Anti-homeschooling bill defeated in California

My grandmother was finished with school by the time she was 13. My grandfather was even younger.

And if they were here today, they would put high school graduates and college graduates to shame with their math, their ability to articulate, their ability to write, and their understanding of history.

They attended school part of the year, and the rest of the year, they worked on the family farm (my grandmother) or in the family business (my grandfather). Until they married at about 16, came west, and started their own family.

They never took a handout, they never were dependent upon anybody or the government, and they were voracious readers. Despite living in the mountains without electricity or running water, they were always up to date politically and had firm and educated opinions on all American issues.
How were their computer skills? Their science knowledge?

They knew a man was a man and a women was a woman, a fetus was a baby and killing it was murder..not the bullshit science crap we have today.
My grandmother was finished with school by the time she was 13. My grandfather was even younger.

And if they were here today, they would put high school graduates and college graduates to shame with their math, their ability to articulate, their ability to write, and their understanding of history.

They attended school part of the year, and the rest of the year, they worked on the family farm (my grandmother) or in the family business (my grandfather). Until they married at about 16, came west, and started their own family.

They never took a handout, they never were dependent upon anybody or the government, and they were voracious readers. Despite living in the mountains without electricity or running water, they were always up to date politically and had firm and educated opinions on all American issues.
How were their computer skills? Their science knowledge?

They knew a man was a man and a women was a woman, a fetus was a baby and killing it was murder..not the bullshit science crap we have today.
Actually, they had no idea about X and Y chromosomes and beat up/killed people who were different than themselves.....and had 6th grade educations.
My grandmother was finished with school by the time she was 13. My grandfather was even younger.

And if they were here today, they would put high school graduates and college graduates to shame with their math, their ability to articulate, their ability to write, and their understanding of history.

They attended school part of the year, and the rest of the year, they worked on the family farm (my grandmother) or in the family business (my grandfather). Until they married at about 16, came west, and started their own family.

They never took a handout, they never were dependent upon anybody or the government, and they were voracious readers. Despite living in the mountains without electricity or running water, they were always up to date politically and had firm and educated opinions on all American issues.
How were their computer skills? Their science knowledge?

They knew a man was a man and a women was a woman, a fetus was a baby and killing it was murder..not the bullshit science crap we have today.
Actually, they had no idea about X and Y chromosomes and beat up/killed people who were different than themselves.....and had 6th grade educations.

Yes they did, indoor plumbing they were a girl, outdoor plumbing they were a guy
The idea that we all benefit from public schools is highly debatable.

But more importantly even if we all benefit from roads we do not use no one is forced to use or drive on those roads.

Schools are not so beneficial if people have to be forced to attend and they are.

I don't have a problem with public schools that arise out of social contract. While I whole heartedly support home schooling and think it has proved itself as a true blessing for millions of children, all parents do not have the temperament or ability to home school their kids. That of course is why even the early settlers and pioneers pooled resources to hire teachers for the children. I myself was educated in public schools in which I got an education rivaling most college educations these days and do think there is a place for LOCAL public schools. And I think the federal government should not be involved in those any way.

When the public schools are via social contract you have school board members who are members of the community, parents, and others with a genuine interest in good education instead of social engineering and/or personal political advancement. You have administrators and teachers and parents who operate as a team to see that the kids get the best education possible--and that will be real education in real comprehensive subjects instead of indoctrination/social engineering/political correctness or just memorizing answers long enough to pass a test and make the school look good.

We all do benefit from public roads, even if we don't drive or go anywhere, because they are necessary to drive the economy, transport goods and services, build things, etc. And we all benefit from an educated work force and service industry whether that be electronics, medical, construction, or whatever.

But when we as a nation that spends more on education than any other developed nation are producing less well educated kids than most other developed nations, we should really rethink whether the public education we have is what it should be.
Are you aware that other developed nations only test and measure their top students, their college track students, and usually split off their vocational students at an early age....usually around 10 years old? And here we go by the "all college and career ready" and test ALL our students and use ALL their test results?

I know China will weed out kids & direct them to a particular trade. I spoke with one a few years ago who was in training for airport worker.

I thinbk Germany splits out the college bound from the trades in something like the 9th grade.

Limiting who takes the test is one wasy to boost your school's stats. I have seen it with the SATs when they discourage some kids from taking them.
We aren't talking SATs which are paid for by the student's families....we're talking those spring standardized tests done by states/countries.

