Another business owner receives death threats from pro-homosexual, anti-Christians

And there are laws that are mentioned in the Bible, the one against homosexuality for instance.
The Bible is irrelevant to this thread
like everything you post.

Actually the Bible is highly relevant because it tells us there's nothing new under the sun. When the two angels visited Lot and his family to warn them to leave Sodom and Gomorrah, they said, "God will destroy this city because the outcry against it is great".

That's the Bible confirming that homosexuals are assholes in every age. People thought so then, and they think so now.
Thankfully the bible is legally and Constitutionally irrelevant, as it fosters the ignorance and unwarranted hate exhibited by you and most others on the social right.

And yet... It's the gay advocates issuing the death threats. Hmmm.
false...Gay Minnesota student receives death threat in virulent letter - KMSP-TV

Would you like to have a contest to see which side issues more death threats?

You don't want to have that contest, do you?
Any law that tries to force a Christian to violate the laws of G-d, is a law I do not have to obey.
really? god says nothing about traffic laws. there lots of laws that aren't mentioned in the bible.
And there are laws that are mentioned in the Bible, the one against homosexuality for instance.
The Bible is irrelevant to this thread
like everything you post.

Actually the Bible is highly relevant because it tells us there's nothing new under the sun. When the two angels visited Lot and his family to warn them to leave Sodom and Gomorrah, they said, "God will destroy this city because the outcry against it is great".

That's the Bible confirming that homosexuals are assholes in every age. People thought so then, and they think so now.
Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed because the citizens there were inhospitable and ride, not because some of them were homosexual.
that's biblical myth all the empirical evidence points to a comet airburst.
By what authority can you choose to follow only the laws you agree with?

Any law that tries to force a Christian to violate the laws of G-d, is a law I do not have to obey.
really? god says nothing about traffic laws. there lots of laws that aren't mentioned in the bible.
And there are laws that are mentioned in the Bible, the one against homosexuality for instance.
The Bible is irrelevant to this thread
like everything you post.

Actually the Bible is highly relevant because it tells us there's nothing new under the sun. When the two angels visited Lot and his family to warn them to leave Sodom and Gomorrah, they said, "God will destroy this city because the outcry against it is great".

That's the Bible confirming that homosexuals are assholes in every age. People thought so then, and they think so now.
mighty Christian of you!
illiterates like you misinterpreting the bible is rock solid evidence of it's irrelevance.
you conveniently forget or are to ignorant to understand that this is a matter of law not faith.
really? god says nothing about traffic laws. there lots of laws that aren't mentioned in the bible.
And there are laws that are mentioned in the Bible, the one against homosexuality for instance.
The Bible is irrelevant to this thread
like everything you post.

Actually the Bible is highly relevant because it tells us there's nothing new under the sun. When the two angels visited Lot and his family to warn them to leave Sodom and Gomorrah, they said, "God will destroy this city because the outcry against it is great".

That's the Bible confirming that homosexuals are assholes in every age. People thought so then, and they think so now.
Thankfully the bible is legally and Constitutionally irrelevant, as it fosters the ignorance and unwarranted hate exhibited by you and most others on the social right.
Irrelevant is your opinion only. Try as you might, you cannot make your opinion fact.
so the constitution is not relevant?
Any law that tries to force a Christian to violate the laws of G-d, is a law I do not have to obey.
really? god says nothing about traffic laws. there lots of laws that aren't mentioned in the bible.
And there are laws that are mentioned in the Bible, the one against homosexuality for instance.
The Bible is irrelevant to this thread
like everything you post.

Actually the Bible is highly relevant because it tells us there's nothing new under the sun. When the two angels visited Lot and his family to warn them to leave Sodom and Gomorrah, they said, "God will destroy this city because the outcry against it is great".

That's the Bible confirming that homosexuals are assholes in every age. People thought so then, and they think so now.
mighty Christian of you!
illiterates like you misinterpreting the bible is rock solid evidence of it's irrelevance.
you conveniently forget or are to ignorant to understand that this is a matter of law not faith.

