Anti-abortion fanatics

New Mexico State Legislator Cathrynn Brown has proposed a bill that would allegedly charge those who were sexually assaulted and sought out an abortion with a felony for “tampering with evidence.”

House Bill 206, introduced by state Rep. Cathrynn Brown (R), would charge a rape victim who ended her pregnancy with a third-degree felony for “tampering with evidence.”

“Tampering with evidence shall include procuring or facilitating an abortion, or compelling or coercing another to obtain an abortion, of a fetus that is the result of criminal sexual penetration or incest with the intent to destroy evidence of the crime,” the bill says.

Third-degree felonies in New Mexico carry a sentence of up to three years in prison.
Forcing Rape Victims to Give Birth? New Mexico Has a Novel Approach

wrong. It had to be revised. that was 3 yrs ago

Bill criminalizing abortions for rape victims is revised
Pro abortion is defined as anti life.

No one is pro abortion.

Not even those who proudly claim to be pro abortion?

Pro choice is not pro abortion. I prefer looking for alternatives and ways to reduce the need for abortion.
Agreed. And until there is 100% fail safe contraceptive methods and practices women will continue to seek abortions when faced with unwanted and unplanned pregnancies.

Let' s create artificial wombs for those concerned about fetal death.
Pro abortion is defined as anti life.

No one is pro abortion.

Not even those who proudly claim to be pro abortion?

Pro choice is not pro abortion. I prefer looking for alternatives and ways to reduce the need for abortion.

You should maybe look into contacting the writers of our dictionaries.

Definition of PROABORTION

the definition of proabortion

pro-abortion: definition of pro-abortion in Oxford dictionary (American English) (US)
download (6).jpg
New Mexico State Legislator Cathrynn Brown has proposed a bill that would allegedly charge those who were sexually assaulted and sought out an abortion with a felony for “tampering with evidence.”

House Bill 206, introduced by state Rep. Cathrynn Brown (R), would charge a rape victim who ended her pregnancy with a third-degree felony for “tampering with evidence.”

“Tampering with evidence shall include procuring or facilitating an abortion, or compelling or coercing another to obtain an abortion, of a fetus that is the result of criminal sexual penetration or incest with the intent to destroy evidence of the crime,” the bill says.

Third-degree felonies in New Mexico carry a sentence of up to three years in prison.
Forcing Rape Victims to Give Birth? New Mexico Has a Novel Approach

wrong. It had to be revised. that was 3 yrs ago

Bill criminalizing abortions for rape victims is revised
Nonetheless, it's a draconian law and it is fanatical.
The right to choose what is right for the woman is also choosing to keep the fetus if she wants.

No one should take that choice and freedom away from her. We do not have sharia type laws and restrict woman to a sub-servant status. It is the woman's body and her life. It should be her choice, either way.

I'm glad our Supreme Court already appreciates the fact that it is problematic to abortion supporters for a person's rights to begin when their life does.

That's why I long for the day when our court will have to reconcile their ruling in Roe with our more recent fetal HOMICIDE laws which establishes the fact that it is a child in the womb which is worthy of each their own Constitutional rights and protections.

Till the last trimester if the mother dies in an accident you are not charged with two deaths. You have to know she is pregnant or it is visible that she is pregnant. Does not apply in the first trimester at all.
Till it is out of her body, or old enough that it might survive outside, it is not a person. It is a parasite feeding off her, making her sick, deforming her body, causing pain, making breathing difficult, even moving and standing up can be a obstacle. It cannot live without her, it is a part of her and her body so she has all say over it.
When it can take it's first breath apart from her, it become its own person.

Some women enjoy being pregnant, good for them, some are afraid, don't want or have had a problem and are unwilling to try again. Some are told they should not due to preconditions and o

No one has a right to her medical records or her conversations with her doctor. no one should even know she is pregnant or of her choice.

I misjudged you, I thought you were a nice person and could be persuaded.

Now I look upon you with horror. What happened to you that made you such a horrible person?

I've seen the horrors of what happens to women without freedom elsewhere in the world.
War, rape, abuse, poverty, submission, massacres, mutilation ................

A woman's body should be hers to control, without exception. No one should take that right away from her.

No child should be born unwanted or unloved because a woman had no choice.

Let men get a uterus transplant and be the ones to carry and give birth. Let them risk their health and their life giving birth.
Get off your high horse. You believe that a woman should be allowed to kill her own child. That makes you the bad guy.

