Another empty threat?

someone fears something and you think that is evidence it is real?

fuck, you really are stupid.

do you get help tying your shoes or do you just use Velcro?
So you have no evidence? Lol
Ok if it is true is that a security crisis??
Mexico braces for new caravan of Central American migrants

'Mother of all migrant caravans' forming in Honduras as Trump threatens again to shut US-Mexico border

Took me all of about 30 seconds to find this... Left tards are in fantasy land..

These same people told us there was a big old caravan heading our way in did that turn out?

It is shocking how many of you people blindly trust the media.
We just had 4 thousand cross last week.. are you a retard? Lol

that is because we do not allow our military to defend the border....fuck, are you really this dumb?
So it is a crisis lol you admit it .. who are you fighting?? Haha
So you have no evidence? Lol
Ok if it is true is that a security crisis??

it would be a crisis when they reached our border and tried to cross.

which is why our military should defend the border, and not a civilian law enforcement agency
Do you understand we don’t have a border wall and as soon as they cross we have to let them in?

hmmm, that is why you do not let them cross.

you really are not very smart
Well how can we stop them with out a wall genius!?
Change the laws? Democrats won’t
Build a wall? Democrats won’t ..

are you aware of what the military does? of the equipment they have?
It’s callled catch and release.. it’s a magnet.. needs to be changed
There is a new "caravan " forming. Apparently 20000 strong. Time to slam the door
20,000 troops just got put on 24 hour notice to deploy.

Looks like we may be closing the border...

US DOD has notified 20,000 quick reaction forces they are on duty and to be ready for deployment. It is unclear if this ramp up is for Venezuela or our border but troops at Fort Bragg and other installations are preparing.

Developing Story!

Using Commonsense, they would not make it public if it were a strike against Venezuela. They would make it public if the intent was to close the border and notify the people coming that deadly force is authorized to protect the US. Closing the border will also allow the President to remove them immediately back tho their country of origin without INS procedures.
Last edited:
Lol im a white supremacist

But you want to flood the African American neighborhoods with illiterate Foreigners destroying public education taking healthcare resources driving down hourly wages, jobs
Wolf in sheep's clothing talking point plagiarized right from
Lol poor guy you just got destroyed and can’t compete .. try again next week
Oh look, another retard white supremacist on USMB declares victory. We dont see that every day! Wait, yes we do....
Lol you still here? When you can answer my question snow flake let me know haha
I already did. Those cultural deficits are long standing and will exist regardless of immigration, legal or otherwise. Your attempt to pin them on brown people coming into the country is moronic and is a plagiarized talking point from

Pay attention when i post to you, dumbass.
You just said black on black crime will all ways exist lol no matter what hahaha you are one racist fcuk
So you have no evidence? Lol
Ok if it is true is that a security crisis??

it would be a crisis when they reached our border and tried to cross.

which is why our military should defend the border, and not a civilian law enforcement agency
Do you understand we don’t have a border wall and as soon as they cross we have to let them in?

hmmm, that is why you do not let them cross.

you really are not very smart
Well how can we stop them with out a wall genius!?
Change the laws? Democrats won’t
Build a wall? Democrats won’t ..

If Trump had just kept Kelly on the job...

View attachment 253081
I guess not... it got bad under Kelly it’s why he got fired
someone fears something and you think that is evidence it is real?

fuck, you really are stupid.

do you get help tying your shoes or do you just use Velcro?
So you have no evidence? Lol
Ok if it is true is that a security crisis??
Mexico braces for new caravan of Central American migrants

'Mother of all migrant caravans' forming in Honduras as Trump threatens again to shut US-Mexico border

Took me all of about 30 seconds to find this... Left tards are in fantasy land..

These same people told us there was a big old caravan heading our way in did that turn out?

It is shocking how many of you people blindly trust the media.
We just had 4 thousand cross last week.. are you a retard? Lol

that is because we do not allow our military to defend the border....fuck, are you really this dumb?

You know the answer to that question.
I like my plan better. Being here illegally is a first degree felony carrying a minimum of five years in prison. That takes care of every sector of the problem. It takes care of the people who have been here for a very long time, VISA overstays, asylum seekers that didn't attend court and became illegal, and of course, people thinking about coming here illegally.

