Another empty threat?

No, that is not the only reason they come here.

It's estimated that we currently have 20 million illegals living in this country. Do you mean to tell me that you believe we have 20 million illegals working in the United States?

Yes, they come here for jobs, but they also come for a variety of reasons. Again, Google Birther Tourism. They come here for our social programs mainly. That's why over half of the legal immigrants living in this country are on some sort of welfare program(s).

The jobs are what started the ball rolling, and it is also why it was ignored for decades, big business loved the cheap labor, people loved their cheap produce.

the people paying them are every bit as guilty as those coming here.

No, that's like saying the drug addicts are just as responsible for the drug dealers themselves. The law nor courts see it that way.

I have no problem saying that. Dealers do not force anyone to buy their drugs.

Just like employers don't force anybody to take their jobs.
No, that is not the only reason they come here.

It's estimated that we currently have 20 million illegals living in this country. Do you mean to tell me that you believe we have 20 million illegals working in the United States?

Yes, they come here for jobs, but they also come for a variety of reasons. Again, Google Birther Tourism. They come here for our social programs mainly. That's why over half of the legal immigrants living in this country are on some sort of welfare program(s).

The jobs are what started the ball rolling, and it is also why it was ignored for decades, big business loved the cheap labor, people loved their cheap produce.

the people paying them are every bit as guilty as those coming here.

No, that's like saying the drug addicts are just as responsible for the drug dealers themselves. The law nor courts see it that way.

I have no problem saying that. Dealers do not force anyone to buy their drugs.

Just like employers don't force anybody to take their jobs.
Yep, Fucked up politically correct assholes think they know what everyone should be paid...
No, that is not the only reason they come here.

It's estimated that we currently have 20 million illegals living in this country. Do you mean to tell me that you believe we have 20 million illegals working in the United States?

Yes, they come here for jobs, but they also come for a variety of reasons. Again, Google Birther Tourism. They come here for our social programs mainly. That's why over half of the legal immigrants living in this country are on some sort of welfare program(s).

The jobs are what started the ball rolling, and it is also why it was ignored for decades, big business loved the cheap labor, people loved their cheap produce.

the people paying them are every bit as guilty as those coming here.

No, that's like saying the drug addicts are just as responsible for the drug dealers themselves. The law nor courts see it that way.

I have no problem saying that. Dealers do not force anyone to buy their drugs.

Just like employers don't force anybody to take their jobs.

Nope, but they do pay people that should not be in this country legally. You want to go after the drug dealers but want to give the employers a free pass.
No, that is not the only reason they come here.

It's estimated that we currently have 20 million illegals living in this country. Do you mean to tell me that you believe we have 20 million illegals working in the United States?

Yes, they come here for jobs, but they also come for a variety of reasons. Again, Google Birther Tourism. They come here for our social programs mainly. That's why over half of the legal immigrants living in this country are on some sort of welfare program(s).

The jobs are what started the ball rolling, and it is also why it was ignored for decades, big business loved the cheap labor, people loved their cheap produce.

the people paying them are every bit as guilty as those coming here.

No, that's like saying the drug addicts are just as responsible for the drug dealers themselves. The law nor courts see it that way.

I have no problem saying that. Dealers do not force anyone to buy their drugs.

Just like employers don't force anybody to take their jobs.
Yep, Fucked up politically correct assholes think they know what everyone should be paid...

everyone should get paid what the market will bear. artificial minimum wages should not be allowed.
First, auto companies must manufacture at least 75 percent of the car's components in Canada, Mexico, or the United States. It was 62.5 percent previously. At least 30 percent of the car must be made by workers earning at least $16 an hour. That increases to 40 percent in 2023. That's three times what the average Mexican auto worker makes. Autos that don't meet these requirements will be subject to tariffs. The agreement protects Mexico and Canada from any future U.S. auto tariffs.

These changes should create more U.S. jobs for autoworkers. But it could reduce U.S. jobs for cars sold to China. The higher labor costs will make them too expensive. for the Chinese market. It will also increase the price of cars sold in America. It also means some small cars will no longer be sold in North America.

one report I read after the new deal came out said that only two car models sold in the US did not already meet the 75% standard.

