Anti-Vaxx Mom Asks How To Protect Her Unvaccinated 3-Year-Old From The Measles, Internet Delivers

Cradle to grave. What a plan and if you ain't doing what they think you should, you just become extra body parts (kinda like those unwanted babes).

Believes one discredited study linking vaccines to autism. Disbelieves 100+ studies refuting such claim.

It's the conspiracy theory mentality. This person probably believes we've never landed on the moon and that the earth is flat.
Cradle to grave. What a plan and if you ain't doing what they think you should, you just become extra body parts (kinda like those unwanted babes).

Believes one discredited study linking vaccines to autism. Disbelieves 100+ studies refuting such claim.

There have been many studies as to why parents don't vaccinate their kids and they have found many reasons other than just the safety factor. As one researcher said, "Most parents don't see the danger of not vaccinating because the chances of contracting the disease is quite low, due of course to the vast number that have been vaccinated.'

If you turn the clock back say 50 or 60 years, most parents had seen first hand the suffering these disease caused and were quite eager to see their kids get protected. Today, parents are far from eager to vaccinate for a number of reasons. If we are to avoid epidemics in the future we must have laws that require immunization without all the loopholes and we have to enforce those laws.

I'm sorry, but religious preferences and rejection of scientific evidence, distrust of government, and just plain laziness are not valid reasons to endanger the health of millions of kids.


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Cradle to grave. What a plan and if you ain't doing what they think you should, you just become extra body parts (kinda like those unwanted babes).

Believes one discredited study linking vaccines to autism. Disbelieves 100+ studies refuting such claim.

It's the conspiracy theory mentality. This person probably believes we've never landed on the moon and that the earth is flat.
Sure I put on my tinfoil hat every morning and start researching all those studies done by the so called experts.
I believe that the federal government has the authority to run everything just like you believe every mother has the right to murder their children.

Heh heh heh.

Well, you're talking about government mandated consumption of a product here. Are you not?

Oh, btw, Toro. Do you know what we call the merge of corporation and state? There's a word for it.

Fine if someone doesn't want to vaccinate their child then they shouldn't be able to allow their child around any babies. No matter if you're an anti vaccination person or not, babies can't be vaccinated at birth. There are some vacations that parents have to wait until the child is over the age of 3 to be able to get it.

We live in a society. Everyone has the right to be in our society without being killed because someone else didn't vaccinate themselves or their child. Babies die from measles and other diseases they are too young to be vaccinated for.

Parents have a right to take their child out into public and not have to worry about some anti vaccination person killing their baby by passing a disease to their baby.

There's nothing wrong with the government being involved with vaccinations. At least in my state the state government was until the Reagan years. Conservatives believed that lining every child up in the gym to vaccinate them was big government.

That's what happened in the 60s and 70s when I went to school. We were lined up in either the gym or cafeteria. Everyone was vaccinated. Only exception was anyone who could prove they already had the vaccination. No one died. No one got autism. No one was harmed. The only result was no one got those diseases. Small pox was eradicated. My children don't have that small pox vaccination scar on their arm like I do and everyone in my generation has. The reason they don't is because my generation does have it. We were vaccinated and it was eradicated. Along with other diseases.

Do you know why the greatest generation did that to their children? Because none of them had those vaccinations. All of them knew what it was like to live in wide spread breakouts of diseases. They literally couldn't go outside to play. All of those from that generation knew friends who died as children from one of those diseases. They did the right thing and made sure all children were vaccinated.

None of our parents had to worry about taking any of us out into public because someone else didn't vaccinate. Today, parents have to worry about taking their babies to even a school function for fear their child will get a very preventable disease and die from it because their baby was too young for the vaccination.

None of us are islands unto ourselves. No one has the right to put someone else's baby or child in jeopardy that way.
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Let me ask you a question, Dana.

If the government mandates invasive medical procedures like vaccinations, what do you think the lobbyists for companies like Merk and Pfizer are going to do once they know said mandate to consume pharmaceutical products exists?

