Anti-homeschooling bill defeated in California

Just keep your noses out of it government. Just more government over reach and privacy intrusion

—They came by the hundreds, perhaps thousands, easily exceeding the capacity of the legislative committee hearing room and making their presence felt throughout the State Capitol. And at the end of a very long day, homeschooling families scored a major victory — defeat of a bill with serious privacy and safety implications.

For more than three hours, families and freedom advocates streamed in front of microphones to state their opposition to California State Assembly Bill 2756. Pacific Justice Institute was also represented and voiced its opposition. Large numbers of opponents made the trek from Southern California, the Bay Area, and every other part of the state. The opponents included a number of professionals, state-credentialed teachers, and self-described progressives and liberal Democrats.

Anti-homeschooling bill defeated in California
I am on the fence! I am seeing some kids being taught by some pretty stupid parents. The poor kids do not have a prayer! Of course doging bullets to get to school would not be fun either! I guess it boils down to how stupid is the parent and how bad is the school. Kids are normally better off dealing with other kids their age. They need to find out that the world does not just hand over the juice box like mom does!

I know a few home schooled kids, normal and just as smart as any other kids. They participate in activities just like other kids do also
Get on topic and cease trolling me.

Then choke on this....home schooled students kick your precious public schooled student's ass. You jack wads just can't fathom you can't get your grimy paws on them

In 2014, around 1.7 million students (mostly high school juniors and seniors) participated in the SAT exam. Administered by the College Board, the SAT is a reasoning test that assesses college-bound students in three main subjects: critical reading, mathematics, and writing. The SAT and the ACT are considered to make up the vast majority of college entrance exams for American students.

NHERI found that 13,549 home school seniors participated in the 2014 SAT. Of those seniors, home schoolers scored an average of 567 in critical reading, 521 in mathematics, and 535 in writing. In comparison, the average SAT scores for all 2014 high school seniors were 497 in critical reading, 513 in mathematics, and 487 in writing.

How Today’s Homeschoolers are Doing on the SAT

Your propaganda comes from a home-skoolin' advocacy site. Dismissed.

Some home-skooled kids do better - some worse .. it depends on the teacher. Most parents are NOT qualified.

What is consistent is that home-skooled children are socially underdeveloped.
Just keep your noses out of it government. Just more government over reach and privacy intrusion

—They came by the hundreds, perhaps thousands, easily exceeding the capacity of the legislative committee hearing room and making their presence felt throughout the State Capitol. And at the end of a very long day, homeschooling families scored a major victory — defeat of a bill with serious privacy and safety implications.

For more than three hours, families and freedom advocates streamed in front of microphones to state their opposition to California State Assembly Bill 2756. Pacific Justice Institute was also represented and voiced its opposition. Large numbers of opponents made the trek from Southern California, the Bay Area, and every other part of the state. The opponents included a number of professionals, state-credentialed teachers, and self-described progressives and liberal Democrats.

Anti-homeschooling bill defeated in California
I am on the fence! I am seeing some kids being taught by some pretty stupid parents. The poor kids do not have a prayer! Of course doging bullets to get to school would not be fun either! I guess it boils down to how stupid is the parent and how bad is the school. Kids are normally better off dealing with other kids their age. They need to find out that the world does not just hand over the juice box like mom does!

I know a few home schooled kids, normal and just as smart as any other kids. They participate in activities just like other kids do also
I dont know,my ultra conservative parents required a death certificate as a reasonable explanation for missing school! I can still see the diapprovel in their eyes for just being in the ICU. Home school hell if Billy busts you in the jaw, learn to run faster or hit harder!
maybe if political indoctrination was removed from schools people would be more OK with sending their kids there.
What political indoctrination is that? And let us remember that public schools reflect the people who send their children there. They have to with local school boards and county offices of education making most of the decisions....with states providing curriculums that have to be followed.

School boards only reflect the most active parents, and in some places have very little actual power.

