Another lie debunked-Africans did nothing before the white man

All you have to do is read what the Egyptians said. It was founded by Blacks. You can even read the bible as it intersects with science. You need to educate yourself on the written language even white people know and admit it. Western academia is overwhelmingly eurocentric. Who told you what was required for civilization? A wheel isnt required to be a civilization. Look at the Nubians, Sumerians, and the Egyptians They were the first civilizations. Not just the first Black civilizations.

Dunno about any of that. Most academics I know look at discovering stuff with no malice or prejudice. Where is the proof that Egypt was founded by blacks? The wheel is a basic concept.
Yeah but all those countries pretend to be friends but they all conspire to wreak havoc in Africa because they want the resources. As long as they can keep wars going they can put sell outs in governments to enrich themselves.

I think all countries do that throughout the world. As I said, Africa has been free of the yoke of colonialism for almost 70 years now. It's no longer whitey's fault that dictators run most of the countries. They are now the masters of their own destinies. Instead of bitching and moaning about it, they need to start taking charge themselves. I don't believe in retrospective blaming. That was then, this is now. How do you balance things out now? How far do you go back? Do the Celts blame the Romans who blame the Angles and Saxons, who blame the Danes, who blame the Normans in Great Britain for example?
Doesnt matter what you say. Its the facts that matter. Europe still owns the vast majority of the diamond mines and other natural resources. Whitey is still funding wars to keep countries unstable. One thing I do agree with is that they need to start taking charge. However, it took whites more than 15 centuries to get their shit together with no one trying to keep them destabilized. Give Africans at least 2 or 3 after whitey really gets out of Africa.
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All you have to do is read what the Egyptians said. It was founded by Blacks. You can even read the bible as it intersects with science. You need to educate yourself on the written language even white people know and admit it. Western academia is overwhelmingly eurocentric. Who told you what was required for civilization? A wheel isnt required to be a civilization. Look at the Nubians, Sumerians, and the Egyptians They were the first civilizations. Not just the first Black civilizations.

Dunno about any of that. Most academics I know look at discovering stuff with no malice or prejudice. Where is the proof that Egypt was founded by blacks? The wheel is a basic concept.
Well we know from experience thats not true. Whites have long denied Blacks were the builders of Egypt despite the unmistakable evidence literally painted on the walls. Not to mention the Egyptians considered the interior of Africa to be their ancestral home. Its literally written in their texts. The wheel may be a basic concept but Egyptians and Nubians build pyramids without wheels as far as anyone can tell.
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How many nations did he colonize? Funny how you saltines try moving the goalposts. You have gone from blacks were nothing until the saltines came to now a black man from sub Saharan Africa did the same thing as whites. Now since no one black here has claimed perfection like you white motherfuckers have consistently done, you can take whatever point you're trying to prove and shove it up your ass.

What goal post did I move? Asslips claims he made his wealth through trade when we KNOW he conquered 24 cities. Back when cities were an uncommon thing.

I am pointing out the simple fact that he was not some benign benevolent merchant.

He was a fucking conqueror, and a damned good one.

Just because whites are violent conquerors doesnt mean Blacks did the same thing. Show us the proof and dont quote some silly white boy that needs to lie in order to put a stain on the event.

History says otherwise. Sheesh, your fantasy that Africa was all beautiful and everyone lived in harmony is belied by every record we have.

The black tribes tried to wipe out the bushmen for fucks sake.

Show me the history. No white boy history. I want the real history.

You won't believe anything I provide because you are a warped human being. So, you look up as much history as you can find on your own from various sources and then get back to us.

Even better you should travel to Zimbabwe and see how long you last. I wouldn't give you a week.

I've been to Zimbabwe and Paul would have no problem. You might though.

Look white boy, we know the tribes fought in Africa just like the white tribes fought in Europe. But to use that to excuse white colonization of that continent shows what kind of a complete moral reject you truly are. Don't try showing us your bullshit, the fact is whites stole that land and ruled using a fascist system of racial separation. They murdered the black farmers to control the land. They massacred, women, children, infants, handicapped, blind and elderly. So fuck what you have to show somebody. The only reason you want to show anything is because your ass is the warped one.
Bullshit. You couldn't last two days unless you stayed in the airport. The blacks there consider you a pussy and would flay you.
Ok. :laugh:

U.S., Zimbabwe celebrates Black History Month | U.S. Embassy in Zimbabwe

Upload some pictures then
Not necessary. I just provided the link.