Once you submit that the government can mandate what medical procedures you must have, these companies are going to line their lobbyists up at the door. Would you agree? Do you trust the reputations of those companies and others like them? Their bottom line is profit. What happens next? Now if the government has been granted new powers that allow them to force you to consume whatever products they want, do you think for a second they'll keep that power limited once they have it? History is ripe with examples that quite the opposite happens. Millions of dollars in lobbyist money is a powerful thing and leave the possibility to corrupt the minds of any lawmaker. We've seen it too many times.

As far as being anti-vaccination, I'm not anti-vaccination. My offspring has his vaccinations. But I didn't need the force of a government gun and their corporate lobbyists to do it.

Heck, former CDC director Dr. Julie Gerberding left her post at the government agency in 2009 to work as President of Merck’s vaccine division. It's a revolving door of corruption. Not only that, one year they're working on a study for the safety of their product and the next year they're working for a government agency approving their own product. It's crazy.

The Nuremberg Code’s first principle is voluntary consent, but it seems the lessons of history have been completely forgotten by today’s leaders.
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Cradle to grave. What a plan and if you ain't doing what they think you should, you just become extra body parts (kinda like those unwanted babes).

Believes one discredited study linking vaccines to autism. Disbelieves 100+ studies refuting such claim.

It's the conspiracy theory mentality. This person probably believes we've never landed on the moon and that the earth is flat.
Sure I put on my tinfoil hat every morning and start researching all those studies done by the so called experts.
I'm sure you do.
Eyes that cannot see and ears that cannot hear and their excuses are many.

Vitamin A is the primary bulwark against Measles. That was not known in the sixties.
It should be a personal choice, Millions and millions of people have survived just fine not being vaccinated...
Till vaccinations are 100% affective/safe/reliable it should be no one else’s business.

People that want to force vaccines on other people that want nothing to do with them should be shot in the face.
Crossing the street isn't 100% safe and effective, neither is eating or owning a gun. You gonna hold those things to the same standards?
Vaccines are unnecessary
Eyes that cannot see and ears that cannot hear and their excuses are many.

Vitamin A is the primary bulwark against Measles. That was not known in the sixties.

Good luck getting that past the FDA as a treatment. Ha. You need a lobbyist.

I always try to remind the people who were screaming about government run Obamacare that all of that money was going to the insurance companies. Billions of dollars. All the government did was use tits power to force us to buy a companiy's products. It's patently fascist. It was a mandate that basically forced us to give those companies our money. But nobody very talks about that part. Those companies basically wrote Obamacare. Must be nice to enforce one's profit at the barrel of a government mandate. Everybody said, aw we don't want government healthcare, we want private healthcare. But it was those private companies who used the power of government to profit in billions of dollars. What a racket. And in broad daylight. lol.
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Vaccines are unnecessary

Unless, of course, they're your means of billions of dollars in profit and you need your lobbyist to earn his paycheck in the halls of Washington DC. Ha.

That old line about voluntarily sacrificing your civil liberties in the name of safety and security suddenly hits the media, the drones eat it up like candy, next thing you know the narrative is getting spread all over the place and oh nos, we're scared, we need more government to take away our right to make personal decisions relative to our own healthcare. lol.
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Cradle to grave. What a plan and if you ain't doing what they think you should, you just become extra body parts (kinda like those unwanted babes).

Believes one discredited study linking vaccines to autism. Disbelieves 100+ studies refuting such claim.

There have been many studies as to why parents don't vaccinate their kids and they have found many reasons other than just the safety factor. As one researcher said, "Most parents don't see the danger of not vaccinating because the chances of contracting the disease is quite low, due of course to the vast number that have been vaccinated.'

If you turn the clock back say 50 or 60 years, most parents had seen first hand the suffering these disease caused and were quite eager to see their kids get protected. Today, parents are far from eager to vaccinate for a number of reasons. If we are to avoid epidemics in the future we must have laws that require immunization without all the loopholes and we have to enforce those laws.

I'm sorry, but religious preferences and rejection of scientific evidence, distrust of government, and just plain laziness are not valid reasons to endanger the health of millions of kids.



