Anti-homeschooling bill defeated in California

That is dishonest.

When you private schoolers run around citing how great your schools are doing compared to public school, at lreasdrt have the honesty to be outright with the facts.

Obviously, when the private school only accepts the best students, its outcomes will be better than the public schools which must educate all comers.

This is why you are such a fraud.

I simply stated a fact, for your information if a parent has the tuition most any private school will accept their long as they meet and sustain the school's guidelines and rules. There are students who struggle at our children's schools, there are bullies, etc but the difference is the schools are not bound to tolerate that shit, straighten up, fly right or try another school
Nope...private schools get to pick and choose who they will accept, Mal. And everyone private school around here include in their guidelines and rules that parents HAVE TO volunteer a certain amount of time at the school and in fundraising in order for their child to remain at that school.

Public schools as they stand right now, have no such power.

You don't have the first clue. Of course you've most likely never dealt with a private school so it's expected

Are you claiming a school district can choose not to educate a child?

I never said that, you all are straying from the thread topic, homeschooling, it's not about private schools

Then your claim is that a public school district can choose not to educate a child?

Check :rolleyes-41:
I simply stated a fact, for your information if a parent has the tuition most any private school will accept their long as they meet and sustain the school's guidelines and rules. There are students who struggle at our children's schools, there are bullies, etc but the difference is the schools are not bound to tolerate that shit, straighten up, fly right or try another school
Nope...private schools get to pick and choose who they will accept, Mal. And everyone private school around here include in their guidelines and rules that parents HAVE TO volunteer a certain amount of time at the school and in fundraising in order for their child to remain at that school.

Public schools as they stand right now, have no such power.

You don't have the first clue. Of course you've most likely never dealt with a private school so it's expected

Are you claiming a school district can choose not to educate a child?

I never said that, you all are straying from the thread topic, homeschooling, it's not about private schools

Then your claim is that a public school district can choose not to educate a child.

Check :rolleyes-41:

No it's not, checkmate Now run along with your public education foolishness
The difference between you and me is that you have your conservative gods you place on a pedistal. I have drank with them. Indoctrination I have worked with famous Democrats and famous republicans at the end of the day when all the work was done it was the repoublicans I spent most of my free time with! No bull shit web sites telling me about it I was knee deep in it. I go in and out of governemnt offices every day all day as a part of earning a living. I have web bots scrubbing real estate data from every courthouse auditor site across the state of ohio as I type this. This I have found about politics, if you shoot in the low 70's ya get to go to the golf outings for free!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They do not give a shit about an R or a D in front of my name. They hand me a beer and a report on hole placement on the greens. These same people that have you tearing me a new one hand me a beer and are glad to see me! They are drinking and having fun with the same people they are calling villians in the news! At least that is the way with the guys, I hear about cat fights during lunch amongst the wives. The dudes it is buisness as usual. I am the only Dem on my golf team also the only guy who is not an elected official.[/QUOTE], I place nobody on a *pedistal* (sic).
The rest of your anectdotal bs is nothing but self aggrandizing drivel. Do you think I'm impressed that you schmooze with people you think are important? They treat you as a pet because they don't take you seriously...and your moon eyed worship of them doesn't mean you have any sort of understanding of anything. It just means you're easily bought.[/QUOTE]
I only worship the check I get for being there! I know they are just people. Are you the pet of the people responsible for your income? Am I the pet of the private enities that purchase my services? I have a couple of hooks that help me socialy golf being one of them. If I were a musician and used that to my advantage would I be the pet of those who liked to hear me play. SassyIrishlasses tend to be pretty and use that to their social advantage does that make them a pet. I think you are more likely to be petted in your situation than mine. I here nice drive, good putt. You likely hear some thing else entirely! I am also in front of them do to knowlege of engineering, I met them thru work and was later invited to play! We use the tools the good lord gave us!
The difference between you and me is that you have your conservative gods you place on a pedistal. I have drank with them. Indoctrination I have worked with famous Democrats and famous republicans at the end of the day when all the work was done it was the repoublicans I spent most of my free time with! No bull shit web sites telling me about it I was knee deep in it. I go in and out of governemnt offices every day all day as a part of earning a living. I have web bots scrubbing real estate data from every courthouse auditor site across the state of ohio as I type this. This I have found about politics, if you shoot in the low 70's ya get to go to the golf outings for free!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They do not give a shit about an R or a D in front of my name. They hand me a beer and a report on hole placement on the greens. These same people that have you tearing me a new one hand me a beer and are glad to see me! They are drinking and having fun with the same people they are calling villians in the news! At least that is the way with the guys, I hear about cat fights during lunch amongst the wives. The dudes it is buisness as usual. I am the only Dem on my golf team also the only guy who is not an elected official., I place nobody on a *pedistal* (sic).
The rest of your anectdotal bs is nothing but self aggrandizing drivel. Do you think I'm impressed that you schmooze with people you think are important? They treat you as a pet because they don't take you seriously...and your moon eyed worship of them doesn't mean you have any sort of understanding of anything. It just means you're easily bought.[/QUOTE]
I only worship the check I get for being there! I know they are just people. Are you the pet of the people responsible for your income? Am I the pet of the private enities that purchase my services? I have a couple of hooks that help me socialy golf being one of them. If I were a musician and used that to my advantage would I be the pet of those who liked to hear me play. SassyIrishlasses tend to be pretty and use that to their social advantage does that make them a pet. I think you are more likely to be petted in your situation than mine. I here nice drive, good putt. You likely hear some thing else entirely! I am also in front of them do to knowlege of engineering, I met them thru work and was later invited to play! We use the tools the good lord gave us![/QUOTE]

