Another Lie Debunked ....Republicans did not own slaves


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015
First off, slavery existed here for 200 years before there was a democratic party. That's the main problem with the republican dishonesty about race.

A Teachable Moment: Dinesh D’Souza Refuses to Take Back False Claim about Republicans Owning Slaves in 1860 (UPDATED)

(UPDATE – 6/11/19) – See below the post for an update.
For Dinesh D’Souza watchers, this headline is as shocking as proclaiming that water is wet. I post this incident because it is a clear and convincing demonstration that D’Souza shows zero interest in academic integrity. Let me lay out the basics. First, D’Souza claimed in a speech that no Republican owned slaves in 1860. Here is the speech:

He said one Republican who owned a slave in 1860 would require him to take back his claim.

Historians on Twitter, led by Princeton’s Kevin Kruse, quickly rose to the occasion and found ten. Follow the thread below for the receipts.

That was just in Kentucky.

First off, slavery existed here for 200 years before there was a democratic party. That's the main problem with the republican dishonesty about race.

A Teachable Moment: Dinesh D’Souza Refuses to Take Back False Claim about Republicans Owning Slaves in 1860 (UPDATED)

(UPDATE – 6/11/19) – See below the post for an update.
For Dinesh D’Souza watchers, this headline is as shocking as proclaiming that water is wet. I post this incident because it is a clear and convincing demonstration that D’Souza shows zero interest in academic integrity. Let me lay out the basics. First, D’Souza claimed in a speech that no Republican owned slaves in 1860. Here is the speech:

He said one Republican who owned a slave in 1860 would require him to take back his claim.

Historians on Twitter, led by Princeton’s Kevin Kruse, quickly rose to the occasion and found ten. Follow the thread below for the receipts.

That was just in Kentucky.


The GOP was founded in 1854 by opponents of the Kansas–Nebraska Act, which allowed for the potential expansion of slavery into certain U.S. territories. The party supported classical liberalism, opposed the expansion of slavery, and supported economic reform.[14][15] Abraham Lincoln was the first Republican president. Under the leadership of Lincoln and a Republican Congress, slavery was banned in the United States in 1865.

First off, slavery existed here for 200 years before there was a democratic party. That's the main problem with the republican dishonesty about race.

A Teachable Moment: Dinesh D’Souza Refuses to Take Back False Claim about Republicans Owning Slaves in 1860 (UPDATED)

(UPDATE – 6/11/19) – See below the post for an update.
For Dinesh D’Souza watchers, this headline is as shocking as proclaiming that water is wet. I post this incident because it is a clear and convincing demonstration that D’Souza shows zero interest in academic integrity. Let me lay out the basics. First, D’Souza claimed in a speech that no Republican owned slaves in 1860. Here is the speech:

He said one Republican who owned a slave in 1860 would require him to take back his claim.

Historians on Twitter, led by Princeton’s Kevin Kruse, quickly rose to the occasion and found ten. Follow the thread below for the receipts.

That was just in Kentucky.


The GOP was founded in 1854 by opponents of the Kansas–Nebraska Act, which allowed for the potential expansion of slavery into certain U.S. territories. The party supported classical liberalism, opposed the expansion of slavery, and supported economic reform.[14][15] Abraham Lincoln was the first Republican president. Under the leadership of Lincoln and a Republican Congress, slavery was banned in the United States in 1865.

Yea but, Orange Man bad, or something.
First off, slavery existed here for 200 years before there was a democratic party.

How long did it exist after the Republican Party was formed?
Guys, you’re not being sensitive to IQ2’s feelings. He thinks he found ten Republican slave owners. This makes him feel better for supporting Democrats blindly his whole life. He obviously needs this safe space, especially since the recent Joe Biden...uh...debacle.
that’s good old Mitch McConnell.

does anybody think the followers of Abraham Lincoln would be standing in front of a flag like that? Unless they were going to light it on fire.

The 1860 census reports about 320,000 slave owners in the US. Slave masters were as high as possibly 10 million or more as many slaves had many masters. Ten slave owners out of from 320,000 to 10,000,000 were Republicans who were working to end slavery. Wow. Strike all credibility from the Republicans for ending slavery.
The 1860 census reports about 320,000 slave owners in the US. Slave masters were as high as possibly 10 million or more as many slaves had many masters. Ten slave owners out of from 320,000 to 10,000,000 were Republicans who were working to end slavery. Wow. Strike all credibility from the Republicans for ending slavery.
They didn't look all over the nation, he took a quick look at a document. It is safe to say that more than 10 republicans in America owned slaves. I know that's tough for you white republicans to take, especially because you want to absolve yourselves of racism by only citing slavery as the only example of white racism in American history. Also when you see that the republican party was formed by disgruntled democrats, it kinda allows one to understand that the republican party of now is a bunch of disingenuous liars trying to take credit for a position on race their party currently does not support.

Now I am a democrat and will stay one given the type of republicans I see in here. With the exception of Levant and one other person who shall remain nameless, the admitted conservatives here are a bunch of white racist stormfront members. So I read the rhetoric here every day and you delusional motherfuckers want to tell me its the democrats who are the racists. LOL!