Again if you have a credible source to offer, I am more than willing to be educated on that.
Which part are you unable to educate yourself?
Oh, they'll just pass it by decree. Gotta keep those kids learning about fisting and how guns are evil.

View attachment 191321

yes, everyone should be as stupid as trump trolls. right?

can't have kids actually getting an education. must tell them the environment will be healed by G-d, right?
Education? The schools are turning out functional morons faster then you can count,

every place isn't like texas.
Thank God!

you got that right

what a shithole

It seem you know very little about Texas.
yes, everyone should be as stupid as trump trolls. right?

can't have kids actually getting an education. must tell them the environment will be healed by G-d, right?
Education? The schools are turning out functional morons faster then you can count,

every place isn't like texas.
Thank God!

you got that right

what a shithole

It seem you know very little about Texas.

i know a shithole when i see one, s0n

steers and queers
The more fanatical red states have started voting to have taxpayer money paid to homeschooling parents. Home school if you want but pay for it yourself. Stop asking the public to pad your bank account.

I'd be fine with that and in return homeschooling parents can be exempt from paying taxes to to the public school system.

Why? Since I have no kids in school should I get an exemption?

That's bullshit! Homeschoolers pay your taxes like everyone else.
The more fanatical red states have started voting to have taxpayer money paid to homeschooling parents. Home school if you want but pay for it yourself. Stop asking the public to pad your bank account.

I'd be fine with that and in return homeschooling parents can be exempt from paying taxes to to the public school system.
Then since I have no school aged kids, I should be as well, right?

I'd have no problem with that either.

So you want only parents to fund schools? That means every parent gets a bill for an extra for about $15K-$25K year.
The more fanatical red states have started voting to have taxpayer money paid to homeschooling parents. Home school if you want but pay for it yourself. Stop asking the public to pad your bank account.

I'd be fine with that and in return homeschooling parents can be exempt from paying taxes to to the public school system.

Sorry taxes don't work that way. Don't ever call the cops or the fire department? Cool, you pay anyway.

Nice try.
Vouchers fix all of that. Give the kid a check, spend at a public school, private school or keep it yourself to home school.

Just keep your noses out of it government. Just more government over reach and privacy intrusion

—They came by the hundreds, perhaps thousands, easily exceeding the capacity of the legislative committee hearing room and making their presence felt throughout the State Capitol. And at the end of a very long day, homeschooling families scored a major victory — defeat of a bill with serious privacy and safety implications.

For more than three hours, families and freedom advocates streamed in front of microphones to state their opposition to California State Assembly Bill 2756. Pacific Justice Institute was also represented and voiced its opposition. Large numbers of opponents made the trek from Southern California, the Bay Area, and every other part of the state. The opponents included a number of professionals, state-credentialed teachers, and self-described progressives and liberal Democrats.

Anti-homeschooling bill defeated in California
So, we should allow children to be educated by dumbass uneducated people? Really?

What kind of parent thinks they know enough?

There are over 1.5 million homeschooled children and the numbers are growing. They do just as well as public schooled in testing

What testing?
Just keep your noses out of it government. Just more government over reach and privacy intrusion

—They came by the hundreds, perhaps thousands, easily exceeding the capacity of the legislative committee hearing room and making their presence felt throughout the State Capitol. And at the end of a very long day, homeschooling families scored a major victory — defeat of a bill with serious privacy and safety implications.

For more than three hours, families and freedom advocates streamed in front of microphones to state their opposition to California State Assembly Bill 2756. Pacific Justice Institute was also represented and voiced its opposition. Large numbers of opponents made the trek from Southern California, the Bay Area, and every other part of the state. The opponents included a number of professionals, state-credentialed teachers, and self-described progressives and liberal Democrats.

Anti-homeschooling bill defeated in California
So, we should allow children to be educated by dumbass uneducated people? Really?

What kind of parent thinks they know enough?

There are over 1.5 million homeschooled children and the numbers are growing. They do just as well as public schooled in testing
You avoided my question. What makes you think parents are qualified? Why isn't there certification?

They must be if their students are performing as well as public educated students. In some cases much better.

It's none of your business how a parent chooses to educate THEIR child, none

Where is your proof?

