Another attack on Scott Walker boomerangs

The failed governor of Wisconsin?

Yea.......the left is terrified of him

Best governor since Palin

Walker is way better than Palin
Not at all, she finally made something of herself in the Republican party. He's just coasting on Koch Brothers money. Nothing more.

The point was their performance as governor, no moving the goalposts
RW has been arguing that for an hour and your response is nuh uhhhhh.

You don't have a point as far as I am concerned., my response was that he did a great job slashing deficits and checking union power. Can't read, can you?

I don't think so.

Wisconsin s 2-year budget hole forecast at up to 2 billion
How likely do you think it is that Walker will be President?

Against a shrill repulsive old hag like hitlary?

Walker is a shoe in.

I assign a lower proability than that. Suppose I offered to make a $25 bet with you over whether Walker will be the next US President, would you take it?

You wanna make a bet for $$$$?

Go to a place that takes those kinds of bets. Like this - US Politics Betting Odds - Paddy Power

We don't allow bets for $ here at USMB. If you do it again, you'll be reported.

Now if you want to bet avatars or signatures, that's entirely acceptable.
How likely do you think it is that Walker will be President?

Against a shrill repulsive old hag like hitlary?

Walker is a shoe in.

I assign a lower proability than that. Suppose I offered to make a $25 bet with you over whether Walker will be the next US President, would you take it?

You wanna make a bet for $$$$?

Go to a place that takes those kinds of bets. Like this - US Politics Betting Odds - Paddy Power

We don't allow bets for $ here at USMB. If you do it again, you'll be reported.

Now if you want to bet avatars or signatures, that's entirely acceptable.

You aren't a moderator/admin are you, and I looked over the rules and I don't see any such prohibition. Can you point me to where there's a prohibition because I don't see it?

There is by the way, a serious reason for betting with people: people frequently claim to think an outcome of a given event is highly likely to happen, but they haven't really thought it through. So when they say a candidate is highly likely to win they mean really that they really like the candidate or when they say a candidate is likely to lose they mean that they really dislike the candidate. Offering bets is an excellent way of forcing people to think critically about what they actually believe and to distinguish what they want to happen from what they think will happen.
Walker is way better than Palin
Not at all, she finally made something of herself in the Republican party. He's just coasting on Koch Brothers money. Nothing more.

The point was their performance as governor, no moving the goalposts
RW has been arguing that for an hour and your response is nuh uhhhhh.

You don't have a point as far as I am concerned., my response was that he did a great job slashing deficits and checking union power. Can't read, can you?

I don't think so.

Wisconsin s 2-year budget hole forecast at up to 2 billion

So what? He'll cut spending and balance the budget. That is what businesses and individuals do, why should a state be different?

When Walker took office in 2011 the state faced a roughly $3 billion budget shortfall. What happened with that? Oh, that's right, he turned it into a SURPLUS and sent the money back to taxpayers.....imagine that!!

How likely do you think it is that Walker will be President?

Against a shrill repulsive old hag like hitlary?

Walker is a shoe in.

I assign a lower proability than that. Suppose I offered to make a $25 bet with you over whether Walker will be the next US President, would you take it?

You wanna make a bet for $$$$?

Go to a place that takes those kinds of bets. Like this - US Politics Betting Odds - Paddy Power

We don't allow bets for $ here at USMB. If you do it again, you'll be reported.

Now if you want to bet avatars or signatures, that's entirely acceptable.

You aren't a moderator/admin are you, and I looked over the rules and I don't see any such prohibition. Can you point me to where there's a prohibition because I don't see it?

There is by the way, a serious reason for betting with people: people frequently claim to think an outcome of a given event is highly likely to happen, but they haven't really thought it through. So when they say a candidate is highly likely to win they mean really that they really like the candidate or when they say a candidate is likely to lose they mean that they really dislike the candidate. Offering bets is an excellent way of forcing people to think critically about what they actually believe and to distinguish what they want to happen from what they think will happen.

Your post has been reported.

Gambling is illegal. Illegal activities are against the Forum rules.
How likely do you think it is that Walker will be President?

Against a shrill repulsive old hag like hitlary?

Walker is a shoe in.

I assign a lower proability than that. Suppose I offered to make a $25 bet with you over whether Walker will be the next US President, would you take it?

You wanna make a bet for $$$$?

