Anti-homeschooling bill defeated in California

Just keep your noses out of it government. Just more government over reach and privacy intrusion

—They came by the hundreds, perhaps thousands, easily exceeding the capacity of the legislative committee hearing room and making their presence felt throughout the State Capitol. And at the end of a very long day, homeschooling families scored a major victory — defeat of a bill with serious privacy and safety implications.

For more than three hours, families and freedom advocates streamed in front of microphones to state their opposition to California State Assembly Bill 2756. Pacific Justice Institute was also represented and voiced its opposition. Large numbers of opponents made the trek from Southern California, the Bay Area, and every other part of the state. The opponents included a number of professionals, state-credentialed teachers, and self-described progressives and liberal Democrats.

Anti-homeschooling bill defeated in California
So, we should allow children to be educated by dumbass uneducated people? Really?

What kind of parent thinks they know enough?

There are over 1.5 million homeschooled children and the numbers are growing. They do just as well as public schooled in testing
So you say, Mal. Where is the evidence of that being true? ( I will add, do special ed homeschooled children get tested at age/grade level like public school special ed students get tested? Do low English Level Learners who speak a different language at home who are homeschooled get tested at age/grade level like public school ELL students get tested?)
Just keep your noses out of it government. Just more government over reach and privacy intrusion

—They came by the hundreds, perhaps thousands, easily exceeding the capacity of the legislative committee hearing room and making their presence felt throughout the State Capitol. And at the end of a very long day, homeschooling families scored a major victory — defeat of a bill with serious privacy and safety implications.

For more than three hours, families and freedom advocates streamed in front of microphones to state their opposition to California State Assembly Bill 2756. Pacific Justice Institute was also represented and voiced its opposition. Large numbers of opponents made the trek from Southern California, the Bay Area, and every other part of the state. The opponents included a number of professionals, state-credentialed teachers, and self-described progressives and liberal Democrats.

Anti-homeschooling bill defeated in California
So, we should allow children to be educated by dumbass uneducated people? Really?

What kind of parent thinks they know enough?

There are over 1.5 million homeschooled children and the numbers are growing. They do just as well as public schooled in testing
So you say, Mal. Where is the evidence of that being true? ( I will add, do special ed homeschooled children get tested at age/grade level like public school special ed students get tested? Do low English Level Learners who speak a different language at home who are homeschooled get tested at age/grade level like public school ELL students get tested?)
Just keep your noses out of it government. Just more government over reach and privacy intrusion

—They came by the hundreds, perhaps thousands, easily exceeding the capacity of the legislative committee hearing room and making their presence felt throughout the State Capitol. And at the end of a very long day, homeschooling families scored a major victory — defeat of a bill with serious privacy and safety implications.

For more than three hours, families and freedom advocates streamed in front of microphones to state their opposition to California State Assembly Bill 2756. Pacific Justice Institute was also represented and voiced its opposition. Large numbers of opponents made the trek from Southern California, the Bay Area, and every other part of the state. The opponents included a number of professionals, state-credentialed teachers, and self-described progressives and liberal Democrats.

Anti-homeschooling bill defeated in California
So, we should allow children to be educated by dumbass uneducated people? Really?

What kind of parent thinks they know enough?

There are over 1.5 million homeschooled children and the numbers are growing. They do just as well as public schooled in testing
So you say, Mal. Where is the evidence of that being true? ( I will add, do special ed homeschooled children get tested at age/grade level like public school special ed students get tested? Do low English Level Learners who speak a different language at home who are homeschooled get tested at age/grade level like public school ELL students get tested?)
I'm so sorry, Mal. Your evidence link didn't come through on your post.
The more fanatical red states have started voting to have taxpayer money paid to homeschooling parents. Home school if you want but pay for it yourself. Stop asking the public to pad your bank account.

I'd be fine with that and in return homeschooling parents can be exempt from paying taxes to to the public school system.

Sorry taxes don't work that way. Don't ever call the cops or the fire department? Cool, you pay anyway.

Nice try.
Vouchers fix all of that. Give the kid a check, spend at a public school, private school or keep it yourself to home school.

Vouchers are how people want taxpayers to pay them to teach their religion to their children at home. Not all but most, that is how the whole home schooling thing got started.

