Anti-Islam ads on NYC buses. Whose side are you on?

You ran this BS by me before. Instead of just taking the quiz like many Islamapologists previously have done, you come up with these cute little scenarios to weasel your way out of taking the Quiz. You're just another know-nothing QUIZ ZERO, except with less balls than the others. How about the question I asked Coyote, in Post # 172. Are you so paralyzed with fear of your own ignorance, that you can't even even answer that ?

And if you've read all those books that you claim you have, then you ought to be able to come out from under that desk you're hiding, and take the Islamization Quiz and pass it, right ? Right, Osomir ? Right ? Right ?

And you said you didn't find it intimidating. Well, then you should have no problem taking the Quiz, right ? Right ? Apparently you DO find it intimidating. Proof ? You haven't taken it,, and you've had a year to do so since I first offered.

1.) You offered it to me first in Feb. That wasn't a year ago.

2.) I don't find it intimidating at all, in fact I find it mostly amusing and a little telling as to your blind spots as well as indicative of being vastly over confident in yourself. I find it even more amusing that you hide behind this quiz so often when talking about Islam but that you aren't man enough to take one of your own. I've already told you that I would be perfectly willing to take your quiz if you are willing to show the same courtesy and put in the same effort by taking one of the same length from me, we can even go tit for tat if you'd like one "question" at a time I'll answer one of yours for every one of mine. If you're too unsure of your own knowledge base to take me up on my offer than so be it; you were last time too.
I've offered the quiz to about 100 posters. Most of them punked out and, like you, got a zero by default. About 2 dozen took the quiz, and did awful with it. No one cowardly tried to talk or connive his way out of it, by proposing some kind of deal, and pretending this was a "courtesy". You just use that as an excuse to duck the quiz. Like I said before , you'er the same as the other Islamaologists except, unlike you, they had enough integrity to be honest about it

And yes, you are intimidated. If not, you would have not yammered about this or that and just took the quiz like all the others. I suggest you don't adopt con jobbing as an occupation, MR QUIZ ZERO.
and muslims world over are ----more or less "arab" fied

Can you support this assertion with any data?

I have experience ------not "DATA" I did not publish a study------btw-----my clinical experience is accepted as
expert testimony in court. Muslims ----world over.... use Arabic names. and use verbal expressions which are Arabic. Muslims engage in ARAB customs-----including both male and female circumcision and adopt
"arab" forms of clothing. Muslms, world over----to a more or less extent-----favor "arab cuisine"------(except Iranians who GAG) Muslims ----world over-----learn
the arab sponsored islamo Nazi propaganda which was largely generated in Syria and Egypt post world war II.

Muslims of south east asia disdain hindu culture in its entirety----including the cuisine, the music, the clothing and art----- ----but do claim some of it as their own which they tend to define as "muslim" or "moghul". Utter rejection of "other" is a characteristic of arab culture as
we have seen so vigorously, recently, in the massive destruction of pre Islamic "stuff" in both Iraq and in Afghanistan ------
Islam lost its distinct connection to Arabization and Arab Empire with the formation of the Abbasid Caliphate in the 8th century. Trying to equate Islam with simple Arab imperialism, especially since perhaps the best known Islamic "Imperialist" power was the Turkish Ottoman Empire is just silly. Calling Islam 'Arab imperialism' represents a poor understanding of basic Islamic history post 8th century.

Sura 8:39 (and dozens and dozens of others) contradict your claims.

No they don't.
You seem to know about them. Now try reading some REAL books. Like the ones listed in Post # 151.

The ones it took you 14 years to read? No wonder you don't read books by actual historians or experts - it would take an entire lifetime.
You haven't read the books, You don't know the FACTS. You don't know who the experts are. You could discuss needlepoint.

I don't know needlepoint but I do know facts and how to seperate fact from fiction.
You know facts, do you ? Who's Lina Morales ? Who is Salim Mulla ? Who is Hesham Islam ? Who is Susan Douglas ? Who is Rita Verdonk ? Who is Ahmed Salam ? Who is Chris Gaubatz ? Who is Peter DiGangi ? And what are their relationships to Islamization ? If someone else answers for you, I'll take that to mean you have no clue.

