Another disgusting story about walmart

Walmart is a critical part of our welfare system
especially for the wealthy recipients.

Inheritance and excessive profits are nothing but welfare, protected by the negligence of the elitist government to do its duty to the majority. Make unions mandatory and cut off the Heirheads from Daddy's Money at age 18. Just like real Americans, most of them won't be able to stomach college without a healthy allowance and will wind up in blue-collar jobs, where unionization is a necessity to prevent wage-gouging.
What's in it for you to allow the privilege of inheritance? If we have to do it on our own, so must the Masters you loyal peasants and house slaves worship. Heirheads talk against the Gubmint when they themselves are totally dependent on Daddy's Money. Without that, most of them probably would have wound up as minimum-wage workers.

"house slaves"? And what are you Casper....a field hand pickin a bale a day? :lol: You leftist nosebleeds crack me're so fucking jealous of folks with some money you have to assume they inherited it or got it on the sly somehow. .

Because bootlicking creates a speech defect, when it sounds like you anal-retentive brown-noses are saying "jealous," you Boytoys for the Bosses are really talking about "justice." When it sounds like you are saying "justice," you are really saying "Just Us."

:lol: Do your folks know they raised a little stalinist queer? I bet they don't invite you home for Thanksgiving anymore but you show up anyway and wreck their meal.
Would you like to super size that?

Wal-Mart worker: Fired for helping assaulted woman | |

Sam Walton's heirs have billions siphoned off the workers and price-gouged from the customers through their Third World slave-wage colonies. The guillotine-fodder Heirheads never worked for their money, so it must be confiscated and given to the Walton employees.

Even though they ARE the little guy, rw's are in favor of anything that hurts the little guy.

rw's want a feudal system so they don't have to buy their health care insurance and all decisions are made for them. Its just their nature to be unable to think for themselves.
Would you like to super size that?

Wal-Mart worker: Fired for helping assaulted woman | |

Sam Walton's heirs have billions siphoned off the workers and price-gouged from the customers through their Third World slave-wage colonies. The guillotine-fodder Heirheads never worked for their money, so it must be confiscated and given to the Walton employees.

Even though they ARE the little guy, rw's are in favor of anything that hurts the little guy.

rw's want a feudal system so they don't have to buy their health care insurance and all decisions are made for them. Its just their nature to be unable to think for themselves.
They are pro

ud of their thinking.
They think it patriotic.
Would you like to super size that?

Wal-Mart worker: Fired for helping assaulted woman | |

You have your catch phrases wrong...."Super Size" was McDonalds in the day, Walmart was "Lowest prices everyday"....

Beyond that opening, Hampton Roads eh? Isn't that the same place where the two reporters were attacked by a mob of black men, and nothing was done by police?

Hmmmmm...Sounds like a pattern for that area.

No one ever accused Snookie of being smart.
I like what Shakespeare said, "Kill the lawyers".

Shakespeare didn't say that. A character in one of his plays, a seditionist who was trying to take away the rights of the people, said that. I've told you before, if you are going to quote Shakespeare you should read Shakespeare first.
Most places advise you of their policies, give you a copy of their policy book, and have you sign it. If this was against their policy, it was against their policy. They guy should have called the police and stayed out of it.
I remember when people held out a hand to their fellow man.

The hatred from the rw's has changed that.
Walmart is a critical part of our welfare system
especially for the wealthy recipients.

Inheritance and excessive profits are nothing but welfare, protected by the negligence of the elitist government to do its duty to the majority. Make unions mandatory and cut off the Heirheads from Daddy's Money at age 18. Just like real Americans, most of them won't be able to stomach college without a healthy allowance and will wind up in blue-collar jobs, where unionization is a necessity to prevent wage-gouging.

Dude...put your helmet on, get back in the padded room, and take more Thorazine! Yer HALLUCINATING, boy!
I like what Shakespeare said, "Kill the lawyers".

Shakespeare didn't say that. A character in one of his plays, a seditionist who was trying to take away the rights of the people, said that. I've told you before, if you are going to quote Shakespeare you should read Shakespeare first.

Understanding him would also be helpful! To Shakespeare, an attorney wasn't a "lawyer". An attorney would be a barrister; a "lawyer" is a legislator, a lawMAKER..
I remember when people held out a hand to their fellow man.

The hatred from the rw's has changed that.

This would have gotten a person working in a hospital fired as well. And likely quicker than it did the guy at Wal Mart.
I like what Shakespeare said, "Kill the lawyers".

Shakespeare didn't say that. A character in one of his plays, a seditionist who was trying to take away the rights of the people, said that. I've told you before, if you are going to quote Shakespeare you should read Shakespeare first.

Understanding him would also be helpful! To Shakespeare, an attorney wasn't a "lawyer". An attorney would be a barrister; a "lawyer" is a legislator, a lawMAKER..

Playing archaic semantics even with Shakespeare, Chill your quill.
Shakespeare didn't say that. A character in one of his plays, a seditionist who was trying to take away the rights of the people, said that. I've told you before, if you are going to quote Shakespeare you should read Shakespeare first.

Understanding him would also be helpful! To Shakespeare, an attorney wasn't a "lawyer". An attorney would be a barrister; a "lawyer" is a legislator, a lawMAKER..

Playing archaic semantics even with Shakespeare, Chill your quill.

You and he who shall not be named got a deficient education. You both routinely use quotes that you do not understand.

''The first thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers,'' was stated by Dick the Butcher in ''Henry VI,'' Part II, act IV, Scene II, Line 73. Dick the Butcher was a follower of the rebel Jack Cade, who thought that if he disturbed law and order, he could become king. Shakespeare meant it as a compliment to attorneys and judges who instill justice in society.

'Kill the Lawyers,' A Line Misinterpreted -
Walmart is a critical part of our welfare system
especially for the wealthy recipients.

Inheritance and excessive profits are nothing but welfare, protected by the negligence of the elitist government to do its duty to the majority. Make unions mandatory and cut off the Heirheads from Daddy's Money at age 18. Just like real Americans, most of them won't be able to stomach college without a healthy allowance and will wind up in blue-collar jobs, where unionization is a necessity to prevent wage-gouging.

What the...? I had to check and make sure I didn't accidentally wind up on a CPUSA site...

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