Another Biological Male Crowned Homecoming Queen

If this were something that mattered I would join in the disdain.

This is a high school homecoming queen. And the student body obviously wanted him to be their Homecoming Queen or they wouldn't have voted for him.
Because, unlike you, I am not an insane conspiracist.

So in other words you haven't got a clue.

If this were something that mattered I would join in the disdain.

This is a high school homecoming queen. And the student body obviously wanted him to be their Homecoming Queen or they wouldn't have voted for him.

Well I always wanted to find out what it's like to be a dog or a cat, but you don't see me pooping in the yard or in a litterbox.
This foolishness has got to stop. I know that I'm not beautiful or wasn't popular like the other girls at school, but I'm doing just fine with it because I have somebody who loves me for who I am anyways and it's just the way things are and we're. I've long accepted it too.

The preferred pronoun for 'transgenders' should be 'it.'
So in other words you haven't got a clue.

Well I always wanted to find out what it's like to be a dog or a cat, but you don't see me pooping in the yard or in a litterbox.

I also don't see hundreds of your friends voting for you for Homecoming Cat.
No, it is you who are missing the point. The students voted. Who are you to decide they don't have that choice?

Well, even if they voted for it, how is that even allowed in the rules?
Well, even if they voted for it, how is that even allowed in the rules?

Unless the rules specifically say the Homecoming Queen must be female, there is nothing to be done.

I don't see any of the students complaining. Why are you? The kid isn't reading to school children or grooming them. Let him be Homecoming Queen if the majority of the students want him.
Innocent young girls are traumatized every day when confused boys are allowed to use girls locker rooms, bathrooms and the showers. Idiot kids might think it's fun to nominate a boy to be homecoming queen but teachers should have more sense.
The sad part is the students are actually making fun of this troubled boy. I remember in 1979 a neighboring high school's homecoming queen was picked by the football team. As a joke, they elected an unattractive slightly mentally impaired girl. She was crushed to find out she was being ridiculed. Students can be very unkind like that. The school administration then, as in this case should never have allowed it.
The sad part is the students are actually making fun of this troubled boy. I remember in 1979 a neighboring high school's homecoming queen was picked by the football team. As a joke, they elected an unattractive slightly mentally impaired girl. She was crushed to find out she was being ridiculed. Students can be very unkind like that. The school administration then, as in this case should never have allowed it.

Really? How do you know that?
Really? How do you know that?
Because I dated a girl from that school and in that class who was very upset by the farcical election. Two things happened:
1) a slightly impaired girl was deeply hurt by the ridicule
2) many girls saw an event they had anticipated and valued be turned into a mockery
The sad part is the students are actually making fun of this troubled boy. I remember in 1979 a neighboring high school's homecoming queen was picked by the football team. As a joke, they elected an unattractive slightly mentally impaired girl. She was crushed to find out she was being ridiculed. Students can be very unkind like that. The school administration then, as in this case should never have allowed it.
Could have ended very badly.

If this were something that mattered I would join in the disdain.

This is a high school homecoming queen. And the student body obviously wanted him to be their Homecoming Queen or they wouldn't have voted for him.
Yeah, kids with impressionable minds think "Should we tell the mentally ill queer that it is wrong and get the shit beat out of us, or should we just go along and not be hurt". You We all about that Marxist Tolerance.

The sad part is the students are actually making fun of this troubled boy. I remember in 1979 a neighboring high school's homecoming queen was picked by the football team. As a joke, they elected an unattractive slightly mentally impaired girl. She was crushed to find out she was being ridiculed. Students can be very unkind like that. The school administration then, as in this case should never have allowed it.
Kids unfortunately are straight forward, not some scumbag politicians like Joe Biden that lies to your face all day. It all goes back to the liberal compassion of instead of putting mentally ill people in a place that can keep them and others from being hurt, they are put amongst the normal people thinking that the insane ones will become normal. Just doesnt happen, as we keep seeing more and more men thinking they are women.

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