Anti-homeschooling bill defeated in California

I don't know what California wanted. The fire inspection thing was nuts. Knowing the names of the homeschoolers was the thing that had me scratching my head. In Maine, you need to notify your school district if you are homeschooling. All children 7 and older have to be enrolled in school or getting educated at home; it's a law.
California doesn't have such a law? They can't just ask the schools for the names of the kids being homeschooled?
The other thing is, why do they want the names? Don't they think the school districts can keep track?
I’d like to see some accountability

Not only know the names but that they are not just sitting home playing video games

My great nephew, the youngest of three boys, was home schooled by his mother who had only a high school education. (His father, my nephew, never went to college either, but has been the most economically successful as a contractor than anybody else in the family.) When my great nephew was ready for high school they enrolled him in the public school. Within two weeks he was begging to come home because he wasn't learning anything he didn't already know and they wasted so much time it was very frustrating and irritating to him. So she got him through high school, he scored in the 90 percentiles in all subjects on his SAT and he graduated from college magna cum laude in four years.

The public schools have become a very non productive learning environment. Volunteering as a tutor at a local elementary school, I am appalled at how much time the kids spend doing nothing at all waiting for something else to happen. The actually learning experience in most public schools these days could easily be condensed into half the time the kids have to be there. So accountability is the least concern I have for home schooled kids which pretty much consistently out perform their public school peers on standardized tests.

Of course there are home schooled kids who are performing sub par--most especially those who are not in a scheduled, structured process. But even those aren't doing as badly as the lower echelon in the public schools.
That’s great to hear
Let students who are excelling in a homeschool environment continue to do so

But not every parent with a high school education is capable of teaching complex subjects or dealing with learning disabilities
Let’s test those students and see how they are performing. Those who are struggling or falling behind should be offered additional resources

Nobody is saying there should be no public schools. . .yet anyway.

There has been ample testing which is how we know that on average the home schooled kids significantly out perform the public schools kids. In at least one study, home schooled high school graduates out performed college seniors at Harvard, Yale, Princeton on various subjects.
HOME-SCHOOLING: Testing proves success of grads

There are no social promotions of home schooled kids. If you have concern whether the kids are getting the attention they need, you might want to look at that practice in the public schools who are churning out under educated/barely educated graduates pretty regularly these days. The very rare under educated home schooled kid probably would have fared just as poorly or even worse in the public schools.
  • The home-educated typically score 15 to 30 percentile points above public-school students on standardized academic achievement tests. (The public school average is the 50th percentile; scores range from 1 to 99.) A 2015 study found Black homeschool students to be scoring 23 to 42 percentile points above Black public school students (Ray, 2015).
  • Homeschool students score above average on achievement tests regardless of their parents’ level of formal education or their family’s household income.
  • Whether homeschool parents were ever certified teachers is not related to their children’s academic achievement.
  • Degree of state control and regulation of homeschooling is not related to academic achievement.
  • Home-educated students typically score above average on the SAT and ACT tests that colleges consider for admissions.
  • Homeschool students are increasingly being actively recruited by colleges.
Research Facts on Homeschooling - National Home Education Research Institute

From your source: "the Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA)"

Now there is a unbiased source for you!

Vouchers fix all of that. Give the kid a check, spend at a public school, private school or keep it yourself to home school.

Vouchers are how people want taxpayers to pay them to teach their religion to their children at home. Not all but most, that is how the whole home schooling thing got started.

No problem with teaching your kids at home just don't ask the taxpayers to pay you like a public school teacher. You aren't.

maybe if political indoctrination was removed from schools people would be more OK with sending their kids there.

Science is not political information.

You buttheads run & circles screaming about the "liberal teachers" yet are too GD stupid to realize Republicans probably control more school districts.

It isn't about science and you know it.