No problem with teaching your kids at home just don't ask the taxpayers to pay you like a public school teacher. You aren't.

maybe if political indoctrination was removed from schools people would be more OK with sending their kids there.
Just keep your noses out of it government. Just more government over reach and privacy intrusion

—They came by the hundreds, perhaps thousands, easily exceeding the capacity of the legislative committee hearing room and making their presence felt throughout the State Capitol. And at the end of a very long day, homeschooling families scored a major victory — defeat of a bill with serious privacy and safety implications.

For more than three hours, families and freedom advocates streamed in front of microphones to state their opposition to California State Assembly Bill 2756. Pacific Justice Institute was also represented and voiced its opposition. Large numbers of opponents made the trek from Southern California, the Bay Area, and every other part of the state. The opponents included a number of professionals, state-credentialed teachers, and self-described progressives and liberal Democrats.

Anti-homeschooling bill defeated in California
So, we should allow children to be educated by dumbass uneducated people? Really?

What kind of parent thinks they know enough?

There are over 1.5 million homeschooled children and the numbers are growing. They do just as well as public schooled in testing
So you say, Mal. Where is the evidence of that being true? ( I will add, do special ed homeschooled children get tested at age/grade level like public school special ed students get tested? Do low English Level Learners who speak a different language at home who are homeschooled get tested at age/grade level like public school ELL students get tested?)
I'm so sorry, Mal. Your evidence link didn't come through on your post.
The more fanatical red states have started voting to have taxpayer money paid to homeschooling parents. Home school if you want but pay for it yourself. Stop asking the public to pad your bank account.

I'd be fine with that and in return homeschooling parents can be exempt from paying taxes to to the public school system.

Sorry taxes don't work that way. Don't ever call the cops or the fire department? Cool, you pay anyway.

Nice try.
Vouchers fix all of that. Give the kid a check, spend at a public school, private school or keep it yourself to home school.

Vouchers are how people want taxpayers to pay them to teach their religion to their children at home. Not all but most, that is how the whole home schooling thing got started.

No problem with teaching your kids at home just don't ask the taxpayers to pay you like a public school teacher. You aren't.

maybe if political indoctrination was removed from schools people would be more OK with sending their kids there.
What political indoctrination is that? And let us remember that public schools reflect the people who send their children there. They have to with local school boards and county offices of education making most of the decisions....with states providing curriculums that have to be followed.
I'd be fine with that and in return homeschooling parents can be exempt from paying taxes to to the public school system.

Sorry taxes don't work that way. Don't ever call the cops or the fire department? Cool, you pay anyway.

Nice try.
Vouchers fix all of that. Give the kid a check, spend at a public school, private school or keep it yourself to home school.

Vouchers are how people want taxpayers to pay them to teach their religion to their children at home. Not all but most, that is how the whole home schooling thing got started.

No problem with teaching your kids at home just don't ask the taxpayers to pay you like a public school teacher. You aren't.

maybe if political indoctrination was removed from schools people would be more OK with sending their kids there.
What political indoctrination is that? And let us remember that public schools reflect the people who send their children there. They have to with local school boards and county offices of education making most of the decisions....with states providing curriculums that have to be followed.

School boards only reflect the most active parents, and in some places have very little actual power.

Liberal Bias Starts Long Before College

One mom took to social media to display her daughter’s fill-in-the-blank vocabulary quiz that sported questions such as, “It was difficult for me to [blank] my feeling when I learned that Donald J. Trump had been voted in as our 45th President” and “After reading about President Trump’s immigration ban, I did not realize how [blank] the law can be.” More parents at an upscale school in Chicago pushed back when the administration sought to have an all-school social justice day with events such as “Developing a Positive, Accountable White Activism for Racial Civil Rights.” These stories are everywhere, but how many websites, organizations, or network television shows are as dedicated to shedding light on these issues as they are to revealing the issues present on college campuses? None as far as I know.
The more fanatical red states have started voting to have taxpayer money paid to homeschooling parents. Home school if you want but pay for it yourself. Stop asking the public to pad your bank account.

I'd be fine with that and in return homeschooling parents can be exempt from paying taxes to to the public school system.

Sorry taxes don't work that way. Don't ever call the cops or the fire department? Cool, you pay anyway.

Nice try.
Vouchers fix all of that. Give the kid a check, spend at a public school, private school or keep it yourself to home school.

Vouchers are how people want taxpayers to pay them to teach their religion to their children at home. Not all but most, that is how the whole home schooling thing got started.