Even your own link cannot say what impact it will have, which I say will be negligible.

Second, Canada must open up its dairy market to U.S. farmers. It will eliminate its complex pricing scheme for Class 7 products. That includes milk protein concentrate, skim milk powder, and infant formula. It also allows certain cheeses to be marketed in Mexico and the United States. It opens the wine market in British Columbia to American wine.

Class 7 milks makes up less than 5% of the Canadian dairy market. Again, an insignificant change.

Third, Mexican trucks must meet U.S. safety standards before crossing the border. That was a win for Mexico. It was promised in the first NAFTA agreement but withdrawn by the U.S. Congress. Mexico must also allow its workers to form unions.

does this really seem a significant change to you? How does this help the US?

Fourth, the new agreement provides more protection for patents and trademarks. This adopts many of the intellectual property rights negotiated in the Trans-Pacific Partnership abandoned by Trump.

this could work out good, time will tell.

all in all a bunch of minor tweaks, no major changes. The biggest change was the name from NAFTA to USCMA. At least Trump was able to get our name first, that is a win I suppose
WTF does Iraq have to do with this discussion?

Well, the last time Republicans started calling something a war that wasn't actually a war (The War on Terror!!!!), Iraq was the scapegoat. Who will it be this time? If we're being invaded we should attack and kill all the "invaders" immediately. So, who we gonna attack?

And that might be the case if it were not illegal and you end up in prison. If it were legal to shoot the invaders, that would have solved the problem many years ago.

It's illegal to shoot invaders? Which law makes that illegal? I've never heard of such a thing.

What makes it illegal? It's called murder and it's against the law in this country. You can shoot somebody in self-defense, but you can't shoot somebody because they came into the country illegally.

But if there was a real invasion, it would be self-defense.
WTF does Iraq have to do with this discussion?

Well, the last time Republicans started calling something a war that wasn't actually a war (The War on Terror!!!!), Iraq was the scapegoat. Who will it be this time? If we're being invaded we should attack and kill all the "invaders" immediately. So, who we gonna attack?

And that might be the case if it were not illegal and you end up in prison. If it were legal to shoot the invaders, that would have solved the problem many years ago.

It's illegal to shoot invaders? Which law makes that illegal? I've never heard of such a thing.

What makes it illegal? It's called murder and it's against the law in this country. You can shoot somebody in self-defense, but you can't shoot somebody because they came into the country illegally.

But if there was a real invasion, it would be self-defense.

No, only if they invaded with guns, then it's self-defense. Unfortunately, our gutless legislatures made it a misdemeanor so it's not an invasion by legal standards, but it's still an invasion of our country.
No, that is not the only reason they come here.

It's estimated that we currently have 20 million illegals living in this country. Do you mean to tell me that you believe we have 20 million illegals working in the United States?

Yes, they come here for jobs, but they also come for a variety of reasons. Again, Google Birther Tourism. They come here for our social programs mainly. That's why over half of the legal immigrants living in this country are on some sort of welfare program(s).

The jobs are what started the ball rolling, and it is also why it was ignored for decades, big business loved the cheap labor, people loved their cheap produce.

the people paying them are every bit as guilty as those coming here.

No, that's like saying the drug addicts are just as responsible for the drug dealers themselves. The law nor courts see it that way.

I have no problem saying that. Dealers do not force anyone to buy their drugs.

Just like employers don't force anybody to take their jobs.

Nope, but they do pay people that should not be in this country legally. You want to go after the drug dealers but want to give the employers a free pass.

As I already linked to, they don't get a free pass. It's a crime to hire illegals just like it's a crime for them being here. Both should be punished. You only want one punished.

Let me know when it actually forms and heads this way.

We were told by FoxNews back in Jan that one was coming...I think we are still waiting.

So links to several articles stating exactly what the poster in question said isn't good enough. Talk about making up your own facts. LOL
Trump threatens to close border 'next week' if Mexico doesn't 'immediately stop' flood of illegal immigrants

So, Trump tweeted he will close the southern border next week if Mexico does not stop illegals from entering the US.

Will he do it?

What would be the damage to the economy from such an action?

