Anti-Vaxx Mom Asks How To Protect Her Unvaccinated 3-Year-Old From The Measles, Internet Delivers

So you say, except in all these government published studies which show vaccines cause Autism.

He thinks the federal government has the authority to run everything from the economy to healthcare.

Just have fun with him. It's snowing outside anyway, nothing else to do, asuming we have all of our work done for the day. Heh heh.
He thinks the federal government is supoosed to run everything from the economy to healthcare.

Just have fun with him. It's snowing outside anyway, nothing else to do, asuming we have all of our work done for the day. Heh heh.
One advantage to being permanently blacklisted, stripped, actually getting grey hair and left for dead is having lotz of time on one's hand to research all sorts of goodies and put it out there for others who haven't a clue, not much I haft to do.
So you say, except in all these government published studies which show vaccines cause Autism.

He thinks the federal government has the authority to run everything from the economy to healthcare.

Just have fun with him. It's snowing outside anyway, nothing else to do, asuming we have all of our work done for the day. Heh heh.

I believe that the federal government has the authority to run everything just like you believe every mother has the right to murder their children.

Heh heh heh.
It's always for the chidrens, isn't it, Toro? Heh heh.

no, it's about freedumb!

derp derp derp

Heh heh. You remind of Toddster.

Well, we'll wait on your proof that a mandated vaccine can't harm the physical well-being of an Individual. You know what proof is, right? You'd mentioned about science and stuff. Remember?
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As far as science, I love it. My degree is in the natural sciences.

My good friend has a Ph.D. in science, is a Fulbright Scholar, and has several patents for cancer treatments.

He thinks anti-vaxxers are morons.
I believe that the federal government has the authority to run everything just like you believe every mother has the right to murder their children.

Heh heh heh.

Well, you're talking about government mandated consumption of a product here. Are you not?

Oh, btw, Toro. Do you know what we call the merge of corporation and state? There's a word for it.
As far as science, I love it. My degree is in the natural sciences.

My good friend has a Ph.D. in science, is a Fulbright Scholar, and has several patents for cancer treatments.

He thinks anti-vaxxers are morons.

Oh, okay. Well, can you ask your friend for proof that a government mandated consumption of a pharmaceutical product won't hurt, kill, or otherwise maim every Individual?

Certainly a Ph.D could place his or her feels aside and educate us to what it means to prove something scientifically. Right?
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In the GDR vaccination against measles was mandatory. Maybe this explains the rampant idiocy in saxony. But no rampant autism...
The Philippines (Duartes crowd---correct war on drugs system) are creating/testing a vac for Dengue. I had the regular ( bone breaker version---immune now). The other one you bleed out dead. I'm IN !
I got the yellow fever vaccine in Bogota. Free.
Had to or they wouldn't let me on the ticket to come home.
Lotsa side effects ! RumNcoke, chicken sammich---fine stewardesses shit like that
Well, you're talking about government mandated consumption of a product here. Are you not?

Oh, btw, Toro. Do you know what we call the merge of corporation and state? There's a word for it.
That has already transpired and they truly think they are going to keep it that away without a severe backlash.
Oh, okay. Well, can you ask your friend for proof that a government mandated consumption of a pharmaceutical product won't hurt, kill, or otherwise maim every Individual?

Certainly a Ph.D could place his or her feels aside and educate us to what it means to prove something scientifically. Right?

Says his degree is in science.

Hi. I claim to have a degree in science. I ask someone to prove a negative.

Clearly, I wasn't top of my science class.
Why heck those pharma companies show how safe their vaccines are with their own studies so they must be safe right?

**again sarcasm intended**
Hi. I claim to have a degree in science. I ask someone to prove a negative.

Clearly, I wasn't top of my science class.

All I'm saying is if you're going to bring up science, then we have to define what science is, Toro.

I'll tell you what it is. The very nature of science is that we must always ask more questions.

I'm gonna go ahead and just assume you're not going to be providing any proof of anything. At best all anyone can provide is a list of more questions that need asking. Right?

Now. Certainly one might frame those questions any way one decides to frame them. This is what we call a study. K? A study is not proof. A study is a study. A set of fragmented questions which serve to help one find more questions that need asking.
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Hi. I claim to have a degree in science. I ask someone to prove a negative.

Clearly, I wasn't top of my science class.

All I'm saying is if you're going to bring up science, then we have to define what science is, Toro.

I'll tell you what it is. The very nature of science is that we must always ask more questions.

I'm gonna go ahead and just assume you're not going to be providing any proof of anything. At best all anyone can provide is a list of more questions that need asking. Right?

Now. Certainly one might frame those questions any way one decides to frame them. This is what we call a study. K? A study is not proof. A study is a study. A set of fragmented questions which serve to help one find more questions that need asking.
Science is generally made up of theories when it comes to trying to alter the DNA and RNA of living organisms. When it comes to humans they have not a clue exactly what long term damage will ensue when they insert Alpha virus casings along other viruses. They only have a partial idea because of testing previously done. They do know that one virus causes infertility and when added to another as a vector it will do certain things in animals like rabbits, mice, etc. and might even kill a few humans along the way but according to them "its all for the greater good". In order to keep this plan going along smoothly they need sheeples that are indoctrinated to believe it is good for them, yah?

This was shared a bit ago on fb and I had never seen it before as we do not have tv. It fits if they change the media peeps to "stakeholders" and use the media peeps as the whores accepting cash for helping to indoctrinate.

I wanna see one of these shows with gates and the others being jabbed with their own crap by a chitload of mothers whose children have died or been damaged by vaccines.

The anti-vaxxer movement is Nature’s way of weeding out the stupid.

Esp. when the ingredients in the box tell them it will make you sick, it can kill you, and it sheds a live virus infecting those who come in contact with it anyone vaccinated up to a week later.

Yeah you all are pretty fkn stupid when it tells you what it does and will do and it's all denied.

LMFAO talk about stupid.
You ever read the warnings on a bottle of aspirin?
It should be a personal choice, Millions and millions of people have survived just fine not being vaccinated...
Till vaccinations are 100% affective/safe/reliable it should be no one else’s business.

People that want to force vaccines on other people that want nothing to do with them should be shot in the face.
Crossing the street isn't 100% safe and effective, neither is eating or owning a gun. You gonna hold those things to the same standards?
What's so scary about Measles? People got them when I was a kid, nobody died.

You know what's really humorous? Some of our so-called conservative friends around here will cheerlead for government mandated healthcare if it's something they agree with and as soon as the government is mandating other healthcare decisions they don't like they start whining.

I wouldn't give a bucket of piss for their constistency when it comes to common sense on the issues. Or their perception of conservatism itself for that matter. They make better Marxists than conservatives in many cases. It's laughable. At least the admitted pro-government mandated healthcare folks are intellectually honest about it. They're consistent. They understand their ism and donlt try to sell it under an illusion. I can respect intellectual honesty.

Anyway, I'll leave the circus to the clowns, but I'll share a snip from a relevant paper on the topic before existing the tent. Authored by a doctor, no less.

Those who are willing to make an “exception” to the principle that parents should make health care decisions for their children should ask themselves when in history has a “limited” infringement on individual liberty stayed limited. By ceding the principle that individuals have the right to make their own health care decisions, supporters of mandatory vaccines are opening the door for future infringements on health freedom.

Vaccine Controversy Shows Why We Need Markets, Not Mandates

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