Another one bites the dust: Trump announces he is not running for President

Agreed about Romney.

LOL I do have to wonder who the Left will spew all their vile hate at's sort of a bummer trump dropped he was keep the leftist twits all a flutter at the shiny thing.

Let's get real,,"The Donald" did it to himself.

I could care less about Trump I said from the outset he would either never run or would dropout bottom line was he was someone for the extreme leftist to spew their hate on and they did exactly as we said they would do.

I think the left was either laughing or perplexed at how anyone could take Trump seriously. And yet, the polls indicated that he was getting some big numbers -- even compared to more traditional condidates.

Those GOP folks who gave Trump his number one spot in the Republican primary polls came across like Charles Manson's starry-eyed girl fanclub -- namely delusional as hell.
As I posted on the other 'Trump is out' thread, I wish he had stayed in at least through the preliminary primaries. Trump would have made all the candidates on both sides talk about real issues more than just the standard campaign sound bites and canned talking points. He wouldn't have been the candidate, but he is brash enough, blunt enough, unpolitically corect enough that he would have forced it to be real. He was never going to be the nominee, but he was our best chance to force candidates to really reveal who they are and what they are about.

Obama was afraid of him. I think Obama and company are going to be working hard to destroy any credible GOP candidate and promote the squishy, non commital 'moderates' like McCain so that Obama can then run as the decisive conservative and win re-election.

I tend to agree with you about 99% of the time. But not this time. Have you noticed how Trump talks circles around something, but never really says anything. I think he would have been laughed off the stage in a debate. Here is a for instance when he talked about religion. It sounds like an answer an 8th grader would try to use to snow a teacher on a test. Most all of his answers to reporters went just like this.

Donald Trump talks religion: 'I am a Christian' - Maggie Haberman -

Donald Trump talks religion: 'I am a Christian'

Donald Trump highlighted his religion in an interview with the Christian Broadcast Network, declaring "I am Christian" and saying he stores away Bibles he gets sent from fans.

“I believe in God. I am Christian. I think The Bible is certainly, it is THE book,' Trump told CBN's David Brody.

“It is the thing. I was raised and I gave you a picture just now and perhaps you'll use that picture I found it from a long time ago. First Presbyterian Church in Jamaica Queens is where I went to church,” he said. “I'm a Protestant, I'm a Presbyterian. And you know I've had a good relationship with the church over the years. I think religion is a wonderful thing. I think my religion is a wonderful religion.”

When asked by Brody about whether he keeps a lot of Bibles, Trump said, "Well I get sent Bibles by a lot of people... we keep them at a certain place. A very nice place. But people send me Bibles. And you know, it's very interesting. I get so much mail, and because I'm in this incredible location in Manhattan, you can't keep most of the mail you get.

“There's no way I would ever throw anything, to do anything negative to a Bible, so what we do is we keep all of the Bibles,” he added. “I would have a fear of doing something other than very positive, so actually I store them and keep them and sometimes give them away to other people but I do get sent a lot of Bibles and I like that. I think that's great.”

Trump, who is starting to eye a connection to the evangelicals who make up a key swath of GOP primary voters, said he goes to church "as much as I can. Always on Christmas. Always on Easter. Always when there's a major occasion. And during the Sundays. I'm a Sunday church person. I'll go when I can.”
Called this from the beginning. Being from New York, apparently, gives one a unique view into this individual.

Don't give yourself too much credit. Anyone with an IQ over room temperature knew he was playing a PR game. He never had any intention of running.... one wonders how people could be stupid enough to fall for his bullshit.

It was all fun and games until Trump looked in the polls and saw he was leading at 26%

Then he said to himself "Those stupid fuck Republicans are buying this shit" Trump geared up to run until Obama humiliated his ass and his poll numbers dropped to single digits
Good. Now we just need Romney to bail.

Agreed about Romney.

LOL I do have to wonder who the Left will spew all their vile hate at's sort of a bummer trump dropped he was keep the leftist twits all a flutter at the shiny thing.

Michelle Bachman is still 'exploring' and Newt Gingrich is in. The left wingnuts have never been shy about verbally attacking both in the most hateful manner. They don't need Trump to engage in the politics of personal destruction.

Like the left owns "verbally attacking both in the most hateful manner"!
Man, BOTH sides have done it and will continue to do it. To deny such is pure ignorance, PERIOD! Just read through posts on these boards from BOTH sides. Pick up political rags from both the right and left and what do you see? Attacks and hate.
Sorry, the left doesn't own hate and attacks and neither does the right.
Jeeze. Of course Trump isn't going to run or POTUS.

It takes to much time and it pays for shit.

I never seriously thought he would run. He's just playing. I'm having a hard time believing anyone would actuall think he would run.

