Another 177 high profile intel officials send letter supporting Brennan


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2016
All "Deep State" I am certain :rolleyes:

With a third star-studded letter, more than 175 additional alumni of top national security jobs are joining the bipartisan outcry against President Trump's stripping of former CIA Director John Brennan's security clearance.

Who's in ... An organizer tells me: "This third statement includes career officials — from Nick Rasmussen, former Director of NCTC, to Bill Burns, former Deputy Secretary of State, to Doug Wise, former Deputy Director of DIA, to political folks from both sides of the aisle — including Tony Lake, former National Security Advisor and Sean O’Keefe, former Secretary of the Navy and NASA Administrator as well as more than 10 former U.S. Ambassadors and more than 20 former U.S. Attorneys."

Michael Morell — former CIA acting director, and host of the CBS News "Intelligence Matters" podcast — tells me Trump's approach has backfired:
  • "People are essentially saying to the president: 'We will not be intimidated by you. For those of us who have been speaking up, we will continue to. And if we haven't been, we’re going to start speaking up.'"
  • "This is a great example of democracy — exactly what all these folks who signed the letters spent their lives defending."
Read the full letter.​

First look: Pentagon, State alumni join Brennan clearance outcry
looks like Union Workers . They might not be Intimidated but they'd sure as heck lose their Security Clearance PRIVLEDGE if it was up to me . With them identifying themselves they stand with the guy that voted for a 'communist' back in the early - mid 70s .
looks like Union Workers . They might not be Intimidated but they'd sure as heck lose their Security Clearance PRIVLEDGE if it was up to me . With them identifying themselves they stand with the guy that voted for a 'communist' back in the early - mid 70s .
I think you're sick
looks like Union Workers . They might not be Intimidated but they'd sure as heck lose their Security Clearance PRIVLEDGE if it was up to me . With them identifying themselves they stand with the guy that voted for a 'communist' back in the early - mid 70s .
I think you're sick

Just may be ^ THE best response to pismoe in USMB history! :)
All "Deep State" I am certain :rolleyes:

With a third star-studded letter, more than 175 additional alumni of top national security jobs are joining the bipartisan outcry against President Trump's stripping of former CIA Director John Brennan's security clearance.

Who's in ... An organizer tells me: "This third statement includes career officials — from Nick Rasmussen, former Director of NCTC, to Bill Burns, former Deputy Secretary of State, to Doug Wise, former Deputy Director of DIA, to political folks from both sides of the aisle — including Tony Lake, former National Security Advisor and Sean O’Keefe, former Secretary of the Navy and NASA Administrator as well as more than 10 former U.S. Ambassadors and more than 20 former U.S. Attorneys."

Michael Morell — former CIA acting director, and host of the CBS News "Intelligence Matters" podcast — tells me Trump's approach has backfired:
  • "People are essentially saying to the president: 'We will not be intimidated by you. For those of us who have been speaking up, we will continue to. And if we haven't been, we’re going to start speaking up.'"
  • "This is a great example of democracy — exactly what all these folks who signed the letters spent their lives defending."
Read the full letter.​

First look: Pentagon, State alumni join Brennan clearance outcry

"People are essentially saying to the president ..."

Too funny. Actually, it's "The Club" that is saying to the President. Everyone else says take the damn clearances. There's no viable reason for them to keep them, nor have they a right to them.

Trump should clear the board. On both sides.
looks like Union Workers . They might not be Intimidated but they'd sure as heck lose their Security Clearance PRIVLEDGE if it was up to me . With them identifying themselves they stand with the guy that voted for a 'communist' back in the early - mid 70s .
I think you're sick
------------------------------------------------------ i think that YOU are a NAIVE widdle OLD LADY , Old Lady !!
and hey , 'brennan' voted for a communist named 'gus hall' back in the mid 70s at the height of the 'cold war' between the USA and the Soviet Union Doktor .
i'll keep mentioning the voting pattern of 'brennan' as a reminder to Real Americans for a long time as i am sure that many real Americans don't know about 'brennan' and his voting for a communist Doktor .
All "Deep State" I am certain :rolleyes:

With a third star-studded letter, more than 175 additional alumni of top national security jobs are joining the bipartisan outcry against President Trump's stripping of former CIA Director John Brennan's security clearance.

Who's in ... An organizer tells me: "This third statement includes career officials — from Nick Rasmussen, former Director of NCTC, to Bill Burns, former Deputy Secretary of State, to Doug Wise, former Deputy Director of DIA, to political folks from both sides of the aisle — including Tony Lake, former National Security Advisor and Sean O’Keefe, former Secretary of the Navy and NASA Administrator as well as more than 10 former U.S. Ambassadors and more than 20 former U.S. Attorneys."