Sure it is. You want to teach how cavemen rode around on dinosaurs. You reject the science of global warming. You reject the science of evolution. You reject our history of slavery & abuse of the Native Americans.
First of all you should educate yourself you silly little fucker.
Teach your kids what you want to stay the fuck out of other peoples lives and Meddling little motherfucker.
global warming is a Ponzi scheme
The big bang did not produce anything... Because it didn’t fucking happen
The original slaveowners on this continent were Indians, they enslaved and tortured anybody they disagreed with. Learn some fucking history you mental midget
I don't know what California wanted. The fire inspection thing was nuts. Knowing the names of the homeschoolers was the thing that had me scratching my head. In Maine, you need to notify your school district if you are homeschooling. All children 7 and older have to be enrolled in school or getting educated at home; it's a law.
California doesn't have such a law? They can't just ask the schools for the names of the kids being homeschooled?
The other thing is, why do they want the names? Don't they think the school districts can keep track?
I’d like to see some accountability

Not only know the names but that they are not just sitting home playing video games

My great nephew, the youngest of three boys, was home schooled by his mother who had only a high school education. (His father, my nephew, never went to college either, but has been the most economically successful as a contractor than anybody else in the family.) When my great nephew was ready for high school they enrolled him in the public school. Within two weeks he was begging to come home because he wasn't learning anything he didn't already know and they wasted so much time it was very frustrating and irritating to him. So she got him through high school, he scored in the 90 percentiles in all subjects on his SAT and he graduated from college magna cum laude in four years.

The public schools have become a very non productive learning environment. Volunteering as a tutor at a local elementary school, I am appalled at how much time the kids spend doing nothing at all waiting for something else to happen. The actually learning experience in most public schools these days could easily be condensed into half the time the kids have to be there. So accountability is the least concern I have for home schooled kids which pretty much consistently out perform their public school peers on standardized tests.

Of course there are home schooled kids who are performing sub par--most especially those who are not in a scheduled, structured process. But even those aren't doing as badly as the lower echelon in the public schools.
That’s great to hear
Let students who are excelling in a homeschool environment continue to do so

But not every parent with a high school education is capable of teaching complex subjects or dealing with learning disabilities
Let’s test those students and see how they are performing. Those who are struggling or falling behind should be offered additional resources

Nobody is saying there should be no public schools. . .yet anyway.

There has been ample testing which is how we know that on average the home schooled kids significantly out perform the public schools kids. In at least one study, home schooled high school graduates out performed college seniors at Harvard, Yale, Princeton on various subjects.
HOME-SCHOOLING: Testing proves success of grads

There are no social promotions of home schooled kids. If you have concern whether the kids are getting the attention they need, you might want to look at that practice in the public schools who are churning out under educated/barely educated graduates pretty regularly these days. The very rare under educated home schooled kid probably would have fared just as poorly or even worse in the public schools.
  • The home-educated typically score 15 to 30 percentile points above public-school students on standardized academic achievement tests. (The public school average is the 50th percentile; scores range from 1 to 99.) A 2015 study found Black homeschool students to be scoring 23 to 42 percentile points above Black public school students (Ray, 2015).
  • Homeschool students score above average on achievement tests regardless of their parents’ level of formal education or their family’s household income.
  • Whether homeschool parents were ever certified teachers is not related to their children’s academic achievement.
  • Degree of state control and regulation of homeschooling is not related to academic achievement.
  • Home-educated students typically score above average on the SAT and ACT tests that colleges consider for admissions.
  • Homeschool students are increasingly being actively recruited by colleges.
Research Facts on Homeschooling - National Home Education Research Institute

From your source: "the Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA)"

Now there is a unbiased source for you!

Sources are included at the end of the article. Jus sayin
That is dishonest.

When you private schoolers run around citing how great your schools are doing compared to public school, at lreasdrt have the honesty to be outright with the facts.

Obviously, when the private school only accepts the best students, its outcomes will be better than the public schools which must educate all comers.

This is why you are such a fraud.

I simply stated a fact, for your information if a parent has the tuition most any private school will accept their long as they meet and sustain the school's guidelines and rules. There are students who struggle at our children's schools, there are bullies, etc but the difference is the schools are not bound to tolerate that shit, straighten up, fly right or try another school
Nope...private schools get to pick and choose who they will accept, Mal. And everyone private school around here include in their guidelines and rules that parents HAVE TO volunteer a certain amount of time at the school and in fundraising in order for their child to remain at that school.

Public schools as they stand right now, have no such power.

You don't have the first clue. Of course you've most likely never dealt with a private school so it's expected

Bodecea is 100% correct and you should be embarrassed that you are wrong, Ms. "My kids go to private schools".