Any clown can post a link. I have been to Great Zimbabwe and have the pictures to prove it. I had to use a camera so will have to dig them out, you have a phone, which means you have a camera.

Upload some pictures that YOU took.
I didnt ask where you have been. I just told you I have been to Zimbabwe. If you choose not to believe me thats going to be something you have to deal with.

I don't believe you. If you have upload a few of the bazillion pictures you would have taken
Oh? So whitey should kill all the blacks in Europe? And the native Americans should kill all of you here?

Cool! Let's get the party started! I'm native American, motherfucker, get off my land!
No. The earth belongs to the black man. Every blade of grass belongs to us. When blk ppl ruled the planet. There was peace on earth. Now the lunatics are running the asylum.

So blk ppl were in europe n america b4 whites n native indians.

Then let the race wars begin. It seems that's what you desire. I don't think your side will fare to well though. Just sayin.

But thanks for making your racism plain for all to see.
Whats stopping you? Were sitting right here and we're are outnumbered. What are you afraid of?

I don't start fights. I end them.
You just said to let the race wars begin. Sounds like a start to me. I'm just waiting for them to start so I can end it.

You and Paul have claimed that all the Earth is rightfully yours. Come and take it. Or shut the fuck up with your idiotic claims.

Any clown can post a link. I have been to Great Zimbabwe and have the pictures to prove it. I had to use a camera so will have to dig them out, you have a phone, which means you have a camera.

Upload some pictures that YOU took.
I didnt ask where you have been. I just told you I have been to Zimbabwe. If you choose not to believe me thats going to be something you have to deal with.

I don't believe you. If you have upload a few of the bazillion pictures you would have taken
Not my problem you dont believe me. Thats something you are going to have to come to terms with.
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The white farmers should b killed. No white person is African.

If i come into your home n rob n rape everyone in ur home n use whats in ur home to make my empire.

I can't complain at the tactics you use to get your home bk.

Oh? So whitey should kill all the blacks in Europe? And the native Americans should kill all of you here?

Cool! Let's get the party started! I'm native American, motherfucker, get off my land!
No. The earth belongs to the black man. Every blade of grass belongs to us. When blk ppl ruled the planet. There was peace on earth. Now the lunatics are running the asylum.

So blk ppl were in europe n america b4 whites n native indians.

Then let the race wars begin. It seems that's what you desire. I don't think your side will fare to well though. Just sayin.

But thanks for making your racism plain for all to see.
Like isis. That's the whole. Sure whites bigger weapons but whites had bigger weapons n superior technology in vietnam n still got there asses kicked.

And if whites win, fine. Then were not meant to b here
If we are not here they will go extinct. The last time they lost contact with Blacks they fell into the Dark Ages.

Wrong. The 6th Century Climate Catastrophe is what plunged Europe into the Dark Ages.

Had nothing to do with Africa. However. That was one of those energy crunches that cause evolution.

That evolution was the Renaissance.
Upload some pictures then
Not necessary. I just provided the link.

Any clown can post a link. I have been to Great Zimbabwe and have the pictures to prove it. I had to use a camera so will have to dig them out, you have a phone, which means you have a camera.

Upload some pictures that YOU took.
I didnt ask where you have been. I just told you I have been to Zimbabwe. If you choose not to believe me thats going to be something you have to deal with.

I don't believe you. If you have upload a few of the bazillion pictures you would have taken
Not my problem you dont believe me. Thats something you are going to have to come to terms with.

No, I don't. I understand that you are a liar. This merely proves it.
Another lie debunked-Africans did nothing before the white man

And they did not do a damn thing since
No. The earth belongs to the black man. Every blade of grass belongs to us. When blk ppl ruled the planet. There was peace on earth. Now the lunatics are running the asylum.

So blk ppl were in europe n america b4 whites n native indians.

Then let the race wars begin. It seems that's what you desire. I don't think your side will fare to well though. Just sayin.

But thanks for making your racism plain for all to see.
Whats stopping you? Were sitting right here and we're are outnumbered. What are you afraid of?

I don't start fights. I end them.
You just said to let the race wars begin. Sounds like a start to me. I'm just waiting for them to start so I can end it.

You and Paul have claimed that all the Earth is rightfully yours. Come and take it. Or shut the fuck up with your idiotic claims.
When we take it that will be on our schedule. When you get strong enough to make me shut up then come give it a swing and see what happens.
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Just because whites are violent conquerors doesnt mean Blacks did the same thing. Show us the proof and dont quote some silly white boy that needs to lie in order to put a stain on the event.

