Anti-homeschooling bill defeated in California

It's patently obvious you don't have the first clue what homeschooling is all about and you're embarrassing yourself in the process
That is exactly what homeschooling is about

Isolation and total control

You are saying what the Union school districts are about...indoctrination
There are peolpe at school who indoctrinate to the left and the right. I went to grade school and high school in a republican area. Most of my teachers were republican. The left sway came mainly from the other children. Kids tend to be more liberal than adults and as time passes they become more consevative. I would imagine that in high Democrat areas that could have been different. The only time I lived in a highly Democrat area, I think I was experiencing a statistical anomaly becasue in this particular case my teachers were still more right leaning! I doubt that would be the norm! Most areas are likely more reflective of their total population. I would imagine the principle was right leaning and it effected his hiring practices.

No, there are not rightwingers in the schools who indoctrinate. It isn't a part of our ideology. I think what you experienced was leftist teachers who were still to the right of you, because you're a leftist extremist.

Our schools are run by statists and unions, and they are ALWAYS leftist, unless they are charter or private schools. Republicans (PARTICULARLY Republicans who dare to voice their politics in the classroom) get run out fast.

Meanwhile, here's a great example of who is running our schools (and getting comfy paychecks to do it):

Mystery pooper soiling school’s track ‘on a daily basis’ was superintendent, police say

Fayette County school administrator arrested again on new sex charges
Like hell I have listened to hours of it myself!

I doubt your ability to be objective. You're one of the brainwashed. You think leftist extremism is the *norm* and so naturally if there's a regular lefty preaching about common sense gun control, you are going to think it's *rightwing indoctrination*.
Some parents don't want their children in public schools....and that is the parent's choice. Not yours or anyone else

Child welfare is a concern for everyone.

If you have a college degree and want to teach elementary school. it takes 12 courses to become a teacher. (5 or 6 to teach secondary)

Why is that?

Why do you think you are better than that?

Why would you risk your children's education on it?

It's the parent's choice....too bad so sad for you, eh?
It is...and it should also be the school's choice. If a school decides that a child is a detriment to other students' education, they should have the right to tell the parents to find their child's education elsewhere.

No that is wrong, just as bad as a hospital turning away someone.
Why is that wrong? Don't private schools get to pick and choose?

Their house, their rules :290968001256257790-final:
No, I say get the fuck out of bed and go to school. Unless you are significantley advanced of your school and have some one that can further advance you past the schools capability. Other wise like my parents I expect a perfect attendance certificate at the end of the year! I delivered on that certificate most years! So should my kids! I am also not afraid of exposing children to altering veiws. I spent some time itterating moral code to my children, I am not afraid of them hearing some thing else! The only time I have seen a kid that I figured was better off at home was because he was so far advanced of normal kids school was a waste of his time. In this case though his mother was freakishly smart and could advance him past what the school could do. They were short on money for private school but the kid would have been better off had he found a private school that could advance him at the rate his mother did!

Some parents don't want their children in public schools....and that is the parent's choice. Not yours or anyone else

Child welfare is a concern for everyone.

If you have a college degree and want to teach elementary school. it takes 12 courses to become a teacher. (5 or 6 to teach secondary)

Why is that?

Why do you think you are better than that?

Why would you risk your children's education on it?

It's the parent's choice....too bad so sad for you, eh?

Parents have the choice at the Westboro Baptist Church. And all their kids graduated with a degree in BatShittery.


Yeah the anti-homeschooling crowd are actually anti-Christian bigots. They pretend that Westboro Baptist Church (which is not really a Baptist church, btw, they were booted) is the *norm*. Westboro has like MAYBE 60 members, and as far as I know, it's not a school. So it has nothing to do with anything...but it's always the go-to of anti-Christian scumbags. I think in reality if you checked their coffers, you'd find that Isaac sends them money just to keep them around, so he can pretend they are the norm.
There is nothing wrong with homeschooling. And, in case you didn't know, not all homeschoolers are christians.
Some parents don't want their children in public schools....and that is the parent's choice. Not yours or anyone else

Child welfare is a concern for everyone.

If you have a college degree and want to teach elementary school. it takes 12 courses to become a teacher. (5 or 6 to teach secondary)

Why is that?

Why do you think you are better than that?

Why would you risk your children's education on it?

It's the parent's choice....too bad so sad for you, eh?
It is...and it should also be the school's choice. If a school decides that a child is a detriment to other students' education, they should have the right to tell the parents to find their child's education elsewhere.