Yes they do go to private schools so I don't have a dog in this fight. Think hard "public school educator". Or do they teach that in public schools?

I retired! Thank you! I got tired of the abuse by undereducated parents and elected officials.
I simply stated a fact, for your information if a parent has the tuition most any private school will accept their long as they meet and sustain the school's guidelines and rules. There are students who struggle at our children's schools, there are bullies, etc but the difference is the schools are not bound to tolerate that shit, straighten up, fly right or try another school
Nope...private schools get to pick and choose who they will accept, Mal. And everyone private school around here include in their guidelines and rules that parents HAVE TO volunteer a certain amount of time at the school and in fundraising in order for their child to remain at that school.

Public schools as they stand right now, have no such power.

You don't have the first clue. Of course you've most likely never dealt with a private school so it's expected

Bodecea is 100% correct and you should be embarrassed that you are wrong, Ms. "My kids go to private schools".

Yes they do go to private schools so I don't have a dog in this fight. Think hard "public school educator". Or do they teach that in public schools?

I retired! Thank you! I got tired of the abuse by undereducated parents and elected officials.

Hard job...enjoy your retirement
I’d like to see some accountability

Not only know the names but that they are not just sitting home playing video games

My great nephew, the youngest of three boys, was home schooled by his mother who had only a high school education. (His father, my nephew, never went to college either, but has been the most economically successful as a contractor than anybody else in the family.) When my great nephew was ready for high school they enrolled him in the public school. Within two weeks he was begging to come home because he wasn't learning anything he didn't already know and they wasted so much time it was very frustrating and irritating to him. So she got him through high school, he scored in the 90 percentiles in all subjects on his SAT and he graduated from college magna cum laude in four years.

The public schools have become a very non productive learning environment. Volunteering as a tutor at a local elementary school, I am appalled at how much time the kids spend doing nothing at all waiting for something else to happen. The actually learning experience in most public schools these days could easily be condensed into half the time the kids have to be there. So accountability is the least concern I have for home schooled kids which pretty much consistently out perform their public school peers on standardized tests.

Of course there are home schooled kids who are performing sub par--most especially those who are not in a scheduled, structured process. But even those aren't doing as badly as the lower echelon in the public schools.
That’s great to hear
Let students who are excelling in a homeschool environment continue to do so

But not every parent with a high school education is capable of teaching complex subjects or dealing with learning disabilities
Let’s test those students and see how they are performing. Those who are struggling or falling behind should be offered additional resources

Nobody is saying there should be no public schools. . .yet anyway.

There has been ample testing which is how we know that on average the home schooled kids significantly out perform the public schools kids. In at least one study, home schooled high school graduates out performed college seniors at Harvard, Yale, Princeton on various subjects.
HOME-SCHOOLING: Testing proves success of grads

There are no social promotions of home schooled kids. If you have concern whether the kids are getting the attention they need, you might want to look at that practice in the public schools who are churning out under educated/barely educated graduates pretty regularly these days. The very rare under educated home schooled kid probably would have fared just as poorly or even worse in the public schools.
  • The home-educated typically score 15 to 30 percentile points above public-school students on standardized academic achievement tests. (The public school average is the 50th percentile; scores range from 1 to 99.) A 2015 study found Black homeschool students to be scoring 23 to 42 percentile points above Black public school students (Ray, 2015).
  • Homeschool students score above average on achievement tests regardless of their parents’ level of formal education or their family’s household income.
  • Whether homeschool parents were ever certified teachers is not related to their children’s academic achievement.
  • Degree of state control and regulation of homeschooling is not related to academic achievement.
  • Home-educated students typically score above average on the SAT and ACT tests that colleges consider for admissions.
  • Homeschool students are increasingly being actively recruited by colleges.
Research Facts on Homeschooling - National Home Education Research Institute

From your source: "the Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA)"

Now there is a unbiased source for you!

Sources are included at the end of the article. Jus sayin

They are all biased. I have a Master's degree in education. I spent two years studying this issue. What is your experience? Private school Mom?
Nope...private schools get to pick and choose who they will accept, Mal. And everyone private school around here include in their guidelines and rules that parents HAVE TO volunteer a certain amount of time at the school and in fundraising in order for their child to remain at that school.