So it's like this, the republican party of today supports the continued remembrance and celebration of the very confederacy Lincoln went to war to end. So just shut the fuck up about how the republicans freed the slaves when todays republican party would be slaveholding members of the confederacy.
First off, slavery existed here for 200 years before there was a democratic party. That's the main problem with the republican dishonesty about race.

A Teachable Moment: Dinesh D’Souza Refuses to Take Back False Claim about Republicans Owning Slaves in 1860 (UPDATED)

(UPDATE – 6/11/19) – See below the post for an update.
For Dinesh D’Souza watchers, this headline is as shocking as proclaiming that water is wet. I post this incident because it is a clear and convincing demonstration that D’Souza shows zero interest in academic integrity. Let me lay out the basics. First, D’Souza claimed in a speech that no Republican owned slaves in 1860. Here is the speech:

He said one Republican who owned a slave in 1860 would require him to take back his claim.

Historians on Twitter, led by Princeton’s Kevin Kruse, quickly rose to the occasion and found ten. Follow the thread below for the receipts.

That was just in Kentucky.

most whites in the South did not even own slaves
BOOm baby
The 1860 census reports about 320,000 slave owners in the US. Slave masters were as high as possibly 10 million or more as many slaves had many masters. Ten slave owners out of from 320,000 to 10,000,000 were Republicans who were working to end slavery. Wow. Strike all credibility from the Republicans for ending slavery.
.....that's a myth..there is no way 32% of whites owned slaves as this link LIES about
an 1860 census is not credible
They didn't look all over the nation, he took a quick look at a document. It is safe to say that more than 10 republicans in America owned slaves. I know that's tough for you white republicans to take, especially because you want to absolve yourselves of racism by only citing slavery as the only example of white racism in American history.

Slavery is the topic of the thread - and you created the thread with that topic. You should stay on topic. We're talking about Republicans who owned slaves.

If it's more than 10 then your own source was inadequate. Out of 320,000 slave owners, how many were Republicans? I went with your own numbers. If you were wrong then you should post a correction.

That disgruntled Democrats started the party dedicated to ending slavery might be the only good thing one can say about Democrats but, still, how does that help your argument?
So I read the rhetoric here every day and you delusional motherfuckers want to tell me its the democrats who are the racists. LOL!

So it's like this, the republican party of today supports the continued remembrance and celebration of the very confederacy Lincoln went to war to end. So just shut the fuck up about how the republicans freed the slaves when todays republican party would be slaveholding members of the confederacy.

That's an absurd claim. It is absolutely false. Republicans are not the ones who would enslave black people today. The racists are, and have always been, the Democrats. Keeping poor people down from all races, telling them that they're not capable of success on their own but that, instead, they must be dependent on the State for their survival is nothing less than the modern slavery. Oh, sure there are no whips or straps, but the chains are there. The racism is there. This was LBJ's dream for black men in America and he was very successful.
.....that's a myth..there is no way 32% of whites owned slaves as this link LIES about
an 1860 census is not credible

Most definitely, the article you referenced misstates the reality of the time. A better description is at:

Roughly 1.4% of whites owned slaves. The 30-ish percent claim is based on the fact that most slaves had many people to whom they were forced to submit. On a plantation with one slave owner, there would be all of his family, including extended family, all of his white plantation hands, etc., that the slaves had to submit to. Many slaves were rented out so the 30% number has to include anyone who ever, even for an hour, rented a slave. The argument is that the number of people who benefited DIRECTLY from slavery is far, far, higher than 1.4% or 320,000. Include indirect benefit, and it's pretty close to 100%.
I don’t understand why Republicans are even pretending they don’t approve of slavery. Look at the way they treated Obama and his wife and his children.

then you got those Republicans out tracking down black joggers and children armed with skittles and soda pop.

instead of denying who you are, just stand up and be proud. Everybody already knows anyway so at least that way you won’t look so weak.
I don’t understand why Republicans are even pretending they don’t approve of slavery. Look at the way they treated Obama and his wife and his children.

I voted for Obama. Besides being a Never-McCainer, I fell for Obama's lies about the most transparent administration in history.

Back up your lying-assed claim about Republicans treating Obama like a slave. Your claim is just more racism from the Democrats. To suggest that Obama couldn't be challenged for his acts as president implies that you don't really think he was president in the way all other presidents were who we were able to criticize.

If criticizing a president means you want them enslaved then the left are all white-slavery supporters.
I don’t understand why Republicans are even pretending they don’t approve of slavery. Look at the way they treated Obama and his wife and his children.

then you got those Republicans out tracking down black joggers and children armed with skittles and soda pop.

instead of denying who you are, just stand up and be proud. Everybody already knows anyway so at least that way you won’t look so weak.

If you're black and you've ever purchased skittles and pop, you're allowed to beat someone's head against the concrete. Is that where you're going?
I don’t understand why Republicans are even pretending they don’t approve of slavery. Look at the way they treated Obama and his wife and his children.

then you got those Republicans out tracking down black joggers and children armed with skittles and soda pop.

instead of denying who you are, just stand up and be proud. Everybody already knows anyway so at least that way you won’t look so weak.
....Obama is the racist --I've linked this many times...he hates whites/cops/America

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