The problem is you cannot change a law and then retroactively have it effect those that did whatever it was before the law was changed.

You're not changing anything but the penalty. You broke our laws when you came here illegally, and you are still breaking our laws today because you're here illegally. If you don't leave by tomorrow, you will be breaking our laws then as well.

If speeding today is a traffic violation and tomorrow it is made a felony, you cannot go back and charge the people from yesterday with a felony.

Also, your plan lets those that pay them to come here off the hook totally

With my plan there would be no need to lock up Americans because there would be no immigrants for them to hire.

If you were speeding last year at 10 miles an hour over the limit, and got a ticket costing you 200 bucks, and then got a speeding ticket today at 10 miles an hour over the limit that cost you 300 bucks, you are not getting fined for the ticket before. You are getting fined for the ticket you got today.

Just because somebody makes it into this country illegally does not mean they are legal once they get here. They are illegal every day and breaking our laws every single day.

If somebody broke into your house while on vacation, made themselves at home, sleeping in your bed, watching television, they are breaking the law by being in your home. You can't just come home from vacation and say because they were there when you arrived, they are no longer breaking the law.

I see your point and you are correct.

The only thing I would add is that using your house example, would you not also want the person that told the people it was ok to break into your house and liver there punished also?

The companies that hire illegals have no authority to tell them anything. The people know they are breaking the law by coming here job or not. it's no different than your neighbor telling the criminal he won't call the cops if he does break in.

The question is are the companies that get caught not punished? I think they are, although I never read a followup story as to what happened after being caught. The second question would be did the employer know (and can you prove) he or she hired an illegal? You can't convict somebody that had no ability to know they were breaking any laws.

What Are the Penalties for Hiring an Illegal Immigrant?
Hiring illegal immigrants can lead to many severe penalties, such as:

  • Criminal and civil fines
  • Loss of business licenses
Most fines are broken down to the following:

  • First offenders can be fined $250-$2,000 per illegal employee.
  • For a second offense, the fine is $2,000-$5,000 per illegal employee.
  • Three or more offenses can cost an employer $3000-$10,000 per illegal employee. A pattern of knowingly employing illegal immigrants can mean extra fines and up to six months in jail for an employer.
This does not include “harboring” illegal immigrants, or employing ten or more illegal immigrants in one year. Harboring an illegal immigrant can lead to ten years of prison time.

Additionally, employers should be aware of the Racketeer Influenced Corrupt Organizations(RICO) Act. Employers can be sued under the act for hiring illegal immigrants, and can face large settlement deals.

The lawfully documented workers of the Zirkle Fruit Company recently settled a class action lawsuit brought under RICO. The suit alleged that their employer knowingly hired undocumented workers, driving down their wages.

Penalties for Employers Hiring Illegal Immigrants | LegalMatch Law Library

Are the penalties strong enough or provide enough of a deterrent? That's pretty subjective.
So you have no evidence? Lol
Ok if it is true is that a security crisis??
Mexico braces for new caravan of Central American migrants

'Mother of all migrant caravans' forming in Honduras as Trump threatens again to shut US-Mexico border

Took me all of about 30 seconds to find this... Left tards are in fantasy land..

These same people told us there was a big old caravan heading our way in did that turn out?

It is shocking how many of you people blindly trust the media.
We just had 4 thousand cross last week.. are you a retard? Lol

that is because we do not allow our military to defend the border....fuck, are you really this dumb?
So it is a crisis lol you admit it .. who are you fighting?? Haha

I never said it was not, I just said there is no 20,000 person caravan heading this way.

your reading comprehension really sucks.
There is a new "caravan " forming. Apparently 20000 strong. Time to slam the door
Yes our poor Americans are worried.. why don’t you care about them?

Because I don't care about cowards and idiots - especially when those two "qualities" are combined.
The American poor are cowards and idiots??? lol what!
The ones asking the government to build them a wall to hide behind are, yes. Does that confuse you?
Last edited:
it would be a crisis when they reached our border and tried to cross.

which is why our military should defend the border, and not a civilian law enforcement agency
Do you understand we don’t have a border wall and as soon as they cross we have to let them in?

hmmm, that is why you do not let them cross.

you really are not very smart
Well how can we stop them with out a wall genius!?
Change the laws? Democrats won’t
Build a wall? Democrats won’t ..