Public schools as they stand right now, have no such power.

You don't have the first clue. Of course you've most likely never dealt with a private school so it's expected

Bodecea is 100% correct and you should be embarrassed that you are wrong, Ms. "My kids go to private schools".

Yes they do go to private schools so I don't have a dog in this fight. Think hard "public school educator". Or do they teach that in public schools?

I retired! Thank you! I got tired of the abuse by undereducated parents and elected officials.

Hard job...enjoy your retirement

I have 10 more years until I can actually retire and enjoy myself. Now, I occupy myself working for a defense contractor.
My great nephew, the youngest of three boys, was home schooled by his mother who had only a high school education. (His father, my nephew, never went to college either, but has been the most economically successful as a contractor than anybody else in the family.) When my great nephew was ready for high school they enrolled him in the public school. Within two weeks he was begging to come home because he wasn't learning anything he didn't already know and they wasted so much time it was very frustrating and irritating to him. So she got him through high school, he scored in the 90 percentiles in all subjects on his SAT and he graduated from college magna cum laude in four years.

The public schools have become a very non productive learning environment. Volunteering as a tutor at a local elementary school, I am appalled at how much time the kids spend doing nothing at all waiting for something else to happen. The actually learning experience in most public schools these days could easily be condensed into half the time the kids have to be there. So accountability is the least concern I have for home schooled kids which pretty much consistently out perform their public school peers on standardized tests.

Of course there are home schooled kids who are performing sub par--most especially those who are not in a scheduled, structured process. But even those aren't doing as badly as the lower echelon in the public schools.
That’s great to hear
Let students who are excelling in a homeschool environment continue to do so

But not every parent with a high school education is capable of teaching complex subjects or dealing with learning disabilities
Let’s test those students and see how they are performing. Those who are struggling or falling behind should be offered additional resources

Nobody is saying there should be no public schools. . .yet anyway.

There has been ample testing which is how we know that on average the home schooled kids significantly out perform the public schools kids. In at least one study, home schooled high school graduates out performed college seniors at Harvard, Yale, Princeton on various subjects.
HOME-SCHOOLING: Testing proves success of grads

There are no social promotions of home schooled kids. If you have concern whether the kids are getting the attention they need, you might want to look at that practice in the public schools who are churning out under educated/barely educated graduates pretty regularly these days. The very rare under educated home schooled kid probably would have fared just as poorly or even worse in the public schools.
  • The home-educated typically score 15 to 30 percentile points above public-school students on standardized academic achievement tests. (The public school average is the 50th percentile; scores range from 1 to 99.) A 2015 study found Black homeschool students to be scoring 23 to 42 percentile points above Black public school students (Ray, 2015).
  • Homeschool students score above average on achievement tests regardless of their parents’ level of formal education or their family’s household income.
  • Whether homeschool parents were ever certified teachers is not related to their children’s academic achievement.
  • Degree of state control and regulation of homeschooling is not related to academic achievement.
  • Home-educated students typically score above average on the SAT and ACT tests that colleges consider for admissions.
  • Homeschool students are increasingly being actively recruited by colleges.
Research Facts on Homeschooling - National Home Education Research Institute

From your source: "the Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA)"

Now there is a unbiased source for you!

Sources are included at the end of the article. Jus sayin

They are all biased. I have a Master's degree in education. I spent two years studying this issue. What is your experience? Private school Mom?

Three years on the school board and raising seven children aka students. Gave up on the board because it was too much and I grew weary of budgets, let someone else deal with the headaches
Get on topic and cease trolling me.

Then choke on this....home schooled students kick your precious public schooled student's ass. You jack wads just can't fathom you can't get your grimy paws on them

In 2014, around 1.7 million students (mostly high school juniors and seniors) participated in the SAT exam. Administered by the College Board, the SAT is a reasoning test that assesses college-bound students in three main subjects: critical reading, mathematics, and writing. The SAT and the ACT are considered to make up the vast majority of college entrance exams for American students.

NHERI found that 13,549 home school seniors participated in the 2014 SAT. Of those seniors, home schoolers scored an average of 567 in critical reading, 521 in mathematics, and 535 in writing. In comparison, the average SAT scores for all 2014 high school seniors were 497 in critical reading, 513 in mathematics, and 487 in writing.

