Anti-Islam ads on NYC buses. Whose side are you on?

European borders were generally poorly reflective of Arab identities as well. Here is a rough picture of different lingual sub-cultures within Arabic interposed over a modern map of the region:


European borders were generally poorly reflective of Arab identities as well. Here is a rough picture of different lingual sub-cultures within Arabic interposed over a modern map of the region:

Interesting to look at that in the light of current conflicts.
yes it would----that is why islamo Nazi pigs tried to create a libel against Ms Pam Geller claiming that she justified
a massacre of children

When you spend an entire blog entry claiming out of one side of your mouth that you do not support his actions (about 2 sentences) and then the rest justifying it and excusing it, it's no libel. But hey - she's Bievnik's idol and your hero! :)

I don't know about BIEVNIK-------but until the current
event--------I never read a single article she wrote----or accessed her web site. I am not even sure what the meeting in GARLAND TEXAS was all about-----but am looking into it. You make a lot of strange assumptions.
Geller did not JUSTIFY the actions of Bievnik-----she discussed them. Your friend Penelope is more into
justifying your and her hero ADOLF HITLER than Pam Geller justified Bievnik

For someone who knows nothing about Geller you spend a lot of time defending her and claiming libel :lol:

P.S. I've never defended Hitler, now you're just throwing mud ;)

you have never objected to the fact that your good friend,
PENELOPE does-------

Sure I have. You just don't read it.

your statement that I spend lots of time DEFENDING pam geller is yet another of your filthy lies. I have never mentioned her at all-----although she was often mentioned on this message board in the past ------until this VERY RECENT episode. It was only since the episode became an issue that I took a look at
her stuff--------why do you lie so frequently? I never accessed her website----because I do not USE websites
devoted to a POV -----even the websites of those I consider very fair scholars------like ROBERT SPENCER
(his book was very fine----accurate and scholarly and worth reading)

Well you certainly jumped into several Geller threads hear roaring to her defense :lol:

no you haven't-----and you lied again-----I CORRECTLY stated that I have taken an interest for the FIRST TIME
because of the recent event in Garland Texas------I have never JUMPED before the goons came out with machine guns for allah
When you spend an entire blog entry claiming out of one side of your mouth that you do not support his actions (about 2 sentences) and then the rest justifying it and excusing it, it's no libel. But hey - she's Bievnik's idol and your hero! :)

I don't know about BIEVNIK-------but until the current
event--------I never read a single article she wrote----or accessed her web site. I am not even sure what the meeting in GARLAND TEXAS was all about-----but am looking into it. You make a lot of strange assumptions.
Geller did not JUSTIFY the actions of Bievnik-----she discussed them. Your friend Penelope is more into
justifying your and her hero ADOLF HITLER than Pam Geller justified Bievnik

For someone who knows nothing about Geller you spend a lot of time defending her and claiming libel :lol:

P.S. I've never defended Hitler, now you're just throwing mud ;)

you have never objected to the fact that your good friend,
PENELOPE does-------

Sure I have. You just don't read it.

your statement that I spend lots of time DEFENDING pam geller is yet another of your filthy lies. I have never mentioned her at all-----although she was often mentioned on this message board in the past ------until this VERY RECENT episode. It was only since the episode became an issue that I took a look at
her stuff--------why do you lie so frequently? I never accessed her website----because I do not USE websites
devoted to a POV -----even the websites of those I consider very fair scholars------like ROBERT SPENCER
(his book was very fine----accurate and scholarly and worth reading)

Well you certainly jumped into several Geller threads hear roaring to her defense :lol:

no you haven't-----and you lied again----

Holocaust deniers US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

-I CORRECTLY stated that I have taken an interest for the FIRST TIME
because of the recent event in Garland Texas------I have never JUMPED before the goons came out with machine guns for allah

Well you sure seem to be coming to her defense and ignoring the fact she justifies the mass murder of children and calls for the deportation and murder (if they resist) of Muslims.
European borders were generally poorly reflective of Arab identities as well. Here is a rough picture of different lingual sub-cultures within Arabic interposed over a modern map of the region:


LOL oh gee----blame "EUROPEAN BORDERS" what borders were there before? were OTTOMAN borders better? well---actually all was vague and BALESTiNE barely existed as a "place"----but there was something called SYRIA -----no Jordan----Jordan was probably Palestine----sorta ----or part of Syria ----sorta ----the people who did have a notion as to what ---constituted PALESTINE----were jews----all along
I don't know about BIEVNIK-------but until the current
event--------I never read a single article she wrote----or accessed her web site. I am not even sure what the meeting in GARLAND TEXAS was all about-----but am looking into it. You make a lot of strange assumptions.
Geller did not JUSTIFY the actions of Bievnik-----she discussed them. Your friend Penelope is more into
justifying your and her hero ADOLF HITLER than Pam Geller justified Bievnik