It's a matter of thousands of years of consensus that faggots are assholes and "the outcry against them is great".
really? god says nothing about traffic laws. there lots of laws that aren't mentioned in the bible.
And there are laws that are mentioned in the Bible, the one against homosexuality for instance.
The Bible is irrelevant to this thread
like everything you post.

Actually the Bible is highly relevant because it tells us there's nothing new under the sun. When the two angels visited Lot and his family to warn them to leave Sodom and Gomorrah, they said, "God will destroy this city because the outcry against it is great".

That's the Bible confirming that homosexuals are assholes in every age. People thought so then, and they think so now.
mighty Christian of you!
illiterates like you misinterpreting the bible is rock solid evidence of it's irrelevance.
you conveniently forget or are to ignorant to understand that this is a matter of law not faith.

It's a matter of thousands of years of consensus that faggots are assholes and "the outcry against them is great".
The bible was written by men, reflecting man's fear, ignorance, and hate – an example of that fear, ignorance, and hate is quoted above.
The Bible is irrelevant to this thread
like everything you post.

Actually the Bible is highly relevant because it tells us there's nothing new under the sun. When the two angels visited Lot and his family to warn them to leave Sodom and Gomorrah, they said, "God will destroy this city because the outcry against it is great".

That's the Bible confirming that homosexuals are assholes in every age. People thought so then, and they think so now.
Thankfully the bible is legally and Constitutionally irrelevant, as it fosters the ignorance and unwarranted hate exhibited by you and most others on the social right.

And yet... It's the gay advocates issuing the death threats. Hmmm.
false...Gay Minnesota student receives death threat in virulent letter - KMSP-TV

Would you like to have a contest to see which side issues more death threats?

You don't want to have that contest, do you?
you loose as death threats to gays out number the tiny amount received by the "Christian" business owners by millions.

Violence against LGBT people
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religious / by sex
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(as religious or racial quota)

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(laws and issues prohibiting)

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Part of a series on
Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people

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LGBT portal
Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people can face violence motivated by hateful attitudes towards their sexuality or gender identity.[1] Violence may be executed by the state, as in laws prescribing corporal punishment for homosexual acts (see homosexuality laws), or by individuals engaging in intimidation, mobbing, assault, or lynching (see gay bashing, trans bashing). Violence targeted at people because of their perceived sexuality can be psychological or physical and can extend to murder. These actions may be motivated by homophobia, lesbophobia, biphobia, transphobia, and may be influenced by cultural, religious, or political mores and biases.

Currently, homosexual acts are legal in almost all Western countries, and in many of these countries violence against LGBT people is classified as a hate crime,[2] with such violence being often connected with conservative or religious leaning ideologies which condemn homosexuality, or being perpetrated by individuals who associate homosexuality to being weak, ill, feminine, or immoral. Outside the West, many countries, particularly those where the dominant religion is Islam, but also many countries in the Commonwealth (e.g. Uganda, Nigeria, Malaysia and Jamaica), most African (excluding South Africa) and some Asian countries (excluding Japan and Taiwan), and some former-Communist countries in Eastern Europe and Central Asia, such as Russia and Serbia, are currently very dangerous for LGBT people because of discrimination against homosexuals which influences both discriminatory legislation and physical violence.[3]

In Europe, the European Union's Employment Equality Framework Directive and Charter of Fundamental Rights offer some protection against sexuality-based discrimination.

Historically, state-sanctioned persecution of homosexuals was mostly limited to male homosexuality, termed "sodomy". During the medieval and early modern period, the penalty for sodomy was usually death. During the modern period (from the 19th century to the mid-20th century) in the Western world, the penalty was usually a fine or imprisonment.

As of 2009, there remain under 80 countries worldwide where homosexual acts remain illegal (notably throughout the Middle East, Central Asia and in most of Africa, but also in some of the Caribbean and Oceania) including five that carry the death penalty.[4]
really? god says nothing about traffic laws. there lots of laws that aren't mentioned in the bible.
And there are laws that are mentioned in the Bible, the one against homosexuality for instance.
The Bible is irrelevant to this thread
like everything you post.

Actually the Bible is highly relevant because it tells us there's nothing new under the sun. When the two angels visited Lot and his family to warn them to leave Sodom and Gomorrah, they said, "God will destroy this city because the outcry against it is great".