No that is wrong, just as bad as a hospital turning away someone.
Why is that wrong? Don't private schools get to pick and choose? Why not public schools? Why shouldn't parents be held responsible for their own child's education? Why should other students suffer when there's a student detracting from their educational opportunity?
Wow I agree with Bode.

We should be allowed to boot the kids who detract from the educational opportunities afforded chidlren in public schools.

That means the retards, the faggots, the ADHD, the criminals, the perverts and the purple haired lezbos who can't even spell their own names...

Some parents don't want their children in public schools....and that is the parent's choice. Not yours or anyone else

Child welfare is a concern for everyone.

If you have a college degree and want to teach elementary school. it takes 12 courses to become a teacher. (5 or 6 to teach secondary)

Why is that?

Why do you think you are better than that?

Why would you risk your children's education on it?

It's the parent's choice....too bad so sad for you, eh?

Parents have the choice at the Westboro Baptist Church. And all their kids graduated with a degree in BatShittery.


Yeah the anti-homeschooling crowd are actually anti-Christian bigots. They pretend that Westboro Baptist Church (which is not really a Baptist church, btw, they were booted) is the *norm*. Westboro has like MAYBE 60 members, and as far as I know, it's not a school. So it has nothing to do with anything...but it's always the go-to of anti-Christian scumbags. I think in reality if you checked their coffers, you'd find that Isaac sends them money just to keep them around, so he can pretend they are the norm.
There is nothing wrong with homeschooling. And, in case you didn't know, not all homeschoolers are christians.

Who ARE you?

This isn't bode......either that or her latest squeeze is homeschooling their non binary replacements.

Bode calls it homeschooling..but in her case, I imagine it's more like keeping a bunch of kids in a basement until there's a use for them.
Child welfare is a concern for everyone.

If you have a college degree and want to teach elementary school. it takes 12 courses to become a teacher. (5 or 6 to teach secondary)

Why is that?

Why do you think you are better than that?

Why would you risk your children's education on it?

It's the parent's choice....too bad so sad for you, eh?
It is...and it should also be the school's choice. If a school decides that a child is a detriment to other students' education, they should have the right to tell the parents to find their child's education elsewhere.

No that is wrong, just as bad as a hospital turning away someone.
Why is that wrong? Don't private schools get to pick and choose?

Their house, their rules :290968001256257790-final:
Exactly. Why can't public schools be the same way? Put responsibility back where it belongs, on parents. Provide public schools as a service, but if a child is taking away time from other students' education in a public school, why shouldn't they be shown the door and responsibility given to the parents?
Child welfare is a concern for everyone.

If you have a college degree and want to teach elementary school. it takes 12 courses to become a teacher. (5 or 6 to teach secondary)

Why is that?

Why do you think you are better than that?

Why would you risk your children's education on it?

It's the parent's choice....too bad so sad for you, eh?
It is...and it should also be the school's choice. If a school decides that a child is a detriment to other students' education, they should have the right to tell the parents to find their child's education elsewhere.

No that is wrong, just as bad as a hospital turning away someone.
Why is that wrong? Don't private schools get to pick and choose?

Their house, their rules :290968001256257790-final:

That is dishonest.

When you private schoolers run around citing how great your schools are doing compared to public school, at lreasdrt have the honesty to be outright with the facts.

Obviously, when the private school only accepts the best students, its outcomes will be better than the public schools which must educate all comers.

This is why you are such a fraud.
Child welfare is a concern for everyone.

If you have a college degree and want to teach elementary school. it takes 12 courses to become a teacher. (5 or 6 to teach secondary)

Why is that?

Why do you think you are better than that?

Why would you risk your children's education on it?

It's the parent's choice....too bad so sad for you, eh?
It is...and it should also be the school's choice. If a school decides that a child is a detriment to other students' education, they should have the right to tell the parents to find their child's education elsewhere.

No that is wrong, just as bad as a hospital turning away someone.
Why is that wrong? Don't private schools get to pick and choose? Why not public schools? Why shouldn't parents be held responsible for their own child's education? Why should other students suffer when there's a student detracting from their educational opportunity?
Wow I agree with Bode.

We should be allowed to boot the kids who detract from the educational opportunities afforded chidlren in public schools.

That means the retards, the faggots, the ADHD, the criminals, the perverts and the purple haired lezbos who can't even spell their own names...

Ok, show where gay students are taking away the education of others? They are usually the smartest, most talented ones.
It's the parent's choice....too bad so sad for you, eh?
It is...and it should also be the school's choice. If a school decides that a child is a detriment to other students' education, they should have the right to tell the parents to find their child's education elsewhere.