For someone who knows nothing about Geller you spend a lot of time defending her and claiming libel :lol:

P.S. I've never defended Hitler, now you're just throwing mud ;)

you have never objected to the fact that your good friend,
PENELOPE does-------

Sure I have. You just don't read it.

your statement that I spend lots of time DEFENDING pam geller is yet another of your filthy lies. I have never mentioned her at all-----although she was often mentioned on this message board in the past ------until this VERY RECENT episode. It was only since the episode became an issue that I took a look at
her stuff--------why do you lie so frequently? I never accessed her website----because I do not USE websites
devoted to a POV -----even the websites of those I consider very fair scholars------like ROBERT SPENCER
(his book was very fine----accurate and scholarly and worth reading)

Well you certainly jumped into several Geller threads hear roaring to her defense :lol:

no you haven't-----and you lied again----

Holocaust deniers US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

-I CORRECTLY stated that I have taken an interest for the FIRST TIME
because of the recent event in Garland Texas------I have never JUMPED before the goons came out with machine guns for allah

Well you sure seem to be coming to her defense and ignoring the fact she justifies the mass murder of children and calls for the deportation and murder (if they resist) of Muslims.

no she doesn't
oh gee----a year ago coyote told sunni that the holocause was well documented and has ignored the DENIALS by both Penelope and sunni that any of it ever happened
oh gee----a year ago coyote told sunni that the holocause was well documented and has ignored the DENIALS by both Penelope and sunni that any of it ever happened

I think one lengthy thread is enough time spent on that topic don't you Rosie? It's just going to be the same crap hashed over and over. Say it once and be done with it.
For someone who knows nothing about Geller you spend a lot of time defending her and claiming libel :lol:

P.S. I've never defended Hitler, now you're just throwing mud ;)

you have never objected to the fact that your good friend,
PENELOPE does-------

Sure I have. You just don't read it.

your statement that I spend lots of time DEFENDING pam geller is yet another of your filthy lies. I have never mentioned her at all-----although she was often mentioned on this message board in the past ------until this VERY RECENT episode. It was only since the episode became an issue that I took a look at
her stuff--------why do you lie so frequently? I never accessed her website----because I do not USE websites
devoted to a POV -----even the websites of those I consider very fair scholars------like ROBERT SPENCER
(his book was very fine----accurate and scholarly and worth reading)

Well you certainly jumped into several Geller threads hear roaring to her defense :lol:

no you haven't-----and you lied again----

Holocaust deniers US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

-I CORRECTLY stated that I have taken an interest for the FIRST TIME
because of the recent event in Garland Texas------I have never JUMPED before the goons came out with machine guns for allah

Well you sure seem to be coming to her defense and ignoring the fact she justifies the mass murder of children and calls for the deportation and murder (if they resist) of Muslims.

no she doesn't

Read her blog.
European borders were generally poorly reflective of Arab identities as well. Here is a rough picture of different lingual sub-cultures within Arabic interposed over a modern map of the region:


European borders were generally poorly reflective of Arab identities as well. Here is a rough picture of different lingual sub-cultures within Arabic interposed over a modern map of the region:

Interesting to look at that in the light of current conflicts.

It does not do much for me------Arabic varies from place to place-------so did English for a long time-------there has been a MOROCCO anyway for more than 1000 years----and a Yemen for more than 2500 years As to
Syria/Jordan/Israel---it was "Palestine"----there was an Egypt for a million years------BABYLON goes back further than Alexander----ASSYRIA was a place
you have never objected to the fact that your good friend,
PENELOPE does-------

Sure I have. You just don't read it.

your statement that I spend lots of time DEFENDING pam geller is yet another of your filthy lies. I have never mentioned her at all-----although she was often mentioned on this message board in the past ------until this VERY RECENT episode. It was only since the episode became an issue that I took a look at
her stuff--------why do you lie so frequently? I never accessed her website----because I do not USE websites
devoted to a POV -----even the websites of those I consider very fair scholars------like ROBERT SPENCER
(his book was very fine----accurate and scholarly and worth reading)

