Another business owner receives death threats from pro-homosexual, anti-Christians

Is it sin? Sin with a capital S? Is that why some businesses won't serve homosexual citizens?

Is it sin?

What about the other sinners who come in to those businesses? If the business owner is so concerned about the status of his immortal soul, is that business owner morally vetting everyone? Who know! There might be an adulterer (a sin specifically mentioned in the Ten Commandments, unlike homosexuality). There might be a sinner who does not honor his mother and father or freely takes the Lord's name in vain.

But it's the homosexuals who are being repressed.

Is homosexuality such a heinous sin that it merits open and prideful discrimination? Isn't that attitude hypocritical?

The dickhead auto mechanic in that state up north claims he does not want "immorality" in his shop. Well, how can he be sure that all his customers are saintly if he does not do his due diligence?

Face it folks. It's homophobia gone wild. And, like a rat caught in a corner, the homophobes and bigots will resort to the craziest means at hand to rationalize their untenable positions.
Its a sin because they are latent homosexuals and the mere thought of two men or two women getting it on is too tempting for them to ignore.
It has nothing to do with sin. These bigots are not theologians. they are misinterpreting scripture so they might find the thinnest veneer of legal cover for their bigotry. It has more to do with their attitude toward homosexuals than their deeply held religious beliefs.

It has to do with common sense and the laws of nature observable by all human beings with the means to reason objectively.

Homosexuality does not JUST 'deviate' from the human physiological standard, it deviates as far from the human physiological standard, as is humanly possible.

Add to that, that many of the advocates of normalizing that deviancy, flatly claim that such is not a deviation. Which is delusional...

Many of those among the cult who do recognize the deviation, demand that it's not much of a deviation... which is again: Delusional.

And the cultists who recognize that such IS an antithetical deviation, demand that the nature of human sexuality is irrelevant. Which is again: D E L U S I O N A L ...

Which is to say that those people suffer from an idiosyncratic belief or impression that is firmly maintained despite being contradicted by what is generally accepted as reality or rational argument, typically a symptom of mental disorder.

And therein... rests THE PROBLEM!
laws of nature?
you did know there are gay animals besides us. your mischaracterization of the laws of nature goes down the shitter.
Yeah, 'laws of nature' – he's as much an idiot as the OP, if not more so.
Is it sin? Sin with a capital S? Is that why some businesses won't serve homosexual citizens?

Is it sin?

What about the other sinners who come in to those businesses? If the business owner is so concerned about the status of his immortal soul, is that business owner morally vetting everyone? Who know! There might be an adulterer (a sin specifically mentioned in the Ten Commandments, unlike homosexuality). There might be a sinner who does not honor his mother and father or freely takes the Lord's name in vain.

But it's the homosexuals who are being repressed.

Is homosexuality such a heinous sin that it merits open and prideful discrimination? Isn't that attitude hypocritical?

The dickhead auto mechanic in that state up north claims he does not want "immorality" in his shop. Well, how can he be sure that all his customers are saintly if he does not do his due diligence?

Face it folks. It's homophobia gone wild. And, like a rat caught in a corner, the homophobes and bigots will resort to the craziest means at hand to rationalize their untenable positions.
Its a sin because they are latent homosexuals and the mere thought of two men or two women getting it on is too tempting for them to ignore.
It has nothing to do with sin. These bigots are not theologians. they are misinterpreting scripture so they might find the thinnest veneer of legal cover for their bigotry. It has more to do with their attitude toward homosexuals than their deeply held religious beliefs.

It has to do with common sense and the laws of nature observable by all human beings with the means to reason objectively.

Homosexuality does not JUST 'deviate' from the human physiological standard, it deviates as far from the human physiological standard, as is humanly possible.

Add to that, that many of the advocates of normalizing that deviancy, flatly claim that such is not a deviation. Which is delusional...

Many of those among the cult who do recognize the deviation, demand that it's not much of a deviation... which is again: Delusional.

And the cultists who recognize that such IS an antithetical deviation, demand that the nature of human sexuality is irrelevant. Which is again: D E L U S I O N A L ...

Which is to say that those people suffer from an idiosyncratic belief or impression that is firmly maintained despite being contradicted by what is generally accepted as reality or rational argument, typically a symptom of mental disorder.

And therein... rests THE PROBLEM!
laws of nature?
you did know there are gay animals besides us. your mischaracterization of the laws of nature goes down the shitter.
Yeah, 'laws of nature' – he's as much an idiot as the OP, if not more so.


