Anti-homeschooling bill defeated in California

It's really funny, because you can pretty much get the statists to admit, point blank, that the reason they don't like home schooling is because it gives parents more control (and the state less control) over how their children are raised.
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Homeschooling is a way of isolating your kid from society

You get to control what they learn and don’t learn, what information they have access to, what they watch on TV, who their friends are

And that, to you, is a very bad thing, eh?


What you described is pretty much the job of parenting.
Parenting is also knowing when to let go

Uh huh... and it's so much easier to let the government make that call for you, eh?
I don't know what California wanted. The fire inspection thing was nuts. Knowing the names of the homeschoolers was the thing that had me scratching my head. In Maine, you need to notify your school district if you are homeschooling. All children 7 and older have to be enrolled in school or getting educated at home; it's a law.
California doesn't have such a law? They can't just ask the schools for the names of the kids being homeschooled?
The other thing is, why do they want the names? Don't they think the school districts can keep track?
I’d like to see some accountability

Not only know the names but that they are not just sitting home playing video games

My great nephew, the youngest of three boys, was home schooled by his mother who had only a high school education. (His father, my nephew, never went to college either, but has been the most economically successful as a contractor than anybody else in the family.) When my great nephew was ready for high school they enrolled him in the public school. Within two weeks he was begging to come home because he wasn't learning anything he didn't already know and they wasted so much time it was very frustrating and irritating to him. So she got him through high school, he scored in the 90 percentiles in all subjects on his SAT and he graduated from college magna cum laude in four years.

The public schools have become a very non productive learning environment. Volunteering as a tutor at a local elementary school, I am appalled at how much time the kids spend doing nothing at all waiting for something else to happen. The actually learning experience in most public schools these days could easily be condensed into half the time the kids have to be there. So accountability is the least concern I have for home schooled kids which pretty much consistently out perform their public school peers on standardized tests.

Of course there are home schooled kids who are performing sub par--most especially those who are not in a scheduled, structured process. But even those aren't doing as badly as the lower echelon in the public schools.
Or they'll learn there are other view points and theories....unlike leftist education where it's all about the leftist agenda
Well when I was in school it seemed peers had a much larger effect on the typical pupal than the teacher did. If ya do not think there are right leaning kids you are not paying attention. I guess I am old style conservative like John Wayne, life has a way of teaching ya by kicking you in the balls. For every wrong thing taught the natural consequences of the world are sending the appropriate message. John used to say things like "Do what you think is best, you will figure out what is right if ya live long enough!" No a man has to teach his kid what is right and wrong and let them go apply it. Ya think John Wayne would have bubble wrapped his kid and tried to hide them from every opposing veiw! I doubt it! Then their is the fact that I have met at school people way left on the spectrum and way right on the spectrum.

PS Here is a little food for thought! No matter how conservative you are some one out there is more conservative than you and to them you are a dirty little lib! On the flip side no matter how l;iberal you are there is some one more liberal than you and to them you are a corporate stooge Repug!
Homeschooling is a way of isolating your kid from society

You get to control what they learn and don’t learn, what information they have access to, what they watch on TV, who their friends are

It's patently obvious you don't have the first clue what homeschooling is all about and you're embarrassing yourself in the process
That is exactly what homeschooling is about

Isolation and total control

You are saying what the Union school districts are about...indoctrination
There are peolpe at school who indoctrinate to the left and the right. I went to grade school and high school in a republican area. Most of my teachers were republican. The left sway came mainly from the other children. Kids tend to be more liberal than adults and as time passes they become more consevative. I would imagine that in high Democrat areas that could have been different. The only time I lived in a highly Democrat area, I think I was experiencing a statistical anomaly becasue in this particular case my teachers were still more right leaning! I doubt that would be the norm! Most areas are likely more reflective of their total population. I would imagine the principle was right leaning and it effected his hiring practices.
Well when I was in school it seemed peers had a much larger effect on the typical pupal than the teacher did. If ya do not think there are right leaning kids you are not paying attention. I guess I am old style conservative like John Wayne, life has a way of teaching ya by kicking you in the balls. For every wrong thing taught the natural consequences of the world are sending the appropriate message. John used to say things like "Do what you think is best, you will figure out what is right if ya live long enough!" No a man has to teach his kid what is right and wrong and let them go apply it. Ya think John Wayne would have bubble wrapped his kid and tried to hide them from every opposing veiw! I doubt it! Then their is the fact that I have met at school people way left on the spectrum and way right on the spectrum.