Well you certainly jumped into several Geller threads hear roaring to her defense :lol:

no you haven't-----and you lied again----

Holocaust deniers US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

-I CORRECTLY stated that I have taken an interest for the FIRST TIME
because of the recent event in Garland Texas------I have never JUMPED before the goons came out with machine guns for allah

Well you sure seem to be coming to her defense and ignoring the fact she justifies the mass murder of children and calls for the deportation and murder (if they resist) of Muslims.

no she doesn't

Read her blog.

ok-----someday----generally I do not do POV blogs---but since I am COMPELLED to argue with you----I will have to read what she writes. -------I am going on your word that she is an advocate of child massacre
on that note----now for the next prophecy by the ORACLE AT USMB ---ROSIE!!! Long before there is a Pam Geller child massacre (if ever) ----there will be a Pakistani child massacre in the USA------the Pakistanis are all excited over the fact that one of their very own sons---whilst attempting a machine gun for allah act of great piety----unfortunately failed---------he is a hero in Pakistan today---TOMORROW THERE MUST BE A BIG TIME SUCCESS. (a lesson I learned from the 1993 bombing
of the World Trade Center)
Since it doesn't look like I am going to be able to take you up on your offer since you refuse to take a quiz yourself, I am curious as to what your answers are for some of the terms on your own quiz:

the Mahdi, Al-Ansar, Sayyid Quth, Janjaweed, Dinka tribe.

Five questions from your own quiz. Can you even answers these?
But I didn't refuse to take a quiz. I notice you pretend to have not heard what I said. Here it is again (from Post # 216) >> "Well I said before I know who/what all the items are. And I stand behind that. Not only that, but I'll even source-tell you what books, and the pages numbers they came from. You want to quiz me on it ? Go ahead. I'm not a wuss like you."
So now you got more from me than 100 other Islamapologists who I challenged with the quiz. So you want me to answer the items from my quiz. Sure. But now that you have connived, I'm not going to let you have that for free. We'll go with YOUR IDEA. I give you the 5 you asked me. Then you have to give me 5 from the Quiz, that I ask you. 5 of my choosing.

1. the Mahdi - the Shiite Muslim's messiah, the 12th Imam. Muhammad al Mahdi. He was born around 868 A.D. at a time of large persecutions of Shiite Muslims. In order to protect him, his father, the 11th Imam, sent him into hiding. Mahdi appeared briefly in public as a child, but when his father died, he went back into the shadows. Even today, Shiites believe he continues to guide Muslims. Mahdi’s followers are often called "Twelvers". Some devout Shiite Muslims believe him to be a direct descendant of the prophet Mohammed.

The ex-president of Iran, Ahmadinejad, is a deeply committed Shiite Muslim, and has spoken often and openly about praying for the return the Mahdi, his savior. But not in a way Christians speak about Jesus Christ returning to earth. Ahmadinejad believes that the 12th Imam is coming soon, and that he is the chosen one. He even talks of a strange vision he had with a special light from heaven when talking about the Madhi at a speech at the UN. This is one of the things that makes Iran and its nuclear stuff so dangerous. Some folks in the intelligence community are concerned that Iran may launch a nucler attack against Israel so as to trigger events leading up to the appearance of the Mahdi. They Must Be Stopped by Brigitte Gabriel, ppg. 124-125.

Official Iranian radio has done a series of broadcasts on the "imminent" appearance of the Mahdi, who is promised to defeat al of Islam's enemies and impose world Islamic rule.

(They Must Be Stopped by Brigitte Gabriel, ppg. 124-125.)

Don't respond yet - i'm still working on this > in process)
Since it doesn't look like I am going to be able to take you up on your offer since you refuse to take a quiz yourself, I am curious as to what your answers are for some of the terms on your own quiz:

the Mahdi, Al-Ansar, Sayyid Quth, Janjaweed, Dinka tribe.

Five questions from your own quiz. Can you even answers these?

2. Al Ansar - biweely internet magazine of al Qaeda (They Must Be Stopped by Brigitte Gabriel, pg. 57). The name is also used by numerous mosques, madrasses, and companies owned by muslims.

3. Sayyid Quth - disqualified (not in the Islamizatin Quiz)

4. Janjaweed - militia of Sudan Arab tribal groups, formed in 1988, armed by the Sudanese govt during the 1990s while operating in internal conflicts. (ie. fighting jihad on the non-Muslims in h ewest and south of Sudan). They have conducted brutal raids slaughtering and kidnapping non-Muslims. I'm not not too sure how this got into my Islamization Quiz, sinc eit has more to do with miitary warfare than Islamization, which is a subversive, usually non-violent process.