I can tell you are a pet by the way you gush and think you are their best buddy because they buy you drinks.

You sound like a flake.
And no, I'm nobody's pet. And believe it or not, I'm respected because of it.

Something that I'm sure is alien to you. They don't care if you have an R or a D in front of your name because they have no respect for you.

On the other hand, people actually seek me out to discuss politics and various and assorted issues. In fact, I have been recently been asked to submit an opinion to one of our state bigwigs to help them streamline the child care program in my state and make it easier to channel money to care providers.

Anyway, no, I'm not a pet. I don't drink with them. I don't hang out with them. I tell the truth and I do not schmooze. And the result is that people respect and listen to me.

1 Timothy 6:10 New King James Version (NKJV)
10 For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil, for which some have strayed from the faith in their greediness, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.
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The difference between you and me is that you have your conservative gods you place on a pedistal. I have drank with them. Indoctrination I have worked with famous Democrats and famous republicans at the end of the day when all the work was done it was the repoublicans I spent most of my free time with! No bull shit web sites telling me about it I was knee deep in it. I go in and out of governemnt offices every day all day as a part of earning a living. I have web bots scrubbing real estate data from every courthouse auditor site across the state of ohio as I type this. This I have found about politics, if you shoot in the low 70's ya get to go to the golf outings for free!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They do not give a shit about an R or a D in front of my name. They hand me a beer and a report on hole placement on the greens. These same people that have you tearing me a new one hand me a beer and are glad to see me! They are drinking and having fun with the same people they are calling villians in the news! At least that is the way with the guys, I hear about cat fights during lunch amongst the wives. The dudes it is buisness as usual. I am the only Dem on my golf team also the only guy who is not an elected official., I place nobody on a *pedistal* (sic).
The rest of your anectdotal bs is nothing but self aggrandizing drivel. Do you think I'm impressed that you schmooze with people you think are important? They treat you as a pet because they don't take you seriously...and your moon eyed worship of them doesn't mean you have any sort of understanding of anything. It just means you're easily bought.
I only worship the check I get for being there! I know they are just people. Are you the pet of the people responsible for your income? Am I the pet of the private enities that purchase my services? I have a couple of hooks that help me socialy golf being one of them. If I were a musician and used that to my advantage would I be the pet of those who liked to hear me play. SassyIrishlasses tend to be pretty and use that to their social advantage does that make them a pet. I think you are more likely to be petted in your situation than mine. I here nice drive, good putt. You likely hear some thing else entirely! I am also in front of them do to knowlege of engineering, I met them thru work and was later invited to play! We use the tools the good lord gave us![/QUOTE]

I can tell you are a pet by the way you gush and think you are their best buddy because they buy you drinks.