You cannot even name theis so-called test that homeschooled students performed as well or better than public schools students. Why? Because it is a bald-faced lie!
Education? The schools are turning out functional morons faster then you can count,

every place isn't like texas.
Thank God!

you got that right

what a shithole

It seem you know very little about Texas.

i know a shithole when i see one, s0n

steers and queers

Interesting so the State of Texas which is minority-majority which mean there is more minorities in the state are all queers to you because you hate the State for it moderate ways of life?

I find it interesting that someone like you that champions for the minority community would write something like that and tell me your opinion is based on your political leaning abd not knowledge of the State...
Not to worry then Sassy - Nobody is going to take away your "degree" from Cletus University :D


Get on topic and cease trolling me.

Then choke on this....home schooled students kick your precious public schooled student's ass. You jack wads just can't fathom you can't get your grimy paws on them

In 2014, around 1.7 million students (mostly high school juniors and seniors) participated in the SAT exam. Administered by the College Board, the SAT is a reasoning test that assesses college-bound students in three main subjects: critical reading, mathematics, and writing. The SAT and the ACT are considered to make up the vast majority of college entrance exams for American students.

NHERI found that 13,549 home school seniors participated in the 2014 SAT. Of those seniors, home schoolers scored an average of 567 in critical reading, 521 in mathematics, and 535 in writing. In comparison, the average SAT scores for all 2014 high school seniors were 497 in critical reading, 513 in mathematics, and 487 in writing.

How Today’s Homeschoolers are Doing on the SAT

The SAT is not required for neither all public school nor home school students. so your point is baseless.

For every home schooled students who made that 521/535 SAT score, there is probably another that cannot spell their own name correctly, but had parents smart enough not to embarrass themselves.
My grandmother was finished with school by the time she was 13. My grandfather was even younger.

And if they were here today, they would put high school graduates and college graduates to shame with their math, their ability to articulate, their ability to write, and their understanding of history.

They attended school part of the year, and the rest of the year, they worked on the family farm (my grandmother) or in the family business (my grandfather). Until they married at about 16, came west, and started their own family.

They never took a handout, they never were dependent upon anybody or the government, and they were voracious readers. Despite living in the mountains without electricity or running water, they were always up to date politically and had firm and educated opinions on all American issues.
How were their computer skills? Their science knowledge?

They knew a man was a man and a women was a woman, a fetus was a baby and killing it was murder..not the bullshit science crap we have today.
Actually, they had no idea about X and Y chromosomes and beat up/killed people who were different than themselves.....and had 6th grade educations.

Yes they did, indoor plumbing they were a girl, outdoor plumbing they were a guy
Not always.
EXACTLY!!!!! I'm glad you recognize that it's all about the ACTIVE parents. If you aren't active, you have no right to whine.

But if I'm fucking paying for it I sure as hell do.
Yes...we all pay for public schools....if you want your local schools to be a certain way, you have to be to the school for the school board....become a teacher (tho teachers have very little power).

The lone voice of reason in a sea of progressive activist mentality doesn't get heard much. If it is too loud, it is generally silenced. The schools didn't become mostly indoctrination institutions overnight and it is unlikely that can be changed overnight. It can be changed but it will require as much determined effort as the progressives put into it in order to dominate U.S. education.
So, you are complaining that the minority in a school district doesn't get their way? If your ideas are so great, why are you not in the majority? Why can't you convince people to vote for you on a school board....why can't you convince a school board to go with your ideas?

I have actually served on a school board, have been President of the PTA, have been homeroom mom, have serve with numerous booster groups, and have taught in the classroom. So I am not making my observations in a vacuum.

This has zero to do with who is the minority or majority in any given school district and everything to do with how the children are educated.
Tell us more about that then.
Not to worry then Sassy - Nobody is going to take away your "degree" from Cletus University :D


Get on topic and cease trolling me.

Then choke on this....home schooled students kick your precious public schooled student's ass. You jack wads just can't fathom you can't get your grimy paws on them

In 2014, around 1.7 million students (mostly high school juniors and seniors) participated in the SAT exam. Administered by the College Board, the SAT is a reasoning test that assesses college-bound students in three main subjects: critical reading, mathematics, and writing. The SAT and the ACT are considered to make up the vast majority of college entrance exams for American students.