Michael Morell — former CIA acting director, and host of the CBS News "Intelligence Matters" podcast — tells me Trump's approach has backfired:
  • "People are essentially saying to the president: 'We will not be intimidated by you. For those of us who have been speaking up, we will continue to. And if we haven't been, we’re going to start speaking up.'"
  • "This is a great example of democracy — exactly what all these folks who signed the letters spent their lives defending."
Read the full letter.​

First look: Pentagon, State alumni join Brennan clearance outcry

Ya damn right it's the deep state!

It was all in Hilary's emails.
and as further comment , what Real American wants a high 'CiA' Government and taxpayer paid Government Official voting for a 'communist' Doktor ??
I don't care what exe employees think on the matter. I say if you've quit the government there's no need for security clearance anymore. In business, if you fire an employee you delete their passwords for GP after they've left, this is the same thing in my mind. All of this "Trump's being mean to his opponents" stuff is just bullshit propaganda spin from the media as far as I'm concerned.
they , ex gov employees can't be trusted even if they are seemingly trustworthy as far as i am concerned . WHO the heck are they to have privledges that allow them to make money or get jobs with Private business ?? As far as these 177 and the entire deep state or Swamp , feck'em .
I don't care what exe employees think on the matter. I say if you've quit the government there's no need for security clearance anymore. In business, if you fire an employee you delete their passwords for GP after they've left, this is the same thing in my mind. All of this "Trump's being mean to his opponents" stuff is just bullshit propaganda spin from the media as far as I'm concerned.

Comparing the average employee to a guy who's worked under three R and two D presidents for decades in the highest levels of intelligence and national security to the average "employee" is ridiculous.

They are walking encyclopedias too valuable to make unavailable to those who may need their expertise in emergency - like YESTERDAY

And firing that person as retribution and not because of a security issue my be CRIMINAL.
I don't care what exe employees think on the matter. I say if you've quit the government there's no need for security clearance anymore. In business, if you fire an employee you delete their passwords for GP after they've left, this is the same thing in my mind. All of this "Trump's being mean to his opponents" stuff is just bullshit propaganda spin from the media as far as I'm concerned.

Comparing the average employee to a guy who's worked under three R and two D presidents for decades in the highest levels of intelligence and national security to the average "employee" is ridiculous.

They are walking encyclopedias too valuable to make unavailable to those who may need their expertise in emergency - like YESTERDAY

And firing that person as retribution and not because of a security issue my be CRIMINAL.

Security clearance could be reinstated within seconds if the gov needed their expertise. You, like the media, are grasping at paper straws to try and make this an issue, when for the majority of American's it just isn't an issue.
I don't care what exe employees think on the matter. I say if you've quit the government there's no need for security clearance anymore. In business, if you fire an employee you delete their passwords for GP after they've left, this is the same thing in my mind. All of this "Trump's being mean to his opponents" stuff is just bullshit propaganda spin from the media as far as I'm concerned.

Comparing the average employee to a guy who's worked under three R and two D presidents for decades in the highest levels of intelligence and national security to the average "employee" is ridiculous.

They are walking encyclopedias too valuable to make unavailable to those who may need their expertise in emergency - like YESTERDAY

And firing that person as retribution and not because of a security issue my be CRIMINAL.
----------------------------------------------------- the R and D are equally corrupt is my only reply . That being said , thats WHY the PRESIDENT Trump was elected Doctor .
All "Deep State" I am certain :rolleyes:

With a third star-studded letter, more than 175 additional alumni of top national security jobs are joining the bipartisan outcry against President Trump's stripping of former CIA Director John Brennan's security clearance.

Who's in ... An organizer tells me: "This third statement includes career officials — from Nick Rasmussen, former Director of NCTC, to Bill Burns, former Deputy Secretary of State, to Doug Wise, former Deputy Director of DIA, to political folks from both sides of the aisle — including Tony Lake, former National Security Advisor and Sean O’Keefe, former Secretary of the Navy and NASA Administrator as well as more than 10 former U.S. Ambassadors and more than 20 former U.S. Attorneys."

Michael Morell — former CIA acting director, and host of the CBS News "Intelligence Matters" podcast — tells me Trump's approach has backfired:
  • "People are essentially saying to the president: 'We will not be intimidated by you. For those of us who have been speaking up, we will continue to. And if we haven't been, we’re going to start speaking up.'"
  • "This is a great example of democracy — exactly what all these folks who signed the letters spent their lives defending."
Read the full letter.​

First look: Pentagon, State alumni join Brennan clearance outcry
Good, now we have a nice list of 177 people to fire.

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