Another example of Leftist 'equality'

You lefties are complete don't even understand think communism and socialism lead to some sort of you resort to attacking the Church to excuse your real Truth...

This is the Truth....the reality.....this is how the middle class or 75% of Kiev live....not their poor....this will be our future with Leftist policies too if we don't stop can already see the results of Leftist policies already appearing in cities like our own Detroit....which are looking alot like Ukraine looks...
All economic systems have issues. The guys at the top living large is one of them. And Sweden is Socialist, a Mixed-Economy actually, and it's hardy a shithole.

Leftist policies are destroying Sweden.....

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The Obama's are a good example of the Left's idea of equality for all.
nuff said!
The OP missed the obvious, people at the top live well, including those who run things that are supposedly totally unconcerned about earthly wealth. Do you know what Jesus said about storing up treasures right? And the Vatican has some of the very best ever created. One cheap shot deserves another.

Dictators force people to live a certain way. They take away their freedom, liberty and redistribute money so no one can live better than the next guy. As for themselves, they engage in capitalism and make sure they only have the finest things in life. The people have no choice at all.

Do you have any comment on dictators who oppress people or not? You are and others are doing your best to change the subject here and it almost sounded like you were defending the wealthy tyrants. They are at the top because of sheer force and they keep people at the bottom by sheer force. Are you or aren't you okay with that?

If you want a discussion on religion, go start a thread in the appropriate forum. And while bashing Catholics, don't forget to bash Muslims for beheading gays and people from other religions and their horrible treatment of women.
I bash everyone, bad dictators are included.

You say you do it, but you missed a golden opportunity to actually do it. Instead, you changed the subject and bashed the church. If you don't want to comment on the thread topic, just move on.

None of the liberals here commented on the thread subject and all tried to divert attention to the church. Is that what the Daily KO instructions were this morning?
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Dictators force people to live a certain way. They take away their freedom, liberty and redistribute money so no one can live better than the next guy. As for themselves, they engage in capitalism and make sure they only have the finest things in life. The people have no choice at all.

Do you have any comment on dictators who oppress people or not? You are and others are doing your best to change the subject here and it almost sounded like you were defending the wealthy tyrants. They are at the top because of sheer force and they keep people at the bottom by sheer force. Are you or aren't you okay with that?

If you want a discussion on religion, go start a thread in the appropriate forum. And while bashing Catholics, don't forget to bash Muslims for beheading gays and people from other religions and their horrible treatment of women.
I bash everyone, bad dictators are included.

You say you do it, but you missed a golden opportunity to actually do it. Instead, you changed the subject and bashed the church. If you don't want to comment on the thread topic, just move on.

None of the liberals here commented on the thread subject and all tried to divert attention to the church. Is that what the Daily KO instructions were this morning?

What marching orders does the church send you?
Damn that Vatican opulence.See rwer's do it also, but they inject God into their discussions...

another Christian basher i are not forced to donate to the Church....and the Church provides help for the poor everywhere......idiot...

Is that a good reason to live in opulence?

Why do you care?
The point is while people like you bitch about the 1%, your commie comrades have even more concentrated wealth.
Dictators force people to live a certain way. They take away their freedom, liberty and redistribute money so no one can live better than the next guy. As for themselves, they engage in capitalism and make sure they only have the finest things in life. The people have no choice at all.

Do you have any comment on dictators who oppress people or not? You are and others are doing your best to change the subject here and it almost sounded like you were defending the wealthy tyrants. They are at the top because of sheer force and they keep people at the bottom by sheer force. Are you or aren't you okay with that?

If you want a discussion on religion, go start a thread in the appropriate forum. And while bashing Catholics, don't forget to bash Muslims for beheading gays and people from other religions and their horrible treatment of women.
I bash everyone, bad dictators are included.

You say you do it, but you missed a golden opportunity to actually do it. Instead, you changed the subject and bashed the church. If you don't want to comment on the thread topic, just move on.

None of the liberals here commented on the thread subject and all tried to divert attention to the church. Is that what the Daily KO instructions were this morning?
If you look carefully you'll see that I said the guys at the top always live well, then I bashed your church. It's an easy target because it's not supposed to have any wealth. Jesus said where your head is that is where your heart is and it takes a good bit to keep an eye on all those treasures, crowns, and gold rings you bend to kiss.
another Christian basher i are not forced to donate to the Church....and the Church provides help for the poor everywhere......idiot...

Is that a good reason to live in opulence?

Why do you care?
The point is while people like you bitch about the 1%, your commie comrades have even more concentrated wealth.

I don't have any commie comrades, all I live by is gun toting, Bible hugging repubs...
Do you know where I can find some, cause I still would not hang with them, but you probably know where they are.
But that is your fallacy to try and pigeonhole people into your idealized version of reality.
In a debate I will take the opposite side, that what a debate is about. Even if I don't like the side I must defend I still take it.
Is that a good reason to live in opulence?

Why do you care?
The point is while people like you bitch about the 1%, your commie comrades have even more concentrated wealth.

I don't have any commie comrades, all I live by is gun toting, Bible hugging repubs...
Do you know where I can find some, cause I still would not hang with them, but you probably know where they are.
But that is your fallacy to try and pigeonhole people into your idealized version of reality.

Pigeonholed, like racist, sexist, uncle tom? You can find em in congress, colleges and san francisco.

So why do you hate high taxes?
I bash everyone, bad dictators are included.

You say you do it, but you missed a golden opportunity to actually do it. Instead, you changed the subject and bashed the church. If you don't want to comment on the thread topic, just move on.

None of the liberals here commented on the thread subject and all tried to divert attention to the church. Is that what the Daily KO instructions were this morning?
If you look carefully you'll see that I said the guys at the top always live well, then I bashed your church. It's an easy target because it's not supposed to have any wealth. Jesus said where your head is that is where your heart is and it takes a good bit to keep an eye on all those treasures, crowns, and gold rings you bend to kiss.

that's where you are wrong.....the Pope does not own the wealth in the Vatican....he lives in a two room apartment next to St. Peters.....the Vatican art is available to the public of the world to view....and lots go to Rome to view it and donate which helps provide money for the poor around the world...
You say you do it, but you missed a golden opportunity to actually do it. Instead, you changed the subject and bashed the church. If you don't want to comment on the thread topic, just move on.

None of the liberals here commented on the thread subject and all tried to divert attention to the church. Is that what the Daily KO instructions were this morning?
If you look carefully you'll see that I said the guys at the top always live well, then I bashed your church. It's an easy target because it's not supposed to have any wealth. Jesus said where your head is that is where your heart is and it takes a good bit to keep an eye on all those treasures, crowns, and gold rings you bend to kiss.

that's where you are wrong.....the Pope does not own the wealth in the Vatican....he lives in a two room apartment next to St. Peters.....the Vatican art is available to the public of the world to view....and lots go to Rome to view it and donate which helps provide money for the poor around the world...
I like this Pope, he's almost a Christian, but you have a far too generous view of the Vatican treasures, most of which only they can see.
Same old story.....Leftists promise 'equality' for everyone.....but per usual the people live in misery (about $500 per month in Ukraine) while the leftist leaders live in eye-popping opulence....see the pics....


BBC News - In pictures: Luxury Ukraine presidential home revealed

I wonder if it is closed to the people who actually own it, as our White House has been of late.

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