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Another Lie debunked-IG report concludes FBI did not spy on trump campaign

Yeah, right! Poor innocent Hillary! (eye roll) Anyone that thinks Clinton didn't know EXACTLY what Glenn Simpson and Fusion GPS were doing with Richard Steele is pathetically naïve!
She didn't. You have no evidence she did. BTW, if she did, why didn't she use the material during the campaign?

You're not very bright, are you, Berg? The entire idea behind the dossiers is that they would come out right before the election...not giving anyone enough time to figure out who was behind them...and that they would appear to have come from a source OTHER than the Clinton campaign! That's what Hillary paid Glenn Simpson the big bucks for...it wasn't "opposition research"! It was for managing the creation of the dossiers and for getting them made public through the use of sympathetic supporters in the FBI and in the main stream media!
Like the posts of many Trumpette's, your post in nothing but a total fiction you have absolutely no ability to factually substantiate. NONE. Believe whatever you want.............just don't post that make believe fantasy on a message board and expect informed people to believe it.

What in any of that is fiction? Did Hillary Clinton not pay Glenn Simpson a large amount of money and do so through a third party law firm to hide where the money came from? Did Glenn Simpson not pay Richard Steele to create the "dossiers"? Did Richard Steele not contact people sympathetic to Clinton inside of the FBI and in the main stream media to get the story released right before the election?
The only "fantasy" here is that Hillary Clinton didn't know EXACTLY what she was paying for!
There’s no evidence that she knew anything about the Steele Dossier at least until after it was produced.
The only "fantasy" here is that Hillary Clinton didn't know EXACTLY what she was paying for!
There’s no evidence that she knew anything about the Steele Dossier at least until after it was produced.

Ah...so what you'd like us to believe is that Glenn Simpson took it upon himself to pay for the dossiers...have Richard Steele contact the FBI to give those dossiers to higher ups that he knew were anti Trump...then have Steele contact numerous main stream media outlets also sympathetic to Clinton to try and find someone to release the story right before the election...and Hillary knew NOTHING about this? You're really selling that scenario? The reason there is no evidence directly tying Hillary to the dossier is that she went through the third person law firm...then through Simpson...to pay for it! Care to explain why you need that third person law firm if all you're doing is buying "opposition research", Lesh?

Gee, what would the first thing that any reputable news organization do when given a story like Steele was peddling? Contact the Clinton campaign for comment?
Let's get all of the players in this sordid little tale together...put them under oath...and then let them decide who wants to save their ass the most!
She did not pay Russians for it. She legally paid a company for opposition reaearch. In fact, she paid the same company a Republican paid for Trump opposition research.

Hillary Clinton paid HUGE money to Glenn Simpson and Fusion GPS to smear Donald Trump with a series of fake "dossiers" that were supposed to originating from Russia but were actually fabricated by Richard Steele. You be the judge about the "legality" of that, Seawytch! It does go to the character of the Clintons though...doesn't it! Hillary Clinton was predicted to be a runaway victor in that race but she's so intrinsically corrupt that she STILL resorted to political dirty tricks like the phony dossiers! She didn't have the integrity to admit she screwed up badly in Libya and it cost four men their lives. Rather than simply taking responsibility for her actions, she lied about what happened...which led to an investigation into Benghazi...which led to the discovery of her running the State Department through the two hidden servers in her home! Which cost her the election! It's all karma...
Lying con tool, Hillary paid Fusion GPS for opposition research, not for the dossier. There's no evidence she ever even obtained a copy of the dossier and she certainly didn't utilize anything from it. Fusion GPS decided to hire Steele.

Yeah, right! Poor innocent Hillary! (eye roll) Anyone that thinks Clinton didn't know EXACTLY what Glenn Simpson and Fusion GPS were doing with Richard Steele is pathetically naïve! Didn't "utilize" anything from it? A week before the election and the main stream media is going with the narrative that Donald Trump is being investigated for collusion with the Russians and that Putin has a video tape of hookers peeing on Trump...but you think that didn't have an effect on the election?

What a pity the forum's lying con tool has no proof to back his delusions. :lmao:

I need "proof" that Hillary Clinton is a sleazy politician who would stoop to just about anything to win an election? Now THAT is amusing!!!
No, lying con tool. You have to prove your bullshit that Hillary knew about the dossier. If you can't, and you can't, you're merely lying again.
Yeah, right! Poor innocent Hillary! (eye roll) Anyone that thinks Clinton didn't know EXACTLY what Glenn Simpson and Fusion GPS were doing with Richard Steele is pathetically naïve!
She didn't. You have no evidence she did. BTW, if she did, why didn't she use the material during the campaign?

