Another attack on Scott Walker boomerangs

You can tell how good a President someone will be, by measuring:

1.) How loudly and hysterically liberals scream at him;
2.) How many lies they gin up about him;
3.) How many times they insist, over and over, that they don't care about him;
4.) and how little evidence they present to back up what they say about him.

By the Lib-o-meter of this thread, it looks like Scott Walker is the best candidate Republicans have fielded in a long time.
Old man Sass must have gotten bounced out of the FZ right on his ample ass. Sounds jealous of me posting in that fun place whilst he sits out here begging for attention. :)
See? Nothing to say about Walker (nothing truthful, anyway). All they can do is desperately attack the messenger, get things wrong, squall and whine, and try to divert attention from the subject.
A two term President got more attention than a governor who's a candidate. Wow, that's a great argument, LOL. Did you come up with that yourself?
Like I said, you and he are going to wish he never heard the word politics. He ain't seen nothing until he gets into a debate with Hillary. Obama did the best so far but of course, he's ours too.

Can't wait until your big sillies start debating. They are so effing funny!


It's fun when you take statements out of context and twist them isn't it?

Gawd you are stupid.
Not as much as you are a deceptive liar

You mad, bro? You have your little digits all balled up and stomping your feet because I dissed the hag you admire? Guess what, snowflake? I don't care
We don't always mock those we are afraid of
Right. Usually you run away and hide.
We usually mock those who are the failed Governor of Wisconsin
ANYTHING to avoid addressing the successes he has actually achieved, such as reducing the debt and deficits of a formerly-liberal state government, and getting disingenuous leftist thugs similar to yourself out of power, letting people make free choices for a change. I can see why you don't want to talk about his successes, but just clap your hands over your ears and keep repeating, "I CANT SEE THEM, THEY'RE NOT THERE, I CAN'T SEE THEM, LA LA LA LA LA...."

The failed governor has successes?

Like giving handouts to billionaire basketball team owners and slashing education to pay for it?
Old man Sass must have gotten bounced out of the FZ right on his ample ass. Sounds jealous of me posting in that fun place whilst he sits out here begging for attention. :)
See? Nothing to say about Walker (nothing truthful, anyway). All they can do is attack the messenger, get things wrong, complain and whine and try to divert attention from the subject.
I already said what I wanted to say. I don't take my marching orders from the lunatic fringe (you). I post what I want to and if you don't like reading it. Move along, ya nut.
You can tell how good a President someone will be, by measuring:

1.) How loudly and hysterically liberals scream at him;
2.) How many lies they gin up about him;
3.) How many times they insist, over and over, that they don't care about him;
4.) and how little evidence they present to back up what they say about him.

By the Lib-o-meter of this thread, it looks like Scott Walker is the best candidate Republicans have fielded in a long time.
Old man Sass must have gotten bounced out of the FZ right on his ample ass. Sounds jealous of me posting in that fun place whilst he sits out here begging for attention. :)
See? Nothing to say about Walker (nothing truthful, anyway). All they can do is desperately attack the messenger, get things wrong, complain and whine, and try to divert attention from the subject.

"Sarah" is a troll, the Flame Zone is dead so it's here trying to run with the big dawgs. Epic fail LOL
You can tell how good a President someone will be, by measuring:

1.) How loudly and hysterically liberals scream at him;
2.) How many lies they gin up about him;
3.) How many times they insist, over and over, that they don't care about him;
4.) and how little evidence they present to back up what they say about him.

By the Lib-o-meter of this thread, it looks like Scott Walker is the best candidate Republicans have fielded in a long time.
Old man Sass must have gotten bounced out of the FZ right on his ample ass. Sounds jealous of me posting in that fun place whilst he sits out here begging for attention. :)
See? Nothing to say about Walker (nothing truthful, anyway). All they can do is desperately attack the messenger, get things wrong, squall and whine, and try to divert attention from the subject.

Posted something that was ignored for being inane?

rinse, repeat
I buy tools and appliances at Sears. Nothing beats Craftsman tools or Kenmore appliances. They're two great American brands.

Lat time I bought a washer and dryer there. They gave me 12 months interest free if i used the "Sears" card. So I did. Then I paid it in full on the 11th month. Walker probably did the same.

See? Nothing to say about Walker (nothing truthful, anyway). All they can do is attack the messenger, get things wrong, complain and whine, and try to divert attention from the subject.
I already said what I wanted to say.
And avoided what you wanted to avoid.
I don't take my marching orders from the lunatic fringe (you). I post what I want to and if you don't like reading it. Move along, ya nut.
See? Nothing to say about Walker (nothing truthful, anyway). All these liberal fanatics can do is attack the messenger, get things wrong, complain and whine, and try to divert attention from the subject.
My goodness, Acorn has been here longer than me and I've hardly see any of her posts.
See? Nothing to say about Walker (nothing truthful, anyway). All they can do is attack the messenger, get things wrong, complain and whine, and try to divert attention from the subject.
I already said what I wanted to say.
And avoided what you wanted to avoid.
I don't take my marching orders from the lunatic fringe (you). I post what I want to and if you don't like reading it. Move along, ya nut.
See? Nothing to say about Walker (nothing truthful, anyway). All these liberal fanatics can do is attack the messenger, get things wrong, complain and whine, and try to divert attention from the subject.
Yes. That's how it works here only avoided isn't the correct word. Ignored would be.
Now the democrats come out and say only the rich should run for office. That's a big switch.
You keep telling yourself that Zander. I suspect we won't be seeing much of you either after the Hillary winning 2016 mass exodus.
Come to think of it.....

It does look like Walker buys his clothes at Sears

Yet another RW pure logic and high information attack. Wow, now that you've turned your gigantic mind to ending Walker, he's toast
The failed Governor of Wisconsin has no accomplishment more impressive than qualifying for a Sears credit card

You mean besides slashing the budget deficit and checking the power of greedy government unions?

Wow, since you don't count getting elected as an accomplishment, you must really hate Obama
Is that what the Right calls it? Some on the left call it pandering to constituencies with the preponderance of the Establishment.
Funny, Scott Walker's policies boomeranged on the people of his state.
For Liberals, a hard working man like Walker is not fit for the office, they want another this idiot.....
of course if Walker was a cigarette and Pot smoker who enjoyed a little blow now and then, well then, He'd be welcomed with open arms, spread ass cheeks, and slurping tongues!!

You keep telling yourself that Zander. I suspect we won't be seeing much of you either after the Hillary winning 2016 mass exodus.


We'll see.


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