Liberal Bias Starts Long Before College

One mom took to social media to display her daughter’s fill-in-the-blank vocabulary quiz that sported questions such as, “It was difficult for me to [blank] my feeling when I learned that Donald J. Trump had been voted in as our 45th President” and “After reading about President Trump’s immigration ban, I did not realize how [blank] the law can be.” More parents at an upscale school in Chicago pushed back when the administration sought to have an all-school social justice day with events such as “Developing a Positive, Accountable White Activism for Racial Civil Rights.” These stories are everywhere, but how many websites, organizations, or network television shows are as dedicated to shedding light on these issues as they are to revealing the issues present on college campuses? None as far as I know.
EXACTLY!!!!! I'm glad you recognize that it's all about the ACTIVE parents. If you aren't active, you have no right to whine.

But if I'm fucking paying for it I sure as hell do.
Yes...we all pay for public schools....if you want your local schools to be a certain way, you have to be to the school for the school board....become a teacher (tho teachers have very little power).

Why would someone with no kids be part of a school board? Isn't that a gripe from a lot of parents in some areas?
What political indoctrination is that? And let us remember that public schools reflect the people who send their children there. They have to with local school boards and county offices of education making most of the decisions....with states providing curriculums that have to be followed.

School boards only reflect the most active parents, and in some places have very little actual power.

Liberal Bias Starts Long Before College

One mom took to social media to display her daughter’s fill-in-the-blank vocabulary quiz that sported questions such as, “It was difficult for me to [blank] my feeling when I learned that Donald J. Trump had been voted in as our 45th President” and “After reading about President Trump’s immigration ban, I did not realize how [blank] the law can be.” More parents at an upscale school in Chicago pushed back when the administration sought to have an all-school social justice day with events such as “Developing a Positive, Accountable White Activism for Racial Civil Rights.” These stories are everywhere, but how many websites, organizations, or network television shows are as dedicated to shedding light on these issues as they are to revealing the issues present on college campuses? None as far as I know.
So you are quoting a biased source as proof of a bias in schools.

Wow Marty, you did get even more dumber than you were yesterday.

It links to examples.

But you ignore them to just give a standard prog response.

Poor widdle Marty.

I am right & you know it.

'How about examples on your claim?

The links are in the article, if you are too lazy to do it yourself, you aren't worth the effort.

So, you are believing rthe crap spewed by a right wing web site as an argument about bias.

Really, Marty.
School boards only reflect the most active parents, and in some places have very little actual power.

Liberal Bias Starts Long Before College
EXACTLY!!!!! I'm glad you recognize that it's all about the ACTIVE parents. If you aren't active, you have no right to whine.

But if I'm fucking paying for it I sure as hell do.
Yes...we all pay for public schools....if you want your local schools to be a certain way, you have to be to the school for the school board....become a teacher (tho teachers have very little power).

The lone voice of reason in a sea of progressive activist mentality doesn't get heard much. If it is too loud, it is generally silenced. The schools didn't become mostly indoctrination institutions overnight and it is unlikely that can be changed overnight. It can be changed but it will require as much determined effort as the progressives put into it in order to dominate U.S. education.
So, you are complaining that the minority in a school district doesn't get their way? If your ideas are so great, why are you not in the majority? Why can't you convince people to vote for you on a school board....why can't you convince a school board to go with your ideas?

I have actually served on a school board, have been President of the PTA, have been homeroom mom, have serve with numerous booster groups, and have taught in the classroom. So I am not making my observations in a vacuum.

This has zero to do with who is the minority or majority in any given school district and everything to do with how the children are educated.
School boards only reflect the most active parents, and in some places have very little actual power.

Liberal Bias Starts Long Before College
So you are quoting a biased source as proof of a bias in schools.

Wow Marty, you did get even more dumber than you were yesterday.

It links to examples.

But you ignore them to just give a standard prog response.