How Today’s Homeschoolers are Doing on the SAT

Your propaganda comes from a home-skoolin' advocacy site. Dismissed.

Some home-skooled kids do better - some worse .. it depends on the teacher. Most parents are NOT qualified.

What is consistent is that home-skooled children are socially underdeveloped.

Missed the references link didn't ya, douche bag?


College Board. (2014a). SAT 2014 college-bound seniors state profile report, U.S. home school students. New York, NY: Author.

College Board. (2014b). SAT 2014 college-bound seniors total group profile report, total group. New York, NY: Author. Retrieved June 7, 2016 from

Gloeckner, Gene W., & Jones, Paul. (2013). Reflections on a decade of changes in homeschooling and homeschooled into higher education. Peabody Journal of Education, 88(3), 309-323.

Murphy, Joseph. (2012). Homeschooling in America: Capturing and assessing the movement. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin, a Sage Company.

Ray, Brian D., & Eagleson, Bruce K. (2008, August 14). State regulation of homeschooling and homeschoolers’ SAT scores. Journal of Academic Leadership, 6(3). Retrieved March 4, 2013 fromCONTENTdm

2014 College Board Program Results: SAT

Those are some real unbiased sources you have there. When are you going to learn that most people are smart enough to spot asinine attempts to pull the wool over people's eyes like you just tried?

Homeschooling is great for some kids. I just don't agree with all of the homeschooling parents who break their own arms by patting themselves on the back for providing bullshit excuses of my they should be worshipped and provided tax relief for doing what the government already provides. If you want a private education for your kids, pay for it. If you want a home-schooled education for your kids, homeschool. Just don't expect me to pay more taxes for your decisions.
The federal government should have zero say, Because you can’t get any more corrupt than the federal government...
People should not be forced into paying for other people’s education under any circumstance.
Not to worry then Sassy - Nobody is going to take away your "degree" from Cletus University :D


Get on topic and cease trolling me.

Then choke on this....home schooled students kick your precious public schooled student's ass. You jack wads just can't fathom you can't get your grimy paws on them

In 2014, around 1.7 million students (mostly high school juniors and seniors) participated in the SAT exam. Administered by the College Board, the SAT is a reasoning test that assesses college-bound students in three main subjects: critical reading, mathematics, and writing. The SAT and the ACT are considered to make up the vast majority of college entrance exams for American students.

NHERI found that 13,549 home school seniors participated in the 2014 SAT. Of those seniors, home schoolers scored an average of 567 in critical reading, 521 in mathematics, and 535 in writing. In comparison, the average SAT scores for all 2014 high school seniors were 497 in critical reading, 513 in mathematics, and 487 in writing.

How Today’s Homeschoolers are Doing on the SAT

The SAT is not required for neither all public school nor home school students. so your point is baseless.

For every home schooled students who made that 521/535 SAT score, there is probably another that cannot spell their own name correctly, but had parents smart enough not to embarrass themselves.

Yeah and public schools are turning out droves of students that don't know math, English, etc. So your point is just as baseless

Homeschoolers do the same thing, but are not held to any standard.

If you could have only seen the homeschoolers who were enrolled in public school after their parents failed to educate them, you would only support the highest standards for them to meet. I had Algebra students who could not add, subtract, multiply or divide, yet I had to teach them.
You are stereotyping, my kids are way ahead of their peers along with most of the homeschool kids in this community
Not to worry then Sassy - Nobody is going to take away your "degree" from Cletus University :D


Get on topic and cease trolling me.

Then choke on this....home schooled students kick your precious public schooled student's ass. You jack wads just can't fathom you can't get your grimy paws on them

In 2014, around 1.7 million students (mostly high school juniors and seniors) participated in the SAT exam. Administered by the College Board, the SAT is a reasoning test that assesses college-bound students in three main subjects: critical reading, mathematics, and writing. The SAT and the ACT are considered to make up the vast majority of college entrance exams for American students.

NHERI found that 13,549 home school seniors participated in the 2014 SAT. Of those seniors, home schoolers scored an average of 567 in critical reading, 521 in mathematics, and 535 in writing. In comparison, the average SAT scores for all 2014 high school seniors were 497 in critical reading, 513 in mathematics, and 487 in writing.