No that is wrong, just as bad as a hospital turning away someone.
Why is that wrong? Don't private schools get to pick and choose?

Their house, their rules :290968001256257790-final:
Exactly. Why can't public schools be the same way? Put responsibility back where it belongs, on parents. Provide public schools as a service, but if a child is taking away time from other students' education in a public school, why shouldn't they be shown the door and responsibility given to the parents?

Likewise, stop *penalizing* kids for missing school. Schools have hatched up this racket where they don't allow kids who miss school to make up their work...which forces them to attend class when in reality, if it wasn't for the attendance penalties, they would still pass. The schools do that because they are paid per head, per day. They have no compunctions about failing bright students because they refuse to be seated in front of the imbeciles teaching them EVERY SINGLE DAY. I passed my high school biology class by attending class only on Friday, when we had a weekly test. I didn't do labs, I didn't read the material. I showed up, took the test which I always got an A on, and thus my overall grade was a B.

It drove my teacher nuts and I was in detention every day for a whole school year.....but I passed my class.
Most home school because of concerns with school environment, dissatisfaction with the school system or curriculum being taught
Don’t want their kids going to school with negroes and homosexuals

No they don't want to be an indoctrinated douche liberal bag


Homeschoolers want to prevent their children from learning about the real world
Can’t teach them to hate minorities, non-christians or gays when they are learning otherwise in school
Hell, they may even learn about evolution

EXACTLY what they want - And in addition to learning about Jesus, our 5,000 year old planet as well as whom to love and whom to hate - - - Weekly lessons about guns, the myth of manmade climate change and Prepper survival are mandatory. :rolleyes:


I trust the 5,000 earth bible thumpers more then the 120 year old earth AGW cult

" the hottest day Evah"

I am sure a dumbass like you would.

You are proof we need to regulate home school teachers.

To keep from producing more idiots like you.
It's the parent's choice....too bad so sad for you, eh?
It is...and it should also be the school's choice. If a school decides that a child is a detriment to other students' education, they should have the right to tell the parents to find their child's education elsewhere.

No that is wrong, just as bad as a hospital turning away someone.
Why is that wrong? Don't private schools get to pick and choose?

Their house, their rules :290968001256257790-final:

That is dishonest.

When you private schoolers run around citing how great your schools are doing compared to public school, at lreasdrt have the honesty to be outright with the facts.

Obviously, when the private school only accepts the best students, its outcomes will be better than the public schools which must educate all comers.

This is why you are such a fraud.

So stop saddling public schools with drooling imbeciles, sociopaths and foreign gang members.
Football coach A gets to hand pick his team from all who apply....and he's allowed to kick anyone off the team who doesn't produce.

Football coach B has to take everyone on his team....even those who cannot or don't want to play football.

Both coachs' Win/Lose records are compared equally. Is that right? Is that valid?
It's the parent's choice....too bad so sad for you, eh?
It is...and it should also be the school's choice. If a school decides that a child is a detriment to other students' education, they should have the right to tell the parents to find their child's education elsewhere.

No that is wrong, just as bad as a hospital turning away someone.
Why is that wrong? Don't private schools get to pick and choose?

Their house, their rules :290968001256257790-final:

That is dishonest.

When you private schoolers run around citing how great your schools are doing compared to public school, at lreasdrt have the honesty to be outright with the facts.

Obviously, when the private school only accepts the best students, its outcomes will be better than the public schools which must educate all comers.

This is why you are such a fraud.

I simply stated a fact, for your information if a parent has the tuition most any private school will accept their long as they meet and sustain the school's guidelines and rules. There are students who struggle at our children's schools, there are bullies, etc but the difference is the schools are not bound to tolerate that shit, straighten up, fly right or try another school
Don’t want their kids going to school with negroes and homosexuals

No they don't want to be an indoctrinated douche liberal bag


Homeschoolers want to prevent their children from learning about the real world
Can’t teach them to hate minorities, non-christians or gays when they are learning otherwise in school
Hell, they may even learn about evolution

EXACTLY what they want - And in addition to learning about Jesus, our 5,000 year old planet as well as whom to love and whom to hate - - - Weekly lessons about guns, the myth of manmade climate change and Prepper survival are mandatory. :rolleyes:


I trust the 5,000 earth bible thumpers more then the 120 year old earth AGW cult

" the hottest day Evah"

I am sure a dumbass like you would.

You are proof we need to regulate home school teachers.

To keep from producing more idiots like you.

You aren't regulating my home or my kids. That's why I have guns. Nor are you going to stop anybody in my family from producing anything they want to produce.
It is...and it should also be the school's choice. If a school decides that a child is a detriment to other students' education, they should have the right to tell the parents to find their child's education elsewhere.