Somewhere in the neighborhood of 1.5 billion dollars worth of goods flow back and forth across that border each and every day.
Another empty head with another empty thread? Sitting in bed waiting on the Fed? Misled until you're dead? Never to wed? Wishing you were red? Is that what you said?
I should you be responsible for confirming the legality of everyone I hire and give a wage to.

My 16 year old just got a job, guess what he had to prove his legality before they would hire him...just crazy in your world I guess

Say I own a moderately sized apartment in a college town. I hire a carpet cleaning company and a painting company to do all the apartments vacated during the Summer turn around. Oh, and I have a property management company handling the property. There is also a pool maintenance company who handles the pool and a landscape company.

For which employees am I responsible?
Trump was just asked by media in Florida about the military build up and he told them he will close the border Wednesday if Mexico does not take steps to stop the caravans. I think we just saw an "Awe Shit" moment in the press when they realized he is no longer playing the democrats game. PERIOD!

And we got our answer for the military preparedness level increase.

still waiting on a link for the military preparedness level increase, have you found one yet?

So, Trump has drawn the line in the sand, lets see if he has the balls to cost the economy a billion dollars a day

He could. They said the same thing about his trade war and we pretty much won that.

The real question is whether Mexico could afford the billion dollars a day. Different story there.

How did we win that, I didn't realized that a single deal had been done yet? Where is this information?
Thanks for asking, here is the plan I have put forth on this forum many times. It is a 3 step plan.

1. Pull at least 50% of the troops from Europe and station them on the border allowing them to defend this great nation for a change.

2. Go after the people that hire illegals, and go after them hard. Fines so high that businesses go out under and jail time for those caught doing it.

3. Create a true guest worker program so that those industries that need the labor can get it legally.

Do those 3 things and the illegal immigrant problem will be solved.

I like my plan better. Being here illegally is a first degree felony carrying a minimum of five years in prison. That takes care of every sector of the problem. It takes care of the people who have been here for a very long time, VISA overstays, asylum seekers that didn't attend court and became illegal, and of course, people thinking about coming here illegally.

Great plan, now how much are you willing to have your taxes raised to build the prisons and hire the people to run them and maintain them?

Given the fact we spend over 100 billion a year now on illegals, I think we can use a fraction of that money for prisons. Besides, most people would sooner leave than be locked up in a cage. There won't be that many prisoners to begin with.

You cannot let them leave. They must be incarcerated, how else will they be taught a lesson?
And by the way the companies that hire them must be rewarded with more tax incentives. How else can they stay in business.

Not at all. After the law is passed, give them more than ample time to leave the country. If the law was passed this weekend, give them until June 1 to be the hell out of here. We wouldn't want to flood our borders with people trying to leave. It would take some of them time to figure out where they would go after leaving.

I noticed you glossed right over punishing businesses for the hiring of those illegals. I would like to say I am surprised but I am not!
I like my plan better. Being here illegally is a first degree felony carrying a minimum of five years in prison. That takes care of every sector of the problem. It takes care of the people who have been here for a very long time, VISA overstays, asylum seekers that didn't attend court and became illegal, and of course, people thinking about coming here illegally.

Great plan, now how much are you willing to have your taxes raised to build the prisons and hire the people to run them and maintain them?

Given the fact we spend over 100 billion a year now on illegals, I think we can use a fraction of that money for prisons. Besides, most people would sooner leave than be locked up in a cage. There won't be that many prisoners to begin with.

You cannot let them leave. They must be incarcerated, how else will they be taught a lesson?
And by the way the companies that hire them must be rewarded with more tax incentives. How else can they stay in business.

Not at all. After the law is passed, give them more than ample time to leave the country. If the law was passed this weekend, give them until June 1 to be the hell out of here. We wouldn't want to flood our borders with people trying to leave. It would take some of them time to figure out where they would go after leaving.

I noticed you glossed right over punishing businesses for the hiring of those illegals. I would like to say I am surprised but I am not!

I would like to say your read earlier posts, but you did not. I posted the penalty and link for employers who hire illegals.
Great plan, now how much are you willing to have your taxes raised to build the prisons and hire the people to run them and maintain them?