If a woman uses herbs or an abortion by mail kit, it is none of your business and you have no right to know. She has till the 24 week to decide.
I'm glad our Supreme Court already appreciates the fact that it is problematic to abortion supporters for a person's rights to begin when their life does.

That's why I long for the day when our court will have to reconcile their ruling in Roe with our more recent fetal HOMICIDE laws which establishes the fact that it is a child in the womb which is worthy of each their own Constitutional rights and protections.

Till the last trimester if the mother dies in an accident you are not charged with two deaths. You have to know she is pregnant or it is visible that she is pregnant. Does not apply in the first trimester at all.
Till it is out of her body, or old enough that it might survive outside, it is not a person. It is a parasite feeding off her, making her sick, deforming her body, causing pain, making breathing difficult, even moving and standing up can be a obstacle. It cannot live without her, it is a part of her and her body so she has all say over it.
When it can take it's first breath apart from her, it become its own person.

Some women enjoy being pregnant, good for them, some are afraid, don't want or have had a problem and are unwilling to try again. Some are told they should not due to preconditions and o

No one has a right to her medical records or her conversations with her doctor. no one should even know she is pregnant or of her choice.

I misjudged you, I thought you were a nice person and could be persuaded.

Now I look upon you with horror. What happened to you that made you such a horrible person?

I've seen the horrors of what happens to women without freedom elsewhere in the world.
War, rape, abuse, poverty, submission, massacres, mutilation ................

A woman's body should be hers to control, without exception. No one should take that right away from her.

No child should be born unwanted or unloved because a woman had no choice.

Let men get a uterus transplant and be the ones to carry and give birth. Let them risk their health and their life giving birth.
Get off your high horse. You believe that a woman should be allowed to kill her own child. That makes you the bad guy.

If a woman uses herbs or an abortion by mail kit, it is none of your business and you have no right to know. She has till the 24 week to decide.
Are you talking to me?

I don't think a woman's choice is any of my business.
Pro abortion is defined as anti life.

No one is pro abortion.

Not even those who proudly claim to be pro abortion?

Pro choice is not pro abortion. I prefer looking for alternatives and ways to reduce the need for abortion.

You should maybe look into contacting the writers of our dictionaries.

Definition of PROABORTION

the definition of proabortion

pro-abortion: definition of pro-abortion in Oxford dictionary (American English) (US)


believing that pregnant women should have the right to choose to have an abortion.

advocating legalized abortion.

Definition of PRO–CHOICE

If people want to grow children in a petri dish they don't need women and should not prevent them from seek an abortion if they don't want to be mothers

Women don't even need men when they do eventually want to be a mother

Women can even use surrogates if they don't want to carry a child.

Even the sex is choosable.

Better for everyone when the woman is ready and wants to be a mother
Pro abortion is defined as anti life.

No one is pro abortion.

Not even those who proudly claim to be pro abortion?

Pro choice is not pro abortion. I prefer looking for alternatives and ways to reduce the need for abortion.
Agreed. And until there is 100% fail safe contraceptive methods and practices women will continue to seek abortions when faced with unwanted and unplanned pregnancies.

Let' s create artificial wombs for those concerned about fetal death.

Birth control can bee less effective for a number of reason from allergies to a small infection or even a change in zones.

Now there is a male bill that is much safer than a woman's pill.

Men should be responsible, not require women to be.

There can be many risks of risks for a woman and even a good pregnancy can end in the death of the fetus or mother during birth.
This has been a Great exchange so far but I have to get to some of my other responsibilities now.
Pro abortion is defined as anti life.

No one is pro abortion.

Not even those who proudly claim to be pro abortion?

Pro choice is not pro abortion. I prefer looking for alternatives and ways to reduce the need for abortion.

You should maybe look into contacting the writers of our dictionaries.

Definition of PROABORTION

the definition of proabortion

pro-abortion: definition of pro-abortion in Oxford dictionary (American English) (US)


believing that pregnant women should have the right to choose to have an abortion.

advocating legalized abortion.

Definition of PRO–CHOICE

If you are a proponent for the legalization of weed. . . You are "pro" marijuana.

If you are a proponent for more gun control. . . you are "pro- gun control"

If you are a proponent for gay marriage. . . You are PRO gay marriage,

If you are a proponent for abortion on demand. . .

The dictionaries I cited earlier have it right.

