Another empty threat?

Shut that f-ing border down. And line it with military. And keep it shut until the Soros caravan challenge stops. And then close down Soros.
2 can play his game. There isn't one thing south of the border that we need to survive. When Mexico realizes that these people will be staying in Mexico instead of our country, they'll start handling their own southern border differently. Let's let this shit backfire on them both.

It would be an ugly exercise in futility, but if the Trumpsters did manage to seal up the border, we weed out the hypocrisy of this debate in a hurry.
Trump was just asked by media in Florida about the military build up and he told them he will close the border Wednesday if Mexico does not take steps to stop the caravans. I think we just saw an "Awe Shit" moment in the press when they realized he is no longer playing the democrats game. PERIOD!

And we got our answer for the military preparedness level increase.

still waiting on a link for the military preparedness level increase, have you found one yet?

So, Trump has drawn the line in the sand, lets see if he has the balls to cost the economy a billion dollars a day
... the people paying them are every bit as guilty as those coming here.

Why? Are you culpable for the crimes of anyone you pay for a service? Seriously??

if I know they are committing the crime and keep paying them for doing so...then yes

And if they don't know? Should you be responsible for investigating the legality of everyone you do business with?

I should you be responsible for confirming the legality of everyone I hire and give a wage to.

My 16 year old just got a job, guess what he had to prove his legality before they would hire him...just crazy in your world I guess
Shut that f-ing border down. And line it with military. And keep it shut until the Soros caravan challenge stops. And then close down Soros.
2 can play his game. There isn't one thing south of the border that we need to survive. When Mexico realizes that these people will be staying in Mexico instead of our country, they'll start handling their own southern border differently. Let's let this shit backfire on them both.

It would be an ugly exercise in futility, but if the Trumpsters did manage to seal up the border, we weed out the hypocrisy of this debate in a hurry.

he can legally do it, there is no question about that.
... the people paying them are every bit as guilty as those coming here.

Why? Are you culpable for the crimes of anyone you pay for a service? Seriously??

if I know they are committing the crime and keep paying them for doing so...then yes

And if they don't know? Should you be responsible for investigating the legality of everyone you do business with?

I should you be responsible for confirming the legality of everyone I hire and give a wage to.

And how is that substantially different that buying a taco from the local taco stand? Should customers be required to confirm the legality of the taco vendor? What about hiring someone to mow your lawn? Hiring two people to mow your lawn? At what point does a financial transaction require each party to be responsible for the crimes of the other?

My 16 year old just got a job, guess what he had to prove his legality before they would hire him...just crazy in your world I guess

Requiring citizens to investigate and "report" on each other is poison to a free society.
Trump threatens to close border 'next week' if Mexico doesn't 'immediately stop' flood of illegal immigrants

So, Trump tweeted he will close the southern border next week if Mexico does not stop illegals from entering the US.

Will he do it?

What would be the damage to the economy from such an action?

Somewhere in the neighborhood of 1.5 billion dollars worth of goods flow back and forth across that border each and every day.

Comrade, how should we deal with the assault on our southern border by your party and the foreign allies you have in the attack you are waging on America?

Thanks for asking, here is the plan I have put forth on this forum many times. It is a 3 step plan.

1. Pull at least 50% of the troops from Europe and station them on the border allowing them to defend this great nation for a change.

2. Go after the people that hire illegals, and go after them hard. Fines so high that businesses go out under and jail time for those caught doing it.

3. Create a true guest worker program so that those industries that need the labor can get it legally.

Do those 3 things and the illegal immigrant problem will be solved.

I like my plan better. Being here illegally is a first degree felony carrying a minimum of five years in prison. That takes care of every sector of the problem. It takes care of the people who have been here for a very long time, VISA overstays, asylum seekers that didn't attend court and became illegal, and of course, people thinking about coming here illegally.

Great plan, now how much are you willing to have your taxes raised to build the prisons and hire the people to run them and maintain them?

Given the fact we spend over 100 billion a year now on illegals, I think we can use a fraction of that money for prisons. Besides, most people would sooner leave than be locked up in a cage. There won't be that many prisoners to begin with.

You cannot let them leave. They must be incarcerated, how else will they be taught a lesson?
And by the way the companies that hire them must be rewarded with more tax incentives. How else can they stay in business.
Trump was just asked by media in Florida about the military build up and he told them he will close the border Wednesday if Mexico does not take steps to stop the caravans. I think we just saw an "Awe Shit" moment in the press when they realized he is no longer playing the democrats game. PERIOD!

And we got our answer for the military preparedness level increase.

still waiting on a link for the military preparedness level increase, have you found one yet?

So, Trump has drawn the line in the sand, lets see if he has the balls to cost the economy a billion dollars a day
Considering Trump just confirmed it on Live TV you can go pound sand.. Look for it yourself.. Trump was pretty forceful when he told reporters he is no longer playing the game.
Trump was just asked by media in Florida about the military build up and he told them he will close the border Wednesday if Mexico does not take steps to stop the caravans. I think we just saw an "Awe Shit" moment in the press when they realized he is no longer playing the democrats game. PERIOD!

And we got our answer for the military preparedness level increase.

still waiting on a link for the military preparedness level increase, have you found one yet?

So, Trump has drawn the line in the sand, lets see if he has the balls to cost the economy a billion dollars a day
Considering Trump just confirmed it on Live TV you can go pound sand.. Look for it yourself.. Trump was pretty forceful when he told reporters he is no longer playing the game.

So, no link to the increase in military preparedness,
So we can assume it was just fake news...