5. Dinka tribe - largest ethnic group in Sudan. Mostly black Christians. Millions of them have been executed. Tens of thousands enslaved, including Francis Bok, author of the book > Escape From Slavery. (Arab Muslims from more northern parts of Africa have raided and enslaved Black Africans from areas to their south for centuries. They were doing it long before any slave ships arrived in America. The word black in Arabic even also means "slave" - that's how deeply embedded slavery s in the Islamic world.

Now I will give you some items from the Quiz to identify >>

Stefanie Creswell, Charety Zhe, Salah Yassin, Kevin James, Abd al-Rahman al-Rashed.

Have fun.
Last edited:
I'm on the side of the anti-Islam ads. The liberal left just doesn't get it. Islam has been trying to conquer the Europe and the west since its creation. Its followers were invading Europe for 400 years "prior" to the Europeans "first crusade" and the first crusade was a plea by the Byzantine Emperor to the Pope for military help because of attacks by Muslim armies.
When Islamists cannot win militarily, they infiltrate in numbers to change from within. The liberal left just cannot see the threat as the Muslims aren't threatening with uniformed-armed soldiers, tanks, and other military arms; they're just coming into Europe and the U.S. in large numbers.
It took hundreds of years of blood, sweat and tears to create this nation of a populace where the people elect their leaders, political transitions are peaceful and individuals can follow their own dreams.
Allowing the continued influx of Islamists will, in the long term, undo all that was done to create this beacon of liberty and way of life.
You can make as many laws to try and protect these western liberties, but when their numbers are sufficient, they will only destroy them with their own barbaric beliefs and laws.
I say, end ALL immigration, accept no so-called Muslim refugees and deport all those calling for Sharia and the Hadith as law.

Who's calling for Sharia and Hadith as law? I assume you mean over US and Constitutional law?
Oh nobody much ? HA HA HA HA!! What kind of loon question is that ? Practically the entire Islamic world. That's who. Most notably > ISIS, Boko Haram, al Shabba, al Nusra, Hezbollah, Hamas, the Taliban, the Muslim Brotherhood, dozens of Mualim Brotherhood front groups in America (CAIR, MSA, ISNA, etc)
Have you ever looked at how they treated natives in some of those colonies - particularly Africa? Might be useful to do some research: Leopold II of Belgium - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Arab Muslims from northern Africa have been raiding and enslaving Black Africans from lands to their south for many centuries. It is so embedded in their culture that the slang Arabic word for Black (abed or abeed) also means "slave". No one has historically oppressed the Blacks of central Africa more than the Arab Muslims to their north. Not even close.

Abeed - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
A lot of Islamic liberalism started off as critiques of highly illiberal western colonial powers and administrations. Appeals for the expansion and modernization of education, as well as education for women, the appeal for constitutionalism and equity under the law and even the call for democracy. Trying to suggest that such progressive discourse for the time is illiberal simply so that you can carry on with your black and white understanding of Islam is dishonest.

You want to create this definitive barrier between Islamic Liberalism and European style liberalism, when many Islamic liberalists and modernists sought to copy European domestic liberal styles directly.

What a steaming pile of shit.

When you claim that British, Dutch, and French colonies were LESS liberal than the Tribesmen of the desert of the Shieks in the cities - any credibility you may have had is laughably lost.

So, it was the Brits who were stoning women for adultery in Zarqa whilst the "liberal" Imams decried such barbarism?


What a fucking pile - you're just a liar for Allah.

Have you ever looked at how they treated natives in some of those colonies - particularly Africa? Might be useful to do some research: Leopold II of Belgium - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

good idea -----it would be good to understand how muslim colonialists treated "natives" who resisted islam, too

Pissing contests aren't very enlightening, but if you really want to compare body counts then Europe is going to be able to beat Islamic military expansion any day in terms of numbers of bodies. Europeans were simply better equipped to kill people and invade more land than Muslim states were and so they did kill more people. It isn't even a contest.
That's right. "It isn't even a contest" Except that you have it backwards. Marauding Muslims have killed 270 million people around the globe, over 14 centuries. 120 million Africans. 80 million Hindus. 60 Million Christians. 10 Million Buddhists. No nation, continent, religion, cult or ideology even comes close to that horrific figure, and I stand by my source no matter what the always ever-present invalidation card is raised by left denialists.