She can't control who posts, it's pretty illogical for you to assume that if say I answered those questions that it would mean she didn't know. I also find it amusing that you attempt to tell people they know nothing about Islam by attempting to post the most obscure references from your list from specific cases of what you consider to be "Islamitization" or Stealth Jihad instead of posting, say significant Islamist ideologues. "Let's see here, woman who was fired for eating a bacon sandwich vs the father of modern Jihadism. . . I know I'll go with the sandwich girl!" You reek of insecurity.
That's exactly what YOU do, and the proof of it is you're talking about it. Those who are secure, don't talk about insecurity. Try to remember that, and you won't make the same mistake again.

I didn't say Coyote controls who posts. You said that. And the references from my quiz that I asked here what not most or least obscure, I just picked them randomely. Actually, about half of them are very well-known to protectionists, but to airhead Islamapologists, who knows what you might think. ? This is a subject well outside your domain, which you know nothing about.

You are struggling to maintain some dignity here (with an offense-defense), but with every post you post, more time passes, and you are just farther away from when I first challenged you with the Islamization Quiz, which you know you can't handle, and you're fooling no one, with your drawn out schemes and games. Grow up.
You ran this BS by me before. Instead of just taking the quiz like many Islamapologists previously have done, you come up with these cute little scenarios to weasel your way out of taking the Quiz. You're just another know-nothing QUIZ ZERO, except with less balls than the others. How about the question I asked Coyote, in Post # 172. Are you so paralyzed with fear of your own ignorance, that you can't even even answer that ?

And if you've read all those books that you claim you have, then you ought to be able to come out from under that desk you're hiding, and take the Islamization Quiz and pass it, right ? Right, Osomir ? Right ? Right ?

And you said you didn't find it intimidating. Well, then you should have no problem taking the Quiz, right ? Right ? Apparently you DO find it intimidating. Proof ? You haven't taken it,, and you've had a year to do so since I first offered.

1.) You offered it to me first in Feb. That wasn't a year ago.

2.) I don't find it intimidating at all, in fact I find it mostly amusing and a little telling as to your blind spots as well as indicative of being vastly over confident in yourself. I find it even more amusing that you hide behind this quiz so often when talking about Islam but that you aren't man enough to take one of your own. I've already told you that I would be perfectly willing to take your quiz if you are willing to show the same courtesy and put in the same effort by taking one of the same length from me, we can even go tit for tat if you'd like one "question" at a time I'll answer one of yours for every one of mine. If you're too unsure of your own knowledge base to take me up on my offer than so be it; you were last time too.
I've offered the quiz to about 100 posters. Most of them punked out and, like you, got a zero by default. About 2 dozen took the quiz, and did awful with it. No one cowardly tried to talk or connive his way out of it, by proposing some kind of deal, and pretending this was a "courtesy". You just use that as an excuse to duck the quiz. Like I said before , you'er the same as the other Islamaologists except, unlike you, they had enough integrity to be honest about it

And yes, you are intimidated. If not, you would have not yammered about this or that and just took the quiz like all the others. I suggest you don't adopt con jobbing as an occupation, MR QUIZ ZERO.

I am offering to take it right now so your contention that I refuse to take it is bunk. What I am asking you to do is to man up and take one yourself. We can take them together. Or are you going to wuss out like you accuse all of those "Islamaologists" (whatever that means) of doing? It's time for you to put up or shut up there sport. What's it going to be?
Last edited:
and muslims world over are ----more or less "arab" fied

Can you support this assertion with any data?

I have experience ------not "DATA" I did not publish a study------btw-----my clinical experience is accepted as
expert testimony in court. Muslims ----world over.... use Arabic names. and use verbal expressions which are Arabic. Muslims engage in ARAB customs-----including both male and female circumcision and adopt
"arab" forms of clothing. Muslms, world over----to a more or less extent-----favor "arab cuisine"------(except Iranians who GAG) Muslims ----world over-----learn
the arab sponsored islamo Nazi propaganda which was largely generated in Syria and Egypt post world war II.