No problem with teaching your kids at home just don't ask the taxpayers to pay you like a public school teacher. You aren't.

maybe if political indoctrination was removed from schools people would be more OK with sending their kids there.

Science is not political information.

You buttheads run & circles screaming about the "liberal teachers" yet are too GD stupid to realize Republicans probably control more school districts.
I'd be fine with that and in return homeschooling parents can be exempt from paying taxes to to the public school system.

Sorry taxes don't work that way. Don't ever call the cops or the fire department? Cool, you pay anyway.

Nice try.
Vouchers fix all of that. Give the kid a check, spend at a public school, private school or keep it yourself to home school.

Vouchers are how people want taxpayers to pay them to teach their religion to their children at home. Not all but most, that is how the whole home schooling thing got started.

No problem with teaching your kids at home just don't ask the taxpayers to pay you like a public school teacher. You aren't.

maybe if political indoctrination was removed from schools people would be more OK with sending their kids there.

Science is not political information.

You buttheads run & circles screaming about the "liberal teachers" yet are too GD stupid to realize Republicans probably control more school districts.

It isn't about science and you know it.
Sorry taxes don't work that way. Don't ever call the cops or the fire department? Cool, you pay anyway.

Nice try.
Vouchers fix all of that. Give the kid a check, spend at a public school, private school or keep it yourself to home school.

Vouchers are how people want taxpayers to pay them to teach their religion to their children at home. Not all but most, that is how the whole home schooling thing got started.

No problem with teaching your kids at home just don't ask the taxpayers to pay you like a public school teacher. You aren't.

maybe if political indoctrination was removed from schools people would be more OK with sending their kids there.
What political indoctrination is that? And let us remember that public schools reflect the people who send their children there. They have to with local school boards and county offices of education making most of the decisions....with states providing curriculums that have to be followed.

School boards only reflect the most active parents, and in some places have very little actual power.

Liberal Bias Starts Long Before College

One mom took to social media to display her daughter’s fill-in-the-blank vocabulary quiz that sported questions such as, “It was difficult for me to [blank] my feeling when I learned that Donald J. Trump had been voted in as our 45th President” and “After reading about President Trump’s immigration ban, I did not realize how [blank] the law can be.” More parents at an upscale school in Chicago pushed back when the administration sought to have an all-school social justice day with events such as “Developing a Positive, Accountable White Activism for Racial Civil Rights.” These stories are everywhere, but how many websites, organizations, or network television shows are as dedicated to shedding light on these issues as they are to revealing the issues present on college campuses? None as far as I know.
So you are quoting a biased source as proof of a bias in schools.

Wow Marty, you did get even more dumber than you were yesterday.
Sorry taxes don't work that way. Don't ever call the cops or the fire department? Cool, you pay anyway.

Nice try.
Vouchers fix all of that. Give the kid a check, spend at a public school, private school or keep it yourself to home school.

Vouchers are how people want taxpayers to pay them to teach their religion to their children at home. Not all but most, that is how the whole home schooling thing got started.

No problem with teaching your kids at home just don't ask the taxpayers to pay you like a public school teacher. You aren't.

maybe if political indoctrination was removed from schools people would be more OK with sending their kids there.

Science is not political information.

You buttheads run & circles screaming about the "liberal teachers" yet are too GD stupid to realize Republicans probably control more school districts.

It isn't about science and you know it.

Sure it is. You want to teach how cavemen rode around on dinosaurs. You reject the science of global warming. You reject the science of evolution. You reject our history of slavery & abuse of the Native Americans.
Vouchers fix all of that. Give the kid a check, spend at a public school, private school or keep it yourself to home school.

Vouchers are how people want taxpayers to pay them to teach their religion to their children at home. Not all but most, that is how the whole home schooling thing got started.

No problem with teaching your kids at home just don't ask the taxpayers to pay you like a public school teacher. You aren't.

maybe if political indoctrination was removed from schools people would be more OK with sending their kids there.
What political indoctrination is that? And let us remember that public schools reflect the people who send their children there. They have to with local school boards and county offices of education making most of the decisions....with states providing curriculums that have to be followed.

School boards only reflect the most active parents, and in some places have very little actual power.