Well there ya have it Reader... a sexual deviant denying the Laws of Nature.




Anyone need anything else?
No-we are saying Christians have to follow the same laws as everyone else.

No special exemption from business laws just because you call yourself 'Christian'

I dont' care what you say. We are *NOT* going to follow that law. Sucks to be you. Good luck with that.
By what authority can you choose to follow only the laws you agree with?

Any law that tries to force a Christian to violate the laws of G-d, is a law I do not have to obey.
really? god says nothing about traffic laws. there lots of laws that aren't mentioned in the bible.
And there are laws that are mentioned in the Bible, the one against homosexuality for instance.
The Bible is irrelevant to this thread
like everything you post.
I dont' care what you say. We are *NOT* going to follow that law. Sucks to be you. Good luck with that.
By what authority can you choose to follow only the laws you agree with?

Any law that tries to force a Christian to violate the laws of G-d, is a law I do not have to obey.
really? god says nothing about traffic laws. there lots of laws that aren't mentioned in the bible.
And there are laws that are mentioned in the Bible, the one against homosexuality for instance.
The Bible is irrelevant to this thread
like everything you post.

You have the right to be wrong.... like everything you post.
By what authority can you choose to follow only the laws you agree with?

Any law that tries to force a Christian to violate the laws of G-d, is a law I do not have to obey.
really? god says nothing about traffic laws. there lots of laws that aren't mentioned in the bible.
And there are laws that are mentioned in the Bible, the one against homosexuality for instance.
The Bible is irrelevant to this thread
like everything you post.

You have the right to be wrong.... like everything you post.
If I were wrong that be true but it's not.
And I am not.
Thanks for playing (cue buzzer)
Any law that tries to force a Christian to violate the laws of G-d, is a law I do not have to obey.
really? god says nothing about traffic laws. there lots of laws that aren't mentioned in the bible.
And there are laws that are mentioned in the Bible, the one against homosexuality for instance.
The Bible is irrelevant to this thread
like everything you post.

You have the right to be wrong.... like everything you post.
If I were wrong that be true but it's not.
And I am not.
Thanks for playing (cue buzzer)

At least you are being consistently wrong. There's something to be said for consistency.
I dont' care what you say. We are *NOT* going to follow that law. Sucks to be you. Good luck with that.
By what authority can you choose to follow only the laws you agree with?

Any law that tries to force a Christian to violate the laws of G-d, is a law I do not have to obey.
really? god says nothing about traffic laws. there lots of laws that aren't mentioned in the bible.
And there are laws that are mentioned in the Bible, the one against homosexuality for instance.
The Bible is irrelevant to this thread
like everything you post.
More relevant than you.
By what authority can you choose to follow only the laws you agree with?

Any law that tries to force a Christian to violate the laws of G-d, is a law I do not have to obey.
really? god says nothing about traffic laws. there lots of laws that aren't mentioned in the bible.
And there are laws that are mentioned in the Bible, the one against homosexuality for instance.
The Bible is irrelevant to this thread
like everything you post.
More relevant than you.
Any law that tries to force a Christian to violate the laws of G-d, is a law I do not have to obey.
really? god says nothing about traffic laws. there lots of laws that aren't mentioned in the bible.
And there are laws that are mentioned in the Bible, the one against homosexuality for instance.
The Bible is irrelevant to this thread
like everything you post.
More relevant than you.
Cry all you want baby.
He dared to post his religious views on social media, and said he wouldn't serve openly homosexual people in his business, and immediately started receiving death threats.

Michigan Auto Shop Owner Faces Backlash After Declaring He Won t Serve Gays CBS Detroit

Why don't you go hold a fund raiser for him now?

Why? I imagine he's doing great. PS...the only funds that were requested for him were requested by anti-Christian scumbags, in an account that they set up yesterday to bolster the lies they told about him seeking funding... which was almost instantly dismantled because of threats've got it...anti-Christian scumbags.
really? god says nothing about traffic laws. there lots of laws that aren't mentioned in the bible.
And there are laws that are mentioned in the Bible, the one against homosexuality for instance.
The Bible is irrelevant to this thread
like everything you post.
More relevant than you.
Cry all you want baby.
Illiterate asshat. That's how you write derisive laughter
Its a sin because they are latent homosexuals and the mere thought of two men or two women getting it on is too tempting for them to ignore.
It has nothing to do with sin. These bigots are not theologians. they are misinterpreting scripture so they might find the thinnest veneer of legal cover for their bigotry. It has more to do with their attitude toward homosexuals than their deeply held religious beliefs.