You are PRO abortion.
This has been a Great exchange so far but I have to get to some of my other responsibilities now.
No one is pro abortion.

Not even those who proudly claim to be pro abortion?

Pro choice is not pro abortion. I prefer looking for alternatives and ways to reduce the need for abortion.

You should maybe look into contacting the writers of our dictionaries.

Definition of PROABORTION

the definition of proabortion

pro-abortion: definition of pro-abortion in Oxford dictionary (American English) (US)


believing that pregnant women should have the right to choose to have an abortion.

advocating legalized abortion.

Definition of PRO–CHOICE

If you are a proponent for the legalization of weed. . . You are "pro" marijuana.

If you are a proponent for more gun control. . . you are "pro- gun control"

If you are a proponent for gay marriage. . . You are PRO gay marriage,

If you are a proponent for abortion on demand. . .

The dictionaries I cited earlier have it right.

You are PRO abortion.

I'm not going to argue semantics with you. Since I do not throw abortion showers, and have never wanted or needed an abortion, I will continue to wear the label "pro-choice."
This has been a Great exchange so far but I have to get to some of my other responsibilities now.
Not even those who proudly claim to be pro abortion?

Pro choice is not pro abortion. I prefer looking for alternatives and ways to reduce the need for abortion.

You should maybe look into contacting the writers of our dictionaries.

Definition of PROABORTION

the definition of proabortion

pro-abortion: definition of pro-abortion in Oxford dictionary (American English) (US)


believing that pregnant women should have the right to choose to have an abortion.

advocating legalized abortion.

Definition of PRO–CHOICE

If you are a proponent for the legalization of weed. . . You are "pro" marijuana.

If you are a proponent for more gun control. . . you are "pro- gun control"

If you are a proponent for gay marriage. . . You are PRO gay marriage,

If you are a proponent for abortion on demand. . .

The dictionaries I cited earlier have it right.

You are PRO abortion.

I'm not going to argue semantics with you. Since I do not throw abortion showers, and have never wanted or needed an abortion, I will continue to wear the label "pro-choice."

I don't need for you to agree with me when I know my point has been made whether you agree with it or not.
'House Bill 206, introduced by state Rep. Cathrynn Brown (R), would charge a rape victim who ended her pregnancy with a third-degree felony for “tampering with evidence.”'

The evil that is the social right never rests.
This has been a Great exchange so far but I have to get to some of my other responsibilities now.
No one is pro abortion.

Not even those who proudly claim to be pro abortion?

Pro choice is not pro abortion. I prefer looking for alternatives and ways to reduce the need for abortion.

You should maybe look into contacting the writers of our dictionaries.

Definition of PROABORTION

the definition of proabortion

pro-abortion: definition of pro-abortion in Oxford dictionary (American English) (US)


believing that pregnant women should have the right to choose to have an abortion.

advocating legalized abortion.

Definition of PRO–CHOICE

If you are a proponent for the legalization of weed. . . You are "pro" marijuana.

If you are a proponent for more gun control. . . you are "pro- gun control"

If you are a proponent for gay marriage. . . You are PRO gay marriage,

If you are a proponent for abortion on demand. . .

The dictionaries I cited earlier have it right.

You are PRO abortion.

Cannabis is a medicine, very effective life saving one
Guns are a protected right under the constitution
Marriage should be between any consenting adults that love each other, why should anyone care if they are the same sex?
A woman has a right to control her body and life. Like all others, she has the right to life, liberty and happiness. If a pregnancy is not the right time, she has the right to choose till she is ready to be a loving mother.

In the privacy of her own home, who is going to deny a woman if she gets a mail-abortion, or chooses to go to a clinic. No one has a right to even know if she is pregnant or not. No one has a right to know what she says or asks her doctor. Anyone can walk into any pharmacy and get pills for up to 72 hours after sex. Up to 24 weeks by mail, all she needs is a blood test and ultra sound.

If she know what and how much to use, she can get herbs anyplace to induce a miscarriage.

No one is going to stop her if she is determined, nor should they. It is not their body.
This has been a Great exchange so far but I have to get to some of my other responsibilities now.
Not even those who proudly claim to be pro abortion?

Pro choice is not pro abortion. I prefer looking for alternatives and ways to reduce the need for abortion.

You should maybe look into contacting the writers of our dictionaries.