No that is wrong, just as bad as a hospital turning away someone.
Why is that wrong? Don't private schools get to pick and choose?

Their house, their rules :290968001256257790-final:

That is dishonest.

When you private schoolers run around citing how great your schools are doing compared to public school, at lreasdrt have the honesty to be outright with the facts.

Obviously, when the private school only accepts the best students, its outcomes will be better than the public schools which must educate all comers.

This is why you are such a fraud.

So stop saddling public schools with drooling imbeciles, sociopaths and foreign gang members.
Fine. What are you doing about it in your state?
Football coach A gets to hand pick his team from all who apply....and he's allowed to kick anyone off the team who doesn't produce.

Football coach B has to take everyone on his team....even those who cannot or don't want to play football.

Both coachs' Win/Lose records are compared equally. Is that right? Is that valid?

Apple's and oranges , this is not a game
Home schooling has been used largely as a way for evangelicals, the fakest of 'christians', to be able to teach their kids the world is 6,000 years old rather than 4.5 billion and Jesus rode dinosaurs. Among a list of things that are nonsense.

The more fanatical red states have started voting to have taxpayer money paid to homeschooling parents. Home school if you want but pay for it yourself. Stop asking the public to pad your bank account.

Most home school because of concerns with school environment, dissatisfaction with the school system or curriculum being taught
Don’t want their kids going to school with negroes and homosexuals

No they don't want to be an indoctrinated douche liberal bag


Homeschoolers want to prevent their children from learning about the real world
Can’t teach them to hate minorities, non-christians or gays when they are learning otherwise in school
Hell, they may even learn about evolution

EXACTLY what they want - And in addition to learning about Jesus, our 5,000 year old planet as well as whom to love and whom to hate - - - Weekly lessons about guns, the myth of manmade climate change and Prepper survival are mandatory. :rolleyes:

Damnit I can raise my children as I want
It is...and it should also be the school's choice. If a school decides that a child is a detriment to other students' education, they should have the right to tell the parents to find their child's education elsewhere.

No that is wrong, just as bad as a hospital turning away someone.
Why is that wrong? Don't private schools get to pick and choose?

Their house, their rules :290968001256257790-final:

That is dishonest.

When you private schoolers run around citing how great your schools are doing compared to public school, at lreasdrt have the honesty to be outright with the facts.

Obviously, when the private school only accepts the best students, its outcomes will be better than the public schools which must educate all comers.

This is why you are such a fraud.

I simply stated a fact, for your information if a parent has the tuition most any private school will accept their long as they meet and sustain the school's guidelines and rules. There are students who struggle at our children's schools, there are bullies, etc but the difference is the schools are not bound to tolerate that shit, straighten up, fly right or try another school
Nope...private schools get to pick and choose who they will accept, Mal. And everyone private school around here include in their guidelines and rules that parents HAVE TO volunteer a certain amount of time at the school and in fundraising in order for their child to remain at that school.

Public schools as they stand right now, have no such power.
It's the parent's choice....too bad so sad for you, eh?
It is...and it should also be the school's choice. If a school decides that a child is a detriment to other students' education, they should have the right to tell the parents to find their child's education elsewhere.

No that is wrong, just as bad as a hospital turning away someone.
Why is that wrong? Don't private schools get to pick and choose? Why not public schools? Why shouldn't parents be held responsible for their own child's education? Why should other students suffer when there's a student detracting from their educational opportunity?
Wow I agree with Bode.

We should be allowed to boot the kids who detract from the educational opportunities afforded chidlren in public schools.

That means the retards, the faggots, the ADHD, the criminals, the perverts and the purple haired lezbos who can't even spell their own names...

Ok, show where gay students are taking away the education of others? They are usually the smartest, most talented ones.

That's funny.

No, they are usually the most overweight, the pastiest complected, the most likely to have to get out of class early every day to go to counseling, the most likely to sue their teachers for not passing them when they flunk all their classes, the most likely to be in a fight after school, the most likely to crap their own pants, the most likely to have drugs on them at any time of the day or night, the most likely to have lice, the most likely to be caught in the bathroom with a five year old and the most likely to be 20 year old freshmen.



Football coach A gets to hand pick his team from all who apply....and he's allowed to kick anyone off the team who doesn't produce.

Football coach B has to take everyone on his team....even those who cannot or don't want to play football.

Both coachs' Win/Lose records are compared equally. Is that right? Is that valid?

Apple's and oranges , this is not a game
Where does the comparison break down?

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