It would have been fun to see him debate a few of these windbag politicians though. LOL
As I posted on the other 'Trump is out' thread, I wish he had stayed in at least through the preliminary primaries. Trump would have made all the candidates on both sides talk about real issues more than just the standard campaign sound bites and canned talking points. He wouldn't have been the candidate, but he is brash enough, blunt enough, unpolitically corect enough that he would have forced it to be real. He was never going to be the nominee, but he was our best chance to force candidates to really reveal who they are and what they are about.

Obama was afraid of him. I think Obama and company are going to be working hard to destroy any credible GOP candidate and promote the squishy, non commital 'moderates' like McCain so that Obama can then run as the decisive conservative and win re-election.

I tend to agree with you about 99% of the time. But not this time. Have you noticed how Trump talks circles around something, but never really says anything. I think he would have been laughed off the stage in a debate. Here is a for instance when he talked about religion. It sounds like an answer an 8th grader would try to use to snow a teacher on a test. Most all of his answers to reporters went just like this.

Donald Trump talks religion: 'I am a Christian' - Maggie Haberman -

Donald Trump talks religion: 'I am a Christian'

Donald Trump highlighted his religion in an interview with the Christian Broadcast Network, declaring "I am Christian" and saying he stores away Bibles he gets sent from fans.

“I believe in God. I am Christian. I think The Bible is certainly, it is THE book,' Trump told CBN's David Brody.

“It is the thing. I was raised and I gave you a picture just now and perhaps you'll use that picture I found it from a long time ago. First Presbyterian Church in Jamaica Queens is where I went to church,” he said. “I'm a Protestant, I'm a Presbyterian. And you know I've had a good relationship with the church over the years. I think religion is a wonderful thing. I think my religion is a wonderful religion.”

When asked by Brody about whether he keeps a lot of Bibles, Trump said, "Well I get sent Bibles by a lot of people... we keep them at a certain place. A very nice place. But people send me Bibles. And you know, it's very interesting. I get so much mail, and because I'm in this incredible location in Manhattan, you can't keep most of the mail you get.

“There's no way I would ever throw anything, to do anything negative to a Bible, so what we do is we keep all of the Bibles,” he added. “I would have a fear of doing something other than very positive, so actually I store them and keep them and sometimes give them away to other people but I do get sent a lot of Bibles and I like that. I think that's great.”

Trump, who is starting to eye a connection to the evangelicals who make up a key swath of GOP primary voters, said he goes to church "as much as I can. Always on Christmas. Always on Easter. Always when there's a major occasion. And during the Sundays. I'm a Sunday church person. I'll go when I can.”

I don't see anything wrong with it. It reads like a typical unprepared, unscripted, informal answer to questions he didn't know were coming. And the excerpts here are also obviously not a connected monologue so were probably not as disjointed as it appears in Politico who are sometimes really bad in how they edit quotations and more than once have poorly served those they are highlighting.
well with Trump&Huckabee out, it leaves us with Gingrich & Romney. Not a bad ticket,If I could make a prediction now, it may come down to any combination of those two, Mitch Daniels and Paul Ryan (unless Chris Christie changes his mind):razz:
:eusa_eh:.. I don't think so.

It seems there's been more drop out than announce, though.. Who is actually in that has a chance at the nomination? Newt? Mitt (?)? Daniels (?)?

It's a tough year for the GOP. I think anyone serious about winning in a general, should hold off til' 2016.. 'Cause it deffinitely doesn't look good this time around.

Romney should get the nod unopposed. it would be the best thing the Republicans could do. Either that or get some balls and back Ron Paul.

Romney's lame defense of RomneyCare makes him nationally unviable in the 2012 general election. The sooner he drops out, the better for the fiscal conservative agenda.

He should have just spoken more honestly about it. But I think he would do well with a republican congress. you really do need a blend. While I'd prefer far right over far left, Ideally I'd like to see a comfortable mix
Obama publicly humiliated Trump and all his rightwing support vanished

Poor Donald....everyone is mocking you

I don't think it's appropriate for the president to "publicly humiliate" a private citizen - or anyone for that matter.

You do?

What other president has ever publicly humiliated an individual?

Awwww....poor child

Donald looked like he was going to throw a temper tantrum at the Corresponents Dinner

Hard to believe some right wingers took him seriously.....right slooki?

You going to answer my question of are you going to continue to deflect -

I don't think it's appropriate for the president to "publicly humiliate" a private citizen - or anyone for that matter.

You do?
I don't think it's appropriate for the president to "publicly humiliate" a private citizen - or anyone for that matter.

You do?

What other president has ever publicly humiliated an individual?

Awwww....poor child

Donald looked like he was going to throw a temper tantrum at the Corresponents Dinner

Hard to believe some right wingers took him seriously.....right slooki?

