstein’s “Orgy Island.”

Anonymous claims the video will plunge the presidential race into chaos.

The video was released this week.

Bill Clinton was a frequent flyer on the registered sex offender’s infamous jet. Flight logs show the former president took at least 26 trips aboard the “Lolita Express” — even apparently ditching his Secret Service detail for at least five of the flights.

Anonymous: Video of Bill Clinton Raping 13 Yr-Old Girl Will Plunge Race into Chaos
Day #4 ... where's the video?
Yes....checking in....where is this video?
With each passing day, it's looking more and more as though our rightarded friends fell hook, line and sinker for yet another goof. :badgrin:
I can't wait for the video to compare his penis to that peanut that is the Obamanations...also want to see what abnormality he has that got him to give Paula Jones $850K so she didn't describe it in court!!!
Imbecile, she had her day in court. Clinton paid her to go away while she filed an appeal after her case was thrown out due to lack of merit.
Why thank you PawnedAgain for allowing me to remind everyone about Blow Job......

Salon › 1997/11/13 › news
Nov 13, 1997 - If the Paula Jones sexual misconduct suit against President Clinton ... description of an erect penis, 5 inches in length and the circumference of a.....

Seems Blow Job has a deficiency in penis as well as morals and principles!
I can't wait for the video to compare his penis to that peanut that is the Obamanations...also want to see what abnormality he has that got him to give Paula Jones $850K so she didn't describe it in court!!!
Imbecile, she had her day in court. Clinton paid her to go away while she filed an appeal after her case was thrown out due to lack of merit.
Why thank you PawnedAgain for allowing me to remind everyone about Blow Job......

Salon › 1997/11/13 › news
Nov 13, 1997 - If the Paula Jones sexual misconduct suit against President Clinton ... description of an erect penis, 5 inches in length and the circumference of a.....

Seems Blow Job has a deficiency in penis as well as morals and principles!
Always my pleasure to show folks here how rightarded you are as well as how interested you are in guys' dicks.
I can't wait for the video to compare his penis to that peanut that is the Obamanations...also want to see what abnormality he has that got him to give Paula Jones $850K so she didn't describe it in court!!!
Imbecile, she had her day in court. Clinton paid her to go away while she filed an appeal after her case was thrown out due to lack of merit.
Why thank you PawnedAgain for allowing me to remind everyone about Blow Job......

Salon › 1997/11/13 › news
Nov 13, 1997 - If the Paula Jones sexual misconduct suit against President Clinton ... description of an erect penis, 5 inches in length and the circumference of a.....

Seems Blow Job has a deficiency in penis as well as morals and principles!
Always my pleasure to show folks here how rightarded you are as well as how interested you are in guys' dicks.
Do you know if Blow Jobs HANDS are smaller than Trumps....sounds like the only one with smaller hands is you!
I can't wait for the video to compare his penis to that peanut that is the Obamanations...also want to see what abnormality he has that got him to give Paula Jones $850K so she didn't describe it in court!!!
Imbecile, she had her day in court. Clinton paid her to go away while she filed an appeal after her case was thrown out due to lack of merit.
Why thank you PawnedAgain for allowing me to remind everyone about Blow Job......

Salon › 1997/11/13 › news
Nov 13, 1997 - If the Paula Jones sexual misconduct suit against President Clinton ... description of an erect penis, 5 inches in length and the circumference of a.....

Seems Blow Job has a deficiency in penis as well as morals and principles!
Always my pleasure to show folks here how rightarded you are as well as how interested you are in guys' dicks.
Do you know if Blow Jobs HANDS are smaller than Trumps....sounds like the only one with smaller hands is you!

Hysterically, you can't stop fantasizing about mens' hands.
I can't wait for the video to compare his penis to that peanut that is the Obamanations...also want to see what abnormality he has that got him to give Paula Jones $850K so she didn't describe it in court!!!
Imbecile, she had her day in court. Clinton paid her to go away while she filed an appeal after her case was thrown out due to lack of merit.
Why thank you PawnedAgain for allowing me to remind everyone about Blow Job......

Salon › 1997/11/13 › news
Nov 13, 1997 - If the Paula Jones sexual misconduct suit against President Clinton ... description of an erect penis, 5 inches in length and the circumference of a.....

Seems Blow Job has a deficiency in penis as well as morals and principles!
Always my pleasure to show folks here how rightarded you are as well as how interested you are in guys' dicks.
Do you know if Blow Jobs HANDS are smaller than Trumps....sounds like the only one with smaller hands is you!

Hysterically, you can't stop fantasizing about mens' hands.

Or you always talking about Fagerals are obsessed with it!
Imbecile, she had her day in court. Clinton paid her to go away while she filed an appeal after her case was thrown out due to lack of merit.
Why thank you PawnedAgain for allowing me to remind everyone about Blow Job......

Salon › 1997/11/13 › news
Nov 13, 1997 - If the Paula Jones sexual misconduct suit against President Clinton ... description of an erect penis, 5 inches in length and the circumference of a.....

Seems Blow Job has a deficiency in penis as well as morals and principles!
Always my pleasure to show folks here how rightarded you are as well as how interested you are in guys' dicks.
Do you know if Blow Jobs HANDS are smaller than Trumps....sounds like the only one with smaller hands is you!

Hysterically, you can't stop fantasizing about mens' hands.

Or you always talking about Fagerals are obsessed with it!
I'm not the one here who can't stop talking about them. That "obsessed fageral" would be you. I'm the one pointing out how you keep fantasizing about Obama's and Clinton's.
Why thank you PawnedAgain for allowing me to remind everyone about Blow Job......