If Trump had just kept Kelly on the job...

View attachment 253081
I guess not... it got bad under Kelly it’s why he got fired

He did not get fired, he got moved to the White House Chief of Staff.

is there anything you are not wrong about?
There is a new "caravan " forming. Apparently 20000 strong. Time to slam the door
20,000 troops just got put on 24 hour notice to deploy.

Looks like we may be closing the border...

US DOD has notified 20,000 quick reaction forces they are on duty and to be ready for deployment. It is unclear if this ramp up is for Venezuela or our border but troops at Fort Bragg and other installations are preparing.

Developing Story!

These caravans keep coming rather the number is 20,000 or 2000 is irrelevant we can't take in the entire population of Central America it is well past time for Congress to get off their useless ass and deal with this problem.

When have they ever done that? The fuckers were supposed to secure the border 30 years ago! If somebody doesn't do their job in 30 years, you fire them.
The problem is you cannot change a law and then retroactively have it effect those that did whatever it was before the law was changed.

You're not changing anything but the penalty. You broke our laws when you came here illegally, and you are still breaking our laws today because you're here illegally. If you don't leave by tomorrow, you will be breaking our laws then as well.

If speeding today is a traffic violation and tomorrow it is made a felony, you cannot go back and charge the people from yesterday with a felony.

Also, your plan lets those that pay them to come here off the hook totally

With my plan there would be no need to lock up Americans because there would be no immigrants for them to hire.

If you were speeding last year at 10 miles an hour over the limit, and got a ticket costing you 200 bucks, and then got a speeding ticket today at 10 miles an hour over the limit that cost you 300 bucks, you are not getting fined for the ticket before. You are getting fined for the ticket you got today.

Just because somebody makes it into this country illegally does not mean they are legal once they get here. They are illegal every day and breaking our laws every single day.

If somebody broke into your house while on vacation, made themselves at home, sleeping in your bed, watching television, they are breaking the law by being in your home. You can't just come home from vacation and say because they were there when you arrived, they are no longer breaking the law.

I see your point and you are correct.

The only thing I would add is that using your house example, would you not also want the person that told the people it was ok to break into your house and liver there punished also?

The companies that hire illegals have no authority to tell them anything. The people know they are breaking the law by coming here job or not. it's no different than your neighbor telling the criminal he won't call the cops if he does break in.

The question is are the companies that get caught not punished? I think they are, although I never read a followup story as to what happened after being caught. The second question would be did the employer know (and can you prove) he or she hired an illegal? You can't convict somebody that had no ability to know they were breaking any laws.

What Are the Penalties for Hiring an Illegal Immigrant?
Hiring illegal immigrants can lead to many severe penalties, such as:

  • Criminal and civil fines
  • Loss of business licenses
Most fines are broken down to the following:

  • First offenders can be fined $250-$2,000 per illegal employee.
  • For a second offense, the fine is $2,000-$5,000 per illegal employee.
  • Three or more offenses can cost an employer $3000-$10,000 per illegal employee. A pattern of knowingly employing illegal immigrants can mean extra fines and up to six months in jail for an employer.
This does not include “harboring” illegal immigrants, or employing ten or more illegal immigrants in one year. Harboring an illegal immigrant can lead to ten years of prison time.

Additionally, employers should be aware of the Racketeer Influenced Corrupt Organizations(RICO) Act. Employers can be sued under the act for hiring illegal immigrants, and can face large settlement deals.

The lawfully documented workers of the Zirkle Fruit Company recently settled a class action lawsuit brought under RICO. The suit alleged that their employer knowingly hired undocumented workers, driving down their wages.

Penalties for Employers Hiring Illegal Immigrants | LegalMatch Law Library

Are the penalties strong enough or provide enough of a deterrent? That's pretty subjective.

clearly the penalties are not strong enough or provide enough of a deterrent as it is still happening.
You're not changing anything but the penalty. You broke our laws when you came here illegally, and you are still breaking our laws today because you're here illegally. If you don't leave by tomorrow, you will be breaking our laws then as well.

