ANOTHER Failure By The Pretender!

1. Another foreign policy failure by the pretender in the White House:

“The United States is "disgusted" by Russia and China's decision to veto a U.N. Security Council resolution today that called for an immediate end to the violence in Syria, U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Susan Rice said today….The vetoes came after a week of intense negotiations to gain Russian support for a resolution it had opposed from the start. The resolution supported an Arab League plan that called for an immediate end to the violence in Syria and a political solution to the crisis. “
US 'Disgusted' by Russia, China Veto of Syria Resolution - Yahoo! News
Disgusted? How about embarrassed?

Shall we review a few more?

2. Failure to destroy the drone that landed in Iran is a dereliction of duty.

“At the very least, this shows why the idea of Obama as “commander in chief” is absurd and laughable. Who ever heard of a Commander who was afraid to command troops into battle? At it’s worst, it shows a conspiracy theory of the highest magnitude. Many could rightly conclude that Obama’s refusal to either destroy or recapture the drone would prove that he purposely gave them the drone.” EXPOSED! Obama REFUSED To Recapture Or Destroy Million Dollar Drone In Iran

3. “The Iranian regime, having spent the first couple of weeks of Barack Obama's presidency preemptively scorning his overtures, mocking his weakness, and assuring the world its nuclear program is nonnegotiable, last Tuesday reported it had launched a satellite into orbit, making clear that Iran intends to have a missile launch capability on which to deploy its nuclear warheads.” Testing 1-2-3 | The Weekly Standard

4. “On the same day as the Iranian satellite launch, it was reported that, under pressure and inducements from Russia, Kyrgyzstan would no longer allow the United States to use an airbase that supports coalition military operations in Afghanistan. This came as Obama plans to increase U.S. force levels in Afghanistan, and the already overburdened supply lines from Pakistan seem increasingly vulnerable to attacks from Taliban forces in that country's frontier areas.” (Testing 1-2-3 | The Weekly Standard)

a. And, continued to back down: “Barack Obama has abandoned the controversial Pentagon plan to build a missile defence system in Europe that had long soured relations with Russia.”

5. . “And on that very same day, North Korea, having in the first week of the Obama presidency scrapped all its agreements with South Korea and warned of war on the Korean peninsula, was reported to be preparing to test a new ballistic missile, the Taepodong-2, which is intended to eventually have a long enough range to hit U.S. territory.” Kristol, (op. cit.)

6. How about his alienation of
Czech Republic

Is he competent to juggle all of the responsibilities of his office? Perhaps not, based on his inane statement to CNN's Anderson Cooper, in February of 2009: "Look, the only measure of my success as president, when people look back five years from now or nine years from now, is going to be, did I get this economy fixed?"

How can any sentient individual even consider this man in 2012????

I challenge any who still support this empty suit to list his foreign policy victories.

i vote thee commander 'n chief

get your helmet on & go

First he has to show where I supported anythign that would result in the death of mothers...get in line..
First he has to show where I supported anythign that would result in the death of mothers...get in line..

That has been done many times. Move along, alliekoseher, nothing for you to see here.

No, it hasn't. You wore out a couple of threads before you finally disappeared when you lied about it before.

Remember...I never said that women should be denied abortions if they need one for medical reasons (i.e., their life is in danger).

So I would like you to post or even explain my "mother killing" beliefs...
First he has to show where I supported anythign that would result in the death of mothers...get in line..

Yours is definitely more personal, so I won't argue with you, but I actually challenged him two days ago.

You challenged me? To what, a pillow fight? Grow up, QWB.

I want to know what the GOP did to obstruct any diplomatic efforts Obama wanted towards Syria? Did they refuse to pass economic sanctions? Did they block his efforts to send ambassadors? Did they refuse to give him the money he needed to pay for those efforts? What did they do to obstruct him that makes this their fault?
babakosher is now lying again. If you have changed your position on the mother's life as a reason for abortion, then I commend you. Forcing women to have the tainted fruit of rape and incest is morally insane.

You truly are a clown of the macabre.
I don't know why you people let Jake get to you, he posts nothing of any substance, he just makes stupid comments. He's a waste of time really.

Why anyone listens to your silliness is beyond me.

You got your butt handed to you on the neo-con thread some time ago by others, including me, for instance.

You are not a conservative, just a silly far right extremist.

I must of missed that, you're incapable. :eusa_eh:
babakosher is now lying again. If you have changed your position on the mother's life as a reason for abortion, then I commend you. Forcing women to have the tainted fruit of rape and incest is morally insane.

You truly are a clown of the macabre.

Still no evidence?
Of course he doesn't have any.