PS Here is a little food for thought! No matter how conservative you are some one out there is more conservative than you and to them you are a dirty little lib! On the flip side no matter how l;iberal you are there is some one more liberal than you and to them you are a corporate stooge Repug!
Homeschooling is a way of isolating your kid from society

You get to control what they learn and don’t learn, what information they have access to, what they watch on TV, who their friends are

It's patently obvious you don't have the first clue what homeschooling is all about and you're embarrassing yourself in the process
That is exactly what homeschooling is about

Isolation and total control

You are saying what the Union school districts are about...indoctrination
There are peolpe at school who indoctrinate to the left and the right. I went to grade school and high school in a republican area. Most of my teachers were republican. The left sway came mainly from the other children. Kids tend to be more liberal than adults and as time passes they become more consevative. I would imagine that in high Democrat areas that could have been different. The only time I lived in a highly Democrat area, I think I was experiencing a statistical anomaly becasue in this particular case my teachers were still more right leaning! I doubt that would be the norm! Most areas are likely more reflective of their total population. I would imagine the principle was right leaning and it effected his hiring practices.

So you're making the case for homeschooling
It isn't about science and you know it.

Point of Order.

NONE of these sniveling bed wetters "KNOW" ANYTHING.

These are the most deliberately ignorant people pieces of shit to exist outside of Pyongyang since the USSR collapsed.

Bed wetters are incapable of actually having knowledge. They have no frontal lobes. They're little more than parrots.

They have asinine beliefs, like Santa Marx giving out free shit on May Day, the earth is flat and getting hotter because of SUV's, Their Moonbat Messiah ushered in an era of national prosperity, global stability and peace, and has an impressive resume. Any cognizant 1st Grader knows knows things in life are better now than when they started kindergarden because their dads bring home more money.

Deliberately ignorant bed wetters didn't want jobs in the first place.

I don't know what California wanted. The fire inspection thing was nuts. Knowing the names of the homeschoolers was the thing that had me scratching my head. In Maine, you need to notify your school district if you are homeschooling. All children 7 and older have to be enrolled in school or getting educated at home; it's a law.
California doesn't have such a law? They can't just ask the schools for the names of the kids being homeschooled?
The other thing is, why do they want the names? Don't they think the school districts can keep track?
I’d like to see some accountability

Not only know the names but that they are not just sitting home playing video games

My great nephew, the youngest of three boys, was home schooled by his mother who had only a high school education. (His father, my nephew, never went to college either, but has been the most economically successful as a contractor than anybody else in the family.) When my great nephew was ready for high school they enrolled him in the public school. Within two weeks he was begging to come home because he wasn't learning anything he didn't already know and they wasted so much time it was very frustrating and irritating to him. So she got him through high school, he scored in the 90 percentiles in all subjects on his SAT and he graduated from college magna cum laude in four years.

The public schools have become a very non productive learning environment. Volunteering as a tutor at a local elementary school, I am appalled at how much time the kids spend doing nothing at all waiting for something else to happen. The actually learning experience in most public schools these days could easily be condensed into half the time the kids have to be there. So accountability is the least concern I have for home schooled kids which pretty much consistently out perform their public school peers on standardized tests.