You sound like a flake.

1 Timothy 6:10 New King James Version (NKJV)
10 For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil, for which some have strayed from the faith in their greediness, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.[/QUOTE]
Bla,bla no substance. Some thing tells me not many people buy you drinks! It is a part of the job description for me, I buy a lot of drinks also. If you want to go meet them you can, public forums, campgn dinners, etc. You do not have to be special to meet them. It would certainly help you be more informed by meeting the candidate in person. Meet them and I think you will be suprised at how often it changes your vote! They tend to be different than their press releases. Of course you can continue to take your route and belive their pamphlets.
The more fanatical red states have started voting to have taxpayer money paid to homeschooling parents. Home school if you want but pay for it yourself. Stop asking the public to pad your bank account.

I'd be fine with that and in return homeschooling parents can be exempt from paying taxes to to the public school system.
No...because we as a society all benefit from public schools even if our own kids don't go or we don't have kids....just like we all pay into roads we may never drive on or police/fire personnel we may never use.
The idea that we all benefit from public schools is highly debatable.

But more importantly even if we all benefit from roads we do not use no one is forced to use or drive on those roads.

Schools are not so beneficial if people have to be forced to attend and they are.

I don't have a problem with public schools that arise out of social contract. While I whole heartedly support home schooling and think it has proved itself as a true blessing for millions of children, all parents do not have the temperament or ability to home school their kids. That of course is why even the early settlers and pioneers pooled resources to hire teachers for the children. I myself was educated in public schools in which I got an education rivaling most college educations these days and do think there is a place for LOCAL public schools. And I think the federal government should not be involved in those any way.

When the public schools are via social contract you have school board members who are members of the community, parents, and others with a genuine interest in good education instead of social engineering and/or personal political advancement. You have administrators and teachers and parents who operate as a team to see that the kids get the best education possible--and that will be real education in real comprehensive subjects instead of indoctrination/social engineering/political correctness or just memorizing answers long enough to pass a test and make the school look good.

We all do benefit from public roads, even if we don't drive or go anywhere, because they are necessary to drive the economy, transport goods and services, build things, etc. And we all benefit from an educated work force and service industry whether that be electronics, medical, construction, or whatever.

But when we as a nation that spends more on education than any other developed nation are producing less well educated kids than most other developed nations, we should really rethink whether the public education we have is what it should be.
I simply stated a fact, for your information if a parent has the tuition most any private school will accept their long as they meet and sustain the school's guidelines and rules. There are students who struggle at our children's schools, there are bullies, etc but the difference is the schools are not bound to tolerate that shit, straighten up, fly right or try another school
Nope...private schools get to pick and choose who they will accept, Mal. And everyone private school around here include in their guidelines and rules that parents HAVE TO volunteer a certain amount of time at the school and in fundraising in order for their child to remain at that school.

Public schools as they stand right now, have no such power.

You don't have the first clue. Of course you've most likely never dealt with a private school so it's expected

Are you claiming a school district can choose not to educate a child?

I never said that, you all are straying from the thread topic, homeschooling, it's not about private schools

Then your claim is that a public school district can choose not to educate a child?

Check :rolleyes-41:

The school district should be able to make decisions regarding students who negatively impact their ability to educate the children of the tax payers who pay their wages.

Most of those kids can't be educated anyway. And if they aren't benefiting, and they interfere with the education of others..then they don't belong there.
My grandmother was finished with school by the time she was 13. My grandfather was even younger.

And if they were here today, they would put high school graduates and college graduates to shame with their math, their ability to articulate, their ability to write, and their understanding of history.

They attended school part of the year, and the rest of the year, they worked on the family farm (my grandmother) or in the family business (my grandfather). Until they married at about 16, came west, and started their own family.