Given the fact we spend over 100 billion a year now on illegals, I think we can use a fraction of that money for prisons. Besides, most people would sooner leave than be locked up in a cage. There won't be that many prisoners to begin with.

You cannot let them leave. They must be incarcerated, how else will they be taught a lesson?
And by the way the companies that hire them must be rewarded with more tax incentives. How else can they stay in business.

Not at all. After the law is passed, give them more than ample time to leave the country. If the law was passed this weekend, give them until June 1 to be the hell out of here. We wouldn't want to flood our borders with people trying to leave. It would take some of them time to figure out where they would go after leaving.

I noticed you glossed right over punishing businesses for the hiring of those illegals. I would like to say I am surprised but I am not!

I would like to say your read earlier posts, but you did not. I posted the penalty and link for employers who hire illegals.

You do know that there is a chicken processing plant in the Canton/Massillon area that got busted last year with a slue of illegals. Do you know what happened to them? Almost nothing, it wouldn't even be considered a slap on the wrists. And I did read the earlier posts and you do know that the laws are not set in stone for businesses don't you?
Trump threatens to close border 'next week' if Mexico doesn't 'immediately stop' flood of illegal immigrants

So, Trump tweeted he will close the southern border next week if Mexico does not stop illegals from entering the US.

Will he do it?

What would be the damage to the economy from such an action?

Somewhere in the neighborhood of 1.5 billion dollars worth of goods flow back and forth across that border each and every day.

Tiny number compared to the cost of wet backs latching on to the gubments utters.

Let me know when it actually forms and heads this way.

We were told by FoxNews back in Jan that one was coming...I think we are still waiting.

So links to several articles stating exactly what the poster in question said isn't good enough. Talk about making up your own facts. LOL

In January these same agencies ran stories about a caravan heading our way, and it magically never materialized

It is amazing how many of your Trumpians all of a sudden have unwavering faith in the MSM.

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Let me know when it actually forms and heads this way.

We were told by FoxNews back in Jan that one was coming...I think we are still waiting.

So links to several articles stating exactly what the poster in question said isn't good enough. Talk about making up your own facts. LOL

In January these same agencies ran stories about a caravan heading our way, and it magically never materialized

It is amazing how many of your Trumpians all of a sudden have unwavering faith in the MSM.

Sent from my iPhone using

Yeah, it's all just made up.

U.S. Apprehended Record Number of Migrant Families At Southwest Border
Given the fact we spend over 100 billion a year now on illegals, I think we can use a fraction of that money for prisons. Besides, most people would sooner leave than be locked up in a cage. There won't be that many prisoners to begin with.

You cannot let them leave. They must be incarcerated, how else will they be taught a lesson?
And by the way the companies that hire them must be rewarded with more tax incentives. How else can they stay in business.

Not at all. After the law is passed, give them more than ample time to leave the country. If the law was passed this weekend, give them until June 1 to be the hell out of here. We wouldn't want to flood our borders with people trying to leave. It would take some of them time to figure out where they would go after leaving.

I noticed you glossed right over punishing businesses for the hiring of those illegals. I would like to say I am surprised but I am not!

I would like to say your read earlier posts, but you did not. I posted the penalty and link for employers who hire illegals.

You do know that there is a chicken processing plant in the Canton/Massillon area that got busted last year with a slue of illegals. Do you know what happened to them? Almost nothing, it wouldn't even be considered a slap on the wrists. And I did read the earlier posts and you do know that the laws are not set in stone for businesses don't you?

Actually there were a few busts in this area after Trump took over. Never heard anything about them since. Perhaps you have links?

Let me know when it actually forms and heads this way.

We were told by FoxNews back in Jan that one was coming...I think we are still waiting.

So links to several articles stating exactly what the poster in question said isn't good enough. Talk about making up your own facts. LOL

In January these same agencies ran stories about a caravan heading our way, and it magically never materialized

It is amazing how many of your Trumpians all of a sudden have unwavering faith in the MSM.

Sent from my iPhone using

Yeah, it's all just made up.

U.S. Apprehended Record Number of Migrant Families At Southwest Border

It's going to take Gator having someone he loves getting hurt by one of them. He's just that stupid.
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