Go to a place that takes those kinds of bets. Like this - US Politics Betting Odds - Paddy Power

We don't allow bets for $ here at USMB. If you do it again, you'll be reported.

Now if you want to bet avatars or signatures, that's entirely acceptable.

You aren't a moderator/admin are you, and I looked over the rules and I don't see any such prohibition. Can you point me to where there's a prohibition because I don't see it?

There is by the way, a serious reason for betting with people: people frequently claim to think an outcome of a given event is highly likely to happen, but they haven't really thought it through. So when they say a candidate is highly likely to win they mean really that they really like the candidate or when they say a candidate is likely to lose they mean that they really dislike the candidate. Offering bets is an excellent way of forcing people to think critically about what they actually believe and to distinguish what they want to happen from what they think will happen.

Your post has been reported.

Gambling is illegal. Illegal activities are against the Forum rules.

You're a fun one! Fun fact: gambling is not illegal. If one is in the United States certain forms of internet gambling are illegal. The prohibition on internet gambling is a prohibition on businesses "knowingly accepting payments in connection with the participation of another person in a bet or wager that involves the use of the Internet and that is unlawful under any federal or state law." States generally prohibit when they do prohibit betting "organized gambling"- individual bets are not under that category either under federal or state law. Maybe read up on things before you jump to whatever your preferred conclusion about what you'd like the law to be?
A two term President got more attention than a governor who's a candidate. Wow, that's a great argument, LOL. Did you come up with that yourself?
Like I said, you and he are going to wish he never heard the word politics. He ain't seen nothing until he gets into a debate with Hillary. Obama did the best so far but of course, he's ours too.

Can't wait until your big sillies start debating. They are so effing funny!


It's fun when you take statements out of context and twist them isn't it?

Gawd you are stupid.
Not as much as you are a deceptive liar

So when the Democrats said OMG, Lott praised Thurmond and the Democrats came back with OMG, he was a segregationist, that means Republicans are segregationists, you think Democrats are "deceptive liar(s)?" Or is your indignation only one way?

The funny part is she's actually only doing it to mock you because Democrats pull that shit all the time and ... you ... don't ... get ... it. As she said, wow, you are stupid
Yeah typical American in an Obama economy

I thought Walker was some sort of fiscal genius?

Oh.....I forgot

Couldn't even finish college. That is why his major asset is a Sears card

Only losers don't finish college big guy? You mean like Bill Gates? BTW, education is a great way to learn, but it's only one way, it's not the only way. Yet another liberal bigotry

Walker is no Bill Gates

Gates left because he was too smart for College. Walker couldn't cut it
Tell us more bout that "common sense" Walker has

He keeps kicking the left's asses.
You mean like how Obama has put his foot to the Republicans A$$es and gave them a SHELLACKING, not once, b ut TWICE?
Come to think of it.....

It does look like Walker buys his clothes at Sears

Yet another RW pure logic and high information attack. Wow, now that you've turned your gigantic mind to ending Walker, he's toast
The failed Governor of Wisconsin has no accomplishment more impressive than qualifying for a Sears credit card

You mean besides slashing the budget deficit and checking the power of greedy government unions?

Wow, since you don't count getting elected as an accomplishment, you must really hate Obama
Is that what the Right calls it? Some on the left call it pandering to constituencies with the preponderance of the Establishment.

What is wrong with Republicans? You want people to live in poverty, so you crush unions who are only trying to give workers a fair shake. Stop worshiping the rich and care about we the people, the Constitution is for all of us, not just the wealthy and corporations who control you
Yeah typical American in an Obama economy

I thought Walker was some sort of fiscal genius?

Oh.....I forgot

Couldn't even finish college. That is why his major asset is a Sears card

Only losers don't finish college big guy? You mean like Bill Gates? BTW, education is a great way to learn, but it's only one way, it's not the only way. Yet another liberal bigotry

Walker is no Bill Gates

Gates left because he was too smart for College. Walker couldn't cut it
Tell us more bout that "common sense" Walker has

He keeps kicking the left's asses.
You mean like how Obama has put his foot to the Republicans A$$es and gave them a SHELLACKING, not once, b ut TWICE?

Did they try to recall him? LOL, you're not very good at this.