Salon › 1997/11/13 › news
Nov 13, 1997 - If the Paula Jones sexual misconduct suit against President Clinton ... description of an erect penis, 5 inches in length and the circumference of a.....

Seems Blow Job has a deficiency in penis as well as morals and principles!
Always my pleasure to show folks here how rightarded you are as well as how interested you are in guys' dicks.
Do you know if Blow Jobs HANDS are smaller than Trumps....sounds like the only one with smaller hands is you!

Hysterically, you can't stop fantasizing about mens' hands.

Or you always talking about Fagerals are obsessed with it!
I'm not the one here who can't stop talking about them. That "obsessed fageral" would be you. I'm the one pointing out how you keep fantasizing about Obama's and Clinton's.
Yes, you are...I bring facts to the thread, and you tangent to your obsession with dick!!! Little pervert!!!
Always my pleasure to show folks here how rightarded you are as well as how interested you are in guys' dicks.
Do you know if Blow Jobs HANDS are smaller than Trumps....sounds like the only one with smaller hands is you!

Hysterically, you can't stop fantasizing about mens' hands.

Or you always talking about Fagerals are obsessed with it!
I'm not the one here who can't stop talking about them. That "obsessed fageral" would be you. I'm the one pointing out how you keep fantasizing about Obama's and Clinton's.
Yes, you are...I bring facts to the thread, and you tangent to your obsession with dick!!! Little pervert!!!
Gay moron, I have said nothing about anyone's dick. You're here fantasizing about Obama's and Bill's.
Do you know if Blow Jobs HANDS are smaller than Trumps....sounds like the only one with smaller hands is you!

Hysterically, you can't stop fantasizing about mens' hands.

Or you always talking about Fagerals are obsessed with it!
I'm not the one here who can't stop talking about them. That "obsessed fageral" would be you. I'm the one pointing out how you keep fantasizing about Obama's and Clinton's.
Yes, you are...I bring facts to the thread, and you tangent to your obsession with dick!!! Little pervert!!!
Gay moron, I have said nothing about anyone's dick. You're here fantasizing about Obama's and Bill's.
You brought it up, fagboy!, Out of context of the discussion!

Hysterically, you can't stop fantasizing about mens' hands.

Or you always talking about Fagerals are obsessed with it!
I'm not the one here who can't stop talking about them. That "obsessed fageral" would be you. I'm the one pointing out how you keep fantasizing about Obama's and Clinton's.
Yes, you are...I bring facts to the thread, and you tangent to your obsession with dick!!! Little pervert!!!
Gay moron, I have said nothing about anyone's dick. You're here fantasizing about Obama's and Bill's.
You brought it up, fagboy!, Out of context of the discussion!
Well let's review the tape to see who brought it up....
I can't wait for the video to compare his penis to that peanut that is the Obamanations...also want to see what abnormality he has that got him to give Paula Jones $850K so she didn't describe it in court!!! everyone can see you're the one who started salivating over the hope of seeing Obama's and Bill's dicks.

Your obsession with mens' dicks is sick, vagisil. You should seek psychiatric care.
The People's Court wasn't on during the Vietnam War, dumb ass and USA.INC wasn't involved in a was it???
Looney tunes.... I never said it was. :cuckoo:

Your biggest problem is ignorance and your lack of understanding as to the means your beloved "gubermint" will go in order to control you and keep you docile. You know nothing about the Tavistock Institute or the Frankfort School. Subliminal mind control techniques have been perfected over a 100 plus years funded by tax free foundations like the Rockefellers. You have this need to look at the world and your controllers in a way that doesn't upset it so you will buy ever lie they tell you and allow yourself to be sucked in by their propaganda as they tighten controls like a noose around the neck.
Yeah, I am saying that they had a sign-off with subliminal messages and a sign-off without them. They are much more subtle now using shit that you wouldn't understand and I don't have the inclination to explain it to someone as utterly stupid as you are.

Hope this helps!! (snicker)
What would help would be if you stopped making shit up. But I doubt that's possible.


You claimed that video with subliminal messages came out during the height of the Vietnam war. To know that, you would have to know what year that video was broadcast....

So what year was it and what evidence do you have to support your claim?

Post it or expose yourself once again as demented dale, the fairytale teller.

Look, Fraun, if you do not know the background of the OSS,CIA, programs like Operation Mockingbird, Operation Paperclip, MK-Ultra, MK-Naomi and the other experiments that they did to Americans without our consent....or how the research at the Tavistock Institute was used to pull the United States into WWI? Trying to explain the tools of propaganda to you and all the other shit that has been done to shape our thinking is like casting pearls before swine. You have to gain some basic knowledge and understanding before anything I write about will ever make sense. It's a long process but not impossible. I was once just like you....I believed everything my beloved "gubermint" said. I had utter faith in it and stated many times that there are just somethings that we, as a people do not need to know. I cringe when I think about my posting past and how I demonized anyone that questioned this utter fraud of a "war on terror" that is a total fucking joke.

I will never be able to wash the stench off of me for ever supporting Bush I and II and the wars that they got us into that has killed millions and has polluted their lands with depleted uranium. If you really want to wake up as to what your beloved corporate "gubermint" is all about? Go to youtube and watch "JFK to 9/11...Everything Is A Rich Man's Trick" it in it's entirety. It's three plus hours long but it will not seem like it. It is filled with historical data that cannot be refuted and it has no political agenda. Watch it and then get back to me. It will totally change your view on what we think reality is.
All that just to avoid answering the question which expose you were bullshitting.

The question is not going away.... You claimed that video was made during the height of the Vietnam war... where's your evidence that shows what year that video was produced?

I believe my answer was very detailed but it seems that I used too many multi-syllable words for you to understand.

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