NHERI found that 13,549 home school seniors participated in the 2014 SAT. Of those seniors, home schoolers scored an average of 567 in critical reading, 521 in mathematics, and 535 in writing. In comparison, the average SAT scores for all 2014 high school seniors were 497 in critical reading, 513 in mathematics, and 487 in writing.

How Today’s Homeschoolers are Doing on the SAT

The SAT is not required for neither all public school nor home school students. so your point is baseless.

For every home schooled students who made that 521/535 SAT score, there is probably another that cannot spell their own name correctly, but had parents smart enough not to embarrass themselves.

Yeah and public schools are turning out droves of students that don't know math, English, etc. So your point is just as baseless
Get on topic and cease trolling me.

Then choke on this....home schooled students kick your precious public schooled student's ass. You jack wads just can't fathom you can't get your grimy paws on them

In 2014, around 1.7 million students (mostly high school juniors and seniors) participated in the SAT exam. Administered by the College Board, the SAT is a reasoning test that assesses college-bound students in three main subjects: critical reading, mathematics, and writing. The SAT and the ACT are considered to make up the vast majority of college entrance exams for American students.

NHERI found that 13,549 home school seniors participated in the 2014 SAT. Of those seniors, home schoolers scored an average of 567 in critical reading, 521 in mathematics, and 535 in writing. In comparison, the average SAT scores for all 2014 high school seniors were 497 in critical reading, 513 in mathematics, and 487 in writing.

How Today’s Homeschoolers are Doing on the SAT

Your propaganda comes from a home-skoolin' advocacy site. Dismissed.

Some home-skooled kids do better - some worse .. it depends on the teacher. Most parents are NOT qualified.

What is consistent is that home-skooled children are socially underdeveloped.

Missed the references link didn't ya, douche bag?


College Board. (2014a). SAT 2014 college-bound seniors state profile report, U.S. home school students. New York, NY: Author.

College Board. (2014b). SAT 2014 college-bound seniors total group profile report, total group. New York, NY: Author. Retrieved June 7, 2016 from

Gloeckner, Gene W., & Jones, Paul. (2013). Reflections on a decade of changes in homeschooling and homeschooled into higher education. Peabody Journal of Education, 88(3), 309-323.

Murphy, Joseph. (2012). Homeschooling in America: Capturing and assessing the movement. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin, a Sage Company.

Ray, Brian D., & Eagleson, Bruce K. (2008, August 14). State regulation of homeschooling and homeschoolers’ SAT scores. Journal of Academic Leadership, 6(3). Retrieved March 4, 2013 fromCONTENTdm

2014 College Board Program Results: SAT

Those are some real unbiased sources you have there. When are you going to learn that most people are smart enough to spot asinine attempts to pull the wool over people's eyes like you just tried?

Homeschooling is great for some kids. I just don't agree with all of the homeschooling parents who break their own arms by patting themselves on the back for providing bullshit excuses of my they should be worshipped and provided tax relief for doing what the government already provides. If you want a private education for your kids, pay for it. If you want a home-schooled education for your kids, homeschool. Just don't expect me to pay more taxes for your decisions.
Get on topic and cease trolling me.

Then choke on this....home schooled students kick your precious public schooled student's ass. You jack wads just can't fathom you can't get your grimy paws on them

In 2014, around 1.7 million students (mostly high school juniors and seniors) participated in the SAT exam. Administered by the College Board, the SAT is a reasoning test that assesses college-bound students in three main subjects: critical reading, mathematics, and writing. The SAT and the ACT are considered to make up the vast majority of college entrance exams for American students.

NHERI found that 13,549 home school seniors participated in the 2014 SAT. Of those seniors, home schoolers scored an average of 567 in critical reading, 521 in mathematics, and 535 in writing. In comparison, the average SAT scores for all 2014 high school seniors were 497 in critical reading, 513 in mathematics, and 487 in writing.

How Today’s Homeschoolers are Doing on the SAT

Your propaganda comes from a home-skoolin' advocacy site. Dismissed.

Some home-skooled kids do better - some worse .. it depends on the teacher. Most parents are NOT qualified.

What is consistent is that home-skooled children are socially underdeveloped.

Missed the references link didn't ya, douche bag?


College Board. (2014a). SAT 2014 college-bound seniors state profile report, U.S. home school students. New York, NY: Author.