Muslims of south east asia disdain hindu culture in its entirety----including the cuisine, the music, the clothing and art----- ----but do claim some of it as their own which they tend to define as "muslim" or "moghul". Utter rejection of "other" is a characteristic of arab culture as
we have seen so vigorously, recently, in the massive destruction of pre Islamic "stuff" in both Iraq and in Afghanistan ------

Let me know when you have the ability to prove your claims outside of simply yelling "because I say so!".
Islam lost its distinct connection to Arabization and Arab Empire with the formation of the Abbasid Caliphate in the 8th century. Trying to equate Islam with simple Arab imperialism, especially since perhaps the best known Islamic "Imperialist" power was the Turkish Ottoman Empire is just silly. Calling Islam 'Arab imperialism' represents a poor understanding of basic Islamic history post 8th century.

Sura 8:39 (and dozens and dozens of others) contradict your claims.

The very fabric of the ideology in question is extremely imperialistic.
Of course it is. The Koran is littered with it, and it provides the ideology for all Muslims who read the Koran, whether Arabs or not. I'm beginning to wonder why I, or any of us, waste our time talking to Osimir.
Islamic imperialism lost aspects of it "ARAB" nature because it ADOPTED ----INCORPORTATED
conquered areas and ideologies and the accomplishments thereof as "ARAB/MUSLIM"-------even today-----
"muslim architecture" and "muslim cuisine" and
"muslim philosophy" and "muslim science"-----
is considered SYNONYMOUS with "arab architecture"
and "arab cuisine" and "arab philosophy" and
"arab science"-----when in FACT all are products of
the lands and peoples conquered by MUSLIM IMPERIALISM.
You ran this BS by me before. Instead of just taking the quiz like many Islamapologists previously have done, you come up with these cute little scenarios to weasel your way out of taking the Quiz. You're just another know-nothing QUIZ ZERO, except with less balls than the others. How about the question I asked Coyote, in Post # 172. Are you so paralyzed with fear of your own ignorance, that you can't even even answer that ?

And if you've read all those books that you claim you have, then you ought to be able to come out from under that desk you're hiding, and take the Islamization Quiz and pass it, right ? Right, Osomir ? Right ? Right ?

And you said you didn't find it intimidating. Well, then you should have no problem taking the Quiz, right ? Right ? Apparently you DO find it intimidating. Proof ? You haven't taken it,, and you've had a year to do so since I first offered.

1.) You offered it to me first in Feb. That wasn't a year ago.

2.) I don't find it intimidating at all, in fact I find it mostly amusing and a little telling as to your blind spots as well as indicative of being vastly over confident in yourself. I find it even more amusing that you hide behind this quiz so often when talking about Islam but that you aren't man enough to take one of your own. I've already told you that I would be perfectly willing to take your quiz if you are willing to show the same courtesy and put in the same effort by taking one of the same length from me, we can even go tit for tat if you'd like one "question" at a time I'll answer one of yours for every one of mine. If you're too unsure of your own knowledge base to take me up on my offer than so be it; you were last time too.
I've offered the quiz to about 100 posters. Most of them punked out and, like you, got a zero by default. About 2 dozen took the quiz, and did awful with it. No one cowardly tried to talk or connive his way out of it, by proposing some kind of deal, and pretending this was a "courtesy". You just use that as an excuse to duck the quiz. Like I said before , you'er the same as the other Islamaologists except, unlike you, they had enough integrity to be honest about it

And yes, you are intimidated. If not, you would have not yammered about this or that and just took the quiz like all the others. I suggest you don't adopt con jobbing as an occupation, MR QUIZ ZERO.

I am offering to take it right now so your contention that I refuse to take it is bunk. What I am asking you to do is to man up and take one yourself. Or are you going to wuss out like you accuse all of those "Islamaologists" (whatever that means) of doing? It's time for you to put up or shut up there sport. What's it going to be?
I challenged you to take the Quiz just the same as everyone else. They didn't ask me anything. They just took the quiz. You can't do that. You're the only yellow wuss here, and you know it, and all your cute little games don't change that one iota. :biggrin:
and muslims world over are ----more or less "arab" fied

Can you support this assertion with any data?