They never took a handout, they never were dependent upon anybody or the government, and they were voracious readers. Despite living in the mountains without electricity or running water, they were always up to date politically and had firm and educated opinions on all American issues.
You are saying what the Union school districts are about...indoctrination
There are peolpe at school who indoctrinate to the left and the right. I went to grade school and high school in a republican area. Most of my teachers were republican. The left sway came mainly from the other children. Kids tend to be more liberal than adults and as time passes they become more consevative. I would imagine that in high Democrat areas that could have been different. The only time I lived in a highly Democrat area, I think I was experiencing a statistical anomaly becasue in this particular case my teachers were still more right leaning! I doubt that would be the norm! Most areas are likely more reflective of their total population. I would imagine the principle was right leaning and it effected his hiring practices.

No, there are not rightwingers in the schools who indoctrinate. It isn't a part of our ideology. I think what you experienced was leftist teachers who were still to the right of you, because you're a leftist extremist.

Our schools are run by statists and unions, and they are ALWAYS leftist, unless they are charter or private schools. Republicans (PARTICULARLY Republicans who dare to voice their politics in the classroom) get run out fast.

Meanwhile, here's a great example of who is running our schools (and getting comfy paychecks to do it):

Mystery pooper soiling school’s track ‘on a daily basis’ was superintendent, police say

Fayette County school administrator arrested again on new sex charges
Like hell I have listened to hours of it myself!

I doubt your ability to be objective. You're one of the brainwashed. You think leftist extremism is the *norm* and so naturally if there's a regular lefty preaching about common sense gun control, you are going to think it's *rightwing indoctrination*.
The difference between you and me is that you have your conservative gods you place on a pedistal. I have drank with them. Indoctrination I have worked with famous Democrats and famous republicans at the end of the day when all the work was done it was the repoublicans I spent most of my free time with! No bull shit web sites telling me about it I was knee deep in it. I go in and out of governemnt offices every day all day as a part of earning a living. I have web bots scrubbing real estate data from every courthouse auditor site across the state of ohio as I type this. This I have found about politics, if you shoot in the low 70's ya get to go to the golf outings for free!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They do not give a shit about an R or a D in front of my name. They hand me a beer and a report on hole placement on the greens. These same people that have you tearing me a new one hand me a beer and are glad to see me! They are drinking and having fun with the same people they are calling villians in the news! At least that is the way with the guys, I hear about cat fights during lunch amongst the wives. The dudes it is buisness as usual. I am the only Dem on my golf team also the only guy who is not an elected official.
I shoot in the low 70 s
But only for the first 13 holes
There are peolpe at school who indoctrinate to the left and the right. I went to grade school and high school in a republican area. Most of my teachers were republican. The left sway came mainly from the other children. Kids tend to be more liberal than adults and as time passes they become more consevative. I would imagine that in high Democrat areas that could have been different. The only time I lived in a highly Democrat area, I think I was experiencing a statistical anomaly becasue in this particular case my teachers were still more right leaning! I doubt that would be the norm! Most areas are likely more reflective of their total population. I would imagine the principle was right leaning and it effected his hiring practices.

No, there are not rightwingers in the schools who indoctrinate. It isn't a part of our ideology. I think what you experienced was leftist teachers who were still to the right of you, because you're a leftist extremist.

Our schools are run by statists and unions, and they are ALWAYS leftist, unless they are charter or private schools. Republicans (PARTICULARLY Republicans who dare to voice their politics in the classroom) get run out fast.

Meanwhile, here's a great example of who is running our schools (and getting comfy paychecks to do it):

Mystery pooper soiling school’s track ‘on a daily basis’ was superintendent, police say

Fayette County school administrator arrested again on new sex charges
Like hell I have listened to hours of it myself!