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What does Trump gain by closing the border to Mexico and enacting military control over it;

*-Immediate deportation of all illegals nation wide, without respect to immigration court status.
*-Use of military to enforce closure.
*-Use of military to build the wall at a rapid pace.
*-Ability to use deadly force to ensure closure.
*-Ability to house and build camps for detention without Congressional approval.

Its a win all the way around. He can deport them using military aircraft. And funds are unlimited to do so....
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What does Trump gain by closing the border to Mexico;

*-Immediate deportation of all illegals nation wide, without respect to immigration court status.

Awesome, I can see it now. Nationwide sweeps by the military. Home by home searches. Jackboots galore. You could stroke your little fascist weenie to the news reports every night!
And how is that substantially different that buying a taco from the local taco stand? Should customers be required to confirm the legality of the taco vendor? What about hiring someone to mow your lawn? Hiring two people to mow your lawn? At what point does a financial transaction require each party to be responsible for the crimes of the other?

The taco vendor needs a license from the city to sell tacos, so it would be on the city to verify it.

Requiring citizens to investigate and "report" on each other is poison to a free society.

This truly might be one of the dumbest things I have seen posted on this forum.

There are labor laws and restrictions on what people can do at certain ages and the hours they can work.

Are you against bars and stores carding people before selling them alcohol? Should they just take everyone’s word for it?

When I was the MEPS liaison for the Marine Corps I verified the identity of more than 4000 people in 20 months, I guess that was poison also?

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And how is that substantially different that buying a taco from the local taco stand? Should customers be required to confirm the legality of the taco vendor? What about hiring someone to mow your lawn? Hiring two people to mow your lawn? At what point does a financial transaction require each party to be responsible for the crimes of the other?

The taco vendor needs a license from the city to sell tacos, so it would be on the city to verify it.

Requiring citizens to investigate and "report" on each other is poison to a free society.

This truly might be one of the dumbest things I have seen posted on this forum.

Every time someone here tells me that, it's vindicating. Clearly I'm on the right track.
There are labor laws and restrictions on what people can do at certain ages and the hours they can work.
And there shouldn't be.

Are you against bars and stores carding people before selling them alcohol?


When I was the MEPS liaison for the Marine Corps I verified the identity of more than 4000 people in 20 months, I guess that was poison also?

I have no idea what a MEPS liaison is, or what you were doing for the Marine Corps.
And there shouldn't be.

but there are, so they have to be followed.

so, if somoene steals you car and they get stopped, they should just be able to say "hey, it is my car" and no more questions should be asked?
I have no idea what a MEPS liaison is, or what you were doing for the Marine Corps.

I was contracting people to join the Marines. We had this weird compulsion to make sure they were who they said they were before we let them in.
Trump threatens to close border 'next week' if Mexico doesn't 'immediately stop' flood of illegal immigrants

So, Trump tweeted he will close the southern border next week if Mexico does not stop illegals from entering the US.

Will he do it?

What would be the damage to the economy from such an action?

Somewhere in the neighborhood of 1.5 billion dollars worth of goods flow back and forth across that border each and every day.

I say he doot it. Trump. Man O His Word. He dood it again.

And how is that substantially different that buying a taco from the local taco stand? Should customers be required to confirm the legality of the taco vendor? What about hiring someone to mow your lawn? Hiring two people to mow your lawn? At what point does a financial transaction require each party to be responsible for the crimes of the other?

The taco vendor needs a license from the city to sell tacos, so it would be on the city to verify it.

Requiring citizens to investigate and "report" on each other is poison to a free society.

This truly might be one of the dumbest things I have seen posted on this forum.

Every time someone here tells me that, it's vindicating. Clearly I'm on the right track.

you are on the right track to being a moron, but if that keeps you warm at night, I am happy for you
Trump threatens to close border 'next week' if Mexico doesn't 'immediately stop' flood of illegal immigrants

So, Trump tweeted he will close the southern border next week if Mexico does not stop illegals from entering the US.

Will he do it?

What would be the damage to the economy from such an action?

Somewhere in the neighborhood of 1.5 billion dollars worth of goods flow back and forth across that border each and every day.

I say he doot it. Trump. Man O His Word. He dood it again.

I do not think he has the balls to do it.
And how is that substantially different that buying a taco from the local taco stand? Should customers be required to confirm the legality of the taco vendor? What about hiring someone to mow your lawn? Hiring two people to mow your lawn? At what point does a financial transaction require each party to be responsible for the crimes of the other?

The taco vendor needs a license from the city to sell tacos, so it would be on the city to verify it.

Requiring citizens to investigate and "report" on each other is poison to a free society.

This truly might be one of the dumbest things I have seen posted on this forum.

There are labor laws and restrictions on what people can do at certain ages and the hours they can work.

Are you against bars and stores carding people before selling them alcohol? Should they just take everyone’s word for it?

When I was the MEPS liaison for the Marine Corps I verified the identity of more than 4000 people in 20 months, I guess that was poison also?

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A gut rot truck is help to no one...

I think he’s talking about George Orwells 1984 type of big brother.
You know, an all knowing socialist government...
And there shouldn't be.

but there are, so they have to be followed.

so, if somoene steals you car and they get stopped, they should just be able to say "hey, it is my car" and no more questions should be asked?
I have no idea what a MEPS liaison is, or what you were doing for the Marine Corps.

I was contracting people to join the Marines. We had this weird compulsion to make sure they were who they said they were before we let them in.
You mean IDs and such... lol
You do realize that’s not politically correct to require identification?

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