Another republican too eager to kill

I think 14 months is an adolescent at the least, Shirley?
Still learning
Most people struggling with a puppy obeying will call in a dog trainer

To a multi millionaire like Noem, easier to just kill it
Post up a rescue group that will take livestock killers.

The dog attacked chickens on the same day it was taught to attack pheasants. Did they even try to teach the dog the difference between the two before they shot it?
It has nothing to do with politics, and everything to do with shooting a dog.

You are projecting again because everything in your world is about politics.
Nope, not projecting. That's your schtick. Unlike you I have lived on a ranch. Granted, it was in Australia, but the mentality is the same.

Your own regulations show that the authorities kill dangerous dogs. They just suffocate them, instead of shooting them.

Shooting them is far more humane.
The dog attacked chickens on the same day it was taught to attack pheasants. Did they even try to teach the dog the difference between the two before they shot it?
My dog knows the difference. My dog also knows not to try and attack me if I tell her to do something she doesn't want to.

Apparently this one didn't. And, at 14 months it's doubtful it will be able to learn.
The dog attacked chickens on the same day it was taught to attack pheasants.
You mean taught to flush pheasants?

But it's not the flushing/attacking chickens so much as refusing commands and turning on the owner as I understand it.

Again, I can't believe it didn't have sufficient history, it wasn't a first time offender. No one puts aside lightly the effort invested in training to that point.
Noem explained to the outlet how the dog had ruined a pheasant hunt, going "out of her mind with excitement, chasing all those birds and having the time of her life

What an evil BITCH
A puppy having the time of its life chasing pheasants has to be killed?
You're gaslighting again, Captain Context. :rolleyes: Tell me Captain, in what context is killing a dog with a gun and throwing it in a quarry ever something good, or something to be proud of? I'm a hunter. I find it fucking reprehensible.

In what context is saying afterwards you hated the animal you're supposed to care for and instead mercilessly killed it, rather than, oh doing what rational, sane people do, and take it to a shelter instill any trustworthiness that you aren't anything but a psychopath?

I’m not gaslighting anyone. I read the title of the thread, then read the story and crep is being dishonest trying to make people believe that she shown the dog because it couldn’t be trained. That is misleading.

Did you even read the story? There are various reasons you have to put a dog down, one of them is if the dog is over aggressive, which was stated in the story when she said the dog was a danger to people, it tried to bite her after it had gotten loose and killed all of the neighbors chickens.

Now, I personally don’t know the threshold of when you need to put a dog down as I’ve never had to do it, but there IS a threshold.

My point here was that crep was purposely being misleading by leaving out full context from the story.
Nope, not projecting. That's your schtick. Unlike you I have lived on a ranch.

Correct, I have not lived on a ranch thus the idea of shooting my dog is insane to me, it has nothing to do with politics

Your own regulations show that the authorities kill dangerous dogs. They just suffocate them, instead of shooting them.

Shooting them is far more humane.

As the last resort, not the first choice.

My dog knows the difference.

Because you taught your dog the difference. Based on her story Noem did not even try to do that.
No, it's very common in the Midwest.

They don't like feral cats either, they drown them.

It's not common anywhere. Every barn has feral cats which keep the vermin from over running the place. We got a barn cat after I found a dead rat in the grain bin when we lived in the country.

My sister and her husband had a small colony of feral cats in their neighbourhood and one of the neighbours tried to take up a petition about them. No one would sign it because the neighbours said that they kept the rodent populations in check. The guy took an axe to one of the cats, and they were all moved to a farm, after which the neighbourhood gardens were over run with wild rabbits, squirrels, and other vermin. My sister's husband had to build 4 foot high raised beds to grow vegetables.

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