Tears of Jihad - Political Islam
Have you ever looked at how they treated natives in some of those colonies - particularly Africa? Might be useful to do some research: Leopold II of Belgium - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Irrelevant to your claim. Is straw man bullshit the best you can do?

Your claim is that the Arab nationalists were "liberal" in contrast to the colonial powers - complete horseshit.

That was me that it came from and that wasn't my claim either. My claim was that Islamic modernists and the sub-set of Islamic liberalists were more liberal than European colonial administrations, and they absolutely were.
The anti-Islam ads on buses in the title of this thread aren't concerned with any "liberalist". They're concerned with jihadists (including the non-violent jihadists, of the many American Muslim Brotherhood front groups)
I don't know about BIEVNIK-------but until the current
event--------I never read a single article she wrote----or accessed her web site. I am not even sure what the meeting in GARLAND TEXAS was all about-----but am looking into it. You make a lot of strange assumptions.
Geller did not JUSTIFY the actions of Bievnik-----she discussed them. Your friend Penelope is more into
justifying your and her hero ADOLF HITLER than Pam Geller justified Bievnik

For someone who knows nothing about Geller you spend a lot of time defending her and claiming libel :lol:

P.S. I've never defended Hitler, now you're just throwing mud ;)

you have never objected to the fact that your good friend,
PENELOPE does-------

Sure I have. You just don't read it.

your statement that I spend lots of time DEFENDING pam geller is yet another of your filthy lies. I have never mentioned her at all-----although she was often mentioned on this message board in the past ------until this VERY RECENT episode. It was only since the episode became an issue that I took a look at
her stuff--------why do you lie so frequently? I never accessed her website----because I do not USE websites
devoted to a POV -----even the websites of those I consider very fair scholars------like ROBERT SPENCER
(his book was very fine----accurate and scholarly and worth reading)

Well you certainly jumped into several Geller threads hear roaring to her defense :lol:

no you haven't-----and you lied again----

Holocaust deniers US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

-I CORRECTLY stated that I have taken an interest for the FIRST TIME
because of the recent event in Garland Texas------I have never JUMPED before the goons came out with machine guns for allah

Well you sure seem to be coming to her defense and ignoring the fact she justifies the mass murder of children and calls for the deportation and murder (if they resist) of Muslims.
Your talk about Geller's alleged justification of the mass murder of children has been debunked by me, more than once in this thread. YOU KNOW better. Shame on you.
Have you ever looked at how they treated natives in some of those colonies - particularly Africa? Might be useful to do some research: Leopold II of Belgium - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Arab Muslims from northern Africa have been raiding and enslaving Black Africans from lands to their south for many centuries. It is so embedded in their culture that the slang Arabic word for Black (abed or abeed) also means "slave". No one has historically oppressed the Blacks of central Africa more than the Arab Muslims to their north. Not even close.

Abeed - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

in fact-----arabs were involved in slave trade------the MAIN MERCHANTS thereof----since pre Islamic times----probably for at least 2000 years before muhummad was born AND COUNTING----Sudan is an
Arabian slave trading outpost------virtually since time
began. AL NABI did slave obtaining raids his very own
"holy" self upon non muslims living in Arabia and upon caravans traveling thru Arabia (READ YOUR KORAN)
3. Sayyid Quth - disqualified (not in the Islamizatin Quiz)

The name absolutely was on the quiz you gave me. A direct copy and past from your post #130:

Butt, Bill Bratton, William Taylor, Youssef Aboul-Enein, Jamal Barzinji, Ingrid Mattson, Safaa Zarzour, Khalid Iqbal, James "Yousef" Yee, Ahmed Alwani, Taja Alwani, Warith Deen Umar, Tom Harrington, John Guandolo, Patrick Sookhdeo, Gaddoor Saidi, Muhammad Usmani, Mahdi Bray, Ali al-Timimi, Maulana Abdul Ala Maududi, Sayyid Quth, Zaid Shakir, Hamdan al-Shalawi, Muhammed al-Qudhaieen, Omar Shain, Hani Hanjour, Kenneth Williams, Edward Sloan, Ismail Elbarasse, Sheik Omar Abdul-Rahman, George Sadler, Mohammed Akram Adlouni, Zeid al-Noman, Shukri Aby Baker, Mohammad El-Mezain, Ghassan Elashi, Sayyid Syeed

The direct link to your posted quiz is here.

I've been telling you that you've been spelling his name wrong over half a dozen times now and you have either denied it or claimed it didn't matter. But apparently it does matter if you can't even recognize him and the fact that he is indeed on your quiz.

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