Another one bites the dust: Trump announces he is not running for President

Read it and weep

Donald Trump has just released the following statement announcing he will not be running for the Republican nomination after all:

After considerable deliberation and reflection, I have decided not to pursue the office of the Presidency. This decision does not come easily or without regret; especially when my potential candidacy continues to be validated by ranking at the top of the Republican contenders in polls across the country. I maintain the strong conviction that if I were to run, I would be able to win the primary and ultimately, the general election

Hey aaaahh... ever here about the board rule about POSTING A LINK?

Sheeezuz... where the fuck is your head at man?

Read a thread before you post and look like an idiot

where the fuck is your head man?

Unwrap your homo lips from obama's shaft ya little bow legged faggot.
Actually I wish he had hung on through at least the preliminary primary events. We all knew from the beginning that he was the longest of the long shots to win the GOP nomination. Yes he is an egotist but he is a fearless and 100% politically incorrect egotist which made him invaluable in the debates. He brings up the elephants in the room that the others tiptoe around and pretend don't exist. And he would have forced everybody, including Obama and the Democrats to talk about those issues.

He wouldn't have been the annointed candidate, but he was our best shot to know better what we will get in the candidates we annoint.

Obama was obviously terrified of a Donald Trump candidacy and did not want him involved in the process. He wants squishy, non commital, unconvincing 'moderate' Republicans like McCain to run against as he can then pretend again that he is the conservative and win re-election.

:eusa_eh:.. I don't think so.

It seems there's been more drop out than announce, though.. Who is actually in that has a chance at the nomination? Newt? Mitt (?)? Daniels (?)?

It's a tough year for the GOP. I think anyone serious about winning in a general, should hold off til' 2016.. 'Cause it deffinitely doesn't look good this time around.

Romney should get the nod unopposed. it would be the best thing the Republicans could do. Either that or get some balls and back Ron Paul.

Romney's lame defense of RomneyCare makes him nationally unviable in the 2012 general election. The sooner he drops out, the better for the fiscal conservative agenda.
:eusa_eh:.. I don't think so.

It seems there's been more drop out than announce, though.. Who is actually in that has a chance at the nomination? Newt? Mitt (?)? Daniels (?)?

It's a tough year for the GOP. I think anyone serious about winning in a general, should hold off til' 2016.. 'Cause it deffinitely doesn't look good this time around.

Romney should get the nod unopposed. it would be the best thing the Republicans could do. Either that or get some balls and back Ron Paul.

Romney's lame defense of RomneyCare makes him nationally unviable in the 2012 general election. The sooner he drops out, the better for the fiscal conservative agenda.

Looks like Romney is the last man standing

GOP has no other options......unless you care to name one
Called this from the beginning. Being from New York, apparently, gives one a unique view into this individual.
Good. Now we just need Romney to bail.

Agreed about Romney.

LOL I do have to wonder who the Left will spew all their vile hate at's sort of a bummer trump dropped he was keep the leftist twits all a flutter at the shiny thing.

Let's get real,,"The Donald" did it to himself.

I could care less about Trump I said from the outset he would either never run or would dropout bottom line was he was someone for the extreme leftist to spew their hate on and they did exactly as we said they would do.
Anyone who actually fell for Trump's bullshit PR campaign is an idiot. That includes the left who spent weeks screaming like fucking two year olds about it.

Suckers. :lmao:
No surprise.

Trump didn't have a prayer. He was just an egomaniac with a platform. What surprised me wasn't the fact that he toyed with the idea. I was surprised by the fact that he actually got some traction with "conservatives".

Probably without realizing it, cons looked demented by all this birther nonsense talk. But when cons embraced Trump who ALSO embraced the birther nonsense talk, they ALL looked crazier than Dracula's Renfro character.

Who else does the GOP have this year? Ron Paul! Michele Bachmann! Newt Gingrich!

The GOP field is looking nuttier than rat droppings in a pistachio factory.

Let's say he got traction with neocons who like tough talk, but actual, real live conservatives.....I don't think so.
Called this from the beginning. Being from New York, apparently, gives one a unique view into this individual.

Don't give yourself too much credit. Anyone with an IQ over room temperature knew he was playing a PR game. He never had any intention of running.... one wonders how people could be stupid enough to fall for his bullshit.

Aaahh... where did it say that? Where has this been announced anywhere for that matter?

I think you're all jumping the gun a little bit here. With Huckabumblebee out, Trump has a much better chance.