And I've never claimed that a mother whose life is jeopardized by her pregnancy be forced to carry a baby to term. I've been pretty vocal about my stance about that, from day one and before. The only reason he spouts it is that he thinks it obscures the fact that he believes in killing babies (and that is verifiable).
I don't know why you people let Jake get to you, he posts nothing of any substance, he just makes stupid comments. He's a waste of time really.

Why anyone listens to your silliness is beyond me.

You got your butt handed to you on the neo-con thread some time ago by others, including me, for instance.

You are not a conservative, just a silly far right extremist.

I must of missed that, you're incapable. :eusa_eh:

Know (that's for the 'of' in place of 'have' above) you dinn'it. You looked so stupid by the time you were turned inside out and spun around about.
Of course he doesn't have any.

And I've never claimed that a mother whose life is jeopardized by her pregnancy be forced to carry a baby to term. I've been pretty vocal about my stance about that, from day one and before. The only reason he spouts it is that he thinks it obscures the fact that he believes in killing babies (and that is verifiable).
You try to hide from the fact that your stances will lead to mothers' deaths and also to mothers having to have babies from incest and rape. That will not happen in our life times because you wacks are in the small minority.
Which of my stances will lead to the death of women?

Of course, we know that abortion can and does lead to death...but the main thing is KILL THOSE MONSTER CRIMINAL BLACK BABIES!

"A 28 year old victim of a botched legal abortion, naked from the waist down, unwrapped, was forced to stand outside of a Washington D.C. abortion center and wait for an employee to drive her to a hospital. Before arriving she nearly bled to death from a severed uterine artery. An emergency hysterectomy was required to save her life.1

" During an abortion done by Dr. Milan Vuitch, a young mother suffered perforations and lacerations of the uterus, cervix and bowel. She required a hysterectomy and extensive hospitalization for a massive infection caused by decayed parts of her unborn child which were thrust into her abdomen during the abortion. She suffered severe and long lasting emotional trauma, i.e. anxiety, depression, sleeplessness and nightmares, “often of pulled apart fetuses, dead children and other morbid themes.“2
" Dr. Edgar Gonzalez performed a legal abortion on a 12-year-old girl who was seven months pregnant. The girl almost died during the abortion. She was rushed to a hospital were a hysterectomy and colostomy were required to save her life. The dead baby, two pounds, was removed at that time. This girl is now sterile.3"

1 Court Records of the Superior Court of the District of Columbia.
2 Ibid.
3 Miami Herald (July 3, 1982).
Safe, Legal Abortion? — The Forerunner
"Owners of the clinic, formerly known as the Dadeland Family Planning Center, had "lured clients with misleading ads, listing the clinic under more than three dozen names in the phone book," reporter Deborah Sontag wrote. And its record was awful:
In the last 10 years, the clinic and its doctors have been sued 15 times. ... One doctor who worked at the Dadeland clinic was a convicted sex offender. Another was reprimanded by his state licensing board for "gross malpractice." A third was responsible for more than $500,000 in out-of-court settlements on abortions gone awry. Year after year, there were ruptured uteruses, perforated colons and emergency hysterectomies. ... Finally, one woman, the unluckiest of all, died.

Sixteen years after Roe, Sontag wrote, "the back alley persists—on a commercial street, in a medical building, with a front door, and sometimes even with a state license." "
The Kermit Gosnell of Florida: Ignoring unsafe abortions and death at the Dadeland Family Planning Center. - Slate Magazine
America will survive because you are not conservatives, and you won't come to power.
What did I tell you about your grand pronouncements, kid?

The only people that believe you are your fellow leftists. That's because they're just as stupid as you are. :lol:

What did I tell you about your silliness: you are not a conservative, you are an extremist, and you don't have and won't have the power.

Yeah, but I don't give a shit what you say, kid. :rofl:
America will survive because you are not conservatives, and you won't come to power.
What did I tell you about your grand pronouncements, kid?

The only people that believe you are your fellow leftists. That's because they're just as stupid as you are. :lol:

What did I tell you about your silliness: you are not a conservative, you are an extremist, and you don't have and won't have the power.

You are in NO position to tell anyone anything.
Of course he doesn't have any.

And I've never claimed that a mother whose life is jeopardized by her pregnancy be forced to carry a baby to term. I've been pretty vocal about my stance about that, from day one and before. The only reason he spouts it is that he thinks it obscures the fact that he believes in killing babies (and that is verifiable).
You try to hide from the fact that your stances will lead to mothers' deaths and also to mothers having to have babies from incest and rape. That will not happen in our life times because you wacks are in the small minority.
You have yet to prove any of your claims.

And no, "Just because I say so!!" isn't proof, no matter how much you stamp your feet and insist it is.

You really need to grow up, boy.

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