If speeding today is a traffic violation and tomorrow it is made a felony, you cannot go back and charge the people from yesterday with a felony.

Also, your plan lets those that pay them to come here off the hook totally

With my plan there would be no need to lock up Americans because there would be no immigrants for them to hire.

If you were speeding last year at 10 miles an hour over the limit, and got a ticket costing you 200 bucks, and then got a speeding ticket today at 10 miles an hour over the limit that cost you 300 bucks, you are not getting fined for the ticket before. You are getting fined for the ticket you got today.

Just because somebody makes it into this country illegally does not mean they are legal once they get here. They are illegal every day and breaking our laws every single day.

If somebody broke into your house while on vacation, made themselves at home, sleeping in your bed, watching television, they are breaking the law by being in your home. You can't just come home from vacation and say because they were there when you arrived, they are no longer breaking the law.

I see your point and you are correct.

The only thing I would add is that using your house example, would you not also want the person that told the people it was ok to break into your house and liver there punished also?

The companies that hire illegals have no authority to tell them anything. The people know they are breaking the law by coming here job or not. it's no different than your neighbor telling the criminal he won't call the cops if he does break in.

The question is are the companies that get caught not punished? I think they are, although I never read a followup story as to what happened after being caught. The second question would be did the employer know (and can you prove) he or she hired an illegal? You can't convict somebody that had no ability to know they were breaking any laws.

What Are the Penalties for Hiring an Illegal Immigrant?
Hiring illegal immigrants can lead to many severe penalties, such as:

  • Criminal and civil fines
  • Loss of business licenses
Most fines are broken down to the following:

  • First offenders can be fined $250-$2,000 per illegal employee.
  • For a second offense, the fine is $2,000-$5,000 per illegal employee.
  • Three or more offenses can cost an employer $3000-$10,000 per illegal employee. A pattern of knowingly employing illegal immigrants can mean extra fines and up to six months in jail for an employer.
This does not include “harboring” illegal immigrants, or employing ten or more illegal immigrants in one year. Harboring an illegal immigrant can lead to ten years of prison time.

Additionally, employers should be aware of the Racketeer Influenced Corrupt Organizations(RICO) Act. Employers can be sued under the act for hiring illegal immigrants, and can face large settlement deals.

The lawfully documented workers of the Zirkle Fruit Company recently settled a class action lawsuit brought under RICO. The suit alleged that their employer knowingly hired undocumented workers, driving down their wages.

Penalties for Employers Hiring Illegal Immigrants | LegalMatch Law Library

Are the penalties strong enough or provide enough of a deterrent? That's pretty subjective.

clearly the penalties are not strong enough or provide enough of a deterrent as it is still happening.

The possibility of losing your business license means you lose your business. I would say that's pretty harsh.
There is a new "caravan " forming. Apparently 20000 strong. Time to slam the door
20,000 troops just got put on 24 hour notice to deploy.

Looks like we may be closing the border...

US DOD has notified 20,000 quick reaction forces they are on duty and to be ready for deployment. It is unclear if this ramp up is for Venezuela or our border but troops at Fort Bragg and other installations are preparing.

Developing Story!

Using Commonsense, they would not make it public if it were a strike against Venezuela. They would make it public if the intent was to close the border and notify the people coming that deadly force is authorized to protect the US. Closing the border will also allow the President to remove them immediately back tho their country of origin without INS procedures.
The military can't act at the border unless there is a real invasion. Must be Venezuela.
If speeding today is a traffic violation and tomorrow it is made a felony, you cannot go back and charge the people from yesterday with a felony.

Also, your plan lets those that pay them to come here off the hook totally

With my plan there would be no need to lock up Americans because there would be no immigrants for them to hire.

If you were speeding last year at 10 miles an hour over the limit, and got a ticket costing you 200 bucks, and then got a speeding ticket today at 10 miles an hour over the limit that cost you 300 bucks, you are not getting fined for the ticket before. You are getting fined for the ticket you got today.

Just because somebody makes it into this country illegally does not mean they are legal once they get here. They are illegal every day and breaking our laws every single day.