It has to do with common sense and the laws of nature observable by all human beings with the means to reason objectively.

Homosexuality does not JUST 'deviate' from the human physiological standard, it deviates as far from the human physiological standard, as is humanly possible.

Add to that, that many of the advocates of normalizing that deviancy, flatly claim that such is not a deviation. Which is delusional...

Many of those among the cult who do recognize the deviation, demand that it's not much of a deviation... which is again: Delusional.

And the cultists who recognize that such IS an antithetical deviation, demand that the nature of human sexuality is irrelevant. Which is again: D E L U S I O N A L ...

Which is to say that those people suffer from an idiosyncratic belief or impression that is firmly maintained despite being contradicted by what is generally accepted as reality or rational argument, typically a symptom of mental disorder.

And therein... rests THE PROBLEM!
laws of nature?
you did know there are gay animals besides us. your mischaracterization of the laws of nature goes down the shitter.
Yeah, 'laws of nature' – he's as much an idiot as the OP, if not more so.


Well there ya have it Reader... a sexual deviant denying the Laws of Nature.




Anyone need anything else?
Yours is not some unassailable position. You have not established a rhetorical fortress from which you may bloviate on what you see as the "Laws of Nature". Your "laws of Nature" are not conclusive, nor "Laws". Society decides what is acceptable behavior. Science decides what is 'deviancy' and the constitution of the United States determines that all citizens of this nation should enjoy the rights extended to all other citizens.

Your premise is flawed. It is not accepted as true and infallible. If it were true, albinos would be shunned as abhorrent and deviant. Caucasians would be considered freaks because the complexion, eye color and hair color and texture are not the norm for human beings. Normal would be the majority: jet black hair, brown eyes and darker complexions.

Face it, Keys. You are wrong on so many fronts your position is untenable.
Funny thing about this faux Christian outrage is the assholes that are makings these will not serve gays declarations have already broken biblical law's .
By servings countless numbers of gays (broken gaydar)?
Funny thing about this faux Christian outrage is the assholes that are makings these will not serve gays declarations have already broken biblical law's .
By servings countless numbers of gays (broken gaydar)?

Yeah... I am not sure that any Christian really cares what a pagan non-christian thinks they should do.... in fact... I know they don't. I don't either.
Funny thing about this faux Christian outrage is the assholes that are makings these will not serve gays declarations have already broken biblical law's .
By servings countless numbers of gays (broken gaydar)?

Yeah... I am not sure that any Christian really cares what a pagan non-christian thinks they should do.... in fact... I know they don't. I don't either.

And that's why we Jews look down on you stupid goyim:laugh2:
Funny thing about this faux Christian outrage is the assholes that are makings these will not serve gays declarations have already broken biblical law's .
By servings countless numbers of gays (broken gaydar)?

Yeah... I am not sure that any Christian really cares what a pagan non-christian thinks they should do.... in fact... I know they don't. I don't either.
That's pretentious as you have no clue to what other Christians think
what's fact is many other Christians on this site know that you posers are just bigots diguised as Christians .
have I told you how much you can fuck off today?
Funny thing about this faux Christian outrage is the assholes that are makings these will not serve gays declarations have already broken biblical law's .
By servings countless numbers of gays (broken gaydar)?

Yeah... I am not sure that any Christian really cares what a pagan non-christian thinks they should do.... in fact... I know they don't. I don't either.
That's pretentious as you have no clue to what other Christians think
what's fact is many other Christians on this site know that you posers are just bigots diguised as Christians .
have I told you how much you can fuck off today?
Aw, someone is getting their feathers ruffled up. It's like I just said in another thread (hey, that rhymes) why not go to the homosexual weddings and witness to the lost souls about the impending eternal damnation unless they repent? It's a win win.
Funny thing about this faux Christian outrage is the assholes that are makings these will not serve gays declarations have already broken biblical law's .
By servings countless numbers of gays (broken gaydar)?

Yeah... I am not sure that any Christian really cares what a pagan non-christian thinks they should do.... in fact... I know they don't. I don't either.
That's pretentious as you have no clue to what other Christians think
what's fact is many other Christians on this site know that you posers are just bigots diguised as Christians .
have I told you how much you can fuck off today?
Aw, someone is getting their feathers ruffled up. It's like I just said in another thread (hey, that rhymes) why not go to the homosexual weddings and witness to the lost souls about the impending eternal damnation unless they repent? It's a win win.
Another false assumer wrong about both subjects.

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