Another Florida Pride Event Canceled As Other Organizers Dig Their Heels In


And I was so looking forward to seeing a bunch of painted up men in high heels make utter jackasses of themselves.

Those are what I call fags.

You have your gays. They are fine. They just act like normal people, mind their own business, keep their gay activities to themselves and on the whole don't project being gay. They are just like any other person.

Then you have fags. They are gay also but are in a constant effort to make sure everyone around them in a 100ft radius knows they are a fag. They act like over exaggerated fags prancing around and trying to behave like some really stereotypical fag, go on big parades, and wear outlandish outfits. They say they want to be equal but don't act or behave like equals. They only want to be seen as fags like a persona, they don't even act like a real person because they are perpetually seeking attention for the wrong reasons.

Gays I'm ok with. Fags I can't stand.

Kind of like blacks. I've known some average people who happen to be black. And I've met a lot of nwords. Big difference. Blacks are fine, nwords need to go away.
Florida is looking to become more family friendly, so you have to appreciate that.

If homos don't think that they have sufficient rights for their taste in Florida, the state is just a short boat right across the strait to freedom in Cuba.

BTW, Cuba offers free Sex Change operations on demand.
I never did think of Cuba as particularly stable.
We have the Negroes boycotting Florida. Now if we could only get the queers and trannies to pack up and leave.

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