Poor widdle Marty.

I am right & you know it.

'How about examples on your claim?

The links are in the article, if you are too lazy to do it yourself, you aren't worth the effort.

So, you are believing rthe crap spewed by a right wing web site as an argument about bias.

Really, Marty.

Unlike progs, I take into account the bias of ALL articles, not just the ones I disagree with.

Only Progs like you treat your biased material as gospel while dismissing any other source out of hand.
So you are quoting a biased source as proof of a bias in schools.

Wow Marty, you did get even more dumber than you were yesterday.

It links to examples.

But you ignore them to just give a standard prog response.

Poor widdle Marty.

I am right & you know it.

'How about examples on your claim?

The links are in the article, if you are too lazy to do it yourself, you aren't worth the effort.

So, you are believing rthe crap spewed by a right wing web site as an argument about bias.

Really, Marty.

Unlike progs, I take into account the bias of ALL articles, not just the ones I disagree with.

Only Progs like you treat your biased material as gospel while dismissing any other source out of hand.

Right, Marty. Yep. Sure.
EXACTLY!!!!! I'm glad you recognize that it's all about the ACTIVE parents. If you aren't active, you have no right to whine.

But if I'm fucking paying for it I sure as hell do.
Yes...we all pay for public schools....if you want your local schools to be a certain way, you have to be to the school for the school board....become a teacher (tho teachers have very little power).

The lone voice of reason in a sea of progressive activist mentality doesn't get heard much. If it is too loud, it is generally silenced. The schools didn't become mostly indoctrination institutions overnight and it is unlikely that can be changed overnight. It can be changed but it will require as much determined effort as the progressives put into it in order to dominate U.S. education.
So, you are complaining that the minority in a school district doesn't get their way? If your ideas are so great, why are you not in the majority? Why can't you convince people to vote for you on a school board....why can't you convince a school board to go with your ideas?

I have actually served on a school board, have been President of the PTA, have been homeroom mom, have serve with numerous booster groups, and have taught in the classroom. So I am not making my observations in a vacuum.

This has zero to do with who is the minority or majority in any given school district and everything to do with how the children are educated.
I spen time on a school board too. You have those that advocate for the children & those that advocate for their wallets.
But if I'm fucking paying for it I sure as hell do.
Yes...we all pay for public schools....if you want your local schools to be a certain way, you have to be to the school for the school board....become a teacher (tho teachers have very little power).

The lone voice of reason in a sea of progressive activist mentality doesn't get heard much. If it is too loud, it is generally silenced. The schools didn't become mostly indoctrination institutions overnight and it is unlikely that can be changed overnight. It can be changed but it will require as much determined effort as the progressives put into it in order to dominate U.S. education.
So, you are complaining that the minority in a school district doesn't get their way? If your ideas are so great, why are you not in the majority? Why can't you convince people to vote for you on a school board....why can't you convince a school board to go with your ideas?

I have actually served on a school board, have been President of the PTA, have been homeroom mom, have serve with numerous booster groups, and have taught in the classroom. So I am not making my observations in a vacuum.

This has zero to do with who is the minority or majority in any given school district and everything to do with how the children are educated.
I spen time on a school board too. You have those that advocate for the children & those that advocate for their wallets.

I'm sure that is true. I was blessed to be on a small town school board that was there for the kids and during the time the federal government had not yet done much meddling.
I don't know what California wanted. The fire inspection thing was nuts. Knowing the names of the homeschoolers was the thing that had me scratching my head. In Maine, you need to notify your school district if you are homeschooling. All children 7 and older have to be enrolled in school or getting educated at home; it's a law.
California doesn't have such a law? They can't just ask the schools for the names of the kids being homeschooled?
The other thing is, why do they want the names? Don't they think the school districts can keep track?
I’d like to see some accountability

Not only know the names but that they are not just sitting home playing video games
It links to examples.

But you ignore them to just give a standard prog response.