You going to answer my question of are you going to continue to deflect -

I don't think it's appropriate for the president to "publicly humiliate" a private citizen - or anyone for that matter.

You do?

Ancient Proverb: People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.
As I posted on the other 'Trump is out' thread, I wish he had stayed in at least through the preliminary primaries. Trump would have made all the candidates on both sides talk about real issues more than just the standard campaign sound bites and canned talking points. He wouldn't have been the candidate, but he is brash enough, blunt enough, unpolitically corect enough that he would have forced it to be real. He was never going to be the nominee, but he was our best chance to force candidates to really reveal who they are and what they are about.

Obama was afraid of him. I think Obama and company are going to be working hard to destroy any credible GOP candidate and promote the squishy, non commital 'moderates' like McCain so that Obama can then run as the decisive conservative and win re-election.

I tend to agree with you about 99% of the time. But not this time. Have you noticed how Trump talks circles around something, but never really says anything. I think he would have been laughed off the stage in a debate. Here is a for instance when he talked about religion. It sounds like an answer an 8th grader would try to use to snow a teacher on a test. Most all of his answers to reporters went just like this.

Donald Trump talks religion: 'I am a Christian' - Maggie Haberman -

Donald Trump talks religion: 'I am a Christian'

Donald Trump highlighted his religion in an interview with the Christian Broadcast Network, declaring "I am Christian" and saying he stores away Bibles he gets sent from fans.

“I believe in God. I am Christian. I think The Bible is certainly, it is THE book,' Trump told CBN's David Brody.

“It is the thing. I was raised and I gave you a picture just now and perhaps you'll use that picture I found it from a long time ago. First Presbyterian Church in Jamaica Queens is where I went to church,” he said. “I'm a Protestant, I'm a Presbyterian. And you know I've had a good relationship with the church over the years. I think religion is a wonderful thing. I think my religion is a wonderful religion.”

When asked by Brody about whether he keeps a lot of Bibles, Trump said, "Well I get sent Bibles by a lot of people... we keep them at a certain place. A very nice place. But people send me Bibles. And you know, it's very interesting. I get so much mail, and because I'm in this incredible location in Manhattan, you can't keep most of the mail you get.

“There's no way I would ever throw anything, to do anything negative to a Bible, so what we do is we keep all of the Bibles,” he added. “I would have a fear of doing something other than very positive, so actually I store them and keep them and sometimes give them away to other people but I do get sent a lot of Bibles and I like that. I think that's great.”

Trump, who is starting to eye a connection to the evangelicals who make up a key swath of GOP primary voters, said he goes to church "as much as I can. Always on Christmas. Always on Easter. Always when there's a major occasion. And during the Sundays. I'm a Sunday church person. I'll go when I can.”

I don't see anything wrong with it. It reads like a typical unprepared, unscripted, informal answer to questions he didn't know were coming. And the excerpts here are also obviously not a connected monologue so were probably not as disjointed as it appears in Politico who are sometimes really bad in how they edit quotations and more than once have poorly served those they are highlighting.

I heard the audio before I ever read it. He said it about the way it reads. I've been a Christian since I was 7 and I'm 54. I have a degree in religion and spent a short time in the ministry. There is nothing in his repsonse that gives me a warm and fussy feeling about his personal faith or even a general understanding of it.

"I think The Bible is certainly, it is THE book. It is the thing."

"I think religion is a wonderful thing. I think my religion is a wonderful religion.”

"Well I get sent Bibles by a lot of people... we keep them at a certain place. A very nice place. But people send me Bibles. And you know, it's very interesting. I get so much mail, and because I'm in this incredible location in Manhattan, you can't keep most of the mail you get."

“There's no way I would ever throw anything, to do anything negative to a Bible, so what we do is we keep all of the Bibles,” he added. “I would have a fear of doing something other than very positive, so actually I store them and keep them and sometimes give them away to other people but I do get sent a lot of Bibles and I like that. I think that's great.”

Honestly Fox, those statements sound like beauty pageant answers.

Beauty Pageants - Funny Beauty Pageant Interview Questions at
Called this from the beginning. Being from New York, apparently, gives one a unique view into this individual.

Don't give yourself too much credit. Anyone with an IQ over room temperature knew he was playing a PR game. He never had any intention of running.... one wonders how people could be stupid enough to fall for his bullshit.


Plenty of people went for the sham.


Especially the 26% of Republican voters who wanted Trump as their candidate
I tend to agree with you about 99% of the time. But not this time. Have you noticed how Trump talks circles around something, but never really says anything. I think he would have been laughed off the stage in a debate. Here is a for instance when he talked about religion. It sounds like an answer an 8th grader would try to use to snow a teacher on a test. Most all of his answers to reporters went just like this.