I have experience ------not "DATA" I did not publish a study------btw-----my clinical experience is accepted as
expert testimony in court. Muslims ----world over.... use Arabic names. and use verbal expressions which are Arabic. Muslims engage in ARAB customs-----including both male and female circumcision and adopt
"arab" forms of clothing. Muslms, world over----to a more or less extent-----favor "arab cuisine"------(except Iranians who GAG) Muslims ----world over-----learn
the arab sponsored islamo Nazi propaganda which was largely generated in Syria and Egypt post world war II.

Muslims of south east asia disdain hindu culture in its entirety----including the cuisine, the music, the clothing and art----- ----but do claim some of it as their own which they tend to define as "muslim" or "moghul". Utter rejection of "other" is a characteristic of arab culture as
we have seen so vigorously, recently, in the massive destruction of pre Islamic "stuff" in both Iraq and in Afghanistan ------

Let me know when you have the ability to prove your claims outside of simply yelling "because I say so!".

my clinical experience is accepted in USA courts of law--------without your silly "because I say so...."
You ran this BS by me before. Instead of just taking the quiz like many Islamapologists previously have done, you come up with these cute little scenarios to weasel your way out of taking the Quiz. You're just another know-nothing QUIZ ZERO, except with less balls than the others. How about the question I asked Coyote, in Post # 172. Are you so paralyzed with fear of your own ignorance, that you can't even even answer that ?

And if you've read all those books that you claim you have, then you ought to be able to come out from under that desk you're hiding, and take the Islamization Quiz and pass it, right ? Right, Osomir ? Right ? Right ?

And you said you didn't find it intimidating. Well, then you should have no problem taking the Quiz, right ? Right ? Apparently you DO find it intimidating. Proof ? You haven't taken it,, and you've had a year to do so since I first offered.

1.) You offered it to me first in Feb. That wasn't a year ago.

2.) I don't find it intimidating at all, in fact I find it mostly amusing and a little telling as to your blind spots as well as indicative of being vastly over confident in yourself. I find it even more amusing that you hide behind this quiz so often when talking about Islam but that you aren't man enough to take one of your own. I've already told you that I would be perfectly willing to take your quiz if you are willing to show the same courtesy and put in the same effort by taking one of the same length from me, we can even go tit for tat if you'd like one "question" at a time I'll answer one of yours for every one of mine. If you're too unsure of your own knowledge base to take me up on my offer than so be it; you were last time too.
I've offered the quiz to about 100 posters. Most of them punked out and, like you, got a zero by default. About 2 dozen took the quiz, and did awful with it. No one cowardly tried to talk or connive his way out of it, by proposing some kind of deal, and pretending this was a "courtesy". You just use that as an excuse to duck the quiz. Like I said before , you'er the same as the other Islamaologists except, unlike you, they had enough integrity to be honest about it

And yes, you are intimidated. If not, you would have not yammered about this or that and just took the quiz like all the others. I suggest you don't adopt con jobbing as an occupation, MR QUIZ ZERO.

I am offering to take it right now so your contention that I refuse to take it is bunk. What I am asking you to do is to man up and take one yourself. Or are you going to wuss out like you accuse all of those "Islamaologists" (whatever that means) of doing? It's time for you to put up or shut up there sport. What's it going to be?
I challenged you to take the Quiz just the same as everyone else. They didn't ask me anything. They just took the quiz. You can't do that. You're the only yellow wuss here, and you know it, and all your cute little games don't change that one iota. :biggrin:

Thought you'd refuse to do what you are expecting others to do MR. ZERO :wink: Let me know when you're ready to put your proverbial money where your mouth is. .
and muslims world over are ----more or less "arab" fied

Can you support this assertion with any data?