I'm the child of one of those parents. The first black and white photo above looks a lot like what happened in schools all over America in the 60s and 70s.

We were all lined up in either the gym or cafeteria and vaccinated. It was free to everyone and the only people who didn't get vaccinated were those who could prove they already had it.

No one died. No one got autism. No one was harmed. The only result was no one got the diseases we were vaccinated for.

Both of my parents used to tell us kids what it was like before the vaccinations. In fact one of my aunts had polio. My ex husband's mom also had polio. That generation is mostly gone now. Most people didn't live through those times so most don't know what it was like and how so very important it is for everyone to be vaccinated.
Eyes that cannot see and ears that cannot hear and their excuses are many.

Vitamin A is the primary bulwark against Measles. That was not known in the sixties.

Good luck getting that past the FDA as a tretment. Ha. You need a lobbyist.

I always try to remind people who were screaming about government run Obamacare that all of that money was going to the insurance companies. Billions of dollars. It was a mandate that basically forced us to give those companies our money. But nobody very talks about that part. Those companies basically wrote Obamacare. Must be nice to enforce one's profit at the barrel of a government mandate. Everybody said, aw we don't want government healthcare, we want private healthcare. But it was those private companies who used the power of government to profit in billions of dollars. What a racket. and in broad daylight. lol.
I told a friend years ago it would be the launchpad for force medical procedures and that is exactly what they have in mind now. A vaccine is a medical procedure now matter how they try to shake it up. From there it goes downhill even more like the presumed organ donor laws. The rants that go on demanding other people be forced to put themselves or their children through the fire are truly ridiculous.
Vaccines are unnecessary

Unless, of course, they're your means of billions of dollars in profit and you need your lobbyist to earn his paycheck in the halls of Washington DC. Ha.

That old line about voluntarily sacrificing your civil liberties in the name of safety and security suddenly hits the media, the drones eat it up like candy, next thing you know the narrative is getting spread all over the place and oh nos, we're scared, we need more government. lol.
Yep, Just another way for the collective to control the masses...
Yep, Just another way for the collective to control the masses...

Either you accept all of the CDC’s recommended 69 doses of 16 vaccines between birth and age 18, or you want to bring back measles, polio, and probably the black plague. lolol. Or so they say, Rustic. Holy Moly.

Can you imagine how much worse it's gonna get once the drug companies have the whole country forced to buy their products at the barrel of a government gun?

I wouldn't doubt it getting all the way up to a hundred or so at this rate.

I dunno. I really do think the majority of America would step in front of a cannon if the government told em cannon balls shot through the chest were for their safety and security.
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Yep, Just another way for the collective to control the masses...

Either you accept all of the CDC’s recommended 69 doses of 16 vaccines between birth and age 18, or you want to bring back measles, polio, and probably the black plague. lolol. Or so they say, Rustic.

Can you imagine how much worse it's gonna get once the drug companies have the whole country forced to buy their products at the barrel of a government gun?

I wouldn't doubt it getting all the way up to a hundred or so at this rate.
Yep, Vaccines are all about control and money...
Let me ask you a question, Dana.

If the government mandates invasive medical procedures like vaccinations, what do you think the lobbyists for companies like Merk and Pfizer are going to do once they know said mandate to consume pharmaceutical products exists?

Once you submit that the government can mandate what medical procedures you must have, these companies are going to line their lobbyists up at the door. Would you agree? Do you trust the reputations of those companies and others like them? Their bottom line is profit. What happens next? Now if the government has been granted new powers that allow them to force you to consume whatever products they want, do you think for a second they'll keep that power limited once they have it? History is ripe with examples that quite the opposite happens. Millions of dollars in lobbyist money is a powerful thing and leave the possibility to corrupt the minds of any lawmaker. We've seen it too many times.

As far as being anti-vaccination, I'm not anti-vaccination. My offspring has his vaccinations. But I didn't need the force of a government gun and their corporate lobbyists to do it.

Heck, former CDC director Dr. Julie Gerberding left her post at the government agency in 2009 to work as President of Merck’s vaccine division. It's a revolving door of corruption. Not only that, one year they're working on a study for the safety of their product and the next year they're working for a government agency approving their own product. It's crazy.

