Another Biological Male Crowned Homecoming Queen

This foolishness has got to stop. I know that I'm not beautiful or wasn't popular like the other girls at school, but I'm doing just fine with it because I have somebody who loves me for who I am anyways and it's just the way things are and we're. I've long accepted it too.

I never understood why there was a need for homecoming or needing so called royalty.
/---/ Look at the image in #1 The real women are smiling and embracing the guy. Do they look angry or supportive?
We have shown tolerance towards mentally ill people since the late 1980s and what has it gotten US? More mentally ill people who are used as props for the Marxists/Demofascists but some actually have achieved power, which is very dangerous for a country. Example...

It must suck to be an old Boomer, a cancer on society, realizing that society no longer cares what you think.
We have shown tolerance towards mentally ill people since the late 1980s and what has it gotten US? More mentally ill people who are used as props for the Marxists/Demofascists but some actually have achieved power, which is very dangerous for a country. Example...

/——-/ What a blithering idiot. PA voters must be proud.
Because I dated a girl from that school and in that class who was very upset by the farcical election. Two things happened:
1) a slightly impaired girl was deeply hurt by the ridicule
2) many girls saw an event they had anticipated and valued be turned into a mockery

What you mean like Carrie? What if they have telekinesis though?

Could have ended very badly.

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Right before I could type the above words you beat me to it. 😆
We have shown tolerance towards mentally ill people since the late 1980s and what has it gotten US? More mentally ill people who are used as props for the Marxists/Demofascists but some actually have achieved power, which is very dangerous for a country. Example...

What an asshole.
Here is the problem with all the people getting so upset about this.

#1 - It is none of your business.
#2 - If the HC Queen is replaced, do you think it will stop the trannie from being a trannie?
#3 - Is there any hint of a scandal involving this person? I haven't heard about any.
#4 - The Home Coming King & Queen is for the students. They voted for this kid. Outsiders have no business interfering.
Here is the problem with all the people getting so upset about this.

#1 - It is none of your business.
#2 - If the HC Queen is replaced, do you think it will stop the trannie from being a trannie?
#3 - Is there any hint of a scandal involving this person? I haven't heard about any.
#4 - The Home Coming King & Queen is for the students. They voted for this kid. Outsiders have no business interfering.
You were right, what happened behind closed doors, was none of our business as long as it was legal and children were not involved. Do you think children should be groomed?
You were right, what happened behind closed doors, was none of our business as long as it was legal and children were not involved. Do you think children should be groomed?

No, I don't. But I think curiousity by the teen can come to a teacher or adult being blamed for "grooming" when they were just answering questions.
This foolishness has got to stop. I know that I'm not beautiful or wasn't popular like the other girls at school, but I'm doing just fine with it because I have somebody who loves me for who I am anyways and it's just the way things are and we're. I've long accepted it too.

I honestly don't see what the fuss is about, that is who the school chose to be homecoming Queen.

You know a local college in my area recently crowned a very fat overweight girl homecoming Queen she was probably 260+ lbs. I am sure people protested that too, but it was the school's choice.

People accept beauty in many different ways.

If women aren't going to stand up and put a stop to this then that's their cross to bear. The problem is a lot of women are perfectly fine with this and actually support it.
Many women only support what the left tells them to support.
They think with their hearts instead of their brains.
They supported BLM when it came out without questioning it's doctrine.
They supported all of the commies in congress wearing white.
They support women's empowerment without caring to find out what it actually means.

High school kids like to shock adults with outrageous stuff but strangely enough it seems to be supported by (pedophile?) teachers.
I work with a lot of middle schoolers and thy are fully aware of how dumb this whole trans fad is. They mock it as kids that age do when discovering some of the idiocy of the adults around them.
If the student body voted for them, let them wear the crown.
Oh, I think there would be whining and weeping like crazy. Maybe even cities being burned.

Now, that’s reality. It’s fine to undermine the struggles that women have had to endure, but try that to the blacks? Holy shit!

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