Of course there are home schooled kids who are performing sub par--most especially those who are not in a scheduled, structured process. But even those aren't doing as badly as the lower echelon in the public schools.
That’s great to hear
Let students who are excelling in a homeschool environment continue to do so

But not every parent with a high school education is capable of teaching complex subjects or dealing with learning disabilities
Let’s test those students and see how they are performing. Those who are struggling or falling behind should be offered additional resources
Homeschooling is a way of isolating your kid from society

You get to control what they learn and don’t learn, what information they have access to, what they watch on TV, who their friends are

It's patently obvious you don't have the first clue what homeschooling is all about and you're embarrassing yourself in the process
That is exactly what homeschooling is about

Isolation and total control

You are saying what the Union school districts are about...indoctrination
There are peolpe at school who indoctrinate to the left and the right. I went to grade school and high school in a republican area. Most of my teachers were republican. The left sway came mainly from the other children. Kids tend to be more liberal than adults and as time passes they become more consevative. I would imagine that in high Democrat areas that could have been different. The only time I lived in a highly Democrat area, I think I was experiencing a statistical anomaly becasue in this particular case my teachers were still more right leaning! I doubt that would be the norm! Most areas are likely more reflective of their total population. I would imagine the principle was right leaning and it effected his hiring practices.

So you're making the case for homeschooling
No, I say get the fuck out of bed and go to school. Unless you are significantley advanced of your school and have some one that can further advance you past the schools capability. Other wise like my parents I expect a perfect attendance certificate at the end of the year! I delivered on that certificate most years! So should my kids! I am also not afraid of exposing children to altering veiws. I spent some time itterating moral code to my children, I am not afraid of them hearing some thing else! The only time I have seen a kid that I figured was better off at home was because he was so far advanced of normal kids school was a waste of his time. In this case though his mother was freakishly smart and could advance him past what the school could do. They were short on money for private school but the kid would have been better off had he found a private school that could advance him at the rate his mother did!

PS. She also had teaching skills. Freakishly smart does not mean able to convey that knowlege.
It's patently obvious you don't have the first clue what homeschooling is all about and you're embarrassing yourself in the process
That is exactly what homeschooling is about

Isolation and total control

You are saying what the Union school districts are about...indoctrination
There are peolpe at school who indoctrinate to the left and the right. I went to grade school and high school in a republican area. Most of my teachers were republican. The left sway came mainly from the other children. Kids tend to be more liberal than adults and as time passes they become more consevative. I would imagine that in high Democrat areas that could have been different. The only time I lived in a highly Democrat area, I think I was experiencing a statistical anomaly becasue in this particular case my teachers were still more right leaning! I doubt that would be the norm! Most areas are likely more reflective of their total population. I would imagine the principle was right leaning and it effected his hiring practices.

So you're making the case for homeschooling
No, I say get the fuck out of bed and go to school. Unless you are significantley advanced of your school and have some one that can further advance you past the schools capability. Other wise like my parents I expect a perfect attendance certificate at the end of the year! I delivered on that certificate most years! So should my kids! I am also not afraid of exposing children to altering veiws. I spent some time itterating moral code to my children, I am not afraid of them hearing some thing else! The only time I have seen a kid that I figured was better off at home was because he was so far advanced of normal kids school was a waste of his time. In this case though his mother was freakishly smart and could advance him past what the school could do. They were short on money for private school but the kid would have been better off had he found a private school that could advance him at the rate his mother did!

Some parents don't want their children in public schools....and that is the parent's choice. Not yours or anyone else
That is exactly what homeschooling is about

Isolation and total control

You are saying what the Union school districts are about...indoctrination
There are peolpe at school who indoctrinate to the left and the right. I went to grade school and high school in a republican area. Most of my teachers were republican. The left sway came mainly from the other children. Kids tend to be more liberal than adults and as time passes they become more consevative. I would imagine that in high Democrat areas that could have been different. The only time I lived in a highly Democrat area, I think I was experiencing a statistical anomaly becasue in this particular case my teachers were still more right leaning! I doubt that would be the norm! Most areas are likely more reflective of their total population. I would imagine the principle was right leaning and it effected his hiring practices.

So you're making the case for homeschooling
No, I say get the fuck out of bed and go to school. Unless you are significantley advanced of your school and have some one that can further advance you past the schools capability. Other wise like my parents I expect a perfect attendance certificate at the end of the year! I delivered on that certificate most years! So should my kids! I am also not afraid of exposing children to altering veiws. I spent some time itterating moral code to my children, I am not afraid of them hearing some thing else! The only time I have seen a kid that I figured was better off at home was because he was so far advanced of normal kids school was a waste of his time. In this case though his mother was freakishly smart and could advance him past what the school could do. They were short on money for private school but the kid would have been better off had he found a private school that could advance him at the rate his mother did!