Donald Trump talks religion: 'I am a Christian' - Maggie Haberman -

Donald Trump talks religion: 'I am a Christian'

Donald Trump highlighted his religion in an interview with the Christian Broadcast Network, declaring "I am Christian" and saying he stores away Bibles he gets sent from fans.

“I believe in God. I am Christian. I think The Bible is certainly, it is THE book,' Trump told CBN's David Brody.

“It is the thing. I was raised and I gave you a picture just now and perhaps you'll use that picture I found it from a long time ago. First Presbyterian Church in Jamaica Queens is where I went to church,” he said. “I'm a Protestant, I'm a Presbyterian. And you know I've had a good relationship with the church over the years. I think religion is a wonderful thing. I think my religion is a wonderful religion.”

When asked by Brody about whether he keeps a lot of Bibles, Trump said, "Well I get sent Bibles by a lot of people... we keep them at a certain place. A very nice place. But people send me Bibles. And you know, it's very interesting. I get so much mail, and because I'm in this incredible location in Manhattan, you can't keep most of the mail you get.

“There's no way I would ever throw anything, to do anything negative to a Bible, so what we do is we keep all of the Bibles,” he added. “I would have a fear of doing something other than very positive, so actually I store them and keep them and sometimes give them away to other people but I do get sent a lot of Bibles and I like that. I think that's great.”

Trump, who is starting to eye a connection to the evangelicals who make up a key swath of GOP primary voters, said he goes to church "as much as I can. Always on Christmas. Always on Easter. Always when there's a major occasion. And during the Sundays. I'm a Sunday church person. I'll go when I can.”

I don't see anything wrong with it. It reads like a typical unprepared, unscripted, informal answer to questions he didn't know were coming. And the excerpts here are also obviously not a connected monologue so were probably not as disjointed as it appears in Politico who are sometimes really bad in how they edit quotations and more than once have poorly served those they are highlighting.

I heard the audio before I ever read it. He said it about the way it reads. I've been a Christian since I was 7 and I'm 54. I have a degree in religion and spent a short time in the ministry. There is nothing in his repsonse that gives me a warm and fussy feeling about his personal faith or even a general understanding of it.

"I think The Bible is certainly, it is THE book. It is the thing."

"I think religion is a wonderful thing. I think my religion is a wonderful religion.”

"Well I get sent Bibles by a lot of people... we keep them at a certain place. A very nice place. But people send me Bibles. And you know, it's very interesting. I get so much mail, and because I'm in this incredible location in Manhattan, you can't keep most of the mail you get."

“There's no way I would ever throw anything, to do anything negative to a Bible, so what we do is we keep all of the Bibles,” he added. “I would have a fear of doing something other than very positive, so actually I store them and keep them and sometimes give them away to other people but I do get sent a lot of Bibles and I like that. I think that's great.”

Honestly Fox, those statements sound like beauty pageant answers.

Beauty Pageants - Funny Beauty Pageant Interview Questions at

Perhaps, but I'm not going to judge him for it. His comments did not affect me negatively as they did you. I don't think he was shooting for 'warm fuzzy feelings'--he really isn't that kind of guy. And I too am Christian, am actively involved in a Christian ministry, and write and teach Christian curriculum.

I respect your feelings of distaste, but I just don't see his remarks as a disqualifying factor.
He never accused Obama of being born out of country.
All he wanted to see was Obama's birth certificate.
And Obama obeyed.

Not true, he said that he did not think that Obama was born in the United States.
Trump collapses
Donald Trump has had one of the quickest rises and falls in the history of Presidential politics. Last month we found him leading the Republican field with 26%. In the space of just four weeks he's dropped all the way down to 8%, putting him in a tie for fifth place with Ron Paul.
As Trump got more and more exposure over the last month Republicans didn't just decide they weren't interested in having him as their nominee- they also decided they flat don't like him. Only 34% of GOP voters now have a favorable opinion of Trump to 53% who view him in a negative light.

Trump really made hay out of the 'birther' issue and as the resonance of that has declined, so has his standing. In February we found that 51% of Republican primary voters thought Barack Obama was not born in the United States. Now with the release of his birth certificate only 34% of GOP partisans fall into that camp, and Trump's only in fifth place with that now smaller group of the electorate at 9%.

Public Policy Polling: Trump collapses

Well, I for one am glad that folks who support the GOP want nothing to do with fringe wackos. They are smart enough to realize the a circus side show many be entertaining but that's NOT what they want in their leadership.
That gives me at least some hope for the GOP.
And birthers/deathers, maybe you can find some way, way fringe party you can join that supports your wackiness. :cuckoo:

I know that greatly disappoints you liberals out there.

This guy was never a serious contender and was only hyped up by the media because he is a TV personality.

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