I have experience ------not "DATA" I did not publish a study------btw-----my clinical experience is accepted as
expert testimony in court. Muslims ----world over.... use Arabic names. and use verbal expressions which are Arabic. Muslims engage in ARAB customs-----including both male and female circumcision and adopt
"arab" forms of clothing. Muslms, world over----to a more or less extent-----favor "arab cuisine"------(except Iranians who GAG) Muslims ----world over-----learn
the arab sponsored islamo Nazi propaganda which was largely generated in Syria and Egypt post world war II.

Muslims of south east asia disdain hindu culture in its entirety----including the cuisine, the music, the clothing and art----- ----but do claim some of it as their own which they tend to define as "muslim" or "moghul". Utter rejection of "other" is a characteristic of arab culture as
we have seen so vigorously, recently, in the massive destruction of pre Islamic "stuff" in both Iraq and in Afghanistan ------

Let me know when you have the ability to prove your claims outside of simply yelling "because I say so!".

my clinical experience is accepted in USA courts of law--------without your silly "because I say so...."

No it isn't.
1. Spellings aren't too important. I'm not even going to bother looking up if your are right or not. Could be you're wrong and you don't even know it. I've had people ignorantly "correct" me (they thought) about the spelling the word Koran. It has more than one accepted spelling.

2. Yes I post one Islamization Quiz. One some Islamapologist comes along and gets better than a 5% on this initial one, maybe I'll post another. But that wouldn't be you. So far, you've gotten a ZERO.

3. Reading 25 books is pretty impressive, and in my case it's MUCH more than just 25 books. It is the books and reports of MOST of the FOOTNOTES in those 25 books, and the further links coming from those links. That's why it takes a long time to cover all this ground. It take time when you really dig into it, in depth as you would surely not have done if you had read 50 books since the start of 2015. But since you of course did NOT do that we hardly need to talk about it, except just raise the flag for it.


Being that I'll guess you're capable of reading ONE BOOK this month, here's a list of some of the books I've read (and recommend). If you read any one of them, you just might be able to top the highest grade the Islamapologists have gotten so far (5%). AND YOU'LL LEARN A LOT.

The Grand Jihad: How Islam and the Left Sabotage America ---- by Andrew McCarthy

American Jihad: The Terrorists Living Among Us ----- by Steven Emerson

Because They Hate ---- by Brigitte Gabriel

They Must Be Stopped ------ by Brigitte Gabriel

Hating America ------ by John Gibson

Stop the Islamization of America ----- by Pamela Geller

Secrets of the Kingdom: The Inside Story of the Secret Saudi-U.S. Connection ------ by Gerald Posner

Stealth Jihad ----- by Robert Spencer

The Brotherhood: America's Next Great Enemy ------ by Erik Stakelbeck

Outrage ----- by Dick Morris & Eileen McGann

Infiltration ------ by Paul Sperry

The 9/11 Commission Report

The Truth About Muhammad ------ by Robert Spencer

In Mortal Danger ------- by Tom Tancredo

State of Emergency ----- by Pat Buchanan

Muslim Mafia ----- by P.David Gaubatz & Paul Sperry
all that reading and not an ounce of knowledge to be gained.
you're living in an echo chamber.
A lot of knowledge > which you don't have. Want to find out how much ? Take the Islamization Quiz. Right now. Or else run home to mommy.
Take the quiz designed by the echo chamber for the echo chamber? No thanks
Ran home to mommy. When I was in school, if you stayed home the day of a test, you got a zero. That's your grade for the Islamization Quiz. Let me know if you want to take the quiz, MR QUIZ ZERO.
let me know if you ever get free of the echo chamber.

Seriously, why didn't you include any actual scholarly books? How about books from real experts? Books with counter opinions or different takes?

It's because you aren't interested in learning, you just want your already formed opinions confirmed, so you look exclusively for "sources" to do that.
The books I listed ARE FROM REAL EXPERTS, and the FACTS within them confirm that. Such as the 52 CAIR internal documents published in Muslim Mafia, which CAIR mistakenly thought Chris Gaubatz was shredding (just one example). As for counter "opinions" I've heard most, if not all, of them, Ho hum.

