another defining vote on Trumps plate ..

Trump PROMISED the entire country he would reduce the national debt,

He would hire the toughest, the best negotiators IN THE WORLD .. he could because he knew how to do that.

well Old Man Shitforhair, time to see what you can do, and you better get your sorry ass in gear, you're running out of time .. (in more ways than one)

Notice how Trump has to point out he is a Republican?

That's because up until less than two years prior to that tweet, he was a cut-and-run Democrat shooting his mouth off all over fake news channel CNN every chance he got.

When Trump signs off on raising the debt ceiling, I wonder what wonderful diversion Trump's Chumps will be distracted by their propaganda outlets so they don't focus on being hoaxed yet again by Trump.
Trump PROMISED the entire country he would reduce the national debt,

He would hire the toughest, the best negotiators IN THE WORLD .. he could because he knew how to do that.

well Old Man Shitforhair, time to see what you can do, and you better get your sorry ass in gear, you're running out of time .. (in more ways than one)
/----/ Hildabeast or Bernie would spend us into oblivion. At least Trump is trying,
When confronted with the fact you have been hoaxed by Trump again, divert! Divert! Divert!

"Yeahbut we won!"
Trump PROMISED the entire country he would reduce the national debt,

He would hire the toughest, the best negotiators IN THE WORLD .. he could because he knew how to do that.

well Old Man Shitforhair, time to see what you can do, and you better get your sorry ass in gear, you're running out of time .. (in more ways than one)
/----/ Hildabeast or Nernie would spend us into oblivion. At least Trump is trying,
Donald Trump's Plans Would Add $5.3 Trillion to the National Debt

Donald Trump Would Boost Debt More Than Hillary Clinton, Report Says

Trump would beat Clinton by trillions when it comes to driving up debt

Trump plans would increase debt 26 TIMES more than Clinton's: Study

Donald Trump’s tax plan could land America $10 trillion deeper in debt
Trump never spoke much about the debt. As a liberal New York Democrat, he knew he hasn't a clue what to do about it.

He threw out a really lame claim that the debt would go down because he was going to make the economy grow faster than anyone in history.

His Chumps never asked him how he was going to do that. They are just that stupid.

But other than that, Trump knew he was going to get us deeper in debt. The Chumps never even bothered to ask him about the debt.

I honestly do not know what Trump's Chumps were voting for other than Trump was bashing Mexicans and Muslims.
Start by saying that anyone with a drivers license can vote. California driver licenses given to 800,000 undocumented immigrants
Oh, wow. A red herring appears right on cue!
An article from the San Jose Mercury News is red herring?
It has fuck-all to do with this debt ceiling topic. So yeah, retard, a textbook red herring.
Added a line to my post. Wrong thread.

thats ok, Ttrump's the wrong president for lowering the debt too.
Trump PROMISED the entire country he would reduce the national debt,

He would hire the toughest, the best negotiators IN THE WORLD .. he could because he knew how to do that.

well Old Man Shitforhair, time to see what you can do, and you better get your sorry ass in gear, you're running out of time .. (in more ways than one)
/----/ Hildabeast or Nernie would spend us into oblivion. At least Trump is trying,
Donald Trump's Plans Would Add $5.3 Trillion to the National Debt

Donald Trump Would Boost Debt More Than Hillary Clinton, Report Says

Trump would beat Clinton by trillions when it comes to driving up debt

Trump plans would increase debt 26 TIMES more than Clinton's: Study

Donald Trump’s tax plan could land America $10 trillion deeper in debt
/----/ all articles written by Trump hating libtards
The reason "history tells us that republicans will cave" is because history tells us the MSM consistently blames republicans. When Bill Clinton closed the government the snarky comment at the time was "the Gin(grinch) that stole Christmas". Bill Clinton shut down the government and the MSM blamed the House Speaker.

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