That's the Bible confirming that homosexuals are assholes in every age. People thought so then, and they think so now.
mighty Christian of you!
illiterates like you misinterpreting the bible is rock solid evidence of it's irrelevance.
you conveniently forget or are to ignorant to understand that this is a matter of law not faith.

It's a matter of thousands of years of consensus that faggots are assholes and "the outcry against them is great".
Argumentum ad populum
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"Ad populum" redirects here. For the Catholic liturgical term, see Versus populum.
In argumentation theory, an argumentum ad populum (Latin for "appeal to the people") is a fallacious argument that concludes that a proposition is true because many or most people believe it: "If many believe so, it is so."

This type of argument is known by several names,[1] including appeal to the masses, appeal to belief, appeal to the majority, appeal to democracy, appeal to popularity, argument by consensus, consensus fallacy, authority of the many, and bandwagon fallacy (also known as a vox populi),[2] and in Latin as argumentum ad numerum ("appeal to the number"), and consensus gentium ("agreement of the clans"). It is also the basis of a number of social phenomena, including communal reinforcement and the bandwagon effect. The Chinese proverb "three men make a tiger" concerns the same idea.

if you were smart you'd quit now ,but smart is not in your skill set.
“Sodom and Gomorrah” is a myth, which is why the bible is legally and Constitutionally irrelevant.

Say it three more times and it might become true.
funny you sould say that because the myths in the bible have been repeated ad nauseam
and have never come true.
the bible's constitutional irrelevance is fact nothing you can do will change that.
“Sodom and Gomorrah” is a myth, which is why the bible is legally and Constitutionally irrelevant.

Yeah, but we really don't care what you think is a myth or not, or what is irrelevant or not. We believe it. Period. And we can vote. Period. So given those two facts, it is in fact relevant, because we believe it is, and we have a voice in our society.

So what you think on matter... doesn't matter to us. Thanks for stopping by.
“Sodom and Gomorrah” is a myth, which is why the bible is legally and Constitutionally irrelevant.

Yeah, but we really don't care what you think is a myth or not, or what is irrelevant or not. We believe it. Period. And we can vote. Period. So given those two facts, it is in fact relevant, because we believe it is, and we have a voice in our society.

So what you think on matter... doesn't matter to us. Thanks for stopping by.
you not caring is also,not relevant.
yes, you can vote but the fact is only a tiny portion of you do.
yes, you do have a voice in this society but it no more special than all the other millions of voices .
so given those facts you'll have to wait inline like everybody else.
LGBT is just a bunch of fags.
Yet another example of ignorance and hate from the right, and why the Constitution and its case law are needed as much today as at any point in our Nation's history, to protect citizens from the fear, ignorance, and hate common to most conservatives.

I'd never harm LGBT people but it doesn't change the fact that they are still a bunch of fags by definition. I believe in their right to go do as they will but I also believe in freedom of speech.
“Sodom and Gomorrah” is a myth, which is why the bible is legally and Constitutionally irrelevant.

Yeah, but we really don't care what you think is a myth or not, or what is irrelevant or not. We believe it. Period. And we can vote. Period. So given those two facts, it is in fact relevant, because we believe it is, and we have a voice in our society.

So what you think on matter... doesn't matter to us. Thanks for stopping by.
you not caring is also,not relevant.
yes, you can vote but the fact is only a tiny portion of you do.
yes, you do have a voice in this society but it no more special than all the other millions of voices .
so given those facts you'll have to wait inline like everybody else.

Regardless, we intend to practice our faith, and you just have to deal with it.
LGBT is just a bunch of fags.
Yet another example of ignorance and hate from the right, and why the Constitution and its case law are needed as much today as at any point in our Nation's history, to protect citizens from the fear, ignorance, and hate common to most conservatives.

I'd never harm LGBT people but it doesn't change the fact that they are still a bunch of fags by definition. I believe in their right to go do as they will but I also believe in freedom of speech.
lol! ...the so called Christians freedom of speech is not being violated in any way.
do you know anything about public accommodation laws?
it appears you don't
fags is not a definition it's a pejorative.
bet you don't know jack shit about that either.

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