PS - I have no idea what this "echo chamber" is you keep blabbing about, but that's OK.
all that reading and not an ounce of knowledge to be gained.
you're living in an echo chamber.
A lot of knowledge > which you don't have. Want to find out how much ? Take the Islamization Quiz. Right now. Or else run home to mommy.
Take the quiz designed by the echo chamber for the echo chamber? No thanks
Ran home to mommy. When I was in school, if you stayed home the day of a test, you got a zero. That's your grade for the Islamization Quiz. Let me know if you want to take the quiz, MR QUIZ ZERO.
let me know if you ever get free of the echo chamber.

Seriously, why didn't you include any actual scholarly books? How about books from real experts? Books with counter opinions or different takes?

It's because you aren't interested in learning, you just want your already formed opinions confirmed, so you look exclusively for "sources" to do that.
The books I listed ARE FROM REAL EXPERTS, and the FACTS within them confirm that. Such as the 52 CAIR internal documents published in Muslim Mafia, which CAIR mistakenly thought Chris Gaubatz was shredding (just one example). As for counter "opinions" I've heard most, if not all, of them, Ho hum.

PS - I have no idea what this "echo chamber" is you keep blabbing about, but that's OK.

I get the sense that you wouldn't score too well on your own quiz.
You ran this BS by me before. Instead of just taking the quiz like many Islamapologists previously have done, you come up with these cute little scenarios to weasel your way out of taking the Quiz. You're just another know-nothing QUIZ ZERO, except with less balls than the others. How about the question I asked Coyote, in Post # 172. Are you so paralyzed with fear of your own ignorance, that you can't even even answer that ?

And if you've read all those books that you claim you have, then you ought to be able to come out from under that desk you're hiding, and take the Islamization Quiz and pass it, right ? Right, Osomir ? Right ? Right ?

And you said you didn't find it intimidating. Well, then you should have no problem taking the Quiz, right ? Right ? Apparently you DO find it intimidating. Proof ? You haven't taken it,, and you've had a year to do so since I first offered.

1.) You offered it to me first in Feb. That wasn't a year ago.

2.) I don't find it intimidating at all, in fact I find it mostly amusing and a little telling as to your blind spots as well as indicative of being vastly over confident in yourself. I find it even more amusing that you hide behind this quiz so often when talking about Islam but that you aren't man enough to take one of your own. I've already told you that I would be perfectly willing to take your quiz if you are willing to show the same courtesy and put in the same effort by taking one of the same length from me, we can even go tit for tat if you'd like one "question" at a time I'll answer one of yours for every one of mine. If you're too unsure of your own knowledge base to take me up on my offer than so be it; you were last time too.
I've offered the quiz to about 100 posters. Most of them punked out and, like you, got a zero by default. About 2 dozen took the quiz, and did awful with it. No one cowardly tried to talk or connive his way out of it, by proposing some kind of deal, and pretending this was a "courtesy". You just use that as an excuse to duck the quiz. Like I said before , you'er the same as the other Islamaologists except, unlike you, they had enough integrity to be honest about it

And yes, you are intimidated. If not, you would have not yammered about this or that and just took the quiz like all the others. I suggest you don't adopt con jobbing as an occupation, MR QUIZ ZERO.

I am offering to take it right now so your contention that I refuse to take it is bunk. What I am asking you to do is to man up and take one yourself. Or are you going to wuss out like you accuse all of those "Islamaologists" (whatever that means) of doing? It's time for you to put up or shut up there sport. What's it going to be?
I challenged you to take the Quiz just the same as everyone else. They didn't ask me anything. They just took the quiz. You can't do that. You're the only yellow wuss here, and you know it, and all your cute little games don't change that one iota. :biggrin:

Thought you'd refuse to do what you are expecting others to do MR. ZERO :wink: Let me know when you're ready to put your proverbial money where your mouth is. .
Forget it. I'm not bowing to any of your connives. And I'm not allowing you to dictate anyting. You just can't handle the quiz, you can;t handle the humiliation of that, and you can't deal with any of this honestly like everyone else. You're a gutless coward hiding behind your schemes. Ho hum.
A lot of knowledge > which you don't have. Want to find out how much ? Take the Islamization Quiz. Right now. Or else run home to mommy.
Take the quiz designed by the echo chamber for the echo chamber? No thanks
Ran home to mommy. When I was in school, if you stayed home the day of a test, you got a zero. That's your grade for the Islamization Quiz. Let me know if you want to take the quiz, MR QUIZ ZERO.
let me know if you ever get free of the echo chamber.