Poor widdle Marty.

I am right & you know it.

'How about examples on your claim?

The links are in the article, if you are too lazy to do it yourself, you aren't worth the effort.

So, you are believing rthe crap spewed by a right wing web site as an argument about bias.

Really, Marty.

Unlike progs, I take into account the bias of ALL articles, not just the ones I disagree with.

Only Progs like you treat your biased material as gospel while dismissing any other source out of hand.

Right, Marty. Yep. Sure.

Nice non-response, fucktard.
Home schooling has been used largely as a way for evangelicals, the fakest of 'christians', to be able to teach their kids the world is 6,000 years old rather than 4.5 billion and Jesus rode dinosaurs. Among a list of things that are nonsense.

The more fanatical red states have started voting to have taxpayer money paid to homeschooling parents. Home school if you want but pay for it yourself. Stop asking the public to pad your bank account.

Most home school because of concerns with school environment, dissatisfaction with the school system or curriculum being taught
Don’t want their kids going to school with negroes and homosexuals
Home schooling has been used largely as a way for evangelicals, the fakest of 'christians', to be able to teach their kids the world is 6,000 years old rather than 4.5 billion and Jesus rode dinosaurs. Among a list of things that are nonsense.

The more fanatical red states have started voting to have taxpayer money paid to homeschooling parents. Home school if you want but pay for it yourself. Stop asking the public to pad your bank account.

Most home school because of concerns with school environment, dissatisfaction with the school system or curriculum being taught
Don’t want their kids going to school with negroes and homosexuals

No they don't want to be an indoctrinated douche liberal bag
Get on topic and cease trolling me.

Then choke on this....home schooled students kick your precious public schooled student's ass. You jack wads just can't fathom you can't get your grimy paws on them

In 2014, around 1.7 million students (mostly high school juniors and seniors) participated in the SAT exam. Administered by the College Board, the SAT is a reasoning test that assesses college-bound students in three main subjects: critical reading, mathematics, and writing. The SAT and the ACT are considered to make up the vast majority of college entrance exams for American students.

NHERI found that 13,549 home school seniors participated in the 2014 SAT. Of those seniors, home schoolers scored an average of 567 in critical reading, 521 in mathematics, and 535 in writing. In comparison, the average SAT scores for all 2014 high school seniors were 497 in critical reading, 513 in mathematics, and 487 in writing.

How Today’s Homeschoolers are Doing on the SAT

Your propaganda comes from a home-skoolin' advocacy site. Dismissed.

Some home-skooled kids do better - some worse .. it depends on the teacher. Most parents are NOT qualified.

What is consistent is that home-skooled children are socially underdeveloped.

Missed the references link didn't ya, douche bag?


College Board. (2014a). SAT 2014 college-bound seniors state profile report, U.S. home school students. New York, NY: Author.

College Board. (2014b). SAT 2014 college-bound seniors total group profile report, total group. New York, NY: Author. Retrieved June 7, 2016 from

Gloeckner, Gene W., & Jones, Paul. (2013). Reflections on a decade of changes in homeschooling and homeschooled into higher education. Peabody Journal of Education, 88(3), 309-323.

Murphy, Joseph. (2012). Homeschooling in America: Capturing and assessing the movement. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin, a Sage Company.

Ray, Brian D., & Eagleson, Bruce K. (2008, August 14). State regulation of homeschooling and homeschoolers’ SAT scores. Journal of Academic Leadership, 6(3). Retrieved March 4, 2013 fromCONTENTdm

2014 College Board Program Results: SAT
Home schooling has been used largely as a way for evangelicals, the fakest of 'christians', to be able to teach their kids the world is 6,000 years old rather than 4.5 billion and Jesus rode dinosaurs. Among a list of things that are nonsense.

The more fanatical red states have started voting to have taxpayer money paid to homeschooling parents. Home school if you want but pay for it yourself. Stop asking the public to pad your bank account.