Oh and the last midterm pretty much summed up how America feels about the boy you fools elected. Kicked his inane policies to the curb
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The partisans are so foolish they don't know WHAT to do w/themselves anymore.

So they just continue to spew more swill.

But bed wetters like you are a real beacon of lucidity...

Yes we can!!

Actually, yes we DID. Not only did Obama put his foot to the Republicans' A$$es and KICKED them to kingdom come once, it was so nice, he decided to do it TWICE!

The partisans are so foolish they don't know WHAT to do w/themselves anymore.

So they just continue to spew more swill.

But bed wetters like you are a real beacon of lucidity...

Yes we can!!

Actually, yes we DID. Not only did Obama put his foot to the Republicans' A$$es and KICKED them to kingdom come once, it was so nice, he decided to do it TWICE!


You're redundant.
Yeah typical American in an Obama economy

I thought Walker was some sort of fiscal genius?

Oh.....I forgot

Couldn't even finish college. That is why his major asset is a Sears card

Only losers don't finish college big guy? You mean like Bill Gates? BTW, education is a great way to learn, but it's only one way, it's not the only way. Yet another liberal bigotry

Walker is no Bill Gates

Gates left because he was too smart for College. Walker couldn't cut it
Tell us more bout that "common sense" Walker has

He keeps kicking the left's asses.
You mean like how Obama has put his foot to the Republicans A$$es and gave them a SHELLACKING, not once, b ut TWICE?

That made no logical sense to the point made
When Walker took office in 2011 the state faced a roughly $3 billion budget shortfall, based on agency requests. Walker used that as rationale to force public workers to more for their health care and pension benefits, while also effectively ending nearly all collective bargaining. He also made deep cuts to public schools, the University of Wisconsin and technical colleges, and across state government.

As the economy improved, Walker focused on returning surplus tax collections by cutting income and property taxes.

I guess the Right plans to micromanage our tax codes with every change in fortune.
It proves one thing. He scares the shit out of them.
You can tell how good a President someone will be, by measuring:

1.) How loudly and hysterically liberals scream at him;
2.) How many lies they gin up about him;
3.) How many times they insist, over and over, that they don't care about him;
4.) and how little evidence they present to back up what they say about him.

By the Lib-o-meter of this thread, it looks like Scott Walker is the best candidate Republicans have fielded in a long time.
You can tell how much of a damn FOOL a radical RWer is by how they randomly make up some criteria to prove some BS nonsense that they are trying to push at the moment.
I thought Walker was some sort of fiscal genius?

Oh.....I forgot

Couldn't even finish college. That is why his major asset is a Sears card

Only losers don't finish college big guy? You mean like Bill Gates? BTW, education is a great way to learn, but it's only one way, it's not the only way. Yet another liberal bigotry

Walker is no Bill Gates

Gates left because he was too smart for College. Walker couldn't cut it
Tell us more bout that "common sense" Walker has

He keeps kicking the left's asses.
You mean like how Obama has put his foot to the Republicans A$$es and gave them a SHELLACKING, not once, b ut TWICE?

That made no logical sense to the point made
According to you. And that's saying much.

Only losers don't finish college big guy? You mean like Bill Gates? BTW, education is a great way to learn, but it's only one way, it's not the only way. Yet another liberal bigotry

Walker is no Bill Gates

Gates left because he was too smart for College. Walker couldn't cut it
Tell us more bout that "common sense" Walker has

He keeps kicking the left's asses.
You mean like how Obama has put his foot to the Republicans A$$es and gave them a SHELLACKING, not once, b ut TWICE?

That made no logical sense to the point made
According to you. And that's saying much.


OK, explain what Obama has to do with Walker. Obama is President. Walker is Governor of Wisconsin. You explain the connection, Alfalfa
It proves one thing. He scares the shit out of them.
You can tell how good a President someone will be, by measuring:

1.) How loudly and hysterically liberals scream at him;
2.) How many lies they gin up about him;
3.) How many times they insist, over and over, that they don't care about him;
4.) and how little evidence they present to back up what they say about him.

By the Lib-o-meter of this thread, it looks like Scott Walker is the best candidate Republicans have fielded in a long time.
You can tell how much of a damn FOOL a radical RWer is by how they randomly make up some criteria to prove some BS nonsense that they are trying to push at the moment.

You type a lot but convey very little. It reveals you're lost and have no rebuttal. Run along now

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