ANOTHER FERGUSON: Baton Rouge! Dems IMMEDIATELY pivot now; DOJ/FBI already taking over....

Let the record show that not one person not even the cops claimed anyone was going for their weapon
Why did they shoot him?
They had him on the ground (he was resisting arrest for pointing a gun at someone else, who reported him) and they SAY he reached for his gun. So the cops shot him point blank, as he would probably have shot them if they hadn't.
When are people gonna learn, you don't point a gun at cops! How hard is that?

Thank you for not just assuming the partisan position. I'm so sick of that from both sides, it's nice to see different once in awhile.
For the resident experts, here's the video to pick apart and critique:

As anyone should know a small portion of video is only one part of the story, not the whole story..

Only the far left drones will think that this is the whole story and riot over it.
Tamir Rice was never arrested but white people found reasons why even a 12 year old kid should be gunned down. Something about being tall was dangerous
Since "they" don't care about 9 yr old STL girl shit dead in own bed doing her homework........forgive my lack of tears at this time.

Let me see......last few times Cops held me do down during scuffle? shots needed. Whew! Dodged that bullet! Be quiet, hillary lying on TV, I need to pay attention!
Let the record show that not one person not even the cops claimed anyone was going for their weapon

Oh ok.

So....he never went for a gun....even the cops say so....and they shot him.

If THOSE facts end up being true...cop will and should be charged.

Wanna bet?
Tamir Rice was never arrested but white people found reasons why even a 12 year old kid should be gunned down. Something about being tall was dangerous

You dishonest fuck. He reached for a gun that was in his waistband when the cops told him to put his hands up.
white, brown, black, yellow, red. It makes no difference to me I actively want the police to gun you down if you point a gun at them or innocent bystanders.
Quite adept of them to plant a gun in his pocket with all that was going on.

Um....yeeeeeeah.....except the store owner (a Muslim btw) said the guy was waving a gun at people and said the guy had the gun in his pants.
The store owner actually said the victim didn't have a gun in his hand.
The victim apparently sold movies outside the store, and he pointed it at someone outside. He wasn't robbing the store.
You spent the first 3 posts trying to guide the discussion around the terms you made up. He wasnt waving a gun around. He wasnt a Thug. But you have to say these things in order to make killing him seem like a rational decision. 2 cops were on top of him and had him controlled. Then they shot him multiple times.

Your excuse is "Well he had a gun somewhere at sometime so a shooting is ok"

Um....cops got called because the person calling said he was threatened with a gun.

He WASN'T A THUG???? Hmmmm. He was a child rapist. Burglar. Thief. Drug dealer. Passed around stolen guns. THAT'S NOT A THUG????
Alton Sterling: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know
Your link doesn't say he was any of those things,
Quite adept of them to plant a gun in his pocket with all that was going on.

Um....yeeeeeeah.....except the store owner (a Muslim btw) said the guy was waving a gun at people and said the guy had the gun in his pants.

After the shooting, Muflahi said an officer reached into Sterling's pocket and pulled out a gun.

Muflahi said he'd known Sterling for six years and never saw a confrontation between Sterling and anyone. Sterling never got into fights, he said. And the store owner said he wasn't aware of any incident Tuesday that would have spurred a 911 call.

"Just five minutes before," Muflahi said, "he walked into the store getting something to drink, joking around,

Alton Sterling shooting: Video of deadly encounter with officers sparks outrage -
Let the record show that not one person not even the cops claimed anyone was going for their weapon

Oh ok.

So....he never went for a gun....even the cops say so....and they shot him.

If THOSE facts end up being true...cop will and should be charged.

Wanna bet?

Let the record show that you claimed something happened as a justification for the shooting when NOT ONE OTHER PERSON HAS MADE THAT CLAIM.

So you dont care about the facts, you are searching for a reason, real or fake, for why its ok.

Thats so you tho
My question is, was he actually "waving" the gun around at people ?

Louisiana is an open carry state, so it was alright for him to have the gun in plain sight.

I want more info, the video posted doesn't show the entire event.

Louisiana is a (white people) open carry state.

Sounds like a great place to move to then ! :beer:

Louisiana is not an open carry state. You need a CC permit to carry legally.

It's as open as they get.

LOCAL - Louisiana Open Carry Awareness League - FAQ
Why don't you all let the facts come out and maybe you won't look like you did over Traygone, Ferguson and Baltimore
Google it. It's live on CNN (of course...immediate pivot). Thug was waving a gun at people. Cops arrive. Try to arrest him. Taze him. Taser fails. Wrestled him to ground. He begins trying to obtain a gun from his pocket during struggle. Cop shoots him dead.

City in chaos. Riots tonight likely.


Funny isn't it?? When Americans are in a mass battle in 13 hours we can't get anyone there. But thug is shot by a cop...BAM....Feds on scene nearly immediately.

Hillary is jumping for joy. NOTHING could help her more than a good ole racial riot right now. She's probably down there in black face disguise in the crowd whispering "fuck dem pigs yo....dem cracka ass pigs....burn this mothafucka down yo!"

Now....let's see how much the left immediately goes back to demanding a grand jury and a trial no matter what.
I understand that you're upset, but Washington DC is 5220 miles from Benghazi, and Washington DC is 991 miles away from Baton Rouge.

Did you ever think it might be possible that the DOJ Civil Rights people being sent down could keep people from feeling like they need to riot? and it might actually help keep the peace?

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