Most home school because of concerns with school environment, dissatisfaction with the school system or curriculum being taught
Don’t want their kids going to school with negroes and homosexuals

No they don't want to be an indoctrinated douche liberal bag

He's just trolling....again. It drives the left loons they can't get their paws on all the children.
Home schooling has been used largely as a way for evangelicals, the fakest of 'christians', to be able to teach their kids the world is 6,000 years old rather than 4.5 billion and Jesus rode dinosaurs. Among a list of things that are nonsense.

The more fanatical red states have started voting to have taxpayer money paid to homeschooling parents. Home school if you want but pay for it yourself. Stop asking the public to pad your bank account.

Most home school because of concerns with school environment, dissatisfaction with the school system or curriculum being taught
Don’t want their kids going to school with negroes and homosexuals

No they don't want to be an indoctrinated douche liberal bag

He's just trolling....again. It drives the left loons they can't get their paws on all the children.

Exactly ..
Home schooling has been used largely as a way for evangelicals, the fakest of 'christians', to be able to teach their kids the world is 6,000 years old rather than 4.5 billion and Jesus rode dinosaurs. Among a list of things that are nonsense.

The more fanatical red states have started voting to have taxpayer money paid to homeschooling parents. Home school if you want but pay for it yourself. Stop asking the public to pad your bank account.

Most home school because of concerns with school environment, dissatisfaction with the school system or curriculum being taught
Don’t want their kids going to school with negroes and homosexuals

No they don't want to be an indoctrinated douche liberal bag


Homeschoolers want to prevent their children from learning about the real world
Can’t teach them to hate minorities, non-christians or gays when they are learning otherwise in school
Hell, they may even learn about evolution
Just keep your noses out of it government. Just more government over reach and privacy intrusion

—They came by the hundreds, perhaps thousands, easily exceeding the capacity of the legislative committee hearing room and making their presence felt throughout the State Capitol. And at the end of a very long day, homeschooling families scored a major victory — defeat of a bill with serious privacy and safety implications.

For more than three hours, families and freedom advocates streamed in front of microphones to state their opposition to California State Assembly Bill 2756. Pacific Justice Institute was also represented and voiced its opposition. Large numbers of opponents made the trek from Southern California, the Bay Area, and every other part of the state. The opponents included a number of professionals, state-credentialed teachers, and self-described progressives and liberal Democrats.

Anti-homeschooling bill defeated in California
I am on the fence! I am seeing some kids being taught by some pretty stupid parents. The poor kids do not have a prayer! Of course doging bullets to get to school would not be fun either! I guess it boils down to how stupid is the parent and how bad is the school. Kids are normally better off dealing with other kids their age. They need to find out that the world does not just hand over the juice box like mom does!

I know a few home schooled kids, normal and just as smart as any other kids. They participate in activities just like other kids do also
I do too..and I know a lot of normal public schooled kids. I also know some home schooled kids who are socially incapable of dealing with others in other than a "let me tell you about Jesus" with half the words misspelled way. They are not the norm, but they exist.
Home schooling has been used largely as a way for evangelicals, the fakest of 'christians', to be able to teach their kids the world is 6,000 years old rather than 4.5 billion and Jesus rode dinosaurs. Among a list of things that are nonsense.

The more fanatical red states have started voting to have taxpayer money paid to homeschooling parents. Home school if you want but pay for it yourself. Stop asking the public to pad your bank account.

Most home school because of concerns with school environment, dissatisfaction with the school system or curriculum being taught
Don’t want their kids going to school with negroes and homosexuals

No they don't want to be an indoctrinated douche liberal bag


Homeschoolers want to prevent their children from learning about the real world
Can’t teach them to hate minorities, non-christians or gays when they are learning otherwise in school
Hell, they may even learn about evolution

Or they'll learn there are other view points and theories....unlike leftist education where it's all about the leftist agenda

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