Liberal Bias Starts Long Before College

One mom took to social media to display her daughter’s fill-in-the-blank vocabulary quiz that sported questions such as, “It was difficult for me to [blank] my feeling when I learned that Donald J. Trump had been voted in as our 45th President” and “After reading about President Trump’s immigration ban, I did not realize how [blank] the law can be.” More parents at an upscale school in Chicago pushed back when the administration sought to have an all-school social justice day with events such as “Developing a Positive, Accountable White Activism for Racial Civil Rights.” These stories are everywhere, but how many websites, organizations, or network television shows are as dedicated to shedding light on these issues as they are to revealing the issues present on college campuses? None as far as I know.
So you are quoting a biased source as proof of a bias in schools.

Wow Marty, you did get even more dumber than you were yesterday.

It links to examples.

But you ignore them to just give a standard prog response.

Vouchers fix all of that. Give the kid a check, spend at a public school, private school or keep it yourself to home school.

Vouchers are how people want taxpayers to pay them to teach their religion to their children at home. Not all but most, that is how the whole home schooling thing got started.

No problem with teaching your kids at home just don't ask the taxpayers to pay you like a public school teacher. You aren't.

maybe if political indoctrination was removed from schools people would be more OK with sending their kids there.

Science is not political information.

You buttheads run & circles screaming about the "liberal teachers" yet are too GD stupid to realize Republicans probably control more school districts.

It isn't about science and you know it.

Sure it is. You want to teach how cavemen rode around on dinosaurs. You reject the science of global warming. You reject the science of evolution. You reject our history of slavery & abuse of the Native Americans.

I do not reject evolution. I reject the panic over AGW.

I reject concentrating on the bad in our history just because cucks like you feel guilty about it and see it as a way to gain power.
Just keep your noses out of it government. Just more government over reach and privacy intrusion

—They came by the hundreds, perhaps thousands, easily exceeding the capacity of the legislative committee hearing room and making their presence felt throughout the State Capitol. And at the end of a very long day, homeschooling families scored a major victory — defeat of a bill with serious privacy and safety implications.

For more than three hours, families and freedom advocates streamed in front of microphones to state their opposition to California State Assembly Bill 2756. Pacific Justice Institute was also represented and voiced its opposition. Large numbers of opponents made the trek from Southern California, the Bay Area, and every other part of the state. The opponents included a number of professionals, state-credentialed teachers, and self-described progressives and liberal Democrats.

Anti-homeschooling bill defeated in California
So, we should allow children to be educated by dumbass uneducated people? Really?

What kind of parent thinks they know enough?

There are over 1.5 million homeschooled children and the numbers are growing. They do just as well as public schooled in testing
You avoided my question. What makes you think parents are qualified? Why isn't there certification?
Vouchers are how people want taxpayers to pay them to teach their religion to their children at home. Not all but most, that is how the whole home schooling thing got started.

No problem with teaching your kids at home just don't ask the taxpayers to pay you like a public school teacher. You aren't.

maybe if political indoctrination was removed from schools people would be more OK with sending their kids there.
What political indoctrination is that? And let us remember that public schools reflect the people who send their children there. They have to with local school boards and county offices of education making most of the decisions....with states providing curriculums that have to be followed.

School boards only reflect the most active parents, and in some places have very little actual power.

Liberal Bias Starts Long Before College

One mom took to social media to display her daughter’s fill-in-the-blank vocabulary quiz that sported questions such as, “It was difficult for me to [blank] my feeling when I learned that Donald J. Trump had been voted in as our 45th President” and “After reading about President Trump’s immigration ban, I did not realize how [blank] the law can be.” More parents at an upscale school in Chicago pushed back when the administration sought to have an all-school social justice day with events such as “Developing a Positive, Accountable White Activism for Racial Civil Rights.” These stories are everywhere, but how many websites, organizations, or network television shows are as dedicated to shedding light on these issues as they are to revealing the issues present on college campuses? None as far as I know.
So you are quoting a biased source as proof of a bias in schools.

Wow Marty, you did get even more dumber than you were yesterday.

It links to examples.

But you ignore them to just give a standard prog response.

Poor widdle Marty.

I am right & you know it.

'How about examples on your claim?
So, we should allow children to be educated by dumbass uneducated people? Really?

What kind of parent thinks they know enough?