You're not very bright, are you, Berg? The entire idea behind the dossiers is that they would come out right before the election...not giving anyone enough time to figure out who was behind them...and that they would appear to have come from a source OTHER than the Clinton campaign! That's what Hillary paid Glenn Simpson the big bucks for...it wasn't "opposition research"! It was for managing the creation of the dossiers and for getting them made public through the use of sympathetic supporters in the FBI and in the main stream media!
Lying con tool, we know who leaked the content of the dossier to the media ... Christopher Steele.
You must be really suspicious of Billy (the Bagman) Barr then since he RUNS the DOJ which runs that Federal prison

So guy at the top is responsible for the actions of every one of his employees at all levels? so can I sue Bill Gates personally if my windows 7 fails? and, using that logic, Obama is responsible for every penny added to the debt during his 8 years.

How is it that Barr caused the guards to fall asleep, the cameras to fail, and
There is ZERO proof the dossier was a Russian created dossier... :rolleyes: And none that the Clinton campaign paid Russians for it.


wrong, even the left wing Wash post says she paid for it


She did not pay Russians for it. She legally paid a company for opposition reaearch. In fact, she paid the same company a Republican paid for Trump opposition research.

Hillary Clinton paid HUGE money to Glenn Simpson and Fusion GPS to smear Donald Trump with a series of fake "dossiers" that were supposed to originating from Russia but were actually fabricated by Richard Steele. You be the judge about the "legality" of that, Seawytch! It does go to the character of the Clintons though...doesn't it! Hillary Clinton was predicted to be a runaway victor in that race but she's so intrinsically corrupt that she STILL resorted to political dirty tricks like the phony dossiers! She didn't have the integrity to admit she screwed up badly in Libya and it cost four men their lives. Rather than simply taking responsibility for her actions, she lied about what happened...which led to an investigation into Benghazi...which led to the discovery of her running the State Department through the two hidden servers in her home! Which cost her the election! It's all karma...
Lying con tool, Hillary paid Fusion GPS for opposition research, not for the dossier. There's no evidence she ever even obtained a copy of the dossier and she certainly didn't utilize anything from it. Fusion GPS decided to hire Steele.

Yeah, right! Poor innocent Hillary! (eye roll) Anyone that thinks Clinton didn't know EXACTLY what Glenn Simpson and Fusion GPS were doing with Richard Steele is pathetically naïve! Didn't "utilize" anything from it? A week before the election and the main stream media is going with the narrative that Donald Trump is being investigated for collusion with the Russians and that Putin has a video tape of hookers peeing on Trump...but you think that didn't have an effect on the election?
Why didn't they use the dossier during the campaign period if it was "created" to hurt trump' s campaign???
Yeah, right! Poor innocent Hillary! (eye roll) Anyone that thinks Clinton didn't know EXACTLY what Glenn Simpson and Fusion GPS were doing with Richard Steele is pathetically naïve!
She didn't. You have no evidence she did. BTW, if she did, why didn't she use the material during the campaign?

You're not very bright, are you, Berg? The entire idea behind the dossiers is that they would come out right before the election...not giving anyone enough time to figure out who was behind them...and that they would appear to have come from a source OTHER than the Clinton campaign! That's what Hillary paid Glenn Simpson the big bucks for...it wasn't "opposition research"! It was for managing the creation of the dossiers and for getting them made public through the use of sympathetic supporters in the FBI and in the main stream media!
Like the posts of many Trumpette's, your post in nothing but a total fiction you have absolutely no ability to factually substantiate. NONE. Believe whatever you want.............just don't post that make believe fantasy on a message board and expect informed people to believe it.

What in any of that is fiction? Did Hillary Clinton not pay Glenn Simpson a large amount of money and do so through a third party law firm to hide where the money came from? Did Glenn Simpson not pay Richard Steele to create the "dossiers"? Did Richard Steele not contact people sympathetic to Clinton inside of the FBI and in the main stream media to get the story released right before the election?

That's not what you were asserting earlier. That you had to change your position from Hillary was involved with the dossier to this last post of yours; indicates even you know you're full of shit.