If somebody broke into your house while on vacation, made themselves at home, sleeping in your bed, watching television, they are breaking the law by being in your home. You can't just come home from vacation and say because they were there when you arrived, they are no longer breaking the law.

I see your point and you are correct.

The only thing I would add is that using your house example, would you not also want the person that told the people it was ok to break into your house and liver there punished also?

The companies that hire illegals have no authority to tell them anything. The people know they are breaking the law by coming here job or not. it's no different than your neighbor telling the criminal he won't call the cops if he does break in.

The question is are the companies that get caught not punished? I think they are, although I never read a followup story as to what happened after being caught. The second question would be did the employer know (and can you prove) he or she hired an illegal? You can't convict somebody that had no ability to know they were breaking any laws.

What Are the Penalties for Hiring an Illegal Immigrant?
Hiring illegal immigrants can lead to many severe penalties, such as:

  • Criminal and civil fines
  • Loss of business licenses
Most fines are broken down to the following:

  • First offenders can be fined $250-$2,000 per illegal employee.
  • For a second offense, the fine is $2,000-$5,000 per illegal employee.
  • Three or more offenses can cost an employer $3000-$10,000 per illegal employee. A pattern of knowingly employing illegal immigrants can mean extra fines and up to six months in jail for an employer.
This does not include “harboring” illegal immigrants, or employing ten or more illegal immigrants in one year. Harboring an illegal immigrant can lead to ten years of prison time.

Additionally, employers should be aware of the Racketeer Influenced Corrupt Organizations(RICO) Act. Employers can be sued under the act for hiring illegal immigrants, and can face large settlement deals.

The lawfully documented workers of the Zirkle Fruit Company recently settled a class action lawsuit brought under RICO. The suit alleged that their employer knowingly hired undocumented workers, driving down their wages.

Penalties for Employers Hiring Illegal Immigrants | LegalMatch Law Library

Are the penalties strong enough or provide enough of a deterrent? That's pretty subjective.

clearly the penalties are not strong enough or provide enough of a deterrent as it is still happening.

The possibility of losing your business license means you lose your business. I would say that's pretty harsh.

It shouldn't be the responsibility of employers to "police" their employees. If I hire someone to mow my lawn, I shouldn't be responsible for their legal status.
Do you have evidence it doesn’t?? Please provide lol

such evidence could not possibly exist, anyone with more than a 2nd grade education would understand that
US. Interior Secretary Olga Sanchez Cordero fears that up to 20,000 migrants from El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala are already gathering in Honduras

Sorry did you have more evidence??? OPPPPPPS LOL

someone fears something and you think that is evidence it is real?

fuck, you really are stupid.

do you get help tying your shoes or do you just use Velcro?
So you have no evidence? Lol
Ok if it is true is that a security crisis??

it would be a crisis when they reached our border and tried to cross.

which is why our military should defend the border, and not a civilian law enforcement agency

Yeah, but they can't legally? That is so weird. Mexicans are stealing our Constantine wire and putting it around their own homes.

Lol im a white supremacist

But you want to flood the African American neighborhoods with illiterate Foreigners destroying public education taking healthcare resources driving down hourly wages, jobs
Wolf in sheep's clothing talking point plagiarized right from
Lol poor guy you just got destroyed and can’t compete .. try again next week
Oh look, another retard white supremacist on USMB declares victory. We dont see that every day! Wait, yes we do....
Lol you still here? When you can answer my question snow flake let me know haha
I already did. Those cultural deficits are long standing and will exist regardless of immigration, legal or otherwise. Your attempt to pin them on brown people coming into the country is moronic and is a plagiarized talking point from

Pay attention when i post to you, dumbass.

Robert Johnson would smack you upside the head for being such a dumb, unAmerican punkass.

These same people told us there was a big old caravan heading our way in did that turn out?

It is shocking how many of you people blindly trust the media.
We just had 4 thousand cross last week.. are you a retard? Lol

that is because we do not allow our military to defend the border....fuck, are you really this dumb?
So it is a crisis lol you admit it .. who are you fighting?? Haha

I never said it was not, I just said there is no 20,000 person caravan heading this way.

your reading comprehension really sucks.
How do you know? Evidence??

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