How Today’s Homeschoolers are Doing on the SAT

The SAT is not required for neither all public school nor home school students. so your point is baseless.

For every home schooled students who made that 521/535 SAT score, there is probably another that cannot spell their own name correctly, but had parents smart enough not to embarrass themselves.

Yeah and public schools are turning out droves of students that don't know math, English, etc. So your point is just as baseless

Homeschoolers do the same thing, but are not held to any standard.

If you could have only seen the homeschoolers who were enrolled in public school after their parents failed to educate them, you would only support the highest standards for them to meet. I had Algebra students who could not add, subtract, multiply or divide, yet I had to teach them.
You are stereotyping, my kids are way ahead of their peers along with most of the homeschool kids in this community

Our oldests ran into a home schooled debate team...damn good. Very intelligent and completely professional. Impressive set of students.

I'm sure there are home schooled kids who struggle but that's the case in all education settings
Your propaganda comes from a home-skoolin' advocacy site. Dismissed.

Some home-skooled kids do better - some worse .. it depends on the teacher. Most parents are NOT qualified.

What is consistent is that home-skooled children are socially underdeveloped.

Missed the references link didn't ya, douche bag?


College Board. (2014a). SAT 2014 college-bound seniors state profile report, U.S. home school students. New York, NY: Author.

College Board. (2014b). SAT 2014 college-bound seniors total group profile report, total group. New York, NY: Author. Retrieved June 7, 2016 from

Gloeckner, Gene W., & Jones, Paul. (2013). Reflections on a decade of changes in homeschooling and homeschooled into higher education. Peabody Journal of Education, 88(3), 309-323.

Murphy, Joseph. (2012). Homeschooling in America: Capturing and assessing the movement. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin, a Sage Company.

Ray, Brian D., & Eagleson, Bruce K. (2008, August 14). State regulation of homeschooling and homeschoolers’ SAT scores. Journal of Academic Leadership, 6(3). Retrieved March 4, 2013 fromCONTENTdm

2014 College Board Program Results: SAT

Those are some real unbiased sources you have there. When are you going to learn that most people are smart enough to spot asinine attempts to pull the wool over people's eyes like you just tried?

Homeschooling is great for some kids. I just don't agree with all of the homeschooling parents who break their own arms by patting themselves on the back for providing bullshit excuses of my they should be worshipped and provided tax relief for doing what the government already provides. If you want a private education for your kids, pay for it. If you want a home-schooled education for your kids, homeschool. Just don't expect me to pay more taxes for your decisions.
65% of Public School 8th Graders Not Proficient in Reading; 67% Not Proficient in Math

Your point is?

Take hundreds of thousands of poor Detroit students and average them in with hundreds of thousands of other Michigan students, what will your percentages look like?

Most people, apparently including you, suck at statistics.

Poor you trying to defend the failure of public education..

Will you get angry again and call my husband a wife beater?

No, you aren't worth getting my hands dirty.
The SAT is not required for neither all public school nor home school students. so your point is baseless.

For every home schooled students who made that 521/535 SAT score, there is probably another that cannot spell their own name correctly, but had parents smart enough not to embarrass themselves.

Yeah and public schools are turning out droves of students that don't know math, English, etc. So your point is just as baseless

Homeschoolers do the same thing, but are not held to any standard.

If you could have only seen the homeschoolers who were enrolled in public school after their parents failed to educate them, you would only support the highest standards for them to meet. I had Algebra students who could not add, subtract, multiply or divide, yet I had to teach them.

Well it's not like you're biased or anything. Lol

I am not biased. I know the truth because I saw it, up close and personal.

You can't say the same.

You don't know what I've seen. Cease thinking you do.

There are successes and failures in public schools, private schools and home schools.

Exactly, but you point your finger at public schools every time.
That’s great to hear
Let students who are excelling in a homeschool environment continue to do so

But not every parent with a high school education is capable of teaching complex subjects or dealing with learning disabilities
Let’s test those students and see how they are performing. Those who are struggling or falling behind should be offered additional resources

Nobody is saying there should be no public schools. . .yet anyway.