You'll are a little quick to count Trump out. I think he's got more mojo and tricks up his sleeve than you give him credit for.

Read it and weep

Donald Trump has just released the following statement announcing he will not be running for the Republican nomination after all:

After considerable deliberation and reflection, I have decided not to pursue the office of the Presidency. This decision does not come easily or without regret; especially when my potential candidacy continues to be validated by ranking at the top of the Republican contenders in polls across the country. I maintain the strong conviction that if I were to run, I would be able to win the primary and ultimately, the general election

Hey aaaahh... ever here about the board rule about POSTING A LINK?

Sheeezuz... where the fuck is your head at man?

It was posted earlier in the thread. Sheeezuz.....why the fuck did you start posting without reading the thread man?
Called this from the beginning. Being from New York, apparently, gives one a unique view into this individual.

Don't give yourself too much credit. Anyone with an IQ over room temperature knew he was playing a PR game. He never had any intention of running.... one wonders how people could be stupid enough to fall for his bullshit.

People seem to forget that this is his 3rd presidential "run".
Called this from the beginning. Being from New York, apparently, gives one a unique view into this individual.

Don't give yourself too much credit. Anyone with an IQ over room temperature knew he was playing a PR game. He never had any intention of running.... one wonders how people could be stupid enough to fall for his bullshit.


Plenty of people went for the sham.

Trump collapses
Donald Trump has had one of the quickest rises and falls in the history of Presidential politics. Last month we found him leading the Republican field with 26%. In the space of just four weeks he's dropped all the way down to 8%, putting him in a tie for fifth place with Ron Paul.
As Trump got more and more exposure over the last month Republicans didn't just decide they weren't interested in having him as their nominee- they also decided they flat don't like him. Only 34% of GOP voters now have a favorable opinion of Trump to 53% who view him in a negative light.

Trump really made hay out of the 'birther' issue and as the resonance of that has declined, so has his standing. In February we found that 51% of Republican primary voters thought Barack Obama was not born in the United States. Now with the release of his birth certificate only 34% of GOP partisans fall into that camp, and Trump's only in fifth place with that now smaller group of the electorate at 9%.

Public Policy Polling: Trump collapses

Well, I for one am glad that folks who support the GOP want nothing to do with fringe wackos. They are smart enough to realize the a circus side show many be entertaining but that's NOT what they want in their leadership.
That gives me at least some hope for the GOP.
And birthers/deathers, maybe you can find some way, way fringe party you can join that supports your wackiness. :cuckoo:

so trump totally trolled the libs for a month. I love it :lol:

What are you talking about.

Trump was like the Pied Piper, and the cons who supported him were like the children he lured into the cave.

It was a pathetic display (by the cons, that is).

While Trump was a joke to anyone with an ounce of common sense, the cons couldn't even see it for the joke it was.

And now that Paul, and Bachmann, and Gingrich, (and maybe even Palin) are getting a serious look by conservatives, one can't help but wonder if Alan Keyes is thinking that this just might be HIS year to throw his hat into the mosh pit of GOP presidential politics.

dude, trump was never going to run. he's banged to many miss americas and couldn't aford to have them coming forward. you guys really are frigging easy to put one over on.
Called this from the beginning. Being from New York, apparently, gives one a unique view into this individual.

Don't give yourself too much credit. Anyone with an IQ over room temperature knew he was playing a PR game. He never had any intention of running.... one wonders how people could be stupid enough to fall for his bullshit.


Plenty of people went for the sham.


Wasn't CaliforniaGirl ONE of the many on here that spoke about "Oh, Trump SHOULD run, he'll be REFRESHING, yada, yada, yada...?"
Anyone who actually fell for Trump's bullshit PR campaign is an idiot. That includes the left who spent weeks screaming like fucking two year olds about it.

Suckers. :lmao:

Absolutely. Trump got a ton of virtually free publicitiy. He yanked obamas chain and every newspaper, talk show, news station, magazine featured Donald Trump. His move was marketing genious.
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Good. Now we just need Romney to bail.

Agreed about Romney.

LOL I do have to wonder who the Left will spew all their vile hate at's sort of a bummer trump dropped he was keep the leftist twits all a flutter at the shiny thing.

Michelle Bachman is still 'exploring' and Newt Gingrich is in. The left wingnuts have never been shy about verbally attacking both in the most hateful manner. They don't need Trump to engage in the politics of personal destruction.
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