Dunno about conquering, but Idi Amin sure was violent. Then we can talk about Ghadaffi. Then let's look at Rwanda in 1994. I could go on. Africans weren't happily skipping through the forest picking berries and along came whitey and suddenly everything became violent. Whitey just had more bells and whistles (ie guns and shit) and wanted gold and other resources. No resources and whitey wouldn't have given a rat's arse about the place.

The worst thing whitey did was divide the continent up without taking ethnic or tribal boundaries into consideration, something that a lot of those countries are still dealing with today. That being said, whitey has been out of Africa for almost 70 years - three generations - about time Africa started taking responsibility for itself...

Wow, for once we agree on something.
White Europeans never (at 1st) done a Rambo on Africa. They came in as friends. When they got off that boat, john hawkins n his gang, blk africans could have wiped them out. But they didn't bcoz they didn't have that mindset.

A lot of them had probably never seen a white person b4 but they saw whites had a nose n eyes n ears n treated them as part of the human family.

Even in south africa. Blacks could wipe out whites down there they don't bcoz they don't have that mindset.

The fuck they don't. Every day a white farmer is either killed or forced off of their land. The same happened in Zimbabwe. Mugabe allowed his thugs to rape and pillage the farms and the country that was once the breadbasket of Africa can no longer feed itself.

Seriously dude, you need to get better source material.

Even better, go there. See how long you last.
The white farmers should b killed. No white person is African.

If i come into your home n rob n rape everyone in ur home n use whats in ur home to make my empire.

I can't complain at the tactics you use to get your home bk.

Oh? So whitey should kill all the blacks in Europe? And the native Americans should kill all of you here?

Cool! Let's get the party started! I'm native American, motherfucker, get off my land!

You ain't native American. You're a white man who now claims to be native American because you can't defend your argument. We did not invade this country, we were bought here. And before you start off with that punk bitch shit about Africans selling us, native americans owned slaves. Then some native American tribes would helped the white man fight other indian tribes. So you wanna talk shit boy?
What goal post did I move? Asslips claims he made his wealth through trade when we KNOW he conquered 24 cities. Back when cities were an uncommon thing.

I am pointing out the simple fact that he was not some benign benevolent merchant.

He was a fucking conqueror, and a damned good one.

Just because whites are violent conquerors doesnt mean Blacks did the same thing. Show us the proof and dont quote some silly white boy that needs to lie in order to put a stain on the event.

History says otherwise. Sheesh, your fantasy that Africa was all beautiful and everyone lived in harmony is belied by every record we have.

The black tribes tried to wipe out the bushmen for fucks sake.

Show me the history. No white boy history. I want the real history.

You won't believe anything I provide because you are a warped human being. So, you look up as much history as you can find on your own from various sources and then get back to us.

Even better you should travel to Zimbabwe and see how long you last. I wouldn't give you a week.

I've been to Zimbabwe and Paul would have no problem. You might though.

Look white boy, we know the tribes fought in Africa just like the white tribes fought in Europe. But to use that to excuse white colonization of that continent shows what kind of a complete moral reject you truly are. Don't try showing us your bullshit, the fact is whites stole that land and ruled using a fascist system of racial separation. They murdered the black farmers to control the land. They massacred, women, children, infants, handicapped, blind and elderly. So fuck what you have to show somebody. The only reason you want to show anything is because your ass is the warped one.

Upload your pictures then. I can, and I will when I get back home.

You can't. See the diff? Morons, like you, make claims but can't back them up. Real people, like, can.
Not necessary. I just provided the link.

Any clown can post a link. I have been to Great Zimbabwe and have the pictures to prove it. I had to use a camera so will have to dig them out, you have a phone, which means you have a camera.

Upload some pictures that YOU took.
I didnt ask where you have been. I just told you I have been to Zimbabwe. If you choose not to believe me thats going to be something you have to deal with.

I don't believe you. If you have upload a few of the bazillion pictures you would have taken
Not my problem you dont believe me. Thats something you are going to have to come to terms with.

No, I don't. I understand that you are a liar. This merely proves it.
Thats just your genetic inferiority complex talking. Whites like you cant deal with the truth.

The fuck they don't. Every day a white farmer is either killed or forced off of their land. The same happened in Zimbabwe. Mugabe allowed his thugs to rape and pillage the farms and the country that was once the breadbasket of Africa can no longer feed itself.

Seriously dude, you need to get better source material.

Even better, go there. See how long you last.
The white farmers should b killed. No white person is African.