Some parents don't want their children in public schools....and that is the parent's choice. Not yours or anyone else
I have not fully figured out wich side of the fence I am on here! I think that society has some responsibilty in making sure that a child wich by definition can not fend for them self get some minimum of education or else they are fucked! How we go about that garentee is where things become complicated! Hard to tell if a kid is getting fucked on the education with out getting them into a class room! Gotta at least get them in for tests that mom does not administer!
Home schooling has been used largely as a way for evangelicals, the fakest of 'christians', to be able to teach their kids the world is 6,000 years old rather than 4.5 billion and Jesus rode dinosaurs. Among a list of things that are nonsense.

The more fanatical red states have started voting to have taxpayer money paid to homeschooling parents. Home school if you want but pay for it yourself. Stop asking the public to pad your bank account.

Most home school because of concerns with school environment, dissatisfaction with the school system or curriculum being taught
Don’t want their kids going to school with negroes and homosexuals

No they don't want to be an indoctrinated douche liberal bag


Homeschoolers want to prevent their children from learning about the real world
Can’t teach them to hate minorities, non-christians or gays when they are learning otherwise in school
Hell, they may even learn about evolution

EXACTLY what they want - And in addition to learning about Jesus, our 5,000 year old planet as well as whom to love and whom to hate - - - Weekly lessons about guns, the myth of manmade climate change and Prepper survival are mandatory. :rolleyes:

It's really funny, because you can pretty much get the statists to admit, point blank, that the reason they don't like home schooling is because it gives parents more control (and the state less control) over how their children are raised.
Parents like that couple in Perris, eh?

Actually, homeschooling is fine...the more who homeschool, the better, IMO. Perhaps schools can even have the choice to tell parents they have to find alternatives like home schooling and/or private school because they are no longer welcome at public school due to behavior issues. That would be a HUGE improvement...and puts the responsibility for raising a child right back on who it SHOULD be with, the parents.
Poor widdle Marty.

I am right & you know it.

'How about examples on your claim?

The links are in the article, if you are too lazy to do it yourself, you aren't worth the effort.

So, you are believing rthe crap spewed by a right wing web site as an argument about bias.

Really, Marty.

Unlike progs, I take into account the bias of ALL articles, not just the ones I disagree with.

Only Progs like you treat your biased material as gospel while dismissing any other source out of hand.

Right, Marty. Yep. Sure.

Nice non-response, fucktard.

Post a right wing site as a retort about bias.

You can't get dumber than that, Marty. Where is all this liberal bias in school?

No one is trying to twist education more than your conservative ilk. No one.
No they don't want to be an indoctrinated douche liberal bag


Homeschoolers want to prevent their children from learning about the real world
Can’t teach them to hate minorities, non-christians or gays when they are learning otherwise in school
Hell, they may even learn about evolution

Or they'll learn there are other view points and theories....unlike leftist education where it's all about the leftist agenda

They learn that science is just a liberal plot to upset Jesus

Gawd you're ignorant. Go bother someone else
God hates fags

Those kids are homeschooled

Yes - that class will be taught by these lovely and enlightened folks. :rolleyes-41:

That is exactly what homeschooling is about

Isolation and total control

You are saying what the Union school districts are about...indoctrination
There are peolpe at school who indoctrinate to the left and the right. I went to grade school and high school in a republican area. Most of my teachers were republican. The left sway came mainly from the other children. Kids tend to be more liberal than adults and as time passes they become more consevative. I would imagine that in high Democrat areas that could have been different. The only time I lived in a highly Democrat area, I think I was experiencing a statistical anomaly becasue in this particular case my teachers were still more right leaning! I doubt that would be the norm! Most areas are likely more reflective of their total population. I would imagine the principle was right leaning and it effected his hiring practices.