Seriously, why didn't you include any actual scholarly books? How about books from real experts? Books with counter opinions or different takes?

It's because you aren't interested in learning, you just want your already formed opinions confirmed, so you look exclusively for "sources" to do that.
The books I listed ARE FROM REAL EXPERTS, and the FACTS within them confirm that. Such as the 52 CAIR internal documents published in Muslim Mafia, which CAIR mistakenly thought Chris Gaubatz was shredding (just one example). As for counter "opinions" I've heard most, if not all, of them, Ho hum.

PS - I have no idea what this "echo chamber" is you keep blabbing about, but that's OK.

I get the sense that you wouldn't score too well on your own quiz.
Yeah ? Well I said before I know who/what all the items are. And I stand behind that. Not only that, but I'll even source-tell you what books, and the pages numbers they came from. You want to quiz me on it ? Go ahead. I'm not a wuss like you.

And every item I identify, that will be one more that I identified, AND YOU DIDN'T.
and muslims world over are ----more or less "arab" fied

Can you support this assertion with any data?

I have experience ------not "DATA" I did not publish a study------btw-----my clinical experience is accepted as
expert testimony in court. Muslims ----world over.... use Arabic names. and use verbal expressions which are Arabic. Muslims engage in ARAB customs-----including both male and female circumcision and adopt
"arab" forms of clothing. Muslms, world over----to a more or less extent-----favor "arab cuisine"------(except Iranians who GAG) Muslims ----world over-----learn
the arab sponsored islamo Nazi propaganda which was largely generated in Syria and Egypt post world war II.

Muslims of south east asia disdain hindu culture in its entirety----including the cuisine, the music, the clothing and art----- ----but do claim some of it as their own which they tend to define as "muslim" or "moghul". Utter rejection of "other" is a characteristic of arab culture as
we have seen so vigorously, recently, in the massive destruction of pre Islamic "stuff" in both Iraq and in Afghanistan ------

Let me know when you have the ability to prove your claims outside of simply yelling "because I say so!".

my clinical experience is accepted in USA courts of law--------without your silly "because I say so...."

No it isn't.

yeah----it is------I did not suggest that my observations
on muslims are. I am stating that people who have
experience can LOGICALLY present it as a form of "data" "THAT WHICH I HAVE OBSERVED"
1.) You offered it to me first in Feb. That wasn't a year ago.

2.) I don't find it intimidating at all, in fact I find it mostly amusing and a little telling as to your blind spots as well as indicative of being vastly over confident in yourself. I find it even more amusing that you hide behind this quiz so often when talking about Islam but that you aren't man enough to take one of your own. I've already told you that I would be perfectly willing to take your quiz if you are willing to show the same courtesy and put in the same effort by taking one of the same length from me, we can even go tit for tat if you'd like one "question" at a time I'll answer one of yours for every one of mine. If you're too unsure of your own knowledge base to take me up on my offer than so be it; you were last time too.
I've offered the quiz to about 100 posters. Most of them punked out and, like you, got a zero by default. About 2 dozen took the quiz, and did awful with it. No one cowardly tried to talk or connive his way out of it, by proposing some kind of deal, and pretending this was a "courtesy". You just use that as an excuse to duck the quiz. Like I said before , you'er the same as the other Islamaologists except, unlike you, they had enough integrity to be honest about it

And yes, you are intimidated. If not, you would have not yammered about this or that and just took the quiz like all the others. I suggest you don't adopt con jobbing as an occupation, MR QUIZ ZERO.