If i come into your home n rob n rape everyone in ur home n use whats in ur home to make my empire.

I can't complain at the tactics you use to get your home bk.

Oh? So whitey should kill all the blacks in Europe? And the native Americans should kill all of you here?

Cool! Let's get the party started! I'm native American, motherfucker, get off my land!

You ain't native American. You're a white man who now claims to be native American because you can't defend your argument. We did not invade this country, we were bought here. And before you start off with that punk bitch shit about Africans selling us, native americans owned slaves. Then some native American tribes would helped the white man fight other indian tribes. So you wanna talk shit boy?

Yeah, bullshit silly man. Once again, I have pictures to prove my heritage. All you are words.

The fuck they don't. Every day a white farmer is either killed or forced off of their land. The same happened in Zimbabwe. Mugabe allowed his thugs to rape and pillage the farms and the country that was once the breadbasket of Africa can no longer feed itself.

Seriously dude, you need to get better source material.

Even better, go there. See how long you last.
The white farmers should b killed. No white person is African.

If i come into your home n rob n rape everyone in ur home n use whats in ur home to make my empire.

I can't complain at the tactics you use to get your home bk.

Oh? So whitey should kill all the blacks in Europe? And the native Americans should kill all of you here?

Cool! Let's get the party started! I'm native American, motherfucker, get off my land!

You ain't native American. You're a white man who now claims to be native American because you can't defend your argument. We did not invade this country, we were bought here. And before you start off with that punk bitch shit about Africans selling us, native americans owned slaves. Then some native American tribes would helped the white man fight other indian tribes. So you wanna talk shit boy?

Yeah, bullshit silly man. Once again, I have pictures to prove my heritage. All you are words.
You have pictures? How do we know you aren't catfishing? :laugh:
Then let the race wars begin. It seems that's what you desire. I don't think your side will fare to well though. Just sayin.

But thanks for making your racism plain for all to see.
Whats stopping you? Were sitting right here and we're are outnumbered. What are you afraid of?

I don't start fights. I end them.
You just said to let the race wars begin. Sounds like a start to me. I'm just waiting for them to start so I can end it.

You and Paul have claimed that all the Earth is rightfully yours. Come and take it. Or shut the fuck up with your idiotic claims.
When we take it that will be on our schedule. When you get strong enough to make me shut up then come give it a swing and see what happens.

Oh, trust me little one, even at 75 I can wipe the floor with you and your ilk.
Oh? So whitey should kill all the blacks in Europe? And the native Americans should kill all of you here?

Cool! Let's get the party started! I'm native American, motherfucker, get off my land!
No. The earth belongs to the black man. Every blade of grass belongs to us. When blk ppl ruled the planet. There was peace on earth. Now the lunatics are running the asylum.

So blk ppl were in europe n america b4 whites n native indians.

Then let the race wars begin. It seems that's what you desire. I don't think your side will fare to well though. Just sayin.

But thanks for making your racism plain for all to see.
Like isis. That's the whole. Sure whites bigger weapons but whites had bigger weapons n superior technology in vietnam n still got there asses kicked.

And if whites win, fine. Then were not meant to b here
If we are not here they will go extinct. The last time they lost contact with Blacks they fell into the Dark Ages.

Wrong. The 6th Century Climate Catastrophe is what plunged Europe into the Dark Ages.

Had nothing to do with Africa. However. That was one of those energy crunches that cause evolution.

That evolution was the Renaissance.

That's not how things went.
The fuck they don't. Every day a white farmer is either killed or forced off of their land. The same happened in Zimbabwe. Mugabe allowed his thugs to rape and pillage the farms and the country that was once the breadbasket of Africa can no longer feed itself.

Seriously dude, you need to get better source material.

Even better, go there. See how long you last.
The white farmers should b killed. No white person is African.

If i come into your home n rob n rape everyone in ur home n use whats in ur home to make my empire.

I can't complain at the tactics you use to get your home bk.

Oh? So whitey should kill all the blacks in Europe? And the native Americans should kill all of you here?

Cool! Let's get the party started! I'm native American, motherfucker, get off my land!

You ain't native American. You're a white man who now claims to be native American because you can't defend your argument. We did not invade this country, we were bought here. And before you start off with that punk bitch shit about Africans selling us, native americans owned slaves. Then some native American tribes would helped the white man fight other indian tribes. So you wanna talk shit boy?

Yeah, bullshit silly man. Once again, I have pictures to prove my heritage. All you are words.
You have pictures. How do we know you are catfishing? :laugh:

Because I will upload them dummy.

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