There has been ample testing which is how we know that on average the home schooled kids significantly out perform the public schools kids. In at least one study, home schooled high school graduates out performed college seniors at Harvard, Yale, Princeton on various subjects.
HOME-SCHOOLING: Testing proves success of grads

There are no social promotions of home schooled kids. If you have concern whether the kids are getting the attention they need, you might want to look at that practice in the public schools who are churning out under educated/barely educated graduates pretty regularly these days. The very rare under educated home schooled kid probably would have fared just as poorly or even worse in the public schools.
  • The home-educated typically score 15 to 30 percentile points above public-school students on standardized academic achievement tests. (The public school average is the 50th percentile; scores range from 1 to 99.) A 2015 study found Black homeschool students to be scoring 23 to 42 percentile points above Black public school students (Ray, 2015).
  • Homeschool students score above average on achievement tests regardless of their parents’ level of formal education or their family’s household income.
  • Whether homeschool parents were ever certified teachers is not related to their children’s academic achievement.
  • Degree of state control and regulation of homeschooling is not related to academic achievement.
  • Home-educated students typically score above average on the SAT and ACT tests that colleges consider for admissions.
  • Homeschool students are increasingly being actively recruited by colleges.
Research Facts on Homeschooling - National Home Education Research Institute

From your source: "the Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA)"

Now there is a unbiased source for you!

Sources are included at the end of the article. Jus sayin

They are all biased. I have a Master's degree in education. I spent two years studying this issue. What is your experience? Private school Mom?

Three years on the school board and raising seven children aka students. Gave up on the board because it was too much and I grew weary of budgets, let someone else deal with the headaches

So, you wimped out. Got it!
Nobody is saying there should be no public schools. . .yet anyway.

There has been ample testing which is how we know that on average the home schooled kids significantly out perform the public schools kids. In at least one study, home schooled high school graduates out performed college seniors at Harvard, Yale, Princeton on various subjects.
HOME-SCHOOLING: Testing proves success of grads

There are no social promotions of home schooled kids. If you have concern whether the kids are getting the attention they need, you might want to look at that practice in the public schools who are churning out under educated/barely educated graduates pretty regularly these days. The very rare under educated home schooled kid probably would have fared just as poorly or even worse in the public schools.
  • The home-educated typically score 15 to 30 percentile points above public-school students on standardized academic achievement tests. (The public school average is the 50th percentile; scores range from 1 to 99.) A 2015 study found Black homeschool students to be scoring 23 to 42 percentile points above Black public school students (Ray, 2015).
  • Homeschool students score above average on achievement tests regardless of their parents’ level of formal education or their family’s household income.
  • Whether homeschool parents were ever certified teachers is not related to their children’s academic achievement.
  • Degree of state control and regulation of homeschooling is not related to academic achievement.
  • Home-educated students typically score above average on the SAT and ACT tests that colleges consider for admissions.
  • Homeschool students are increasingly being actively recruited by colleges.
Research Facts on Homeschooling - National Home Education Research Institute

From your source: "the Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA)"

Now there is a unbiased source for you!

Sources are included at the end of the article. Jus sayin

They are all biased. I have a Master's degree in education. I spent two years studying this issue. What is your experience? Private school Mom?

Three years on the school board and raising seven children aka students. Gave up on the board because it was too much and I grew weary of budgets, let someone else deal with the headaches

So, you wimped out. Got it!

Priorities. Our children are paramount and it was taking too much time away from them

If all you want to do is spar I'm done
From your source: "the Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA)"

Now there is a unbiased source for you!

Sources are included at the end of the article. Jus sayin

They are all biased. I have a Master's degree in education. I spent two years studying this issue. What is your experience? Private school Mom?

Three years on the school board and raising seven children aka students. Gave up on the board because it was too much and I grew weary of budgets, let someone else deal with the headaches

So, you wimped out. Got it!

Priorities. Our children are paramount and it was taking too much time away from them

If all you want to do is spar I'm done

You can't hang with me anyhow!

Sources are included at the end of the article. Jus sayin

They are all biased. I have a Master's degree in education. I spent two years studying this issue. What is your experience? Private school Mom?

Three years on the school board and raising seven children aka students. Gave up on the board because it was too much and I grew weary of budgets, let someone else deal with the headaches

So, you wimped out. Got it!

Priorities. Our children are paramount and it was taking too much time away from them

If all you want to do is spar I'm done

You can't hang with me anyhow!


