Anti-abortion fanatics

get that folks? PRO-LIFE means anti ABORTION. is that how little a life means in this day and age all, so they can act like they are standing up for some noble cause. what's noble what using women's dead babies for a Political agenda? gawd wake up women
get that folks? PRO-LIFE means anti ABORTION. is that how little a life means in this day and age all, so they can act like they are standing up for some noble cause. what's noble what using women's dead babies for a Political agenda? gawd wake up women
Using women's dead bodies for a political agenda? Not at all. Remembering how many women died in unsafe, illegal abortions, that's true. Abortion should remain a legal procedure.
Bottom line. The decision is up to the woman who is pregnant.
You can see who the fanatics are over abortion. and it's not the people who are Pro-life. These same abortion fanatics fought tooth and nail to have experiments stop being done on monkeys and animals. Yet think nothing of killing a potential human being off. twisted and sick

58MILLION so far. if we had saved all them we wouldn't be needing these traitors in our Government to fill us up with people from countries that has no care to Assimilate to our country
You can see who the fanatics are over abortion. and it's not the people who are Pro-life.

nothing could be further from the truth, as pro-lifer's are simply addicted to their own displaced judgmental self righteousness that itself throughout history has proven repeatedly to be beneficial only to themselves at the expense of society as a whole.

there is no difference in the final analysis between a couple abstaining from sex and a couple or an individual choosing to have an abortion.

their fanaticism is both their promotion of the former as a necessary caveat to then sustain their demonizing of the latter as a justification for their unsolicited intrusion.

versus pro-choice fanatics.


What's the difference really?

The difference is: After an abortion is a human being dead.

Has not been born. Has not taken a breath. It is a part of the woman's body, she can remove it if she wishes.

Till it is born and breathing, it is not a human person.

4 months for a woman to decide if she wants to carry it to term.
This has been a Great exchange so far but I have to get to some of my other responsibilities now.
Pro choice is not pro abortion. I prefer looking for alternatives and ways to reduce the need for abortion.

You should maybe look into contacting the writers of our dictionaries.

Definition of PROABORTION

the definition of proabortion

pro-abortion: definition of pro-abortion in Oxford dictionary (American English) (US)


believing that pregnant women should have the right to choose to have an abortion.

advocating legalized abortion.

Definition of PRO–CHOICE

If you are a proponent for the legalization of weed. . . You are "pro" marijuana.

If you are a proponent for more gun control. . . you are "pro- gun control"

If you are a proponent for gay marriage. . . You are PRO gay marriage,

If you are a proponent for abortion on demand. . .

The dictionaries I cited earlier have it right.

You are PRO abortion.

Cannabis is a medicine, very effective life saving one
Guns are a protected right under the constitution
Marriage should be between any consenting adults that love each other, why should anyone care if they are the same sex?
A woman has a right to control her body and life. Like all others, she has the right to life, liberty and happiness. If a pregnancy is not the right time, she has the right to choose till she is ready to be a loving mother.

In the privacy of her own home, who is going to deny a woman if she gets a mail-abortion, or chooses to go to a clinic. No one has a right to even know if she is pregnant or not. No one has a right to know what she says or asks her doctor. Anyone can walk into any pharmacy and get pills for up to 72 hours after sex. Up to 24 weeks by mail, all she needs is a blood test and ultra sound.

If she know what and how much to use, she can get herbs anyplace to induce a miscarriage.

No one is going to stop her if she is determined, nor should they. It is not their body.

Life is a protected right under the Constitution too.

Indeed, what good is your right to a gun if you don't first have a right to your life?

After it is born. Till that time it is the woman, her life, her metal and physical well being that is the patient, the one the doctors listen to.

a fetus that is miscarried is not life. Even still born or during birth, it is not life till it is breathing on it's own and out of the womb.

5mo, 7mo, 9mo, it is a fetus till it is "born" alive. It does not get a birth certificate or a SS# unless it took it's own breath.

Bible/religious, legal, medical, it is not life till after the first trimester minimally

If you don't get to know, you don't get to judge and her actions are only between her and her doctor.

Till the third trimester it does not have protection or rights and then only minimal.

You have not right to even know if she is pregnant, let alone if she has an abortion in a clinic or home.

Her medical records are private. What she does with her body is private. You don't get to know what happens between her and her doctor.
versus pro-choice fanatics.


What's the difference really?

The difference is: After an abortion is a human being dead.

Has not been born. Has not taken a breath. It is a part of the woman's body, she can remove it if she wishes.

Till it is born and breathing, it is not a human person.

4 months for a woman to decide if she wants to carry it to term.

And no ones business but hers.

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versus pro-choice fanatics.


What's the difference really?

I'm very pro-choice but I've never known anyone who is pro-abortion.

Enormous difference.

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It is not about abortion, it is about empowerment of the woman.

Today is international woman's day.

A woman controlling her life, making her choices. Having a right over her body.

The choice can be either, but it is her body and she has to decide what is best for her. No one should force or make that choice for her, or take any rights away from her.
Men don't get a choice. We can neither demand a woman abort our child or prevent her from having our child. And yet we have to pay child support for 18 years.

How is that fair?
versus pro-choice fanatics.


What's the difference really?

The difference is: After an abortion is a human being dead.

Has not been born. Has not taken a breath. It is a part of the woman's body, she can remove it if she wishes.

Till it is born and breathing, it is not a human person.

4 months for a woman to decide if she wants to carry it to term.

You are wrong. It is a human being; not only in reality - also all laws (=formalisms: often far from reality and often also far from justice) worldwide accept this! Example: If a billionaire dies then the child gets the money - wether the child is born or not is not important in this case. Abortion is hypocritical.

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Abortion is legal, so 'tards are ok with it, even though it's morally wrong.
I suppose those assholes would have been all-in for slavery too. After all, it was legal.
Right turds?

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versus pro-choice fanatics.


What's the difference really?

I'm very pro-choice but I've never known anyone who is pro-abortion.

Enormous difference.

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It is not about abortion, it is about empowerment of the woman.

Today is international woman's day.

A woman controlling her life, making her choices. Having a right over her body.

Her child is not her body - it's a dependent self-identity.

The choice can be either, but it is her body and she has to decide what is best for her.

The genetics of a child shows that a man and woman agreed to have a baby together. This is normally a free decision.

No one should force or make that choice for her, or take any rights away from her.

The parents made the choice by doing sex. Normally it needs only a handshake to agree.

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Abortion is legal,

But not reasonable. Example: The human rights have a higher priority and the human rights don't allow to kill human beings.

so 'tards are ok with it, even though it's morally wrong.
I suppose those assholes would have been all-in for slavery too. After all, it was legal.
Right turds?

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You are calling people who are against abortions assholes, who like to introduce slavery, because they are amoralistic idiots? Is this your only argument for abortions?

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versus pro-choice fanatics.


What's the difference really?

I'm very pro-choice but I've never known anyone who is pro-abortion.

Enormous difference.

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But the aborted human being has no choice - so it's not a "pro-choice"-decision but only a "pro-abortion"-decision. And a "pro-abortion"-decision is a decision for death. But death is not a free decision and not a choice. Death shows only powerlessness.

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