There are over 1.5 million homeschooled children and the numbers are growing. They do just as well as public schooled in testing
So you say, Mal. Where is the evidence of that being true? ( I will add, do special ed homeschooled children get tested at age/grade level like public school special ed students get tested? Do low English Level Learners who speak a different language at home who are homeschooled get tested at age/grade level like public school ELL students get tested?)
I'm so sorry, Mal. Your evidence link didn't come through on your post.
Ah...another typical Mal move....make an assertion and never provide proof. In other words, you just made those numbers up. Surprise!
Just keep your noses out of it government. Just more government over reach and privacy intrusion

—They came by the hundreds, perhaps thousands, easily exceeding the capacity of the legislative committee hearing room and making their presence felt throughout the State Capitol. And at the end of a very long day, homeschooling families scored a major victory — defeat of a bill with serious privacy and safety implications.

For more than three hours, families and freedom advocates streamed in front of microphones to state their opposition to California State Assembly Bill 2756. Pacific Justice Institute was also represented and voiced its opposition. Large numbers of opponents made the trek from Southern California, the Bay Area, and every other part of the state. The opponents included a number of professionals, state-credentialed teachers, and self-described progressives and liberal Democrats.

Anti-homeschooling bill defeated in California
So, we should allow children to be educated by dumbass uneducated people? Really?

What kind of parent thinks they know enough?

There are over 1.5 million homeschooled children and the numbers are growing. They do just as well as public schooled in testing
You avoided my question. What makes you think parents are qualified? Why isn't there certification?

They must be if their students are performing as well as public educated students. In some cases much better.

It's none of your business how a parent chooses to educate THEIR child, none
Sorry taxes don't work that way. Don't ever call the cops or the fire department? Cool, you pay anyway.

Nice try.
Vouchers fix all of that. Give the kid a check, spend at a public school, private school or keep it yourself to home school.

Vouchers are how people want taxpayers to pay them to teach their religion to their children at home. Not all but most, that is how the whole home schooling thing got started.

No problem with teaching your kids at home just don't ask the taxpayers to pay you like a public school teacher. You aren't.

maybe if political indoctrination was removed from schools people would be more OK with sending their kids there.
What political indoctrination is that? And let us remember that public schools reflect the people who send their children there. They have to with local school boards and county offices of education making most of the decisions....with states providing curriculums that have to be followed.

School boards only reflect the most active parents, and in some places have very little actual power.

Liberal Bias Starts Long Before College

One mom took to social media to display her daughter’s fill-in-the-blank vocabulary quiz that sported questions such as, “It was difficult for me to [blank] my feeling when I learned that Donald J. Trump had been voted in as our 45th President” and “After reading about President Trump’s immigration ban, I did not realize how [blank] the law can be.” More parents at an upscale school in Chicago pushed back when the administration sought to have an all-school social justice day with events such as “Developing a Positive, Accountable White Activism for Racial Civil Rights.” These stories are everywhere, but how many websites, organizations, or network television shows are as dedicated to shedding light on these issues as they are to revealing the issues present on college campuses? None as far as I know.
EXACTLY!!!!! I'm glad you recognize that it's all about the ACTIVE parents. If you aren't active, you have no right to whine.
Just keep your noses out of it government. Just more government over reach and privacy intrusion

—They came by the hundreds, perhaps thousands, easily exceeding the capacity of the legislative committee hearing room and making their presence felt throughout the State Capitol. And at the end of a very long day, homeschooling families scored a major victory — defeat of a bill with serious privacy and safety implications.

For more than three hours, families and freedom advocates streamed in front of microphones to state their opposition to California State Assembly Bill 2756. Pacific Justice Institute was also represented and voiced its opposition. Large numbers of opponents made the trek from Southern California, the Bay Area, and every other part of the state. The opponents included a number of professionals, state-credentialed teachers, and self-described progressives and liberal Democrats.

Anti-homeschooling bill defeated in California
So, we should allow children to be educated by dumbass uneducated people? Really?

What kind of parent thinks they know enough?

There are over 1.5 million homeschooled children and the numbers are growing. They do just as well as public schooled in testing
You avoided my question. What makes you think parents are qualified? Why isn't there certification?

They must be if their students are performing as well as public educated students. In some cases much better.

It's none of your business how a parent chooses to educate THEIR child, none
And yet, no evidence provided to back up that assertion, Mal.

( I will add.....what do you think public school students would do if they had 1 to 1 or 2 to 1 or 3 to 1 assess with their teacher?)

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