So you're making the case for homeschooling
No, I say get the fuck out of bed and go to school. Unless you are significantley advanced of your school and have some one that can further advance you past the schools capability. Other wise like my parents I expect a perfect attendance certificate at the end of the year! I delivered on that certificate most years! So should my kids! I am also not afraid of exposing children to altering veiws. I spent some time itterating moral code to my children, I am not afraid of them hearing some thing else! The only time I have seen a kid that I figured was better off at home was because he was so far advanced of normal kids school was a waste of his time. In this case though his mother was freakishly smart and could advance him past what the school could do. They were short on money for private school but the kid would have been better off had he found a private school that could advance him at the rate his mother did!

Some parents don't want their children in public schools....and that is the parent's choice. Not yours or anyone else

Child welfare is a concern for everyone.

If you have a college degree and want to teach elementary school. it takes 12 courses to become a teacher. (5 or 6 to teach secondary)

Why is that?

Why do you think you are better than that?

Why would you risk your children's education on it?
You are saying what the Union school districts are about...indoctrination
There are peolpe at school who indoctrinate to the left and the right. I went to grade school and high school in a republican area. Most of my teachers were republican. The left sway came mainly from the other children. Kids tend to be more liberal than adults and as time passes they become more consevative. I would imagine that in high Democrat areas that could have been different. The only time I lived in a highly Democrat area, I think I was experiencing a statistical anomaly becasue in this particular case my teachers were still more right leaning! I doubt that would be the norm! Most areas are likely more reflective of their total population. I would imagine the principle was right leaning and it effected his hiring practices.

So you're making the case for homeschooling
No, I say get the fuck out of bed and go to school. Unless you are significantley advanced of your school and have some one that can further advance you past the schools capability. Other wise like my parents I expect a perfect attendance certificate at the end of the year! I delivered on that certificate most years! So should my kids! I am also not afraid of exposing children to altering veiws. I spent some time itterating moral code to my children, I am not afraid of them hearing some thing else! The only time I have seen a kid that I figured was better off at home was because he was so far advanced of normal kids school was a waste of his time. In this case though his mother was freakishly smart and could advance him past what the school could do. They were short on money for private school but the kid would have been better off had he found a private school that could advance him at the rate his mother did!

Some parents don't want their children in public schools....and that is the parent's choice. Not yours or anyone else

Child welfare is a concern for everyone.

If you have a college degree and want to teach elementary school. it takes 12 courses to become a teacher. (5 or 6 to teach secondary)

Why is that?

Why do you think you are better than that?

Why would you risk your children's education on it?

It's the parent's choice....too bad so sad for you, eh?
You are saying what the Union school districts are about...indoctrination
There are peolpe at school who indoctrinate to the left and the right. I went to grade school and high school in a republican area. Most of my teachers were republican. The left sway came mainly from the other children. Kids tend to be more liberal than adults and as time passes they become more consevative. I would imagine that in high Democrat areas that could have been different. The only time I lived in a highly Democrat area, I think I was experiencing a statistical anomaly becasue in this particular case my teachers were still more right leaning! I doubt that would be the norm! Most areas are likely more reflective of their total population. I would imagine the principle was right leaning and it effected his hiring practices.

So you're making the case for homeschooling
No, I say get the fuck out of bed and go to school. Unless you are significantley advanced of your school and have some one that can further advance you past the schools capability. Other wise like my parents I expect a perfect attendance certificate at the end of the year! I delivered on that certificate most years! So should my kids! I am also not afraid of exposing children to altering veiws. I spent some time itterating moral code to my children, I am not afraid of them hearing some thing else! The only time I have seen a kid that I figured was better off at home was because he was so far advanced of normal kids school was a waste of his time. In this case though his mother was freakishly smart and could advance him past what the school could do. They were short on money for private school but the kid would have been better off had he found a private school that could advance him at the rate his mother did!

Some parents don't want their children in public schools....and that is the parent's choice. Not yours or anyone else

Child welfare is a concern for everyone.

If you have a college degree and want to teach elementary school. it takes 12 courses to become a teacher. (5 or 6 to teach secondary)

Why is that?

Why do you think you are better than that?

Why would you risk your children's education on it?

Translation ~ your upset you can't indoctrinate home school children in your perverted ways.

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