I doubt your ability to be objective. You're one of the brainwashed. You think leftist extremism is the *norm* and so naturally if there's a regular lefty preaching about common sense gun control, you are going to think it's *rightwing indoctrination*.
The difference between you and me is that you have your conservative gods you place on a pedistal. I have drank with them. Indoctrination I have worked with famous Democrats and famous republicans at the end of the day when all the work was done it was the repoublicans I spent most of my free time with! No bull shit web sites telling me about it I was knee deep in it. I go in and out of governemnt offices every day all day as a part of earning a living. I have web bots scrubbing real estate data from every courthouse auditor site across the state of ohio as I type this. This I have found about politics, if you shoot in the low 70's ya get to go to the golf outings for free!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They do not give a shit about an R or a D in front of my name. They hand me a beer and a report on hole placement on the greens. These same people that have you tearing me a new one hand me a beer and are glad to see me! They are drinking and having fun with the same people they are calling villians in the news! At least that is the way with the guys, I hear about cat fights during lunch amongst the wives. The dudes it is buisness as usual. I am the only Dem on my golf team also the only guy who is not an elected official.
I shoot in the low 70 s
But only for the first 13 holes
I know a few like that! My first time out last year I think some one put magnets in the trees and iron in my ball. I found every tree on the course that day! Thank fully it got better in a hurry.
My grandmother was finished with school by the time she was 13. My grandfather was even younger.

And if they were here today, they would put high school graduates and college graduates to shame with their math, their ability to articulate, their ability to write, and their understanding of history.

They attended school part of the year, and the rest of the year, they worked on the family farm (my grandmother) or in the family business (my grandfather). Until they married at about 16, came west, and started their own family.

They never took a handout, they never were dependent upon anybody or the government, and they were voracious readers. Despite living in the mountains without electricity or running water, they were always up to date politically and had firm and educated opinions on all American issues.
How were their computer skills? Their science knowledge?
Nope...private schools get to pick and choose who they will accept, Mal. And everyone private school around here include in their guidelines and rules that parents HAVE TO volunteer a certain amount of time at the school and in fundraising in order for their child to remain at that school.

Public schools as they stand right now, have no such power.

You don't have the first clue. Of course you've most likely never dealt with a private school so it's expected

Are you claiming a school district can choose not to educate a child?

I never said that, you all are straying from the thread topic, homeschooling, it's not about private schools

Then your claim is that a public school district can choose not to educate a child?

Check :rolleyes-41:

The school district should be able to make decisions regarding students who negatively impact their ability to educate the children of the tax payers who pay their wages.

Most of those kids can't be educated anyway. And if they aren't benefiting, and they interfere with the education of others..then they don't belong there.

They send them to a school for troubled youths in our area.

We are not talking about disruptive students.

We are talking about private school choosing students & public schools can not.
The more fanatical red states have started voting to have taxpayer money paid to homeschooling parents. Home school if you want but pay for it yourself. Stop asking the public to pad your bank account.

I'd be fine with that and in return homeschooling parents can be exempt from paying taxes to to the public school system.
No...because we as a society all benefit from public schools even if our own kids don't go or we don't have kids....just like we all pay into roads we may never drive on or police/fire personnel we may never use.
The idea that we all benefit from public schools is highly debatable.

But more importantly even if we all benefit from roads we do not use no one is forced to use or drive on those roads.

Schools are not so beneficial if people have to be forced to attend and they are.

I don't have a problem with public schools that arise out of social contract. While I whole heartedly support home schooling and think it has proved itself as a true blessing for millions of children, all parents do not have the temperament or ability to home school their kids. That of course is why even the early settlers and pioneers pooled resources to hire teachers for the children. I myself was educated in public schools in which I got an education rivaling most college educations these days and do think there is a place for LOCAL public schools. And I think the federal government should not be involved in those any way.

When the public schools are via social contract you have school board members who are members of the community, parents, and others with a genuine interest in good education instead of social engineering and/or personal political advancement. You have administrators and teachers and parents who operate as a team to see that the kids get the best education possible--and that will be real education in real comprehensive subjects instead of indoctrination/social engineering/political correctness or just memorizing answers long enough to pass a test and make the school look good.

We all do benefit from public roads, even if we don't drive or go anywhere, because they are necessary to drive the economy, transport goods and services, build things, etc. And we all benefit from an educated work force and service industry whether that be electronics, medical, construction, or whatever.

But when we as a nation that spends more on education than any other developed nation are producing less well educated kids than most other developed nations, we should really rethink whether the public education we have is what it should be.
Are you aware that other developed nations only test and measure their top students, their college track students, and usually split off their vocational students at an early age....usually around 10 years old? And here we go by the "all college and career ready" and test ALL our students and use ALL their test results?
The more fanatical red states have started voting to have taxpayer money paid to homeschooling parents. Home school if you want but pay for it yourself. Stop asking the public to pad your bank account.