Definition of PROABORTION

the definition of proabortion

pro-abortion: definition of pro-abortion in Oxford dictionary (American English) (US)


believing that pregnant women should have the right to choose to have an abortion.

advocating legalized abortion.

Definition of PRO–CHOICE

If you are a proponent for the legalization of weed. . . You are "pro" marijuana.

If you are a proponent for more gun control. . . you are "pro- gun control"

If you are a proponent for gay marriage. . . You are PRO gay marriage,

If you are a proponent for abortion on demand. . .

The dictionaries I cited earlier have it right.

You are PRO abortion.

Cannabis is a medicine, very effective life saving one
Guns are a protected right under the constitution
Marriage should be between any consenting adults that love each other, why should anyone care if they are the same sex?
A woman has a right to control her body and life. Like all others, she has the right to life, liberty and happiness. If a pregnancy is not the right time, she has the right to choose till she is ready to be a loving mother.

In the privacy of her own home, who is going to deny a woman if she gets a mail-abortion, or chooses to go to a clinic. No one has a right to even know if she is pregnant or not. No one has a right to know what she says or asks her doctor. Anyone can walk into any pharmacy and get pills for up to 72 hours after sex. Up to 24 weeks by mail, all she needs is a blood test and ultra sound.

If she know what and how much to use, she can get herbs anyplace to induce a miscarriage.

No one is going to stop her if she is determined, nor should they. It is not their body.

Life is a protected right under the Constitution too.

Indeed, what good is your right to a gun if you don't first have a right to your life?
This has been a Great exchange so far but I have to get to some of my other responsibilities now.
Pro choice is not pro abortion. I prefer looking for alternatives and ways to reduce the need for abortion.

You should maybe look into contacting the writers of our dictionaries.

Definition of PROABORTION

the definition of proabortion

pro-abortion: definition of pro-abortion in Oxford dictionary (American English) (US)


believing that pregnant women should have the right to choose to have an abortion.

advocating legalized abortion.

Definition of PRO–CHOICE

If you are a proponent for the legalization of weed. . . You are "pro" marijuana.

If you are a proponent for more gun control. . . you are "pro- gun control"

If you are a proponent for gay marriage. . . You are PRO gay marriage,

If you are a proponent for abortion on demand. . .

The dictionaries I cited earlier have it right.

You are PRO abortion.

Cannabis is a medicine, very effective life saving one
Guns are a protected right under the constitution
Marriage should be between any consenting adults that love each other, why should anyone care if they are the same sex?
A woman has a right to control her body and life. Like all others, she has the right to life, liberty and happiness. If a pregnancy is not the right time, she has the right to choose till she is ready to be a loving mother.

In the privacy of her own home, who is going to deny a woman if she gets a mail-abortion, or chooses to go to a clinic. No one has a right to even know if she is pregnant or not. No one has a right to know what she says or asks her doctor. Anyone can walk into any pharmacy and get pills for up to 72 hours after sex. Up to 24 weeks by mail, all she needs is a blood test and ultra sound.

If she know what and how much to use, she can get herbs anyplace to induce a miscarriage.

No one is going to stop her if she is determined, nor should they. It is not their body.

Life is a protected right under the Constitution too.

Indeed, what good is your right to a gun if you don't first have a right to your life?

Her life. Till the fetus take it's own breath outside her womb, it is not a citizens, does not get a birth certificate or social security number. It has to be born. Till that happens it can die at any time for many reason. It has to be viable at least 27weeks to have a possibility of being viable if it needs to be removed early

Biblical, it needs to be a month after birth to have a value. Many children died early after birth. Abortions were also permitted, priest would give women bitter water to drink to terminate a pregnancy.

Every one, every faith, has their own beliefs, but it is up to the woman to determine what happens to her body and if she wants and can love a baby.

If your catholic, Pope John XXI actually wrong a health book that included birth control and abortion.

Abortions were not always frowned on.

Even islam permits in the first 120 day a woman to abort a fetus.

Other faith have circumstances when it is acceptable or they have no rules against it

Christians have no say to tell other they can't have an abortion. Christians are not the maority in the world and religion does not have a place in government or medicine in the US. Even some denominations accept a woman's right of choice.

There is no good reason to deny a woman the right of her own body.

You can follow your personal belief when it come to your body only.
the fanatics are people who is wailing over the fact not everyone AGREES with the killing of the unborn HUMAN BEING. you are the fanatic and sickos

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