Do you ever stop lying?

I have not read the whole topic, so excuse me for asking this question: Have Strzok, Comey, Mueller, Clinton, and Obama been frog-marched off to federal pound-me-in-the-ass prison yet?

I know the pseudocons were really, really excited about it going down any day.
Michael Horowitz is trying to cover up the truth that the Cocksucker Administration used the FBI for political campaign purposes....
The only "fantasy" here is that Hillary Clinton didn't know EXACTLY what she was paying for!
There’s no evidence that she knew anything about the Steele Dossier at least until after it was produced.

Ah...so what you'd like us to believe is that Glenn Simpson took it upon himself to pay for the dossiers...have Richard Steele contact the FBI to give those dossiers to higher ups that he knew were anti Trump...then have Steele contact numerous main stream media outlets also sympathetic to Clinton to try and find someone to release the story right before the election...and Hillary knew NOTHING about this? You're really selling that scenario? The reason there is no evidence directly tying Hillary to the dossier is that she went through the third person law firm...then through Simpson...to pay for it! Care to explain why you need that third person law firm if all you're doing is buying "opposition research", Lesh?

Gee, what would the first thing that any reputable news organization do when given a story like Steele was peddling? Contact the Clinton campaign for comment?
Lying con tool, Hillary didn't "need that third person law firm" to hide anything. ALL presidential candidates hire law firms to manage their ALL campaign finances. Perkins Coie has been retained by many such candidates. Hillary retained them back in 2015, about a year before she ever hired Fusion GPS.
Hillary didn't "need that third person law firm" to hide anything

After observing Chelsea's bio daddy Webster Hubbell go into court, claim he did the work that Hillary billed for from those famous "missing billing records..."

yeah, she just needs a SECOND PERSON to hide behind....
Okay, what does Andrew have to do with anything any more than Alpert?

Clinton was investigated for his private, sexual behavior. He lied about something he never should have been under oath about. Let’s get lying Trump under oath and see what happens?

Clinton paid a legal settlement, not illegal hush money payments.

there was nothing illegal about the money Trump paid to Stromy, its kind of sleezy, but not illegal. Clinton was impeached for perjury (lying under oath) not for his sexual escapades with a young intern in the oval office.

Epstein's flight plans prove that Clinton flew with him to his juvenile rape island around 20 times. Epstein was about to give a list of all the other powerful people who joined in that perversion, so he "killed himself" while the guards slept and the cameras just happened to fail.

Cohen went to jail for the hush money payment. His un indicted co conspiritor, Donald Trump is cited as "individual one". It wasn't just sleezy, it was illegal.

Jesus, do you independently fact check anything you hear? Trump LIES. You're being lied to and don't seem to care.

Shortly after Epstein’s death, Trump sowed confusion about Clinton’s use of the plane, saying to reporters:

Trump, Aug. 13: I know he was on his plane 27 times and he said he was on the plane four times. But when they checked the plane logs, Bill Clinton — who was a very good friend of Epstein — he was on the plane about 27 or 28 times. So why did he say “four times”?

And then the question you have to ask is: Did Bill Clinton go to the island? Because Epstein had an island that was not a good place, as I understand it. And I was never there. So you have to ask: Did Bill Clinton go to the island? That’s the question. If you find that out, you’re going to know a lot.
There is no evidence that Clinton visited Epstein’s private island in the Caribbean. None of the flight logs list Clinton as a passenger on a Virgin Islands-bound plane, and the former president’s spokesman said in July that Clinton “has never been to Little St. James Island.”​
The Epstein Connections Fueling Conspiracy Theories

Does Mickey Mouse live in your fantasy land? Clinton is a life long abuser of women and a serial rapist, and yet, you continue to defend his actions and make excuses for his perversions. What does that say about you as a lesbian woman?

BTW, if I was a lesbian I would be much more interested in Melania than Hillary or Michelle.

Except I have done nothing but provided facts to counter your wild conspiracy theories. There is as much evidence linking Trump to Epsten as there is Clinton to Epstein.

Really, show us. the flight plans show Clinton as a passenger 27 times, Trump zero.

Trump banned Epstein from his properties.

so, bring the evidence or STFU

No trips to the island as you and liar Trump claimed.

No wittle fishy, that is what Trump said what happened. Trump lies multiple times an hour.


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