I'd be fine with that and in return homeschooling parents can be exempt from paying taxes to to the public school system.
No...because we as a society all benefit from public schools even if our own kids don't go or we don't have kids....just like we all pay into roads we may never drive on or police/fire personnel we may never use.
The idea that we all benefit from public schools is highly debatable.

But more importantly even if we all benefit from roads we do not use no one is forced to use or drive on those roads.

Schools are not so beneficial if people have to be forced to attend and they are.

I don't have a problem with public schools that arise out of social contract. While I whole heartedly support home schooling and think it has proved itself as a true blessing for millions of children, all parents do not have the temperament or ability to home school their kids. That of course is why even the early settlers and pioneers pooled resources to hire teachers for the children. I myself was educated in public schools in which I got an education rivaling most college educations these days and do think there is a place for LOCAL public schools. And I think the federal government should not be involved in those any way.

When the public schools are via social contract you have school board members who are members of the community, parents, and others with a genuine interest in good education instead of social engineering and/or personal political advancement. You have administrators and teachers and parents who operate as a team to see that the kids get the best education possible--and that will be real education in real comprehensive subjects instead of indoctrination/social engineering/political correctness or just memorizing answers long enough to pass a test and make the school look good.

We all do benefit from public roads, even if we don't drive or go anywhere, because they are necessary to drive the economy, transport goods and services, build things, etc. And we all benefit from an educated work force and service industry whether that be electronics, medical, construction, or whatever.

But when we as a nation that spends more on education than any other developed nation are producing less well educated kids than most other developed nations, we should really rethink whether the public education we have is what it should be.
Are you aware that other developed nations only test and measure their top students, their college track students, and usually split off their vocational students at an early age....usually around 10 years old? And here we go by the "all college and career ready" and test ALL our students and use ALL their test results?

I know China will weed out kids & direct them to a particular trade. I spoke with one a few years ago who was in training for airport worker.

I thinbk Germany splits out the college bound from the trades in something like the 9th grade.

Limiting who takes the test is one wasy to boost your school's stats. I have seen it with the SATs when they discourage some kids from taking them.
I'd be fine with that and in return homeschooling parents can be exempt from paying taxes to to the public school system.
No...because we as a society all benefit from public schools even if our own kids don't go or we don't have kids....just like we all pay into roads we may never drive on or police/fire personnel we may never use.
The idea that we all benefit from public schools is highly debatable.

But more importantly even if we all benefit from roads we do not use no one is forced to use or drive on those roads.

Schools are not so beneficial if people have to be forced to attend and they are.

I don't have a problem with public schools that arise out of social contract. While I whole heartedly support home schooling and think it has proved itself as a true blessing for millions of children, all parents do not have the temperament or ability to home school their kids. That of course is why even the early settlers and pioneers pooled resources to hire teachers for the children. I myself was educated in public schools in which I got an education rivaling most college educations these days and do think there is a place for LOCAL public schools. And I think the federal government should not be involved in those any way.

When the public schools are via social contract you have school board members who are members of the community, parents, and others with a genuine interest in good education instead of social engineering and/or personal political advancement. You have administrators and teachers and parents who operate as a team to see that the kids get the best education possible--and that will be real education in real comprehensive subjects instead of indoctrination/social engineering/political correctness or just memorizing answers long enough to pass a test and make the school look good.

We all do benefit from public roads, even if we don't drive or go anywhere, because they are necessary to drive the economy, transport goods and services, build things, etc. And we all benefit from an educated work force and service industry whether that be electronics, medical, construction, or whatever.

But when we as a nation that spends more on education than any other developed nation are producing less well educated kids than most other developed nations, we should really rethink whether the public education we have is what it should be.
Are you aware that other developed nations only test and measure their top students, their college track students, and usually split off their vocational students at an early age....usually around 10 years old? And here we go by the "all college and career ready" and test ALL our students and use ALL their test results?