The Nuremberg Code’s first principle is voluntary consent, but it seems the lessons of history have been completely forgotten by today’s leaders.

I didn't get past the first ridiculous paragraph. When I read such ridiculous things I stop wasting my time. I know the person I'm dealing with isn't a rational person in their right mind.

It's just too conspiracy theory for me. The government already mandates vaccinations. With one loophole, religion. Other than that, no one can put a child in a school without proof of vaccinations. That's by law. In the 60s and 70s no one could get into any school without vaccination records and there were no exceptions. None of us were harmed and no big pharmaceutical company harmed us.

If you want to be paranoid of common vaccinations fine. Be paranoid but you don't have the right to be around innocent babies who you can kill. Your out of control and irrational paranoia is no excuse for you to kill anyone's baby. You have no right to do that.

We should pass laws that make anti vaccination people criminally liable for killing someone's child or starting epidemics. If you want to play russian roulette with your life and your child's life I guess you have that right but you should be held criminally responsible for any deaths or epidemics you cause.
I didn't get past the first ridiculous paragraph.

Oh yes you did. Heh heh.

I don't blame you for not wanting to respond.

You're a fine example of why the government shouldn't be involved in education either. Clearly. That's another complete failure.
Let me ask you a question, Dana.

If the government mandates invasive medical procedures like vaccinations, what do you think the lobbyists for companies like Merk and Pfizer are going to do once they know said mandate to consume pharmaceutical products exists?

Once you submit that the government can mandate what medical procedures you must have, these companies are going to line their lobbyists up at the door. Would you agree? Do you trust the reputations of those companies and others like them? Their bottom line is profit. What happens next? Now if the government has been granted new powers that allow them to force you to consume whatever products they want, do you think for a second they'll keep that power limited once they have it? History is ripe with examples that quite the opposite happens. Millions of dollars in lobbyist money is a powerful thing and leave the possibility to corrupt the minds of any lawmaker. We've seen it too many times.

As far as being anti-vaccination, I'm not anti-vaccination. My offspring has his vaccinations. But I didn't need the force of a government gun and their corporate lobbyists to do it.

Heck, former CDC director Dr. Julie Gerberding left her post at the government agency in 2009 to work as President of Merck’s vaccine division. It's a revolving door of corruption. Not only that, one year they're working on a study for the safety of their product and the next year they're working for a government agency approving their own product. It's crazy.

The Nuremberg Code’s first principle is voluntary consent, but it seems the lessons of history have been completely forgotten by today’s leaders.

I didn't get past the first ridiculous paragraph. When I read such ridiculous things I stop wasting my time. I know the person I'm dealing with isn't a rational person in their right mind.

It's just too conspiracy theory for me. The government already mandates vaccinations. With one loophole, religion. Other than that, no one can put a child in a school without proof of vaccinations. That's by law. In the 60s and 70s no one could get into any school without vaccination records and there were no exceptions. None of us were harmed and no big pharmaceutical company harmed us.

If you want to be paranoid of common vaccinations fine. Be paranoid but you don't have the right to be around innocent babies who you can kill. Your out of control and irrational paranoia is no excuse for you to kill anyone's baby. You have no right to do that.

We should pass laws that make anti vaccination people criminally liable for killing someone's child or starting epidemics. If you want to play russian roulette with your life and your child's life I guess you have that right but you should be held criminally responsible for any deaths or epidemics you cause.
So what you’re saying vaccines are 100% effective, hundred percent safe, 100% reliable?

Since when is it any of your business who and who doesn’t get vaccines... you need to shut the fuck up you cowardly motherfucker.

Fucking control freaks
So what you’re saying vaccines are 100% effective, hundred percent safe, 100% reliable?

Since when is it any of your business who and who doesn’t get vaccines... you need to shut the fuck up you cowardly motherfucker.

Fucking control freaks

She's government educated. Thats all you need to know, Rus. And apparently one of their A students. Government forced consumption is are baaaaad. lol. Move along, nothing to see here.

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