College Board. (2014b). SAT 2014 college-bound seniors total group profile report, total group. New York, NY: Author. Retrieved June 7, 2016 from

Gloeckner, Gene W., & Jones, Paul. (2013). Reflections on a decade of changes in homeschooling and homeschooled into higher education. Peabody Journal of Education, 88(3), 309-323.

Murphy, Joseph. (2012). Homeschooling in America: Capturing and assessing the movement. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin, a Sage Company.

Ray, Brian D., & Eagleson, Bruce K. (2008, August 14). State regulation of homeschooling and homeschoolers’ SAT scores. Journal of Academic Leadership, 6(3). Retrieved March 4, 2013 fromCONTENTdm

2014 College Board Program Results: SAT

Those are some real unbiased sources you have there. When are you going to learn that most people are smart enough to spot asinine attempts to pull the wool over people's eyes like you just tried?

Homeschooling is great for some kids. I just don't agree with all of the homeschooling parents who break their own arms by patting themselves on the back for providing bullshit excuses of my they should be worshipped and provided tax relief for doing what the government already provides. If you want a private education for your kids, pay for it. If you want a home-schooled education for your kids, homeschool. Just don't expect me to pay more taxes for your decisions.
65% of Public School 8th Graders Not Proficient in Reading; 67% Not Proficient in Math
Not to worry then Sassy - Nobody is going to take away your "degree" from Cletus University :D


Get on topic and cease trolling me.

Then choke on this....home schooled students kick your precious public schooled student's ass. You jack wads just can't fathom you can't get your grimy paws on them

In 2014, around 1.7 million students (mostly high school juniors and seniors) participated in the SAT exam. Administered by the College Board, the SAT is a reasoning test that assesses college-bound students in three main subjects: critical reading, mathematics, and writing. The SAT and the ACT are considered to make up the vast majority of college entrance exams for American students.

NHERI found that 13,549 home school seniors participated in the 2014 SAT. Of those seniors, home schoolers scored an average of 567 in critical reading, 521 in mathematics, and 535 in writing. In comparison, the average SAT scores for all 2014 high school seniors were 497 in critical reading, 513 in mathematics, and 487 in writing.

How Today’s Homeschoolers are Doing on the SAT

The SAT is not required for neither all public school nor home school students. so your point is baseless.

For every home schooled students who made that 521/535 SAT score, there is probably another that cannot spell their own name correctly, but had parents smart enough not to embarrass themselves.

Yeah and public schools are turning out droves of students that don't know math, English, etc. So your point is just as baseless

Homeschoolers do the same thing, but are not held to any standard.

If you could have only seen the homeschoolers who were enrolled in public school after their parents failed to educate them, you would only support the highest standards for them to meet. I had Algebra students who could not add, subtract, multiply or divide, yet I had to teach them.
Not to worry then Sassy - Nobody is going to take away your "degree" from Cletus University :D


Get on topic and cease trolling me.

Then choke on this....home schooled students kick your precious public schooled student's ass. You jack wads just can't fathom you can't get your grimy paws on them

In 2014, around 1.7 million students (mostly high school juniors and seniors) participated in the SAT exam. Administered by the College Board, the SAT is a reasoning test that assesses college-bound students in three main subjects: critical reading, mathematics, and writing. The SAT and the ACT are considered to make up the vast majority of college entrance exams for American students.

NHERI found that 13,549 home school seniors participated in the 2014 SAT. Of those seniors, home schoolers scored an average of 567 in critical reading, 521 in mathematics, and 535 in writing. In comparison, the average SAT scores for all 2014 high school seniors were 497 in critical reading, 513 in mathematics, and 487 in writing.

How Today’s Homeschoolers are Doing on the SAT

The SAT is not required for neither all public school nor home school students. so your point is baseless.

For every home schooled students who made that 521/535 SAT score, there is probably another that cannot spell their own name correctly, but had parents smart enough not to embarrass themselves.

Yeah and public schools are turning out droves of students that don't know math, English, etc. So your point is just as baseless

Homeschoolers do the same thing, but are not held to any standard.

If you could have only seen the homeschoolers who were enrolled in public school after their parents failed to educate them, you would only support the highest standards for them to meet. I had Algebra students who could not add, subtract, multiply or divide, yet I had to teach them.

Well it's not like you're biased or anything. Lol

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