I know China will weed out kids & direct them to a particular trade. I spoke with one a few years ago who was in training for airport worker.

I thinbk Germany splits out the college bound from the trades in something like the 9th grade.

Limiting who takes the test is one wasy to boost your school's stats. I have seen it with the SATs when they discourage some kids from taking them.
We aren't talking SATs which are paid for by the student's families....we're talking those spring standardized tests done by states/countries.
The more fanatical red states have started voting to have taxpayer money paid to homeschooling parents. Home school if you want but pay for it yourself. Stop asking the public to pad your bank account.

I'd be fine with that and in return homeschooling parents can be exempt from paying taxes to to the public school system.
No...because we as a society all benefit from public schools even if our own kids don't go or we don't have kids....just like we all pay into roads we may never drive on or police/fire personnel we may never use.
The idea that we all benefit from public schools is highly debatable.

But more importantly even if we all benefit from roads we do not use no one is forced to use or drive on those roads.

Schools are not so beneficial if people have to be forced to attend and they are.

I don't have a problem with public schools that arise out of social contract. While I whole heartedly support home schooling and think it has proved itself as a true blessing for millions of children, all parents do not have the temperament or ability to home school their kids. That of course is why even the early settlers and pioneers pooled resources to hire teachers for the children. I myself was educated in public schools in which I got an education rivaling most college educations these days and do think there is a place for LOCAL public schools. And I think the federal government should not be involved in those any way.

When the public schools are via social contract you have school board members who are members of the community, parents, and others with a genuine interest in good education instead of social engineering and/or personal political advancement. You have administrators and teachers and parents who operate as a team to see that the kids get the best education possible--and that will be real education in real comprehensive subjects instead of indoctrination/social engineering/political correctness or just memorizing answers long enough to pass a test and make the school look good.

We all do benefit from public roads, even if we don't drive or go anywhere, because they are necessary to drive the economy, transport goods and services, build things, etc. And we all benefit from an educated work force and service industry whether that be electronics, medical, construction, or whatever.

But when we as a nation that spends more on education than any other developed nation are producing less well educated kids than most other developed nations, we should really rethink whether the public education we have is what it should be.
Are you aware that other developed nations only test and measure their top students, their college track students, and usually split off their vocational students at an early age....usually around 10 years old? And here we go by the "all college and career ready" and test ALL our students and use ALL their test results?

No I am not aware of that. Do you have any evidence for that via a reliable source?
I'd be fine with that and in return homeschooling parents can be exempt from paying taxes to to the public school system.
No...because we as a society all benefit from public schools even if our own kids don't go or we don't have kids....just like we all pay into roads we may never drive on or police/fire personnel we may never use.
The idea that we all benefit from public schools is highly debatable.

But more importantly even if we all benefit from roads we do not use no one is forced to use or drive on those roads.

Schools are not so beneficial if people have to be forced to attend and they are.

I don't have a problem with public schools that arise out of social contract. While I whole heartedly support home schooling and think it has proved itself as a true blessing for millions of children, all parents do not have the temperament or ability to home school their kids. That of course is why even the early settlers and pioneers pooled resources to hire teachers for the children. I myself was educated in public schools in which I got an education rivaling most college educations these days and do think there is a place for LOCAL public schools. And I think the federal government should not be involved in those any way.

When the public schools are via social contract you have school board members who are members of the community, parents, and others with a genuine interest in good education instead of social engineering and/or personal political advancement. You have administrators and teachers and parents who operate as a team to see that the kids get the best education possible--and that will be real education in real comprehensive subjects instead of indoctrination/social engineering/political correctness or just memorizing answers long enough to pass a test and make the school look good.

We all do benefit from public roads, even if we don't drive or go anywhere, because they are necessary to drive the economy, transport goods and services, build things, etc. And we all benefit from an educated work force and service industry whether that be electronics, medical, construction, or whatever.

But when we as a nation that spends more on education than any other developed nation are producing less well educated kids than most other developed nations, we should really rethink whether the public education we have is what it should be.
Are you aware that other developed nations only test and measure their top students, their college track students, and usually split off their vocational students at an early age....usually around 10 years old? And here we go by the "all college and career ready" and test ALL our students and use ALL their test results?