Yeah you're a legend....
Your propaganda comes from a home-skoolin' advocacy site. Dismissed.

Some home-skooled kids do better - some worse .. it depends on the teacher. Most parents are NOT qualified.

What is consistent is that home-skooled children are socially underdeveloped.

Missed the references link didn't ya, douche bag?


College Board. (2014a). SAT 2014 college-bound seniors state profile report, U.S. home school students. New York, NY: Author.

College Board. (2014b). SAT 2014 college-bound seniors total group profile report, total group. New York, NY: Author. Retrieved June 7, 2016 from

Gloeckner, Gene W., & Jones, Paul. (2013). Reflections on a decade of changes in homeschooling and homeschooled into higher education. Peabody Journal of Education, 88(3), 309-323.

Murphy, Joseph. (2012). Homeschooling in America: Capturing and assessing the movement. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin, a Sage Company.

Ray, Brian D., & Eagleson, Bruce K. (2008, August 14). State regulation of homeschooling and homeschoolers’ SAT scores. Journal of Academic Leadership, 6(3). Retrieved March 4, 2013 fromCONTENTdm

2014 College Board Program Results: SAT

Those are some real unbiased sources you have there. When are you going to learn that most people are smart enough to spot asinine attempts to pull the wool over people's eyes like you just tried?

Homeschooling is great for some kids. I just don't agree with all of the homeschooling parents who break their own arms by patting themselves on the back for providing bullshit excuses of my they should be worshipped and provided tax relief for doing what the government already provides. If you want a private education for your kids, pay for it. If you want a home-schooled education for your kids, homeschool. Just don't expect me to pay more taxes for your decisions.
65% of Public School 8th Graders Not Proficient in Reading; 67% Not Proficient in Math

Your point is?

Take hundreds of thousands of poor Detroit students and average them in with hundreds of thousands of other Michigan students, what will your percentages look like?

Most people, apparently including you, suck at statistics.

Poor you trying to defend the failure of public education..

Will you get angry again and call my husband a wife beater?
Actually, we all have a lot of sympathy for your husband
every place isn't like texas.
Thank God!

you got that right

what a shithole

It seem you know very little about Texas.

i know a shithole when i see one, s0n

steers and queers

Interesting so the State of Texas which is minority-majority which mean there is more minorities in the state are all queers to you because you hate the State for it moderate ways of life?

I find it interesting that someone like you that champions for the minority community would write something like that and tell me your opinion is based on your political leaning abd not knowledge of the State...

you can believe whatever you want, cowboy

i have no fucks to give
That is dishonest.

When you private schoolers run around citing how great your schools are doing compared to public school, at lreasdrt have the honesty to be outright with the facts.

Obviously, when the private school only accepts the best students, its outcomes will be better than the public schools which must educate all comers.

This is why you are such a fraud.

I simply stated a fact, for your information if a parent has the tuition most any private school will accept their long as they meet and sustain the school's guidelines and rules. There are students who struggle at our children's schools, there are bullies, etc but the difference is the schools are not bound to tolerate that shit, straighten up, fly right or try another school
Nope...private schools get to pick and choose who they will accept, Mal. And everyone private school around here include in their guidelines and rules that parents HAVE TO volunteer a certain amount of time at the school and in fundraising in order for their child to remain at that school.

Public schools as they stand right now, have no such power.

You don't have the first clue. Of course you've most likely never dealt with a private school so it's expected
Within 5 miles of where I live now are 6 private schools...I have some friends who either have or had kids at those schools. I grew up in Western NY where you couldn't throw a rock without hitting a Catholic parochial school....again, friends and one side of the family members went to one or more of those schools. ALL require by contract parental participation of some kind or another. They CAN demand that....after all, if a parent can't volunteer, they can always take their child elsewhere.

Public schools, Mal, have no such power. Do you deny that?

Lose your idiotic "mal" crap and you may get a discussion...and again the thread is on homeschooling, not private schools.

And finally, it's the parent's choice, not yours. Too bad so fucking sad
And, Mal, I agree it's the parents', why can't it be the school's choice too? Choice is good. Make parents teach their children if they are behaving in such a way to take the teacher's time away from actual teaching. They are time thieves.

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