I am offering to take it right now so your contention that I refuse to take it is bunk. What I am asking you to do is to man up and take one yourself. Or are you going to wuss out like you accuse all of those "Islamaologists" (whatever that means) of doing? It's time for you to put up or shut up there sport. What's it going to be?
I challenged you to take the Quiz just the same as everyone else. They didn't ask me anything. They just took the quiz. You can't do that. You're the only yellow wuss here, and you know it, and all your cute little games don't change that one iota. :biggrin:

Thought you'd refuse to do what you are expecting others to do MR. ZERO :wink: Let me know when you're ready to put your proverbial money where your mouth is. .
Forget it. I'm not bowing to any of your connives. And I'm not allowing you to dictate anyting. You just can't handle the quiz, you can;t handle the humiliation of that, and you can't deal with any of this honestly like everyone else. You're a gutless coward hiding behind your schemes. Ho hum.

Since it doesn't look like I am going to be able to take you up on your offer since you refuse to take a quiz yourself, I am curious as to what your answers are for some of the terms on your own quiz:

the Mahdi, Al-Ansar, Sayyid Quth, Janjaweed, Dinka tribe.

Five questions from your own quiz. Can you even answers these?
Can you support this assertion with any data?

I have experience ------not "DATA" I did not publish a study------btw-----my clinical experience is accepted as
expert testimony in court. Muslims ----world over.... use Arabic names. and use verbal expressions which are Arabic. Muslims engage in ARAB customs-----including both male and female circumcision and adopt
"arab" forms of clothing. Muslms, world over----to a more or less extent-----favor "arab cuisine"------(except Iranians who GAG) Muslims ----world over-----learn
the arab sponsored islamo Nazi propaganda which was largely generated in Syria and Egypt post world war II.

Muslims of south east asia disdain hindu culture in its entirety----including the cuisine, the music, the clothing and art----- ----but do claim some of it as their own which they tend to define as "muslim" or "moghul". Utter rejection of "other" is a characteristic of arab culture as
we have seen so vigorously, recently, in the massive destruction of pre Islamic "stuff" in both Iraq and in Afghanistan ------

Let me know when you have the ability to prove your claims outside of simply yelling "because I say so!".

my clinical experience is accepted in USA courts of law--------without your silly "because I say so...."

No it isn't.

yeah----it is------I did not suggest that my observations
on muslims are. I am stating that people who have
experience can LOGICALLY present it as a form of "data" "THAT WHICH I HAVE OBSERVED"

It isn't a compelling form of data, especially since you are an anonymous poster on a forum board and can easily claim whatever you'd like. Let me know when you have something tangible that you can actually use to back up your claims.
Take the quiz designed by the echo chamber for the echo chamber? No thanks
Ran home to mommy. When I was in school, if you stayed home the day of a test, you got a zero. That's your grade for the Islamization Quiz. Let me know if you want to take the quiz, MR QUIZ ZERO.
let me know if you ever get free of the echo chamber.

Seriously, why didn't you include any actual scholarly books? How about books from real experts? Books with counter opinions or different takes?

It's because you aren't interested in learning, you just want your already formed opinions confirmed, so you look exclusively for "sources" to do that.
The books I listed ARE FROM REAL EXPERTS, and the FACTS within them confirm that. Such as the 52 CAIR internal documents published in Muslim Mafia, which CAIR mistakenly thought Chris Gaubatz was shredding (just one example). As for counter "opinions" I've heard most, if not all, of them, Ho hum.

PS - I have no idea what this "echo chamber" is you keep blabbing about, but that's OK.

I get the sense that you wouldn't score too well on your own quiz.
Yeah ? Well I said before I know who/what all the items are. And I stand behind that. Not only that, but I'll even source-tell you what books, and the pages numbers they came from. You want to quiz me on it ? Go ahead. I'm not a wuss like you.

And every item I identify, that will be one more that I identified, AND YOU DIDN'T.

the Mahdi, Al-Ansar, Sayyid Quth, Janjaweed, Dinka tribe.

Five questions from your own quiz. Can you even answers these?

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