I know China will weed out kids & direct them to a particular trade. I spoke with one a few years ago who was in training for airport worker.

I thinbk Germany splits out the college bound from the trades in something like the 9th grade.

Limiting who takes the test is one wasy to boost your school's stats. I have seen it with the SATs when they discourage some kids from taking them.

That could be a factor as others have pointed out. I have not been able to find any credible source to verify that, but I don't summarily dismiss it as a possibility, either.

I do know that I have taken a lot of applications from U.S. born and bred high school graduates who were not literate enough to properly fill out the application form and woefully under educated in the most basic concepts of math and English.

I have yet to work with a home schooled kid, however, that I wasn't pretty impressed with.
No...because we as a society all benefit from public schools even if our own kids don't go or we don't have kids....just like we all pay into roads we may never drive on or police/fire personnel we may never use.
The idea that we all benefit from public schools is highly debatable.

But more importantly even if we all benefit from roads we do not use no one is forced to use or drive on those roads.

Schools are not so beneficial if people have to be forced to attend and they are.

I don't have a problem with public schools that arise out of social contract. While I whole heartedly support home schooling and think it has proved itself as a true blessing for millions of children, all parents do not have the temperament or ability to home school their kids. That of course is why even the early settlers and pioneers pooled resources to hire teachers for the children. I myself was educated in public schools in which I got an education rivaling most college educations these days and do think there is a place for LOCAL public schools. And I think the federal government should not be involved in those any way.

When the public schools are via social contract you have school board members who are members of the community, parents, and others with a genuine interest in good education instead of social engineering and/or personal political advancement. You have administrators and teachers and parents who operate as a team to see that the kids get the best education possible--and that will be real education in real comprehensive subjects instead of indoctrination/social engineering/political correctness or just memorizing answers long enough to pass a test and make the school look good.

We all do benefit from public roads, even if we don't drive or go anywhere, because they are necessary to drive the economy, transport goods and services, build things, etc. And we all benefit from an educated work force and service industry whether that be electronics, medical, construction, or whatever.

But when we as a nation that spends more on education than any other developed nation are producing less well educated kids than most other developed nations, we should really rethink whether the public education we have is what it should be.
Are you aware that other developed nations only test and measure their top students, their college track students, and usually split off their vocational students at an early age....usually around 10 years old? And here we go by the "all college and career ready" and test ALL our students and use ALL their test results?

I know China will weed out kids & direct them to a particular trade. I spoke with one a few years ago who was in training for airport worker.

I thinbk Germany splits out the college bound from the trades in something like the 9th grade.

Limiting who takes the test is one wasy to boost your school's stats. I have seen it with the SATs when they discourage some kids from taking them.
We aren't talking SATs which are paid for by the student's families....we're talking those spring standardized tests done by states/countries.

Again if you have a credible source to offer, I am more than willing to be educated on that.
Just keep your noses out of it government. Just more government over reach and privacy intrusion

—They came by the hundreds, perhaps thousands, easily exceeding the capacity of the legislative committee hearing room and making their presence felt throughout the State Capitol. And at the end of a very long day, homeschooling families scored a major victory — defeat of a bill with serious privacy and safety implications.

For more than three hours, families and freedom advocates streamed in front of microphones to state their opposition to California State Assembly Bill 2756. Pacific Justice Institute was also represented and voiced its opposition. Large numbers of opponents made the trek from Southern California, the Bay Area, and every other part of the state. The opponents included a number of professionals, state-credentialed teachers, and self-described progressives and liberal Democrats.

Anti-homeschooling bill defeated in California
Nothing wrong with home schooling. Nothing wrong with private schools.....What's wrong is places like that homeschooling couple in Perris.....and any private school run by Lester Roloff or his ilk.

Great to see for ONCE,the corrupt politicians in california are not able to have their way,there are so many idiotic stupid asinine rules for the public schools in california EVERY parent in that state should homeschool their kids. every parent these days in ALL schools across the country should do that our school system is so corrupt and that is becuase it is funded by our corrupt government so we only hear what they WANT us to hear not to get off topic here.

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